SURVEY OF INCOME AND PROGRAM PARTICIPATION, 1996 PANEL WAVE 7 TOPICAL MODULE DATA DICTIONARY DATA SIZE BEGIN D SSUSEQ 5 1 T SU: Sequence Number of Sample Unit - Primary Sort Key U All persons V 1:50000 .Sequence Number D SSUID 12 6 T SU: Sample Unit Identifier Sample Unit identifier This identifier is created by scrambling together the PSU, Segment, Serial, Serial Suffix of the original sample address. It may be used in matching sample units from different waves. U All persons V 000000000000:999999999999 .Scrambled Id D SPANEL 4 18 T SU: Sample Code - Indicates Panel Year U All persons V 1996 .Panel Year D SWAVE 2 22 T SU: Wave of data collection Wave of data collection. The range of this variable is 1 through 12 to represent each wave in the 1996 Panel. For a specific cross-sectional product, the wave remains constant. U All persons V 1:12 .Wave of data collection D SROTATON 1 24 T SU: Rotation of data collection Rotation within wave. Each wave of data is collected over a four calendar month period. The rotation field indicates which month within the wave a particular interview was conducted. U All persons V 1:4 .Rotation of data collection D TFIPSST 2 25 T SU: FIPS State Code for fifth month household FIPS State Code Federal Information Processing Standards state (and state equivalent) code for the 50 states, and DC. For the Sample Unit U All persons V 01 .Alabama V 02 .Alaska V 04 .Arizona V 05 .Arkansas V 06 .California V 08 .Colorado V 09 .Connecticut V 10 .Delaware V 11 .DC V 12 .Florida V 13 .Georgia V 15 .Hawaii V 16 .Idaho V 17 .Illinois V 18 .Indiana V 19 .Iowa V 20 .Kansas V 21 .Kentucky V 22 .Louisiana V 24 .Maryland V 25 .Massachusetts V 26 .Michigan V 27 .Minnesota V 28 .Mississippi V 29 .Missouri V 30 .Montana V 31 .Nebraska V 32 .Nevada V 33 .New Hampshire V 34 .New Jersey V 35 .New Mexico V 36 .New York V 37 .North Carolina V 39 .Ohio V 40 .Oklahoma V 41 .Oregon V 42 .Pennsylvania V 44 .Rhode Island V 45 .South Carolina V 47 .Tennessee V 48 .Texas V 49 .Utah V 51 .Virginia V 53 .Washington V 54 .West Virginia V 55 .Wisconsin V 61 .Maine, Vermont V 62 .North Dakota, South Dakota, V .Wyoming D SHHADID 3 27 T SU: Hhld Address ID in fourth reference month Household Address ID. This field differentiates households within the sample PSU, segment, serial, serial suffix; that is, households spawned from an original sample household. The Address ID in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 10 +9). U All persons V 11:129 .Household Address ID D SINTHHID 3 30 T SU: Hhld Address ID of person in interview month Address ID of this person at time of interview (fifth month). Address ID in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 10 + 9). U All persons V 0 .Not in universe V 11:129 .Household Address ID D EOUTCOME 3 33 T HH: Interview Status code for fifth month household Household interview status. In Wave 1, the only valid codes are 201, 203 and 207. V 201 .Completed interview V 203 .Compl. partial- missing data; no V .TYPE-Z V 207 .Complete partial - TYPE-Z; no V .further follow-up V 213 .TYPE-A, language problem V 215 .TYPE-A, insufficient partial V 216 .TYPE-A, no one home (noh) V 217 .TYPE-A, temporarily absent (ta) V 218 .TYPE-A, hh refused V 219 .TYPE-A, other occupied (specify) V 234 .TYPE-B, entire hh institut. or V .temp. ineligible V 248 .TYPE-C, other (specify) V 249 .TYPE-C, sample adjustment V 250 .TYPE-C, hh deceased V 251 .TYPE-C, moved out of country V 252 .TYPE-C, living in armed forces V .barracks V 253 .TYPE-C, on active duty in Armed V .Forces V 254 .TYPE-C, no one over age 15 years V .in hhld V 255 .TYPE-C, no Wave 1 persons V .remaining in hhld V 260 .TYPE-D, moved address unknown V 261 .TYPE-D, moved w/in U.S. but V .outside SIPP V 262 .Merged with another SIPP V .household V 270 .Mover, no longer located in same V .fr's area V 271 .Mover, new address located in V .same fr's area V 280 .Newly spawned case outside fr's V .area D RFID 3 36 T FA: Family ID Number in month four Family ID number may be used to identify all persons in the same family in the fourth reference month of a given wave. This ID is used for primary families, unrelated subfamilies, primary and secondary individuals. Persons related subfamilies have the primary family ID in this field. U All persons V 1:120 .Family ID number D RFID2 3 39 T FA: Family ID excluding related subfamily members Family ID number excluding members of related subfamilies. Defined as of the fourth reference month of a given wave. This ID is used for all persons except related subfamily members. U All persons except those in related subfamilies (excludes persons with ESFTYPE = 2) V 0 .Member of related subfamily V 1:120 .Family ID number D EPPIDX 3 42 T PE: Person index Person index. This field differentiates persons within the sample unit. Person index is unique within the sample unit and wave. U All persons V 1:999 .Person index D EENTAID 3 45 T PE: Address ID of hhld where person entered sample Address ID of the household that this person belonged to at the time this person first became part of the sample. Address ID in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 10 + 9). U All persons V 11:129 .Entry address ID D EPPPNUM 4 48 T PE: Person number Person number. This field differentiates persons within the sample unit. Person number is unique within the sample unit across all waves of a panel. Person number for a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 100 + 99). U All persons V 101:1299 .Person number D EPOPSTAT 1 52 T PE: Population status based on age in fourth ref. month Population status. This field identifies whether or not a person was eligible to be asked a full set of questions, based on his/her age in the fourth month of the reference period. U All persons V 1 .Adult (15 years of age or older) V 2 .Child (Under 15 years of age) D EPPINTVW 2 53 T PE: Person's interview status at time of interview U All persons V 1 .Interview (self) V 2 .Interview (proxy) V 3 .Noninterview - Type Z V 4 .Nonintrvw - pseudo Type Z. Left V .sample during the reference V 5 .Children under 15 during V .reference period D EPPMIS4 1 55 T PE: Person's 4th month interview status Person's interview status for month 4 U All persons V 1 .Interview V 2 .Non-interview D ESEX 1 56 T PE: Sex of this person U All persons V 1 .Male V 2 .Female D ERACE 1 57 T PE: Race of this person U All persons V 1 .White V 2 .Black V 3 .American Indian, Aleut, or V .Eskimo V 4 .Asian or Pacific Islander D EORIGIN 2 58 T PE: Origin of this person U All persons V 1 .Canadian V 2 .Dutch V 3 .English V 4 .French V 5 .French-Canadian V 6 .German V 7 .Hungarian V 8 .Irish V 9 .Italian V 10 .Polish V 11 .Russian V 12 .Scandinavian V 13 .Scotch-Irish V 14 .Scottish V 15 .Slovak V 16 .Welsh V 17 .Other European V 20 .Mexican V 21 .Mexican-American V 22 .Chicano V 23 .Puerto Rican V 24 .Cuban V 25 .Central American V 26 .South American V 27 .Dominican Republic V 28 .Other Hispanic V 30 .African-American or V .Afro-American V 31 .American Indian, Eskimo, or V .Aleut V 32 .Arab V 33 .Asian V 34 .Pacific Islander V 35 .West Indian V 39 .Another group not listed V 40 .American D WPFINWGT 10 60 T WW: Person weight Final person weight in fourth month of reference period. Four implied decimal positions U All persons V 00000:9999999999 .Final person weight D ERRP 2 70 T PE: Household relationship Household relationship in fourth month of reference period. U All persons V 1 .Reference person w/ rel. persons V .in hhld V 2 .Reference Person w/out rel. V .persons in hhld V 3 .Spouse of reference person V 4 .Child of reference person V 5 .Grandchild of reference person V 6 .Parent of reference person V 7 .Brother/sister of reference V .person V 8 .Other relative of reference V .person V 9 .Foster child of reference person V 10 .Unmarried partner of reference V .person V 11 .Housemate/roommate V 12 .Roomer/boarder V 13 .Other non-relative of reference V .person D TAGE 2 72 T PE: Age as of last birthday Age as of last birthday. This is the person's age as of the end of the fourth reference month. Age is derived from reported or imputed month and year of birth. Bottom coding year of birth results in the top coding of age into the highest two single year age groups based on month of birth. Users should combine the last two age groups for microdata analysis. U All persons V 0 .Less than 1 full year old V 1:88 .Number of years old D EMS 1 74 T PE: Marital status Marital status in the fourth month of the reference period. U All persons V 1 .Married, spouse present V 2 .Married, Spouse absent V 3 .Widowed V 4 .Divorced V 5 .Separated V 6 .Never Married D EPNSPOUS 4 75 T PE: Person number of spouse Person number of spouse in fourth month of the reference period. A person number in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 100 + 99). U All persons V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Spouse not in hhld or person not V .married D EPNMOM 4 79 T PE: Person number of mother Person number of mother in fourth month of the reference period. A person number in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 100 + 99). U All persons V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .No mother in household D EPNDAD 4 83 T PE: Person number of father Person number of father in fourth month of the reference period. A person number in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 100 + 99). U All persons V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .No father in household D EPNGUARD 4 87 T PE: Person number of guardian Person number of guardian in fourth month of the reference period. A person number in a specific wave should never be greater than (WAVE * 100 + 99). U All persons, under age 20 who are never married TAGE < 20 and EMS=6 in the fourth reference month V -1 .Not in universe V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Guardian not in household D RDESGPNT 2 91 T PE: Designated parent or guardian flag Is .. the designated parent or guardian of children under age 18 who live in this household? U All persons 15+ at the end of the reference period. EPOPSTAT= 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EEDUCATE 2 93 T ED: Highest Degree received or grade completed What is the highest level of school ... has completed or the highest degree ... has received? U All persons 15+ at end of reference period. EPOPSTAT = 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 31 .Less than 1st grade V 32 .1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade V 33 .5th or 6th grade V 34 .7th or 8th grade V 35 .9th grade V 36 .10th grade V 37 .11th grade V 38 .12th grade V 39 .High school graduate - high V .school diploma or equivalent V 40 .Some college but no degree V 41 .Diploma or certificate from a V .voc, tech, trade or bus school beyond$ V 42 .Associate degree in college - V .Occupational/vocational program V 43 .Associate Degree in college - V .Academic program V 44 .Bachelors degree (For example: V .BA, AB, BS) V 45 .Master's degree (For example: V .MA, MS, MEng, MSW, MBA) V 46 .Professional School Degree (For V .example: MD,DDS,DVM,LLB,JD) V 47 .Doctorate degree (For example: V .PhD, EdD) D EPHCUNV 2 95 T HHC: Universe indicator. Universe indicator. U All adults. V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .In universe D EPVDCARE 2 97 T HHC: Provides care or assistance HH01A There are situations in which people provide regular unpaid care of assistance to a family member or friend who has a long-term illness or disability. During the past month, did ... provide any such care or assistance to a family member or friend living here or living elsewhere? U All persons 15 years of age or older V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D APVDCARE 1 99 T HHC: Allocation flag for EPVDCARE Allocation flag for providing care or assistance V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ECAREHHM 2 100 T HHC: Provides care or assistance to household member HH02 Did ... provide such care or assistance to someone living here? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and who provide care to someone (EPOPSTAT eq 1 and EHHNUMPP ge 2) (EPVDCARE eq 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ACAREHHM 1 102 T HHC: Allocation flag for ECAREHHM Allocation flag for providing care or assistance to household member V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TNUMHHM 2 103 T HHC: Provides care or assistance--number in HH HH03 For how many persons living here did ... provide care or assistance? