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Behind the Scenes: President Bush in Tanzania
Posted by Nancy Brinker on Feb 19, 2008 - 10:55 AM

Traditional dancers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Feb. 16, 2008. [AP]

This blog entry is written by Nancy Brinker, Chief of Protocol at the U.S. Department of State.

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

After a intense and interesting visit in Tanzania, we were sent off by a very spirited and moving Departure Ceremony. The meetings between President Kikwete and President Bush went very well. Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Kikwete, dressed in her khanga decorated with President Bush’s picture on it, followed their spouses down the red carpet. The band was playing uplifting music, the Tanzanian people were waving American flags, and expressing their gratitude for both the President’s, and the United States support of their country and the issues that affect them. After the President and Mrs. Bush boarded Air Force One to depart, President Kikwete and his wife walked back on the red carpet and took part in the ceremony by dancing. It was an interesting visit and great to see President Kikwete’s national pride in the success of his people.


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