American Experts Teach Afghan Carpet Weavers To Access U.S. Market

Posted by Davida Baxter / September 22, 2011

An Afghan woman weaves carpet at a factory in Jalalabad, east of Kabul, Afghanistan, April 5, 2011. [AP File Photo]

Davida Baxter serves as Assistant Information Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Yesterday, at Camp Integrity, American carpet importers led a training session for Afghan rug and carpet producers on how to export to the United States. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Export Promotion Agency Afghanistan (EPAA), two American carpet importers and retailers instructed Afghan weavers on techniques for enhancing their sales prospects in the U.S. market. This initiative is an important step in growing the economy of Afghanistan, helping them transition to a stable and sustainable future.

The speakers emphasized that Afghanistan's rug and carpet weavers are known for the quality of their products and the beauty of their designs, and thus have a chance to further increase their exports to the United States. One of the speakers said, "Afghan carpets have the right style, quality and value to grow in the U.S. market."

The experts also stressed the importance of establishing an Afghan brand for carpets, many of which are currently shipped through third countries, as well as using group marketing efforts to develop and launch overseas advertising programs. Representatives from Afghanistan's carpet industry also learned about business culture in the United States.

The U.S. Department of Commerce and the EPAA plan to continue workshops for carpet weavers on exporting to the United States in other cities in Afghanistan.

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Hamid in California writes:

As of Afghan American business man who has life time experience in rug making and rug selling in America this event is waste of time and waste of money. I have been importing rugs from Afghanistan in last 10 years but due to reception we are almost out of business, we have over 600 skilled workers most of them women out of job in Kabul and Mazar. All we need is financial support not another show.


Posted on Wed Sep 28, 2011

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