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and who provide care to someone in the household (ECAREHHM eq 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:2 .Number of persons D ANUMHHM 1 105 T HHC: Allocation flag for ENUMHHM Allocation flag for providing care or assistance--number in HH V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHHM1 4 106 T HHC:For which person(s) assistance provided to HH04@1 For which person(s) in this household did ... provide care or assistance? Please list only the two persons for whom ... provided the most assistance. U All persons 15 years of age and ENUMHHM ge 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 0101:1299 .Person line number V 9999 .Unknown person number D AHHM1 1 110 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHHM1 Allocation flag for which person(s) receiving assistance. V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ERELT01 2 111 T HHC:Relationship of giver to receiver HH05A What is ... relationship to ...? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECAREHHM eq 1 and ENUMHHM ge 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Spouse V 2 .Partner V 3 .Child V 4 .Grandchild V 5 .Parent V 6 .Brother/sister V 7 .Other relative V 8 .Nonrelative V 9 .Relationship not identified D ARELT01 1 113 T HHC: Allocation flag for ERELT01 Allocation flag for relationship of giver to receiver. V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TYRST01 2 114 T HHC: Number of years care provided HH06A For how many years have ... provided care or assistance to ...? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECAREHHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 0:35 .Years of assistance D AYRST01 1 116 T HHC: Allocation flag for EYRST01 Allocation flag for number of years care provided V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EADLT01 2 117 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH07A@1 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help him/her dress, eat, bathe, or get to the bathroom? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECAREHHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AADLT01 1 119 T HHC: Allocation flag for EADLT01 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided dress, eat, bathe, or get to the bathroom V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMEDT01 2 120 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH07A@2 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help with medical needs such as taking medicines or changing bandages? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECAREHHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AMEDT01 1 122 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMEDT01 Allocation flag for kind of assistance provided medical needs V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMNYT01 2 123 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH07A@3 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help him/her keep track of bills, checks, or other financial matters? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECAREHHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AMNYT01 1 125 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMNYT01 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided bills, checks, or other financial matters. V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EOUTT01 2 126 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH07A@4 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help by taking him/her shopping or to the doctor's office? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECAREHHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AOUTT01 1 128 T HHC: Allocation flag for EOUTT01 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided transportation V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHRST01 3 129 T HHC: Hours per week care provided HH08A How many hours a week did ... usually spend providing care or assistance for ...? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECAREHHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:112 .Hours of care provided per week D AHRST01 1 132 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHRST01 Allocation for the number of hours per week care is provided V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EOPT01 2 133 T HHC: Similar care provided HH09A Did ... receive similar unpaid care or assistance from any other persons? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECAREHHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AOPT01 1 135 T HHC: Allocation flag for EOPT01 Allocation flag for receipt of similar unpaid care or assistance from any other persons V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMOSTT01 2 136 T HHC: Who provided most care HH11A In terms of providing unpaid care and assistance to ..., was ... the person who provided the most care or were there others who provided just as much or more? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and (ECAREHHM eq 1 and EOPT01 eq 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Provided the most care V 2 .Others provided as much or more V .care D AMOSTT01 1 138 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMOSTT01 Allocation flag for who provided most care V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHCT01 2 139 T HHC: Receipt of other home health care services HH12A Sometimes people receive home health care services such as visits by nurses or therapists or home health aides. Did ... receive these types of home health care visits? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECAREHHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AHCT01 1 141 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHCT01 Allocation flag for receipt of other home health care services V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHHM2 4 142 T HHC: For which person(s) assistance provided to HH04@2 For which person(s) in this household did ... provide care or assistance? Please list only the two persons for whom ... provided the most assistance. U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECAREHHM eq 1 and ENUMHHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 0101:1299 .Person line number V 9999 .Unknown person number D AHHM2 1 146 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHHM2 Allocation flag for which person(s) receiving assistance. V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ERELT02 2 147 T HHC:Relationship of giver to receiver HH05B What is...relationship to...? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECAREHHM eq 1 and ENUMHHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Spouse V 2 .Partner V 3 .Child V 4 .Grandchild V 5 .Parent V 6 .Brother/sister V 7 .Other relative V 8 .Nonrelative V 9 .Relationship not identified D ARELT02 1 149 T HHC: Allocation flag for ERELT02 Allocation flag for relationship of giver to receiver. V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TYRST02 2 150 T HHC: Number of years care provided HH06B For how many years have ... provided care or assistance to ...? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households ECAREHHM eq 1 and ENUMHHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 0:33 .Years of assistance D AYRST02 1 152 T HHC: Allocation flag for EYRST02 Allocation flag for number of years care provided V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EADLT02 2 153 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH07B@1 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help him/her dress, eat, bathe, or get to the bathroom? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households ECAREHHM eq 1 and ENUMHHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AADLT02 1 155 T HHC: Allocation flag for EADLT02 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided dress, eat, bathe, or get to the bathroom V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMEDT02 2 156 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH07B@2 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help with medical needs such as taking medicines or changing bandages? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households ECAREHHM eq 1 and ENUMHHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AMEDT02 1 158 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMEDT02 Allocation flag for kind of assistance provided medical needs V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMNYT02 2 159 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH07B@3 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help him/her keep track of bills, checks, or other financial matters? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households ECAREHHM eq 1 and ENUMHHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AMNYT02 1 161 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMNYT02 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided bills, checks, or other financial matters. V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EOUTT02 2 162 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH07B@4 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help by taking him/her shopping or to the doctor's office? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households ECAREHHM eq 1 and ENUMHHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AOUTT02 1 164 T HHC: Allocation flag for EOUTT02 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided transportation V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHRST02 2 165 T HHC: Hours per week care provided HH08B How many hours a week did ... usually spend providing care or assistance for ...? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households ECAREHHM eq 1 and ENUMHHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:40 .Hours of care provided per week D AHRST02 1 167 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHRST02 Allocation for the number of hours per week care is provided V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EOPT02 2 168 T HHC: Similar care provided HH09B Did ... receive similar unpaid care or assistance from any other persons? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households ECAREHHM eq 1 and ENUMHHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AOPT02 1 170 T HHC: Allocation flag for EOPT02 Allocation flag for receipt of similar unpaid care or assistance from any other persons V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imutation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMOSTT02 2 171 T HHC: Who provided most care HH11B In terms of providing unpaid care and assistance to ..., was ... the person who provided the most care or were there others who provided just as much or more? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households (ECAREHHM eq 1, EOPT02 eq 1, and ENUMHHM ge 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Provided the most care V 2 .Others provided as much or more V .care D AMOSTT02 1 173 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMOSTT02 Allocation flag for who provided most care V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHCT02 2 174 T HHC: Receipt of other home health care services HH12B Sometimes people receive home health care services such as visits by nurses or therapists or home health aides. Did ... receive these types of home health care visits? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households ECAREHHM eq 1 and ENUMHHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AHCT02 1 176 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHCT02 Allocation flag for receipt of other home health care services V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ECARENHM 2 177 T HHC: Provides care or assistance outside of home HH13 Did ... provide care or assistance to any persons who lived outside of ... home? U All persons 15 years of age or over and EPVDCARE eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ACARENHM 1 179 T HHC: Allocation flag for ECARENHM Allocation flag for providing care or assistance to persons outside of home V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TNUMNHM 2 180 T HHC: Provides care or assistance--number of persons HH14 For how many persons living outside of ... home did ... provide care or assistance? U All persons 15 years of age or over and EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:3 .Number of persons D ANUMNHM 1 182 T HHC: Allocation flag for ENUMNHM Allocation flag for providing care or assistance number of persons V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ERELT03 2 183 T HHC: Relationship of giver to receiver HH16A What is ... relationship to ...? