U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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January 2013
Senators Coons, Rubio, Klobuchar and Hatch introduce bill to boost U.S. competitiveness
Statement from Senator Coons on bipartisan immigration reform framework
August 2012
Senate passes Coons-sponsored resolution honoring first American woman in Space, Dr. Sally Ride
June 2012
Senator Coons participates in roundtable discussion on college affordability
May 2012
Senators Coons, Rubio, Warner, and Moran introduce bill to help startups create jobs
April 2012
Senator Coons guest-teaches at Howard High School of Technology for Teach for America Week
November 2011
Senator Coons’ bill to expand White Clay Creek voted out of committee
October 2011
Senator Coons releases eight new Correspondence from the Commute videos
May 2011
Senator Coons praises Administration's new early learning competitive grant program
Coons, Carper, Casey, Pitts, Carney introduce bill to widen protected area of White Clay Creek watershed
April 2011
Middletown math teacher recognized with Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
March 2011
Senator Coons cosponsors bill to promote state investment in early learning
February 2011
Senator Coons Cosponsors Legislation to Promote Innovation and Competitiveness
December 2010
Senator Chris Coons Applauds Passage of COMPETES Act: Bill will extend investments in cutting-edge research and education