U.S.-Iraq Joint Coordination Committee Convenes at the Department of State

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / December 12, 2011

More: The White House Blog -- President Obama Welcomes Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki

Today, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton met with Iraqi Foreign Minister Zebari and hosted the U.S.-Iraq Joint Coordination Committee at the Department of State in Washington, D.C. Secretary Clinton said:

"...We believe these are truly historic days for both nations, and as we complete the withdrawal of American troops, we are defining our new partnership with a free and democratic Iraq. Our Strategic Framework Agreement commits our countries to work together on a wide range of issues, from governance and rule of law, to economics and education, to energy and the environment. And we are committed to following through. As Vice President Biden said in Baghdad two weeks ago, we intend to keep our promises.

"Now, our new beginning is founded in mutual understanding, shared interests, and mutual respect for each other as sovereign equals. We share the same goal, building a self-reliant Iraq with a government that is able to serve the needs of the Iraqi people. And we have made a lot of progress together. Iraq is in charge of its own security and it stands as an important example of democracy in a region experiencing historic transformation and democratic transition."

You can read a full transcript here.

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