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Spouse V 2 .Partner V 3 .Child V 4 .Grandchild V 5 .Parent V 6 .Brother/sister V 7 .Other relative V 8 .Nonrelative V 9 .Relationship not identified D ARELT03 1 185 T HHC: Allocation flag for ERELT03 Allocation flag relationship of giver to receiver V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TYRST03 2 186 T HHC: Number of years care provided HH17A For how many years have ... provided care or assistance to ...? U All persons 15 years of age or over and EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 0:18 .Years of assistance D AYRST03 1 188 T HHC: Allocation flag for EYRST03 Allocation flag for number of years care provided V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ERESOF3 2 189 T HHC: Type of residence HH18A In what type of residence did ... live? Was it in an ordinary residence, such as a house or apartment, or was it some type of care facility? U All persons 15 years of age or over and APVDCARE eq 1 and ACARENHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .House or apartment V 2 .Care facility D ARESOF3 1 191 T HHC: Allocation flag for ERESOF3 Allocation flag for type of residence V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EADLT03 2 192 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH19A@1 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help him/her dress, eat, bathe, or get to the bathroom? U All persons 15 years of age or over and EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AADLT03 1 194 T HHC: Allocation flag for EADLT03 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided dress, eat, bathe, or get to the bathroom V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMEDT03 2 195 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH19A@2 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help with medical needs such as taking medicines or changing bandages? U All persons 15 years of age or over and EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AMEDT03 1 197 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMEDT03 Allocation flag for kind of assistance provided medical needs V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMNYT03 2 198 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH19A@3 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help him/her keep track of bills, checks, or other financial matters? U All persons 15 years of age or over and EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AMNYT03 1 200 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMNYT03 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided bills, checks, or other financial matters. V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHWRKT03 2 201 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH19A@4 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help by preparing meals, doing laundry, or cleaning the house? U All persons 15 years of age or over and APVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .No V 2 .Yes D AHWRKT03 1 203 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHWRKT03 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided meals, laundry, or cleaning house V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EOUTT03 2 204 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH19A@5 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help by taking him/her shopping or to the doctor's office? U All persons 15 years of age or over and EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AOUTT03 1 206 T HHC: Allocation flag for EOUTT03 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided transportation V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHRST03 3 207 T HHC: Hours per week care provided HH20A How many hours a week did ... usually spend providing care or assistance for ...? U All persons 15 years of age or over and EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:40 .Hours of care provided per week D AHRST03 1 210 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHRST03 Allocation for the number of hours per week care is provided V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EOPT03 2 211 T HHC: Similar care provided HH21A Did ... receive similar unpaid care or assistance from any other persons? U All persons 15 years of age or over and EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AOPT03 1 213 T HHC: Allocation flag for EOPT03 Allocation flag for receipt of similar unpaid care or assistance from any other persons V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ECOMPT03 2 214 T HHC: Companionship provided HH22A Did ... regularly spend time with ... in order to provide companionship and emotional support because of this illness or disability? U All persons 15 years of age or over and EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ACOMPT03 1 216 T HHC: Allocation flag for ECOMPT03 Allocation flag for regularly spending time to provide companionship and emotional support V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMOSTT03 2 217 T HHC: Who provided most care HH23A In terms of providing unpaid care and assistance to ..., were ... the person who provided the most care or were there others who provided just as much or more? U All persons 15 years of age or over and EPVDCARE eq 1 and (ECARENHM eq 1 and EOPT03 eq 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Provided the most care V 2 .Others provided as much or more V .care D AMOSTT03 1 219 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMOSTT03 Allocation flag for who provided most care V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHCT03 2 220 T HHC: Receipt of other home health care services HH24A Sometimes people receive home health care services such as visits by nurses or therapists or home health aides. Did ... receive these types of home health care visits? U All persons 15 years of age or over V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AHCT03 1 222 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHCT03 Allocation flag for receipt of other home health care services V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ERELT04 2 223 T HHC: Relationship of giver to receiver HH16B What is...relationship to...? U All persons 15 years of age or over in two or more person households and ECARENHM eq 1and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Spouse V 2 .Partner V 3 .Child V 4 .Grandchild V 5 .Parent V 6 .Brother/sister V 7 .Other relative V 8 .Nonrelative V 9 .Relationship not identified D ARELT04 1 225 T HHC: Allocation flag for ERELT04 Allocation flag relationship of giver to receiver V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TYRST04 2 226 T HHC: Number of years care provided HH17B@2 For how many years have ... provided care or assistance to ...? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 0:20 .Years of assistance D AYRST04 1 228 T HHC: Allocation flag for EYRST04 Allocation flag for number of years care provided V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ERESOF4 2 229 T HHC: Type of residence HH18B In what type of residence did ... live? Was it in an ordinary residence, such as a house or apartment, or was it some type of care facility? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .House or apartment V 2 .Care facility D ARESOF4 1 231 T HHC: Allocation flag for ERESOF4 Allocation flag for type of residence V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EADLT04 2 232 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH19B@1 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help him/her dress, eat bathe, or get to the bathroom? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AADLT04 1 234 T HHC: Allocation flag for EADLT04 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided dress, eat, bathe, or get to the bathroom V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMEDT04 2 235 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH19B@2 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help with medical needs such as taking medicines or changing bandages? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AMEDT04 1 237 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMEDT04 Allocation flag for kind of assistance provided medical needs V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMNYT04 2 238 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH19B@3 What kind of assistance did...give to ...? Did ... help him/her keep track of bills, checks, or other financial matters? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AMNYT04 1 240 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMNYT04 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided bills, checks, or other financial matters V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHWRKT04 2 241 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH19B@4 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help by preparing meals, doing laundry, or cleaning the house? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .No V 2 .Yes D AHWRKT04 1 243 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHWRKT04 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided meals, laundry, or cleaning house V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EOUTT04 2 244 T HHC: Kinds of assistance provided HH19B@5 What kind of assistance did ... give to ...? Did ... help by taking him/her shopping or to the doctor's office? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AOUTT04 1 246 T HHC: Allocation flag for EOUTT04 Allocation flag for kinds of assistance provided transportation V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHRST04 3 247 T HHC: Hours per week care provided HH20B How many hours a week did ... usually spend providing care or assistance for ...? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1:40 .Hours of care provided per week D AHRST04 1 250 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHRST04 Allocation for the number of hours per week care is provided V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EOPT04 2 251 T HHC: Similar care provided HH21B Did ... receive similar unpaid care or assistance from any other persons? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AOPT04 1 253 T HHC: Allocation flag for EOPT04 Allocation flag for receipt of similar unpaid care or assistance from any other persons V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ECOMPT04 2 254 T HHC: Companionship provided HH22B Did ... regularly spend time with ... in order to provide companionship and emotional support because of this illness or disability? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ACOMPT04 1 256 T HHC: Allocation flag for ECOMPT04 Allocation flag for regularly spending time to provide companionship and emotional support V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMOSTT04 2 257 T HHC: Who provided most care HH23B In terms of providing unpaid care and assistance to ..., were ... the person who provided the most care or were there others who provided just as much or more? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 and EOPT04 eq 1 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Provided the most care V 2 .Others provided as much or more V .care D AMOSTT04 1 259 T HHC: Allocation flag for EMOSTT04 Allocation flag for who provided most care V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHCT04 2 260 T HHC: Receipt of other home health care services HH24B Sometimes people receive home health care services such as visits by nurses or therapists or home health aides. Did ... receive these types of home health care visits? U All persons 15 years of age or over EPVDCARE eq 1 and ECARENHM eq 1 and ENUMNHM ge 2 V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AHCT04 1 262 T HHC: Allocation flag for EHCT04 Allocation flag for receipt of other home health care services V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hot V .deck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EATXUNV 2 263 T TAX: Universe indicator. Universe indicator. U All adults. V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .In universe D ITAXFLYN 2 265 T TAX: Whether ... filed Federal income tax for 1997 TAX002 Did ... file a Federal income tax return for 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ITAXCOPY 2 267 T TAX: Whether ... has a copy of tax form or worksheet TAX003 Do you have a copy of ... tax form or a worksheet that you could refer to for the next few questions? