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4.22.12: Environment in a Day

2012 March 14
@Astro_Ron tweets "Our Window on the World - Happy Earth Day #FromSpace!"

Earth Day happens just once a year. What will this global moment on 4.22.12 look like? Share your best photo of the day.

How can you join in? Join Flickr if you haven’t yet and get ready to submit your best shot of our environment how you see it (good, bad, landscapes, city-scapes, humans, wildlife, wild-humans – it’s up to you!) on April 22, 2012. Check out how to share one from your phone with Flickr mobile!

Take a photo any time during the twenty-four hour period of April 22 where you are, then upload it to your Flickr account to share it with the State of the Environment group.

We’re accepting one (1) contribution per Flickr member into the group from midnight ET Saturday, April 21 until midnight ET Saturday, April 28. You have a week to submit your single photo, but it must be taken on Earth Day April 22!

This is open for global participation, but EPA will be highlighting one photo from each U.S. state or territory and featuring the state with the most participation!

Spread the word. Get outside. Have some fun and capture the moment where humankind celebrates our planet Earth.

State of the Environment Photo Project: Environment in a Day

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

2 Responses leave one →
  1. João Luiz Mattoso permalink
    April 1, 2012

    It’s is very important for environment

  2. Taunia permalink
    April 9, 2012

    I wish videos would count for this contest! We have a great one: “Take Aim at Climate Change” found here on YouTube:

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