Launching the Global Labor Working Group at the G-20 Summit

Posted by Barbara Shailor / November 07, 2011

General view of a G20 afternoon session in Cannes, France on November 3, 2011. [AP Photo]

Barbara Shailor serves as Special Representative for International Labor Affairs.

On Friday, I hosted the first official dialogue between the U.S. government and the global labor movement during the G-20 Summit in Cannes, France. As part of my work engaging on international labor affairs, I chair the Labor Working Group of Secretary Clinton's Strategic Dialogue with Civil Society, an initiative to improve U.S. engagement with citizens and civil society around the world by broadening the concept of the "bilateral relationship" beyond governments.

I met with trade union leaders from Belgium, Brazil, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and representatives from global trade union federations. I listened to the needs and challenges facing workers in these very diverse countries. All over the world, working people are struggling with similar challenges -- unemployment, underemployment, irregular and informal work, migration, discrimination and a lack of adequate social protection.

The dialogue we started today provides insights and important ideas that the Labor Working Group will use to help make recommendations that address the concerns of working people around the world. I look forward to sharing this important engagement with Secretary Clinton and my State Department colleagues when I return to Washington.

For more information, please see the Cannes Summit Final Declaration - "Building our Common Future: Renewed Collective Action for the Benefit of All".

Related Content: Remarks by Secretary Clinton at the Launch of the Strategic Dialogue with Civil Society and Strategic Dialogue With Civil Society

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C.R. writes:

unemplyment rate is high all over the wrold.

Posted on Tue Nov 15, 2011

Zharkov in the U.S.A. writes:

What workers need is a radiation-free environment and food uncontaminated by reactor isotopes. Cancer rates among workers are skyrocketing. Public and union officials have also become radiation victims.

Germany has seen enough nuclear accidents to know that nuclear reactors are too expensive for generating power.

Chernobyl ruined some of Germany's farm land and food supply and there remain parts of Europe today where the people are warned to not eat things found in the forest: berries, mushrooms, and wild game.

Fukushima is ruining Japanese farmers and contaminating food supplies in Japan and the US, so that the cost of nuclear energy is extremely high if measured in human cancer rates, loss of farm land, and ongoing injuries to future generations of people.

No other form of power generation causes such devastating, and permanent damage to land and people.

Posted on Thu Nov 10, 2011

Arshad J. in Pakistan writes:

in global world global labor is need of time

Posted on Tue Nov 08, 2011

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