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TFILSTAT 2 269 T TAX: Filing status on 1997 Federal tax return TAX004 What was ... filing status on ... 1997 Federal tax return? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Single taxpayer V 2 .Married, Filing joint return V 3 .Married, filing separately V 4 .Unmarried head of hhld or V .Qualifying widow(er) w/ child(ren) D TTOTEXMP 2 271 T TAX: Number of exemptions claimed on return TAX005 What were the total number of exemptions claimed on ... return? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1 exemption V 2 .2 exemptions V 3 .3-5 exemptions V 4 .6 or more exemptions D IEXEMP01 4 273 T TAX: First person claimed as an exemption TAX007@1 Besides ..., who is the first person in this household ... claimed as an exemption? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -5 .All V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEXEMP02 4 277 T TAX: Second person claimed as an exemption TAX007@2 Besides ..., who is the second person in this household ... claimed as an exemption? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEXEMP03 4 281 T TAX: Third person claimed as an exemption TAX007@3 Besides ..., who is the third person in this household ... claimed as an exemption? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEXEMP04 4 285 T TAX: Fourth person claimed as an exemption TAX007@4 Besides ..., who is the fourth person in this household ... claimed as an exemption? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEXEMP05 4 289 T TAX: Fifth person claimed as an exemption TAX007@5 Besides ..., who is the fifth person in this household ... claimed as an exemption? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEXEMP06 4 293 T TAX: Sixth person claimed as an exemption TAX007@6 Besides ..., who is the sixth person in this household ... claimed as an exemption? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEXMPOUT 2 297 T TAX: Number of persons claimed as an exemption TAX008 Did ... claim exemptions for any persons who lived outside of ... home for the entire year? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IEXNMOUT 2 299 T TAX: Number of persons claimed as an exemption TAX008B How many persons who lived outside of the household did ... claim exemptions for the entire year? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:99 .Number of persons D IOUTRL01 2 301 T TAX: First person's relationship TAX009@1 What was the relationship of this first person to ...? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Parent V 2 .Child V 3 .Brother/sister V 4 .Other D IOUTRL02 2 303 T TAX: Second person's relationship TAX009@2 What was the relationship of this second person to ...? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Parent V 2 .Child V 3 .Brother/sister V 4 .Other D IOUTRL03 2 305 T TAX: Third person's relationship TAX009@3 What was the relationship of this third person to ...? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Parent V 2 .Child V 3 .Brother/sister V 4 .Other D IOUTRL04 2 307 T TAX: Fourth person's relationship TAX009@4 What was the relationship of this fourth person to ...? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Parent V 2 .Child V 3 .Brother/sister V 4 .Other D IOUTRL05 2 309 T TAX: Fifth person's relationship TAX009@5 What was the relationship of this fifth person to ...? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Parent V 2 .Child V 3 .Brother/sister V 4 .Other D IOUTRL06 2 311 T TAX: Sixth person's relationship TAX009@6 What was the relationship of this sixth person to ...? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Parent V 2 .Child V 3 .Brother/sister V 4 .Other D IOUTRL07 2 313 T TAX: Seventh person's relationship TAX009@7 What was the relationship of this seventh person to ...? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Parent V 2 .Child V 3 .Brother/sister V 4 .Other D IOUTRL08 2 315 T TAX: Eighth person's relationship TAX009@8 What was the relationship of this eighth person to ...? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Parent V 2 .Child V 3 .Brother/sister V 4 .Other D IOUTRL09 2 317 T TAX: Ninth person's relationship TAX009@9 What was the relationship of this ninth person to ...? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Parent V 2 .Child V 3 .Brother/sister V 4 .Other D IOUTRL10 2 319 T TAX: Tenth person's relationship TAX009@10 What was the relationship of this tenth person to ...? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Parent V 2 .Child V 3 .Brother/sister V 4 .Other D IFILFORM 2 321 T TAX: Form 1040 filed TAX011 Did ... file form 1040, the long form or did ... file one of the short forms, 1040A or 1040EZ? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Form 1040 V 2 .Form 1040A V 3 .Form 1040EZ D ISCHEDA 2 323 T TAX: Schedule A filed with 1997 tax return TAX012 Did ... file a Schedule A, Itemized Deduction, with ... 1997 tax return? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ISCHEDD 2 325 T TAX: Schedule D filed with 1997 tax return TAX013 Did ... file Schedule D, Capital Gains and Losses, with ... 1997 tax return? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TAMTDEDT 2 327 T TAX: Amount of itemized deductions TAX017 How much were ... (and ... spouse's) itemized deductions for 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1-2999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 2 .3000-4999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 3 .5000-5999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 4 .6000-6999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 5 .7000-7999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 6 .8000-8999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 7 .9000-9999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 8 .10000-10999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 9 .11000-11999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 10 .12000-12999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 11 .13000-13999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 12 .14000-16999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 13 .17000-21999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 14 .22000-24999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 15 .25000-35999 Amount of itemized V .deductions V 16 .36000+ Amount of itemized V .deductions D ICCEXPEN 2 329 T TAX: Child and dependent care expense credit in 1997 TAX018 Did ... claim a child and dependent care expense credit in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TCCAMT 2 331 T TAX: Amount of child and dependent care expense cr. TAX019 What was the amount of child and dependent care expense credit claimed in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1-49 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 2 .50-99 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 3 .100-149 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 4 .150-199 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 5 .200-249 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 6 .250-299 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 7 .300-349 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 8 .350-399 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 9 .400-449 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 10 .450-499 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 11 .500-599 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 12 .600-799 Child and dependent care V .expense credit V 13 .800+ Child and dependent care V .expense credit D ICAREX01 4 333 T TAX: First child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@1 First child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -5 .All V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX02 4 337 T TAX: Second child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@2 Second child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX03 4 341 T TAX: Third child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@3 Third child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX04 4 345 T TAX: Fourth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@4 Fourth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX05 4 349 T TAX: Fifth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@5 Fifth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX06 4 353 T TAX: Sixth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@6 Sixth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX07 4 357 T TAX: Seventh child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@7 Seventh child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX08 4 361 T TAX: Eighth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@8 Eighth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX09 4 365 T TAX: Ninth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@9 Ninth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX10 4 369 T TAX: Tenth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@10 Tenth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX11 4 373 T TAX: Eleventh child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@11 Eleventh child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX12 4 377 T TAX: Twelfth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@12 Twelfth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX13 4 381 T TAX: Thirteenth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@13 Thirteenth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX14 4 385 T TAX: Fourteenth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@14 Fourteenth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX15 4 389 T TAX: Fifteenth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@15 Fifteenth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX16 4 393 T TAX: Sixteenth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@16 Sixteenth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX17 4 397 T TAX: Seventeeth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@17 Seventeenth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX18 4 401 T TAX: Eighteenth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@18 Eighteenth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX19 4 405 T TAX: Nineteenth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@19 Nineteenth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX20 4 409 T TAX: Twentieth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@20 Twentieth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX21 4 413 T TAX: Twenty-first child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@21 Twenty-first child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX22 4 417 T TAX: Twenty-second child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@22 Twenty-second child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX23 4 421 T TAX: Twenty-third child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@23 Twenty-third child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX24 4 425 T TAX: Twenty-fourth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@24 Twenty-fourth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX25 4 429 T TAX: Twenty-fifth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@25 Twenty-fifth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX26 4 433 T TAX: Twenty-sixth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@26 Twenty-sixth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX27 4 437 T TAX: Twenty-seventh child and dependent care expense cr TAX019B@27 Twenty-seventh child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX28 4 441 T TAX: Twenty-eighth child and dependent care expense cr TAX019B@28 Twenty-eighth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX29 4 445 T TAX: Twenty-ninth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@29 Twenty-ninth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D ICAREX30 4 449 T TAX: Thirtieth child and dependent care expense credit TAX019B@30 Thirtieth child and dependent care expense claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IDSABCRD 2 453 T TAX: Credit claimed for elderly or disabled in 1997 TAX020 Did ... claim a credit for the elderly or the disabled in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TDSABAMT 2 455 T TAX: Amount of elderly or disabled credit in 1997 TAX021 What was that amount? