Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative, highlights efforts the United States is taking to prioritize action that contributes to creating a more food secure world." /> Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative, highlights efforts the United States is taking to prioritize action that contributes to creating a more food secure world." />

U.S. Committed To Creating a More Food-Secure World

Posted by Cindy Huang / March 04, 2011

A vendor sells vegetables at market, Allahabad, India, February 13, 2011. [AP File Photo]

Cindy Huang serves as Senior Advisor to the Office of Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative.

Given the rise in food prices over the past several months, the United States is working with the international community to help meet the needs of vulnerable populations and to promote policies that encourage agricultural growth and mitigate price volatility. Based on lessons learned from the global food price crisis in 2007-2008, we know that sound policies -- such as abstaining from export bans and increasing transparency on stocks and production -- can help contain food price increases. In contrast to 2007-2008, there have been good harvests in Africa and Latin America, and rice production is at record levels. While taking productive measures in the coming months, the global community must also redouble its commitment to long-term efforts to increase agricultural productivity, connect farmers to markets, facilitate trade, and reduce undernutrition. In response to the 2007-2008 crisis, President Obama pledged $3.5 billion to sustainable agricultural development and led a multilateral effort to reverse the decades-long trend of underinvestment. The United States will continue to watch the situation closely and prioritize action that contributes to creating a more food-secure world.

Related Content: U.S. Government's Feed the Future Initiative Helps Countries Cope with Rising Food Prices | Food Prices Crisis of 2007-2008: Lessons Learned | International Agricultural Commodity Prices

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Christy writes:

Hurray for sustainable agriculture! It's green, and if the farmers raise cows, just have them eat the grass on the lot (ussually in big company owned "farms" the animals are feed CORN which is SHIPPED using OIL so high gas prices = high meat prices) so the manure produced goes back into the soil for more grass to feed the cows. If your against sustainable agriculture, watch Food Inc. It'll get you out of eating McDonalds, too.

Posted on Wed Mar 09, 2011

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