A Great Prize!! Admiring Montreal and reading your mail

This morning’s amazing news put a smile on my face. The Nobel Prize for Peace, bestowed on President Obama is humbling indeed. I couldn’t be more proud of the man I came here to represent. I share the President’s view that this award is a call to action to make the world a better place and that it is an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of the aspiration held by people in all nations. I have spoken with friends back in the White House who are as excited as I am. I also want to express my thanks for the congratulations to President Obama that I have received from so many Canadians who stand with us in this effort. There is much work for us to do together.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, this week Julie and I spent a few days in La Belle Province of Quebec. We started in Quebec City and then travelled by train to Montreal. The ride gave us a chance to soak up the scenery and to meet a few of our fellow travelers.

I have spent time in Montreal before, but this trip gave me a chance to learn more. A few highlights: we visited the facilities of CAE, the leading Canadian defense exporter and a world leader in flight simulators. Let me tell you…. these are not like a video game. Julie and I got to a chance to “fly” a Boeing 777 from Hong Kong. It felt exactly like we were flying a real plane. I hope I will be a better Ambassador than I am an airline pilot. But it was great fun.

 Julie and I in the flight simulator at CAE

Julie and I in the flight simulator at CAE

We also spent some time walking around Old Montreal and visiting our son who is in school there. Julie bought shoes. I bought poutine.

My first taste of poutine!

My first taste of poutine!

Finally, I have been heartened by the warm reception you have given me in this virtual forum. Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to write to me. To Grant, Richard, David (I feel like family already), Christian (I’ll give your good suggestions about the blog consideration, thanks), Ed, Patrick (I’ll look for that book) and others too many to mention here. To all of you: your kind words are very much appreciated.

Have a wonderful long weekend. To my Canadian friends, Happy Thanksgiving. To my American friends, Happy Columbus Day!

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