Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton To Participate in Senior-Level Meeting of the Contact Group on Libya

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / August 31, 2011

Secretary Clinton boards plane in Beirut, Lebanon, April 26, 2009. [State Department Photo]

Update: Background Briefing on Secretary Clinton's Trip to Paris

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will travel to Paris, France, September 1 to participate in a senior-level meeting of the Contact Group on Libya. The Paris meeting will build on the productive Libya Contact Group meeting in Istanbul on August 25 and will provide the international community with an opportunity to further coordinate our financial and political support for the TNC.

The days and weeks ahead will be critical for the Libyan people, and the United States and its partners will continue to move quickly and decisively to help the TNC and address the needs of the Libyan people. Libya's transition to democracy is and should be Libyan-led, with close coordination and support between the TNC and its international partners. The United States stands with the Libyan people as they continue their journey toward genuine democracy.

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Palgye in South Korea writes:


Watched to determine, the decision is that it's absolutely believe that follow. However, the problem is, I live in Asian countries, so Asian countries, and participated actively in favor of evidence, the idea was hard to explore. However, occur in the future on reviving the economy preparedness and care for the Asian market in order to be even, In favor of participating countries, and little consideration for the reconstruction must think about ......... consider participation in

Caring for China is a good think. It's now in Japan and South Korea,

In fact, I, I just hoped, the access to a company then, was rejected. Would I ever act this? If there is any evidence,. Too easy for companies to approach, I think making money is a whole lot easier. Are you a donation for a long time, my mind's a little ease.

Any chance, do I reach the United States? Heard the story is nearly impossible ....

In this article,

"Moscow Airports" is written in.

Away from the Internet, in reality, influential, and I want to have the economic margin.

Plz- 2011, in Germany on September 09, not guilty, after you have finished a lot of people get to like the Galaxy tab. To maintain the purchasing power of Asia, rather than Companies.

Posted on Fri Sep 02, 2011

Eric in New Mexico writes:

@ Emlak H,

Their demise was a product of their own political stupidity....period.

Posted on Fri Sep 02, 2011

Eric in New Mexico writes:

@ Jerry in Wash.,

Just going by the definition of a civil servant, I think Hillary Clinton has set a new standard for others to aspire to.

Which is if my guess is right why she was appointed to the position of Sec. of State in the first place by the President, because she also inspired him, and he most likely figured she would inspire the entire Dept of State to be the best they can be.

But since they all work for us -the public- (at the pleasure of the President) our job as citizens is to inspire them to think outside the comfort zones of their job descriptions to create change beyond what we may believe in, but to manifest change we can live with in the world.

I noted the other day that the "contact group" has now been remamed as the "Friends of Libya" with all the nations invited to attend.

Maybe...just maybe...someone was actually listening to what I've had to say about this nation of ours being "a nation of nation builders on a lot of levels." and that folks do that for themselves "...with a little help from their friends."

Along with pointing out that there's a certain disconnect when Presidents say We "arn't into nation building" when we so obviously are trying to inspire others to build better nations for themselves.



Posted on Fri Sep 02, 2011

Emlak H. writes:

Saddam hanged, Mubarak in a cage, Quaddafi in hiding - all are symbolic of what happens to leaders who wanted to be friends with the US and are betrayed even while attempting to comply with liberalization.

Posted on Fri Sep 02, 2011

Zharkov in the U.S.A. writes:

War is a failure of diplomacy. Let's start with that proposition.

The first job of an American diplomat is to render unnecessary the use of our military. Everything else is secondary.

Blowing billions of dollars away in foreign wars is not a sign of competence. When our solders have to be sent to foreign lands, that's a diplomacy issue, not a command issue.

It would be more impressive to list the conflicts avoided through diplomatic efforts.
In the Middle East, that would be a short list.

When a president makes a bad decision, it's the job of his Cabinet to say so. The defense of "just following orders" ended badly at Nuremberg 60 years ago.

Continuous wars are destroying America, something even the Congress was unable to do with legislation to chase jobs out of the country.

The US government needs to get out of the business of "building democracy" in places that never had any because this country can't pay for it.

It's time we let OPEC finance its own liberation.

Posted on Fri Sep 02, 2011

Nancy in California writes:

Can Hillary be our President? Maybe something could actually get done then.

Posted on Fri Sep 02, 2011

Jerry in Washington writes:

I wish the people who blogged knew something about the following: politics, public policy international affairs. Once they knew, they would see that Secretary Clinton is one of the best individuals to ever hold a government post. Its true she may lack in some areas that I listed in the first sentence, but she has one of the best combinations of experience of the areas that I pointed out earlier, and she is very good at using her leadership talents. She is good at letting Obama or Biden have the spot light on certain foreign issues, and then taking charge when necessary. Another thing people do not understand, Obama is her boss. She follows guideline or orders from him, then adjusts her leaderhip style to implement his orders. For example, Obama wanted the Israeli conflict done by September of this year. Secretary Clinton had to follow his orders. Clinton works for the POTUS (President of the United States). Many people felt that the Israeli order was a suicide mission, but Clinton had to follow it. In closing, people need to have a grasp of politics, public policy, international affairs, and leadership to see how good Clinto is. Finally if Clinton is able to turn the Arab Spring into a win, and accomplish some other major wins. She could be put into the same category as other great Secretarys of State such as General Marshall.

Posted on Thu Sep 01, 2011

Ajito in the United Kingdom writes:

Do not stand only with Libyans, stand with the entire African continent, as it continues its journey towards genuine democracy

Posted on Thu Sep 01, 2011

Donald M. in Virginia writes:

Mrs. Hillary Clinton have a safe trip.

Posted on Thu Sep 01, 2011

Zharkov in the U.S.A. writes:

Having ruined Iraq and Egypt, you move on to Libya, believing each time that the same policies will bring a better outcome.

Saddam hanged, Mubarak in a cage, Quaddafi in hiding - all are symbolic of what happens to leaders who wanted to be friends with the US and are betrayed even while attempting to comply with liberalization.

Nobody has any clue about who will eventually replace them, but so far, we see that Egypt has become pure hell for Christians living there, Iran now has free access to the Suez Canal, and the Muslim Brotherhood will win Egypt's next election.

Give America a break. Forget Syria.

Assad will work out reforms and hold elections eventually because Syria's citizens give him no other choice. And he will have to remove himself from the government in an orderly fashion if that is what most Syrians want. Your helping to overthrow the Syrian government will create still more adversaries that this country doesn't need.

It is obvious that America's present leaders can't govern America very well, and it would be silly to assume that your foreign "nation-building" will not have unintended consequences.

One of those consequences according to Homeland Security literature is that ordinary Americans have become angry with the US government. Our veterans, America's most patriotic citizens, have been slandered as "potential terrorists" by Homeland Security.

Perhaps someone may recall that no Middle Eastern nation was our former colony. While France and Britain may have some claim to that fame, we do not, and we need to stay out of foreign rebellions and civil wars. The US spending trillions of dollars overseas while our own country falls apart is one reason why ordinary Americans are so angry.

America was once famous for its Swiss-like neutrality. It's a pity we have become such aggressors in the name of pseudo-democracy.

Posted on Thu Sep 01, 2011

Palgye in South Korea writes:

Going to Paris, have a chance? solving SamSung' trial in German of Galaxy Tab? Please, help them. I'm not employee but now, very afraid. Please, help us. Today, So many person working in Galaxy Tab And SamSung' smart phone manufacture lines. plz.

Posted on Thu Sep 01, 2011

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