Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Meets With South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-Hwan in Seoul

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / April 16, 2011

Foreign Minister Kim Sung-Hwan and Secretary Clinton at a meeting in Seoul, April 16, 2011. [AP]

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Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton met with South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan in Seoul on April 16, 2011. They spoke about the South Korea Free Trade Agreement and the ongoing response to the devastating earthquakes and tsunami that struck Japan. Before their meeting, Secretary Clinton said:

"Foreign Minister Kim, let me thank you for your gracious hospitality on a Saturday night. But I must say it is a special treat for me to be here in the residence and also on a beautiful day in Seoul. The sun was shining. I cannot take credit for that but if there's any credit to be extended, I won't reject it. I agree completely with you. We have worked so closely together and I'm very encouraged and determined about the passage of the Free Trade Agreement. We will be consulting and making the case together to our respective legislatures and I am very confident that there will be a positive outcome that will benefit both of our countries. I also appreciate this opportunity to consult on global issues. We have worked closely together and will continue to do so on nonproliferation. We are looking forward to the Nuclear Security Summit next year that you will be hosting and we are very grateful for that. We are working closely together on development issues and of course on -- you were the first to respond in the terrible wake of disasters that struck Japan. And I look forward to hearing your views on that as well. There is much to be worked on together. Our partnership, our friendship our alliance, I think after two years of effort under this administration, is stronger than ever. But it is important that we are meeting in the home stretch of the Korea Free Trade Agreement and that is going to be a singular accomplishment of both of our presidents and will contribute so much to the broadening and deepening of our relationship..."

You can also read the Secretary's remarks here.

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Palgye in South Korea writes:

Most of South Korea, companies are creating a slush fund.



Posted on Mon Apr 18, 2011

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