Travel Diary: Lifeline Fund Provides Emergency Assistance to Embattled NGOs

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / July 02, 2011

Secretary Clinton during meeting of Lifeline Donor Steering Committee, Vilnius, July 1, 2011. [AP]

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Last July at the Community of Democracies meeting in Krakow, Secretary Clinton announced that the United States would create an international fund to support embattled Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and invited like-minded governments to join in this global effort. One year later, the Department of State, together with twelve other democratic nations spanning the globe, launched the Lifeline: Embattled NGOs Assistance Fund in a meeting in Vilnius with the international consortium of organizations who will be implementing the Fund's activities.

The Department of State is honored to partner with Australia, Benin, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom in this unique effort to protect and support civil society worldwide. Together they have seeded the Lifeline Fund with over $4 million to begin a multi-year effort.

Located around the world from Johannesburg to Prague to Bangkok, the seven consortium members CIVICUS, FORUM-ASIA, Freedom House, Front Line, the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, People in Need, and the Swedish International Liberal Centre will carry out the programs of the Fund.

During the first meeting of the Lifeline Donor Steering Committee in Vilnius on July 1, 2011, Secretary Clinton said:

"I want to thank our seven NGO partners who will act as a clearinghouse, both for tracking and receiving requests for help from NGOs around the world that we then will be dispersing funds to.

"We think this is -- as is obvious from the turnout -- an idea whose time has come, to have an organized response to those who are on the front lines of democracy and freedom and human rights, often at great cost to themselves. We established the Lifeline last year with a $2 million contribution. This year we have pledged another $1 million. And I am very pleased that our support was more than matched with a $1.4 million commitment from all of you. So thank you very much.

"I think that the trends are so contradictory. Because, on the one hand, we have more and more people seeking to realize their rights, and on the other we have, in the past 5 years, more than 50 nations creating laws and regulations aimed at stifling the peaceful movement for democracy and freedom.

"So, I think, as we lay a foundation to help embattled NGOs continue their fight for democratic values, the Lifeline fund can help in two ways. First, it will provide financial assistance to watchdog and advocacy NGOs, by doing everything from paying for new cell phones they need, helping to keep contact with jailed activists, launching legal appeals, paying for medical bills for those who have suffered abuse at the hands of government security. Second, we can help NGOs stand up to repressive government action by giving grants to rally local and international support through media campaigns to help build coalitions with civil society.

"And I think our seven NGO partners are creating a virtual SOS warning platform to improve our abilities to identify where and when people are in danger. So we can get a response as quickly as needed. So we are really excited by what we have accomplished in just a year of working on this, and what we can do together. And I very much appreciate the commitment that you have made, Yuri, to contribute for two more years. And I appreciate Ambassador Bruce Davis from Australia for your commitment for another year, because we have to really see how this works. We have to make a commitment to it.

"And then, I think we can attract more private money as we go forward, to have a fund that is not just government commitment, but private commitment, if we prove we can use the money effectively and get it to the people who need it the most in a timely manner, not tied up with bureaucracy and procurement, and signing a million forms, and all the things that, unfortunately, governments are well known for.

"So, I think that what we are launching today is really a unique partnership with tremendous potential. So I just want to thank you all for what you have done, and for the vision that brings you here."

You can also read the Secretary's remarks here.

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Anna in Washington, D.C. writes:

Wonderful initiative. We need a strong civil society as a check on power and an alternative source of social services.

Posted on Tue Jul 05, 2011

Eric in New Mexico writes:

If Steven Colbert's "Super Pac" can qualify under federal guidelines for a political action committee, surely the greater Red Sox Nation would qualify for NGO assistance, bein' the playoffs are at stake and all..., are the aspirations for many nations who vie to be in freedom's "World Series" where everyone goes home with a trophy.

Lest a dictatorial pitcher thinkin' he's king of the mound, brush those off with one high and inside; if we be prepared to take the hit, gettin' beened is just another way to get on base to score.

It's also a good way to get the pitcher relieved of his duties (IE; ejected from the game), if he continues to target those batting for humanity.

Baseball and revolution, it's America's game.

Somewhat less civilized than cricket but more so than American football, which sometimes mimics all out war.

In which case ngo's must be as quick on their feet as the refs, or be flattened by a stray linebacker.

Folks be scampering about endlessly on the field because no one's callin' a time-out to crisis.

Well I think that about sums it up sportsfans.

At least the ngo's can get a shot of financial O2 between plays before they pass out from all that effort and must be carried off this field of dreams on their shields of good intent.


Posted on Sun Jul 03, 2011

Aron in Illinois writes:

Secretary of State Clinton building on her legacy.

Posted on Sat Jul 02, 2011

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