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G-8 Summits

2013 Fermanagh, United Kingdom

The United Kingdom will host the 39th G8 summit near Enniskillen in County Fermanagh in Northern Ireland on 17-18 June 2013.

20 November 2012 UK Foreign Secretary William Hague announces G8 Foreign Ministers’ meeting  (


G8 Summit 2012 badge

2012 Maryland, U.S.A.

The United States will host the 2012 Group of Eight (G8) summit of advanced economies on 18-19 May 2012.  It will be held at the Camp David presidential retreat in Frederick County, Maryland.

The NATO summit will be hosted in the city of Chicago.   For an introduction to NATO please see The United States and NATO (PDF, 1MB).

The State Department G8 page has the latest news. 

G8 Summit 2012 News

22 May 2012 G8 Launches Programs to Help Five Transitioning Arab Countries  The G8 countries and a number of international institutions are making a coordinated effort to help five countries in the Arab Spring movement overcome challenges in their transition to democracy and economic openness. The 2012 G8 participants identified Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco for transition assistance during the coming 12 months.

20 May 2012 G8 Nations Agree to Promote Economic Growth, Job Creation  President Obama briefs reporters at the conclusion of the 2012 G8 Summit.  While saying that the global economy during the past three years has been tested at times by shocks, both manmade and from natural disasters, the leaders agreed that expanding jobs and growth offer the best hope for the future. Obama said the current serious situation in the eurozone affects the U.S. economy and others far removed from European nations, which is why coordinated, collective action is essential.
• Camp David Declaration by G8 Leaders
Obama’s Remarks at Closing of G8 Summit
Statement by the G-8 on Global Oil Markets
• Fact Sheet: G-8 Action on the Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition

19 May 2012 G8 Leaders on Global Economy  The global economic recovery shows signs of promise, but significant headwinds persist.  Against this background, we commit to take all necessary steps to strengthen and reinvigorate our economies and combat financial stresses, recognizing that the right measures are not the same for each of us.

17 May 2012 Obama Hosts 2012 G8 and NATO Summits  President Obama will host the 2012 Group of Eight (G8) Summit of advanced economies at the Maryland presidential retreat, Camp David, to discuss the global economy and the current situation in Europe and will host the 28-member NATO Summit in Chicago for talks on defense and security cooperation, including the transition in Afghanistan.

17 May 2012 White House Briefing on G8, NATO Summits, Other Issues

11 April 2012 Secretary Clinton at G8 Plenary Session, Washington D.C.

12 March 2012 Obama: 2012 G8 and NATO Summits Scheduled for May  President Obama says he will host the 2012 Group of Eight (G8) summit of advanced economies outside Washington at the Maryland presidential retreat of Camp David to discuss long-term global economic recovery. He will also host the 28-member NATO Summit in Chicago this spring for talks on defense and security cooperation. When the two summits were first announced, the White House had said it would host both events back-to-back in Chicago, the president’s hometown. But the president said during a news conference recently that splitting the two summits was an idea proposed to him after the initial announcement.

G8 Summit 2011, 26-27 May 2011 in Deaville, France

G8 Summit 2011, 26-27 May 2011 in Deaville, France

2011 Deauville, France

The 37th G8 summit tool place in the city of Deauville in France from May 26–27.  The official G8-2011 site is at

27 May 2011 G8 Summit Sought Common Solutions to Global Challenges  The Deauville Group of Eight (G8) Summit of major industrialized nations was focused on developing common solutions to some of the world’s most vexing security and economic challenges.   President Obama, who is on a four-nation, six-day European trip, praised French President Nicolas Sarkozy “for the leadership that he’s shown on the world stage over the last several years,” and for guiding to a successful conclusion the summit of G8 leaders in Deauville on the Normandy coast.

  27 May 2011 Fact Sheet: G-8 Summit in Deauville, France
  • The Deauville Summit Declaration (PDF, 25 pages / 108Kb)
  •  Declaration of G8 on Arab Spring


2010 Muskoka, Canada

The 2010 G8 summit was held in the town of Muskoka, Canada from 25-26 June 2010.

2009 L'Aquila, Italy

The 2009 G8 summit was held in the town of L'Aquila, Italy, from 8-10 July 2009.
From the White House come the following statements and declarations (PDF's) from the Group of Eight meetings in L’Aquila, Italy:

 • L'Aquila Statement on Non-Proliferation (PDF)
 • G8 Economic Declaration (PDF)
 • Political Declaration (PDF)
 • G8 Declaration on Counter Terrorism (PDF)
 • G8 Preliminary Accountability Report (PDF)

08 July 2009 Addressing the Nuclear Threat: Fulfilling the Promise of Prague at the L'Aquila Summit

08 July 2009 G8 Leaders Focused on Global Economic Recovery Leaders of the Group of Eight major industrialized nations believe the outcome of the economic crisis is still uncertain and that significant risks remain to global economic and financial stability.

08 July 2009 G8 Leaders Urge Economic Action to Prevent Deeper Social Crisis At a time of global economic turmoil, the leaders of the Group of Eight major industrialized nations say they will help developing nations to cope with the crisis.

2008 Hokkaido Toyako, Japan

The 2008 G8 Summit was held in Hokkaido Toyako, Japan, 6 - 9 July 2008.

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