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1-199 Elderly or disabled credit V 2 .200-499 Elderly or disabled V .credit V 3 .500+ Elderly or disabled credit D TSAPGAIN 2 457 T TAX: Amount of gains or losses from sale/exchange TAX023 What was the amount of ...'s capital gains or losses from the sale or exchange of personal assets for 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -4 .Negative values (losses) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1-99 Amount of capital gains V 2 .100-199 Amount of capital gains V 3 .200-299 Amount of capital gains V 4 .300-499 Amount of capital gains V 5 .500-699 Amount of capital gains V 6 .700-999 Amount of capital gains V 7 .1000-1299 Amount of capital V .gains V 8 .1300-1999 Amount of capital V .gains V 9 .2000-2999 Amount of capital V .gains V 10 .3000-3999 Amount of capital V .gains V 11 .4000-5999 Amount of capital V .gains V 12 .6000-9999 Amount of capital V .gains V 13 .10000-14999 Amount of capital V .gains V 14 .15000+ Amount of capital gains D TADJINCM 2 459 T TAX: Adjusted gross income in 1997 TAX024 What was ... adjusted gross income in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -4 .Negative values (losses) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1-2199 Amount of adjusted gross V .income V 2 .2200-4999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 3 .5000-7999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 4 .8000-9999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 5 .10000-14999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 6 .15000-19999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 7 .20000-24999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 8 .25000-29999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 9 .30000-34999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 10 .35000-39999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 11 .40000-49999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 12 .50000-59999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 13 .60000-74999 Amount of adjusted V .gross income V 14 .75000+ Amount of adjusted gross V .income D TNETTAX 2 461 T TAX: Net tax liability in 1997 TAX025 What was ... net tax liability in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -4 .Negative values (losses) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .>0-99 Amount of net tax V .liability V 2 .100-299 Amount of net tax V .liability V 3 .300-499 Amount of net tax V .liability V 4 .500-699 Amount of net tax V .liability V 5 .700-899 Amount of net tax V .liability V 6 .900-1199 Amount of net tax V .liability V 7 .1200-1599 Amount of net tax V .liability V 8 .1600-1999 Amount of net tax V .liability V 9 .2000-2399 Amount of net tax V .liability V 10 .2400-2999 Amount of net tax V .liability V 11 .3000-3499 Amount of net tax V .liability V 12 .3500-3999 Amount of net tax V .liability V 13 .4000-4499 Amount of net tax V .liability V 14 .4500-4999 Amount of net tax V .liability V 15 .5000-5499 Amount of net tax V .liability V 16 .5500-6499 Amount of net tax V .liability V 17 .6500-7999 Amount of net tax V .liability V 18 .8000-9999 Amount of net tax V .liability V 19 .10000-13999 Amount of net tax V .liability V 20 .14000+ Amount of net tax V .liability D IERNDCRD 2 463 T TAX: Whether earned income credit was claimed TAX027 Did ... claim an earned income credit on ... Federal income tax return? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TERNDAMT 2 465 T TAX: Amount of earned income credit claimed in 1997 TAX028 What was the amount of earned income credit claimed? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1-99 Amount of earned income V .credit V 2 .100-199 Amount of earned income V .credit V 3 .200-299 Amount of earned income V .credit V 4 .300-499 Amount of earned income V .credit V 5 .500-599 Amount of earned income V .credit V 6 .600-799 Amount of earned income V .credit V 7 .800-999 Amount of earned income V .credit V 8 .1000-1199 Amount of earned V .income credit V 9 .1200-1399 Amount of earned V .income credit V 10 .1400-1599 Amount of earned V .income credit V 11 .1600-1799 Amount of earned V .income credit V 12 .1800-1999 Amount of earned V .income credit V 13 .2000-2199 Amount of earned V .income credit V 14 .2200-2399 Amount of earned V .income credit V 15 .2400-2599 Amount of earned V .income credit V 16 .2600-2999 Amount of earned V .income credit V 17 .3000-3499 Amount of earned V .income credit V 18 .3500+ Amount of earned income V .credit D IEICEX01 4 467 T TAX: First person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@1 First person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -5 .All V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX02 4 471 T TAX: Second person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@2 Second person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX03 4 475 T TAX: Third person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@3 Third person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX04 4 479 T TAX: Fourth person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@4 Fourth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX05 4 483 T TAX: Fifth person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@5 Fifth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX06 4 487 T TAX: Sixth person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@6 Sixth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX07 4 491 T TAX: Seventh person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@7 Seventh person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX08 4 495 T TAX: Eighth person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@8 Eighth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX09 4 499 T TAX: Ninth person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@9 Ninth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX10 4 503 T TAX: Tenth person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@10 Tenth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX11 4 507 T TAX: Eleventh person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@11 Eleventh person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX12 4 511 T TAX: Twelfth person where an earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@12 Twelfth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX13 4 515 T TAX: Thirteenth person where earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@13 Thirteenth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX14 4 519 T TAX: Fourteenth person where earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@14 Fourteenth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX15 4 523 T TAX: Fifteenth person where earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@15 Fifteenth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX16 4 527 T TAX: Sixteenth person where earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@16 Sixteenth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX17 4 531 T TAX: Seventeenth person where earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@17 Seventeenth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX18 4 535 T TAX: Eighteenth person where earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@18 Eighteenth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX19 4 539 T TAX: Nineteenth person where earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@19 Nineteenth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX20 4 543 T TAX: Twentieth person where earned income cr was claimed TAX028B@20 Twentieth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX21 4 547 T TAX: Twenty-first person where earned inc cr was claimed TAX028B@21 Twenty-first person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX22 4 551 T TAX: Twenty-second person where earned inc cr was claimed TAX028B@22 Twenty-second person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX23 4 555 T TAX: Twenty-third person where earned inc cr was claimed TAX028B@23 Twenty-third person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX24 4 559 T TAX: Twenty-fourth person where earned inc cr was claimed TAX028B@24 Twenty-fourth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX25 4 563 T TAX: Twenty-fifth person where earned inc cr was claimed TAX028B@25 Twenty-fifth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX26 4 567 T TAX: Twenty-sixth person where earned inc cr was claimed TAX028B@26 Twenty-sixth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX27 4 571 T TAX: Twenty-seventh person where earned inc cr was claimed TAX028B@27 Twenty-seventh person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX28 4 575 T TAX: Twenty-eighth person where earned inc cr was claimed TAX028B@28 Twenty-eighth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX29 4 579 T TAX: Twenty-ninth person where earned inc cr was claimed TAX028B@29 Twenty-ninth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IEICEX30 4 583 T TAX: Thirtieth person where an earned inc cr was claimed TAX028B@30 Thirtieth person where an earned income credit was claimed **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ ( EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPTAX 2 587 T TAX: Property taxes paid on residence in 1997 TAX032 Did ... pay any property taxes on ... residence(s) in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IPROPJNT 2 589 T TAX: Property tax pd jointly with someone else living here TAX033 Did ... pay these jointly with someone else living here? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IPROPN01 4 591 T TAX: First person who made joint payments TAX034@1 First person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -5 .All V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN02 4 595 T TAX: Second person who made joint payments TAX034@2 Second person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN03 4 599 T TAX: Third person who made joint payments TAX034@3 Third person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN04 4 603 T TAX: Fourth person who made joint payments TAX034@4 Fourth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN05 4 607 T TAX: Fifth person who made joint payments TAX034@5 Fifth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN06 4 611 T TAX: Sixth person who made joint payments TAX034@6 Sixth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN07 4 615 T TAX: Seventh person who made joint payments TAX034@7 Seventh person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN08 4 619 T TAX: Eighth person who made joint payments TAX034@8 Eighth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN09 4 623 T TAX: Ninth person who made joint payments TAX034@9 Ninth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN10 4 627 T TAX: Tenth person who made joint payments TAX034@10 Tenth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN11 4 631 T TAX: Eleventh person who made joint payments TAX034@11 Eleventh person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN12 4 635 T TAX: Twelfth person who made joint payments TAX034@12 Twelfth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN13 4 639 T TAX: Thirteenth person who made joint payments TAX034@13 Thirteenth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN14 4 643 T TAX: Fourteenth person who made joint payments TAX034@14 Fourteenth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN15 4 647 T TAX: Fifteenth person who made joint payments TAX034@15 Fifteenth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN16 4 651 T TAX: Sixteenth person who made joint payments TAX034@16 Sixteenth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN17 4 655 T TAX: Seventeenth person who made joint payments TAX034@17 Seventeenth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN18 4 659 T TAX: Eighteenth person who made joint payments TAX034@18 Eighteenth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN19 4 663 T TAX: Nineteenth person who made joint payments TAX034@19 Nineteenth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN20 4 667 T TAX: Twentieth person who made joint payments TAX034@20 Twentieth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN21 4 671 T TAX: Twenty-first person who made joint payments TAX034@21 Twenty-first person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN22 4 675 T TAX: Twenty-second person who made joint payments TAX034@22 Twenty-second person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN23 4 679 T TAX: Twenty-third person who made joint payments TAX034@23 Twenty-third person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN24 4 683 T TAX: Twenty-fourth person who made joint payments TAX034@24 Twenty-fourth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN25 4 687 T TAX: Twenty-fifth person who made joint payments TAX034@25 