Vice President Biden’s Trip to China, Mongolia, and Japan

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / August 29, 2011

On August 16, 2011, Vice President Joe Biden departed for his nine-day trip to Asia, where he visited China, Mongolia, and Japan. In each country, the Vice President met with key leaders to discuss the full range of bilateral, regional, and international issues.

The Vice President's first stop on his trip was Beijing, at the invitation of Vice President Xi Jinping -- the first of the planned reciprocal visits between the Vice Presidents announced by President Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao during his state visit to Washington earlier this year. While in Beijing, the Vice President met with Vice President Xi and other Chinese leaders, including President Hu and Premier Wen Jiabao. The Vice President also visited the city of Chengdu, in China's Southwest, and delivered a speech on U.S.-China relations at Sichuan University.

At his next stop in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, the Vice President underscored U.S. support for Mongolia's two decades of democratic development and our growing economic ties. Vice President Biden said, "Mongolia is not just a shining example for other nations in transition,” said the Vice President, “It's an emerging leader in the worldwide democratic movement, a responsible actor on the world stage, and a close friend and partner of the United States."

In Japan, the final leg of his trip through Asia, the Vice President expressed steadfast U.S. support for its close ally in the wake of the recent earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear emergency. Vice President Biden said, "The Japanese remind the world of something equally as forceful as the force of nature." At Yokota Air Base, headquarters of U.S. Forces Japan, the Vice President expressed gratitude to U.S. civilian and military personnel for their assistance in responding to the disaster and highlighted Japan's resilience during the recovery and rebuilding process.

Before returning to Washington, the Vice President stopped in Kaneohe, Hawaii, and delivered remarks at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay.

You can learn more about Vice President Biden's visit here.

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James in Georgia (U.S.A.) writes:

I remember seeing an episode of the Charlie Rose show in which episode pointed out that their was tremendous growth or trade in Mongolia. So I can see that as a possible reason why Vic-president Biden stopped by Mongolia.

Posted on Thu Sep 01, 2011

Donald M. in Virginia writes:

Great photo our Vice President viewing the Chinese military. I did hear he got into a little mess over a basketball game there. I think Vice President Biden is one of those guys who says something then realizes ooops!

Otherwise, he doesn't seem that bad. Heck, any US Vice President that helped get Osama bin laden is still good in my book! The Obama team is rocking! All the dictators around the world are coming to end thanks to the Obama Dream Team! Well done!

Posted on Thu Sep 01, 2011

W.W. writes:

As per presidential speech enough with the made in China and back with the made in U.S.


Posted on Wed Aug 31, 2011

Clark in Maine writes:

Vice-President Joe Biden assuming the role of lead diplomat in Asia for constructive talks. On another note, has China been a good asset as far as controlling the rate of inflation? Or can we contribute that to other variables such as the development of other economies, mergers/acquisitions, downsizing,etcetera. I think we should ask a knowedgable economist.

Posted on Mon Aug 29, 2011

Dr. G. in West Virginia writes:

Great summary

Go Joe

Posted on Mon Aug 29, 2011

Pam in West Virginia writes:

During our current economic crisis and problems in the mideast we must keep up good relations in Asia.

Posted on Mon Aug 29, 2011

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