Join a Discussion on Recent Trends in Anti-Semitism Around the World

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / November 03, 2011

Replay: Conversations With America: Recent Trends in Anti-Semitism Around the World with Hannah Rosenthal, Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, and Elisa Massimino, President and CEO, Human Rights First, at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, November 9, 2011. [State Department image/ Public Domain]

Update: Watch the webcast here.

On Wednesday, November 9, 2011, Hannah Rosenthal, the Department of State's Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism will hold a conversation with Elisa Massimino, President and CEO of Human Rights First, on recent trends in anti-Semitism around the world. The discussion will be moderated by Cheryl Benton, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, and streamed live on and DipNote at 2:00 p.m. ET.

You are invited to participate by submitting questions, some of which will be selected for response during the live broadcast. Submit your questions in the comment section of this entry here on DipNote.

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W.W. writes:

Is the jewish world experiencing the power of the Finacial terrorist mob ?

Posted on Wed Nov 09, 2011

Getaw in Ethiopia writes:

Xenophobia in general and antisemitism in particular seems to have a close correlation with crisis (economic, moral, political...). when people are in good mood, they tend to be relaxed; when they encounter hardship, they tend to militate against "others". so what is the possible impact of the recent financial crisis on trends in antisemitism?

Posted on Wed Nov 09, 2011

Joshua D. in Nigeria writes:

History has shown that the name a Jew cannot be deleted from the earth, and the nation of Israel cannot be wiped out of the surface of the earth because of its spiritual connection to God who created the universe, and its physical establishment pronounced that the prosperity of the Jews cannot be stopped by man.

Having studied this fact, do you not think that it is reasonable not to hate the Jews but to love them and advise them with love where they are going wrong for correction?

Posted on Tue Nov 08, 2011

Matt G. in Massachusetts writes:

How do you draw the distinction between antisemitism and antizionism? At what point does antizionism become antisemitism? How can we prevent this dangerous line from being crossed on American college campuses?

Posted on Mon Nov 07, 2011

Wex in the U.S.A. writes:

Many provisions of international law were established following the Holocaust to prevent another such event from happening. However, we have seen many genocides and acts of genocide since then. Do you think that the Holocaust could have taken place in today's international system?

Posted on Mon Nov 07, 2011

Beaner in the U.S.A. writes:

How has the formation of the state of Israel affected Jews in the diaspora? More specifically, do Israel's policies now influence attitudes towards Jews worldwide?

Posted on Mon Nov 07, 2011

Doremus J. in California writes:

Is the US State Dept aware how hypocritical they look to the rest of the world? Please explain fully why the US State Dept. sides with any Israeli government, even the most right-wing government ever, even against US citizens? Please explain why the State Dept deliberately conflate antisemitism with opposition to Israeli government actions?

Posted on Mon Nov 07, 2011

Anil in Turkey writes:

Maybe I'm not anti-Semitism in Turkey, I have a good view of the world, but the political power of religious discourse in the country to do this type of false statements with every human being a certain culture influences people do not have a problem that I am Muslim and Jewish relatives, I can not see his wife.

Posted on Mon Nov 07, 2011

Laszlo S. in Hungary writes:

How do you assess the current state of Anti-Semitism in East-Central Europe and particularly in Hungary, where the Orban government is facing widespread criticism both at home and abroad. Please elaborate. Thank you.

Posted on Mon Nov 07, 2011

Eric in New Mexico writes:

The definition of anti-semitism is that it is a bias born with anger towards people of the Jewish faith; and that's become hopelessly intertwined with the bias and anger directed at the Israeli government for its policies from a lot of folks in the region.

And anytime one criticizes Israeli policy, they run the risk of being labeled anti-semitic by Israel.

That's a bit different than Aminidijad's rants and the existential threat the Iranian gov. poses towards the state of Israel, and everyone knows the clock is ticking on that time bomb.

It'n not just Israel's problem, Iran is everyone's and Israel is being just a little more vocal than most about it as to what the possible options may be.


Posted on Mon Nov 07, 2011

Joe B. in California writes:

Anti-Semitism is a two way street. One with a mouth while the other with a loaded gun. Is one better then the other? In the case of Israel vs Muslim states. We all must remember Israel never let U.S.A. run missions from Israel into Iraq. Anti-Semitism from an ally?

Posted on Sun Nov 06, 2011

Zharkov in the U.S.A. writes:

You people miss the point that hate often arises out of experience rather than ignorance.

A bad experience is a form of education. A blockade is not endearing; bombing a city does not win friends.