Twenty-fifth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN26 4 691 T TAX: Twenty-sixth person who made joint payments TAX034@26 Twenty-sixth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN27 4 695 T TAX: Twenty-seventh person who made joint payments TAX034@27 Twenty-seventh person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN28 4 699 T TAX: Twenty-eighth person who made joint payments TAX034@28 Twenty-eighth who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN29 4 703 T TAX: Twenty-ninth person who made joint payments TAX034@29 Twenty-ninth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IPROPN30 4 707 T TAX: Thirtieth person who made joint payments TAX034@30 Thirtieth person who made these joint payments with ... **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D TTAXBILL 2 711 T TAX: Property tax bill for your residence in 1997 TAX035 What was the property tax bill for ... residence(s) in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1-99 Amount of property tax V 2 .100-199 Amount of property tax V 3 .200-299 Amount of property tax V 4 .300-399 Amount of property tax V 5 .400-499 Amount of property tax V 6 .500-599 Amount of property tax V 7 .600-699 Amount of property tax V 8 .700-799 Amount of property tax V 9 .800-899 Amount of property tax V 10 .900-999 Amount of property tax V 11 .1000-1199 Amount of property tax V 12 .1200-1299 Amount of property tax V 13 .1300-1499 Amount of property tax V 14 .1500-1799 Amount of property tax V 15 .1800-2099 Amount of property tax V 16 .2100-2399 Amount of property tax V 17 .2400-2599 Amount of property tax V 18 .2600-2999 Amount of property tax V 19 .3000-4999 Amount of property tax V 20 .5000+ Amount of property tax D EAIRUNV 2 713 T AIR: Universe indicator. Universe indicator. U All adults. V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .In universe D IOTHRBUS 2 715 T AIR: Own and operate other business in 1997 AIRA002 Did ... own and operate any other businesses during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IOWNBS96 2 717 T AIR: Own and operate business in 1997 AIRA003 Did ... own and operate any business during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IBSFORM1 2 719 T AIR: Form of business/practice AIRA007 What was the form of this (business/practice) - was it a sole propietorship, a partnership, or a corporation? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Sole proprietorship V 2 .Partnership V 3 .Corporation D IBSLOCT1 2 721 T AIR: Location of business AIRA008 Was this business primarily located in ... own home or somewhere else? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Own home V 2 .Somewhere else D IPRTOWN1 2 723 T AIR: Part owner lives in this HH AIRA010 Were any other members of this household part owners of this (business/practice)? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IOWNRS11 4 725 T AIR: First other HH member owner AIRA011@1 Which other household members were owners? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IOWNRS12 4 729 T AIR: Second other HH member owner AIRA011@2 Which other household members were owners? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IHHOWN1 2 733 T AIR: Business owned only by members of HH AIRA013 Was this (business/practice) owned entirely by members of this household? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D RPCNTHH1 2 735 T AIR: Percentage of business owned by HH members AIRA014 What percentage of this (business/practice) was owned by members of this household? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1-50 Percentage of business V 2 .51-100 Percentage of business D RPCTOWN1 2 737 T AIR: Percentage of business owned in own name AIRA015 What percentage of this (business/practice) did ... own in his/her own name? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1-25 Percentage of business V 2 .26-49 Percentage of business V 3 .50-100 Percentage of business D TGRSRCP1 6 739 T AIR: Gross receipts of business in 1997 AIRA016 What were the gross receipts of this (business/practice) in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Gross receipts of business D TTOTEXP1 6 745 T AIR: Total expenses of business in 1997 AIRA017 What were the total expenses of this (business/practice) in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Total expenses D TNETINC1 6 751 T AIR: Net income from business 1997-profit AIRA021@1 What was ... net income from this (business/practice) in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income from business D TNETINC2 6 757 T AIR: Net income of business in 1997-loss AIRA021@2 What was ... net income from this (business/practice) in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income from business D IOTHINC1 2 763 T AIR: Whether first owner received net income AIRA024 Apart from net income already reported for ..., did other household business owners receive any net income in 1997 from this (business/practice)? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D INETIN11 4 765 T AIR: Net income, first other HH owner AIRA025@1 What was the amount of net income that was received by first other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D TNETIN12 6 769 T AIR: Net income, first other HH owner-profit AIRA025@2 What was the amount of net income that was received by first other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income D TNETIN13 6 775 T AIR: Net income, first other HH owner-loss AIRA025@3 What was the amount of net income that was received by first other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income D INETIN21 4 781 T AIR: Net income, second other HH owner AIRA026@1 What was the amount of net income that was received by second other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D TNETIN22 6 785 T AIR: Net income, second other HH owner-profit AIRA026@2 What was the amount of net income that was received by second other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income D TNETIN23 6 791 T AIR: Net income, second other HH owner-loss AIRA026@3 What was the amount of net income that was received by second other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income D IBSFORM2 2 797 T AIR: Form of business/practice AIRA027 What was the form of this (business/practice)-was it a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Sole proprietorship V 2 .Partnership V 3 .Corporation D IBSLOCT2 2 799 T AIR: Location of business AIRA028 Was this business primarily located in ... own home or somewhere else? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Own home V 2 .Somewhere else D IPRTOWN2 2 801 T AIR: Whether other HH members were part owner AIRA030 Were any other members of this household part owners of this (business/practice)? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IOWNRS21 4 803 T AIR: Name of part-owners AIRA031@1 Which other household members were owners? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IOWNRS22 4 807 T AIR: Name of part-owners AIRA031@2 Which other household members were owners? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D IHHOWN2 2 811 T AIR: Business owned by members of HH AIRA032 Was this (business/practice) owned entirely by members of this household? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D RPCNTHH2 2 813 T AIR: Percentage of business owned by member of HH AIRA033 What percentage of this (business/practice) was owned by members of this household? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1-50 Percentage of business V 2 .51-100 Percentage of business D RPCTOWN2 2 815 T AIR: Percentage of business owned by ... AIRA034 What percentage of this (business/practice) did ... own in his/her own name? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .1-25 Percentage of business V 2 .26-49 Percentage of business V 3 .50-100 Percentage of business D TGRSRCP2 6 817 T AIR: Gross receipts of second business in 1997 AIRA035 What were the gross receipts of this (business/practice) in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Gross receipts D TTOTEXP2 6 823 T AIR: Total expenses of second business in 1997 AIRA036 What were the total expenses of this (business/practice) in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Total expenses of business D TNETINC3 6 829 T AIR: Net income of second business in 1997-profit AIRA038@1 What was ... net income from this (business/practice) in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income of business D TNETINC4 6 835 T AIR: Net income of second business in 1997-loss AIRA038@2 What was ... net income from this (business/practice) in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income of business D IOTHINC2 2 841 T AIR: Other income in 1997 AIRA040 Apart from the net income already reported for ..., did other household owners receive any net income in 1997 from this (business/practice)? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D INETIN31 4 843 T AIR: Net income, first other HH owner AIRA041@1 What was the amount of net income that was received by first other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D TNETIN32 6 847 T AIR: Net income, first other HH owner-profit AIRA041@2 What was the amount of net income that was received by first other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income D TNETIN33 6 853 T AIR: Net income, first other HH owner-loss AIRA041@3 What was the amount of net income that was received by first other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income D INETIN41 4 859 T AIR: Net income, second other HH owner AIRA042@1 What was the amount of net income that was received by second other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 101:1299 .Person number V 9999 .Unknown person number D TNETIN42 6 863 T AIR: Net income, second other HH owner-profit AIRA042@2 What was the amount of net income that was received by second other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income D TNETIN43 6 869 T AIR: Net income, second other HH owner-loss AIRA042@3 What was the amount of net income that was received by second other household owner? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income D TOTHINC3 6 875 T AIR: Net income from other business-profit AIRA052@1 What was ... net income from his/her other businesses in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income D TOTHINC4 6 881 T AIR: Net income from other business-loss AIRA052@2 What was ... net income from his/her other businesses in 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:150000 .Net income D IIRAYN 2 887 T AIR: Whether retirement account is in ... name AIRA053 Does ... have an Individual Retirement Account,that is,an IRA, in his/her own name? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IIRACONT 2 889 T AIR: Whether tax-deduct contributions made to IRA acct AIRA054 Did ... make any tax-deductible contributions to IRA accounts which applied to his/her 1997 tax return? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TTAXCONT 4 891 T AIR: Amount of tax-deduct contributions made to IRA acct AIRA055 How much were ... tax-deductible contributions to IRA accounts which applied to his/her 1997 tax return? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:5000 .Tax-deductible contributions to V .IRA D IIRAWDL 2 895 T AIR: Whether withdrawals were made from IRA account AIRA056 Did ... make any withdrawals from his/her IRA accounts during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TAMTIRA 5 897 T AIR: Amount withdrawn from IRAs in 1997 AIRA057 How much did ... withdraw from IRA accounts during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:48000 .Amount withdrawn from IRA D TIRAEARN 5 902 T AIR: Amount IRA account in own name earned in 1997 AIRA058 Including all IRA accounts in ... own name, how much did his/her IRA accounts earn during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:38000 .Amount earned in IRA D IIRATYP1 2 907 T AIR: Assets in IRA accounts-CD or Savings Certificates AIRA059@1 What types of assets did ... have in his/her IRA accounts- certificates of deposit or other savings certificates? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IIRATYP2 2 909 T AIR: Assets in IRA accounts-Money Market Funds AIRA059@2 What types of assets did ... have in his/her IRA accounts- money market funds? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IIRATYP3 2 911 T AIR: Assets in IRA accounts-U.S. Govt. Securities AIRA059@3 What types of assets did ... have in his/her IRA accounts- U.S. Government securities? