Passing of Former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / June 04, 2011

Former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger at NFATC in Arlington, VA, Oct. 13, 1993. [AP File]

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton issued the following statement today on the passing of former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger:

"Former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger was a strong voice and stalwart champion for America's values. His passing is America's loss.

"Larry spent a lifetime defending America's interests wherever he was needed, first in the Army, and later as an officer in the Foreign Service.

"Larry understood as well as anyone the crucial role our Foreign Service Officers play in protecting America's interests and projecting our values. As an analyst studying Cuba, he stood up against communism during the height of the Cold War. As Ambassador to Yugoslavia, he fought for human rights in Eastern Europe. As delegate to NATO, he helped build strong international institutions. At the end of the Cold War, he became the first career Foreign Service Officer to be named Secretary of State.

"From his days as a First Lieutenant to his tenure as Secretary of State, Larry believed in the strength of America's values, and he fought for them around the world. He was outspoken, but always the consummate diplomat. Even in retirement, Larry remained a staunch advocate for the causes he believed in. He never stopped caring, contributing, and speaking out.

"My thoughts and prayers are with his sons Lawrence Scott, Lawrence Andrew and Lawrence Jason, his beloved family, and his countless friends and colleagues in and out of the State Department."

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Helen L. in Canada writes:


Posted on Mon Jun 06, 2011

Elliot in Hungary writes:

It is always a sad day when a diplomat dies. May God be with his family and friends! I support the current Secretary in all that she does.

Posted on Sun Jun 05, 2011

James in Bangladesh writes:

Really nice posr.

Posted on Sun Jun 05, 2011

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