Doing illegal radiation experiments on children is not nice, and shooting them in Gaza is disgusting.

Starting war with Iran over mere suspicion of a rule violation is not respectable behavior.

Israeli Jews have a reputation and everything they do or fail to do will add to or subtract from that reputation. Perhaps you should try following the same rules that you impose on others?

Your first step to gaining a better reputation is to open up your nuclear weapons program to IAEA inspection.

Give yourselves the same deal you gave Iran - put your nuclear cards on the table and comply with the non-proliferation treaty.

Add this onto your shopping list for Israel's government:

1. Stop selling US defense secrets to China; 2. Stop spying on the US;
3. Stop buying Congress with "campaign donations";
4. Stop trying to get your spies out of our prisons where they belong;
5. Stop taking US foreign aid and be self-supporting for a change;
6. Stop with the "peace process" nonsense when you've no intention of making peace with arabs, nor they with you.

Jews all over the world get blamed for everything Israel does, so the Israeli government might think about that before they start killing Iranians and Syrians.

Posted on Fri Nov 04, 2011

Ashim C. in India writes:

I agree with Kent when he says that there are many groups in mankind and hatred has many manufestations... perhaps close to as many as the number of groups. This looks like almost a genetic disorder which first expreses in envy, leads to mild disatisfaction, grows into acutely felt disatisafaction and still later into violence perpetrated by groups, which often draw both inspiration and ideological justification as has happened with anti americanism in good part of muslim countries, anti indianism among sub-nationalist groups in kashmir, anti chinesism etc just to mention three manifestation of hatred. Now the problem is ideolgies are creation of erudite intellectuals, whose activities cannot be controlled and curbed proactively because of another set of ideological positions, which says right of free expression is a fundamental human right. The result is violence perpetuates citing historical references with or without distortions and half truths as justification of such violence. As a matter of rule solution to these problems are sought again by referring to the same historical facts and figures. In these efforts self intersts are advanced at the cost of greater enlightened self interest. At least so is the perception. I think in dealing with anti-semetism and other forms of hatred, it is necessary to forget good part of history and move forward with a spirit of sharing - those who have have to share what they have and those who do not have have to share their needs, wants and aspiration in a sustainable manner.

Posted on Fri Nov 04, 2011

Kent in the U.S.A. writes:

Its not just anti antisemitism that's on the rise. hate of one group or another across the board is on the rise.

Could it be that the same ignorance that promotes anti antisemitism promotes other forms of hatred?

If we can accept this, perhaps the solution to end anti antisemitism would also provide an end to other forms of ignorance based hate.

But before we could ever begin to understand hate and ignorance on such a level; we will as a global community have to stop dividing ignorance into special groups.

For me the ignorance of someone who is anti semetic is not at all that different than an anti christian, anti Muslim, anti western, anti American, anti Roma - anti black, anti white,anti capitalist, anti socialist - its all the same, just that the object or fuel for the ignorance is seemingly different.

Far to many groups would(and have done) kill other groups on mass, if they could.

Religion of all things should provide to believers this ability to end such ignorance - but for too many seems to fuel it.

Heck, if we could get the Abraham religions to end their turmoils - we could have over 3 billion people living in more peace and less ignorance - there is half the world sorted out right there. But this alone would be a monumental feet given that within every group there is disorganization and ignorance - your not christian enough, your not Muslim enough, your not Jewish enough (never mind how each of the three groups view one another)- what ever happened to faith and letting someone with a higher pay-grade decide such issues;worry about your own @ss rather than condemning and killing of others?

Laws cant change what people think and believe. They cant even prevent ignorance. If it were that simple - this conversation would not be happening.

I don't know if you can ever completely eliminate such ignorance but at least with the Muslim, Jews, and Christians - justice is of paramount importance. I don't think any of these groups have any moral authority to cry for justice or scream injustice at the moment. Perhaps this a good place to start for each of the 3. When each group can learn to provide more justice to one another than they expect in return - they might just learn something about themselves and each other - they, together may help restore faith in something each of the 3 desperately need. Climb this mountain successfully and not only faith based anti antisemitism will erode but the other forms of faith based ignorance with it.

We might just witness some real peace in places most have given up on ever seeing peace in - I could only imagine what kind of inspiration this would provide worldwide.

Ending anti antisemitism may mean ending quite a bit more. it is an issue deeply intertwined with many other issues - Jewish people alone can not prevent it or stop it but with the help of others it can end.

Posted on Thu Nov 03, 2011

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