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IIRATYP4 2 913 T AIR: Assets in IRA accounts-Municipal or Corp. Bonds AIRA059@4 What types of assets did ... have in his/her IRA accounts- municipal or corporate bonds? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IIRATYP5 2 915 T AIR: Assets in IRA accounts-U.S. Savings Bonds AIRA059@5 What types of assets did ... have in his/her IRA accounts- U.S. Savings Bonds? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IIRATYP6 2 917 T AIR: Assets in IRA accounts-Stocks or Mutual Funds AIRA059@6 What types of assets did ... have in his/her IRA accounts-Stocks or mutual fund shares? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IIRATYP7 2 919 T AIR: Assets in IRA accounts-Other assets AIRA059@7 What types of assets did ... have in his/her IRA accounts-Other assets? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IKEOGHYN 2 921 T AIR: Whether ... has a Keogh account AIRA060 Does ... have a Keogh account in his/her own name? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IKEOGHCN 2 923 T AIR: Whether tax-deduct contributions made to Keogh acct AIRA061 Did ... make any tax-deductible contributions to a Keogh account which applied to his/her 1997 tax return? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TTXKEOGH 5 925 T AIR: Amount of tax-deduct contribution to Keogh account AIRA062 How much were ... tax-deductible contributions to Keogh accounts which applied to his/her 1997 tax return? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:30000 .Amount of tax-deductible V .contribution D IKEOGHWD 2 930 T AIR: Whether withdrawals were made from Keogh account AIRA063 Did ... make any withdrawals from his/her Keogh accounts during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TATKEOGH 5 932 T AIR: Amount withdrawn from Keogh accounts in 1997 AIRA064 How much did ... withdraw from Keogh accounts during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:10000 .Amount withdrawn from Keogh V .account D TKEOGHER 5 937 T AIR: Amount of Keogh accts. in own name earned in 1997 AIRA065 Including all Keogh accounts in ... own name,how much did ... Keogh accounts earn during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:80000 .Amount earned in Keogh D IKEOHTP1 2 942 T AIR: Assets in Keogh-CD or Savings Certificates AIRA066@1 What type of assets did ... have in his/her Keogh accounts-Certificates of deposit or other savings certificates? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IKEOHTP2 2 944 T AIR: Assets in Keogh-Money Market Funds AIRA066@2 What type of assets did ... have in his/her Keogh accounts-Money market funds? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IKEOHTP3 2 946 T AIR: Assets in Keogh-Govt. Securities AIRA066@3 What type of assets did ... have in his/her Keogh accounts-U.S. Government securities? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IKEOHTP4 2 948 T AIR: Assets in Keogh-Municipal or Corp. Bonds AIRA066@4 What type of assets did ... have in his/her Keogh accounts-Municipal or corporate bonds? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IKEOHTP5 2 950 T AIR: Assets in Keogh-U.S. Savings Bonds AIRA066@5 What type of assets did ... have in his/her Keogh accounts-U.S. Savings Bonds? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IKEOHTP6 2 952 T AIR: Assets in Keogh-Stocks or Mutual Funds AIRA066@6 What type of assets did ... have in his/her Keogh accounts-Stocks or mutual fund shares? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D IKEOHTP7 2 954 T AIR: Assets in Keogh-Other assets AIRA066@7 What type of assets did ... have in his/her Keogh accounts-Other assets? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ITHRFTYN 2 956 T AIR: Whether employee involved in thrift/401k plan AIRA068 During 1997, did ... participate in an employee thrift plan such as a 401k plan? Such a plan allows employees to defer part of their salary and not have to pay taxes on their deferred salary until they retire or make a withdrawal. **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TTHFTCNT 5 958 T AIR: Amount contributed to thrift/401k in 1997 AIRA069 How much did ... contribute to this plan during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:10000 .Amount contributed to thrift V .401k D ITHFTWDL 2 963 T AIR: Whether withdrawals made from thrift/401k in 1997 AIRA070 Did ... make any withdrawals from his/her 401k plan during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TTHFTAMT 5 965 T AIR: Amount withdrawn from thrift/401k plan in 1997 AIRA072 How much did ... withdraw from 401k plan accounts during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:34284 .Amount withdrawn from 401k D TTHFTERN 5 970 T AIR: Amount of earnings from thrift/401K in own name AIRA073 Including all 401k plan accounts in his/her own name, how much did his/her 401k plan accounts earn during 1997? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -3 .None V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1:40000 .Amount of earnings from 401k D ITHFTYP1 2 975 T AIR: Assets in 401k plan-Money Market Funds AIRA074@1 What types of assets did ... have in his/her 401k plan accounts-Money market funds? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ITHFTYP2 2 977 T AIR: Assets in 401k plan-Govt Securities AIRA074@2 What types of assets did ... have in his/her 401k plan accounts-U.S. Government securities? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ITHFTYP3 2 979 T AIR: Assets in 401k plan-Municipal or Corp. Bonds AIRA074@3 What types of assets did ... have in his/her 401k plan accounts-Municipal or corporate bonds? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ITHFTYP4 2 981 T AIR: Assets in 401k plan-Stocks or Mutual Funds AIRA074@4 What types of assets did ... have in his/her 401k plan accounts-Stocks or mutual fund shares? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ITHFTYP5 2 983 T AIR: Assets in 401k plan-Other assets AIRA074@5 What types of assets did ... have in his/her 401k plan accounts-Other assets? **NOTE: This variable has not been edited** U All persons age 15+ (EAGE ge 15) V -2 .Refused V -1 .Don't know V 0 .Not answered V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EARPUNV 2 985 T MG: Universe indicator. Universe indicator for Retirement Expectations and Pension Plan Coverage Topical Module. U All adults V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .In universe D RMJB 2 987 T PR: EFIRSTJB Index of the main job Index of the main job record belonging to this person in this wave. U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job as of the last day of the reference period V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Job index of main job D RMBS 2 989 T PR: EFIRSTBS Index of the main business Index of the main business record belonging to this person in this wave. U All respondents age 15 and over who owned a business as of the last day of the reference period
V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Index of main business D RMNJBBS 2 991 T PR: Reference job or business for topical module Main job or business index for pension coverage section of topical module based on income U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Index of main job or business D THEREMPL 2 993 T PR: Verification of number of employees PR3_PR110 I just need to verify some information. Thinking about the location where you work, about how many people are employed there by (your employer)? U All respondents age 15 and over whose main source of income was a job as of the last day of the reference period (RMJB>0 and RMJB = RMNJBBS) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Less than 10 V 2 .10 to 24 V 3 .25 to 49 V 4 .50 to 99 V 5 .100 or more D AHEREMPL 1 995 T PR: Allocation flag for EHEREMPL PR3_PR110 Allocation flag for verification of number of employees at respondent's work location V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TTOTEMPL 2 996 T PR: Verification of number of employees PR4_PR120 About how many people are employed by (your employer) at all locations? U All respondents age 15 and over whose main source of income was a job as of the last day of the reference period, and who worked for an employer with more than one location (RMJB>0 and RMJB = RMNJBBS and EEMPALL>0) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Less than 10 V 2 .10 to 24 V 3 .25 to 49 V 4 .50 to 99 V 5 .100 or more D ATOTEMPL 1 998 T PR: Allocation flag for ETOTEMPL PR4_PR120 Allocation flag for verification of number of employees at all work locations V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TBUSTOTL 2 999 T PR: Verification of number of people PR4A_PR121 I just need to verify some information. About how many people are employed by (respondent's business)? U All respondents age 15 and over who had a business and did not hold a job as of the last day of the reference period (RMBS>0 and RMBS = RMNJBBS) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Less than 10 V 2 .10 to 24 V 3 .25 to 49 V 4 .50 to 99 V 5 .100 or more D ABUSTOTL 1 1001 T PR: Allocation flag for EBUSTOTL PR4A_PR121 Allocation flag for verification of number of employees at respondent's business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EWKSYEAR 2 1002 T PR: Number of weeks worked annually PR5_PR130 How many weeks during the year do you usually work at (job name)? Include paid vacation and sick leave as work time. U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:52 .Weeks D AWKSYEAR 1 1004 T PR: Allocation flag for EWKSYEAR PR5_PR130 Allocation flag for number of weeks usually worked V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TNUMLEN 2 1005 T PR: Number of years/months respondent has worked PR6_PR140 How many years/months have you been working for (job/business)? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:36 .Number of years or months D EMTHYEAR 2 1007 T PR: Units of reporting PR6_PR140 Is this months or years? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Months V 2 .Years D ANUMYEAR 1 1009 T PR: Allocation flag for ENUMLEN and EMTHYEAR PR6_PR140 Allocation flag for the amount of time the respondent worked at current job or business and the reporting units (months or years) V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENSNYN 2 1010 T PR: Availability of pension or retirement plans PR7_PR150 Now I'd like to ask about retirement plans offered on this job, not Social Security, but plans that are sponsored by your (job/business). This includes regular pension plans as well as other kinds of retirement plans like thrift and savings plans, 401(k) or 403(b) plans, and deferred profit-sharing and stock plans. Does your (job/business) have any kind of pension or retirement plans for anyone in your company or organization? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D APENSNYN 1 1012 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENSNYN PR7_PR150 Allocation flag for availability of pension or retirement plans at respondent's job/business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EINCPENS 2 1013 T PR: Respondent's participation in pension plans PR8_PR160 Are you included in such a plan? