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  • Reintroducing Steelhead in Deschutes River Basin

    Jan 16: Steelhead will once again be able to call Oregon's Deschutes River Basin home. NOAA will be proceeding with steelhead reintroduction efforts by designating a population as "experimental" under the Endangered Species Act.

  • Mark Twinam Fishes for Sharks Off Florida Coast This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Jan 15: Mark Twinam fishes for large coastal sharks like hammerhead, lemon, and bull sharks in the Gulf of Mexico. Twinam is one of several fishermen helping NOAA research sharks in exchange for landing and selling a small quota of sandbar sharks.  

  • NOAA Identifies Nations for IUU Fishing

    Jan 11: To ensure the U.S. fishing industry isn’t undermined by unsustainable, illegal activities, NOAA submitted a report identifying 10 nations whose fishing vessels engaged in illegal unreported, and unregulated fishing in 2011 or 2012.

  • Scientists Link Climate Change and Gray Snapper

    Jan 8: NOAA scientists recently developed projections of gray snapper distribution under several climate change scenarios as they work to understand the effect of climate change on marine fisheries along the U.S. east coast.

  • New Opportunities to Improve Fish Passage

    Jan 2: Find out how NOAA Fisheries will work with partners and stakeholders to improve upstream and downstream passage conditions for endangered and migratory fish on the Connecticut River.

  • Our Top 12 Stories From 2012 This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Dec. 20: It has been an exciting year at NOAA Fisheries. As we look forward to 2013, take a look back at our twelve most popular stories from 2012.

  • Bob Dooley Fishes for Whiting off the West Coast This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Dec 3: Bob Dooley fishes for Bering Sea pollock, Pacific cod, West Coast whiting, and dungeness crabs. In this photo, a fisherman hauls pollock onto the Pacific Prince, one of Dooley's vessels.

  • New Research to Reduce Rockfish Barotrauma Injury

    Nov 28: See how our research on barotrauma—an injury that occurs when a hooked fish is brought too rapidly to the surface—is helping put rockfish back where they belong.

  • Fishery Data, On the Double This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Nov 26: Collaboration between NOAA and the fishing industry allows for more efficient and accurate data collection in two valuable Pacific fisheries—hake and sardine.

  • Advancing Designs for Innovative Fish Passage

    Nov 27: To facilitate fish passage in Washington's Baker River, NOAA Fisheries engineers worked closely with Puget Sound Energy to design an innovative fish passage system.

  • Tackling Seafood Fraud This is the Exit Disclaimer Icon

    Nov 15: Find out how NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement helps tackle seafood fraud.

  • United States and Morocco Shake Hands

    Nov 13: The U.S. signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Morocco that sets the stage for collaboration on ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management and sustainable marine aquaculture.