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and whose job or business offered a pension or retirement plans (EPENSNYN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AINCPENS 1 1015 T PR: Allocation flag for EINCPENS PR8_PR160 Allocation flag for respondent's participation in pension or retirement plans V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ENOINA01 2 1016 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_1PR170 Why are you not included? No one in my type of job is allowed in the plan U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA02 2 1018 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_2PR170 Why are you not included? Don't work enough hours, weeks, or months per year U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA03 2 1020 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_3PR170 Why are you not included? Haven't worked long enough for this employer U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA04 2 1022 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_4PR170 Why are you not included? Started job too close to retirement date U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA05 2 1024 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_5PR170 Why are you not included? Too young U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA06 2 1026 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_6PR170 Why are you not included? Can't afford to contribute U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA07 2 1028 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_7PR170 Why are you not included? Don't want to tie up money U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA08 2 1030 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_8PR170 Why are you not included? Employer doesn't contribute, or contribute enough U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA09 2 1032 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_9PR170 Why are you not included? Don't plan to be in job long enough U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA10 2 1034 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_10PR170 Why are you not included? Don't need it U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA11 2 1036 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_11PR170 Why are you not included? Have an IRA or other pension plan coverage U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA12 2 1038 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_12PR170 Why are you not included? Spouse has pension plan U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA13 2 1040 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_13PR170 Why are you not included? Haven't thought about it U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINA14 2 1042 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR9_14PR170 Why are you not included? Some other reason U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS > 0), and who are not included in their employer/business pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ANOINA 1 1044 T PR: Allocation flag for ENOINA01-ENOINA14 PR9_PR170 Allocation flag for reason(s) respondent did not participate in pension or retirement plans V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ETDEFFEN 2 1045 T PR: Asks if pension plan is like a 401(k) PR10_PR180 Is the plan something like a 401(k) plan, where workers contribute to the plan and their contributions are tax deferred? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers pension or retirement plans, and who are not included in a pension plan (EINCPENS = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ATDEFFEN 1 1047 T PR: Allocation flag for ETDEFFEN PR10_PR180 Allocation flag for query about pension/retirement plan being like a 401(k) V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMULTPEN 2 1048 T PR: Asks how many pension plans respondent has PR11_PR190 Some workers participate in more than one retirement plan. For example, they might have a regular pension plan and also have some kind of retirement savings plan. How many different pension or retirement plans do you have on this job? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers pension or retirement plans, and who are included in a pension plan (EINCPENS = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Number of plans D AMULTPEN 1 1050 T PR: Allocation flag for EMULTPEN PR11_PR190 Allocation flag for query about number of pension/retirement plans the respondent has on their job/business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E1PENTYP 2 1051 T PR: Asks which type of pension plan PR12_PR200 The following question is about the plan you would consider to be your most important retirement plan on this job. There are two basic types of retirement plans. In the first type of plan, your benefit is defined by a formula usually involving your earnings and years on the job. In the second type of plan, contributions made by you and/or your employer go into an individual account for you. What type of plan are you in? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers pension or retirement plans, and who are included in a pension plan (EINCPENS = 1), and who are covered by one or more than one plan (EMULTPEN ge 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Plan based on earnings and years V .on the job V 2 .Individual account plan D A1PENTYP 1 1053 T PR: Allocation flag for E1PENTYP PR12_PR200 Allocation flag for type of pension or retirement plan the respondent is in V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E2PENTYP 2 1054 T PR: Asks second type of pension plan PR13_PR210 What is your second most important plan on this job? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers pension or retirement plans, and who are included in a pension plan (EINCPENS = 1), and who are covered by more than one pension plan (EMULTPEN>1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Plan based on earnings and years V .on the job V 2 .Individual account plan D A2PENTYP 1 1056 T PR: Allocation flag for E2PENTYP PR13_PR210 Allocation flag for second type of pension or retirement plan the respondent is in V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E1PENCTR 2 1057 T PR: Asks if respondent contributes to pension plan PR14_PR220 The following series of questions refer to your most important plan. Do you contribute any money to this plan, for example, through payroll deductions? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers a pension or retirement plans, and who are included in a pension plan (EINCPENS = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D A1PENCTR 1 1059 T PR: Allocation flag for E1PENCTR PR14_PR220 Allocation flag for respondent's contributions to pension or retirement plan (yes/no) V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E1TAXDEF 2 1060 T PR: Asks if contributions are tax-deferred PR14A_PR220A In some plans like 401(k) plans the money you contribute is tax-deferred. Are your contributions to this plan tax-deferred? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and who are covered by a pension plan, and who make contributions to the pension plan (E1PENCTR = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D A1TAXDEF 1 1062 T PR: Allocation flag for E1TAXDEF PR14A_PR220A Allocation flag for tax-deferred nature (yes/no) of respondent's contributions to pension or retirement plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E1RECBEN 2 1063 T PR: Asks if respondent keeps retirement benefit PR14B_PR220B If you were to leave your job now or within the next few months, could you eventually receive some benefits from this plan when you reach retirement age? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers a pension or retirement plans, and who are included in a pension plan (EINCPENS = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D A1RECBEN 1 1065 T PR: Allocation flag for E1RECBEN PR14B_PR220B Allocation flag for whether respondent's pension or retirement benefits can be retained after leaving job before retirement V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E1LVLMPS 2 1066 T PR: Asks if respondent can get lump-sum PR14C_PR220C If you left your job now, could you get a lump-sum payment from this plan when you left? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers a pension or retirement plans, and who are included in a pension plan (EINCPENS = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D A1LVLMPS 1 1068 T PR: Allocation flag for E1LVLMPS PR14C_PR220C Allocation flag for whether respondent pension or retirement benefits could be paid out as a lump-sum V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D T1YRSINC 2 1069 T PR: Asks number of years in the plan PR15_PR230 How many years have you been included in this plan? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers a pension or retirement plans, and who are included in a pension plan (EINCPENS = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:30 .Number of years D A1YRSINC 1 1071 T PR: Allocation flag for E1YRSINC PR15_PR230 Allocation flag for number of years respondent has been in plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E1SSOFST 2 1072 T PR: Asks if benefits affected by social security PR16_PR231 Will your benefits from this plan be either increased or decreased because you participate in the Social Security Program? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers a pension or retirement plans, and who are included in a pension plan (EINCPENS = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No V 3 .Do not participate in Social V .Security D A1SSOFST 1 1074 T PR: Allocation flag for E1SSOFST PR16_PR231 Allocation flag for if benefits will be affected by Social Security participation V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D T1YRCONT 8 1075 T PR: Asks amount contributed to plan in last year PR17_PR232 How much has your (job/business) contributed to your plan within the last year? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and ((whose pension plan is an individual account (E1PENTYP = 2), and the respondent does not make any contributions to the plan (E1PENCTR = 2)), or (whose pension plan is an individual account (E1PENTYP = 2), and the respondent's contributions are not tax- deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2))) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:12600 .Amount in dollars D A1YRCONT 1 1083 T PR: Allocation flag for E1YRCONT PR17_PR232 Allocation flag for amount contributed by job/business to plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D T1TOTAMT 8 1084 T PR: Asks plan balance at end of reference period PR18_PR233 As of the end of (last month of reference period), what was the total amount of money in your account? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and ((whose pension plan is an individual account (E1PENTYP = 2), and the respondent does not make any contributions to the plan (E1PENCTR = 2)), or (whose pension plan is an individual account (E1PENTYP = 2), and the respondent's contributions are not tax- deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2))) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:225000 .Amount in dollars D A1TOTAMT 1 1092 T PR: Allocation flag for E1TOTAMT PR18_PR233 Allocation flag for the plan's balance at the end of the reference period V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E2PENCTR 2 1093 T PR: Asks if respondent contributes to second plan PR20_PR240 The following series of questions refer to your second most important pension plan. Do you contribute any money to this plan, for example, through payroll dedutions? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers a pension or retirement plan, and who are included in a pension plan, and who are covered by more than one pension plan (EMULTPEN > 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D A2PENCTR 1 1095 T PR: Allocation flag for E2PENCTR PR20_PR240 Allocation flag for respondent's contributions to second plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E2TAXDEF 2 1096 T PR: Asks if contributions are tax-deferred PR20A_PR240A In some plans like 401(k) plans the money you contribute is tax-deferred. Are your contributions to this plan tax-deferred? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers a pension or retirement plan, and who makes contributions to the plan (E2PENCTR = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D A2TAXDEF 1 1098 T PR: Allocation flag for E2TAXDEF PR20A_PR240A Allocation flag for tax-deferred nature (yes/no) of respondent's contributions to second pension or retirement plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E2RECBEN 2 1099 T PR: Asks if respondent keeps benefits PR20B_PR240B If you were to leave your job now or within the next few months, could you eventually receive some benefits from this plan when you reach retirement age? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers a pension or retirement plan, and who are covered by a second pension plan (EMULTPEN>1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D A2RECBEN 1 1101 T PR: Allocation flag for E2RECBEN PR20B_PR240B Allocation flag for whether the respondent's pension or retirement benefits can be retained after leaving the job before retirement V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E2LVLMPS 2 1102 T PR: Asks if respondent can get lump-sum PR20C_PR240C If you left your job now, could you get a lump-sum payment from this plan when you left? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers a pension or retirement plan, and who are covered by a second pension plan (EMULTPEN>1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D A2LVLMPS 1 1104 T PR: Allocation flag for E2LVLMPS PR20C_PR240C Allocation flag for whether respondent's pension or retirement benefits from second most important plan could be paid out as a lump-sum V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D T2YRSINC 2 1105 T PR: Asks number of years in second plan PR21_PR250 How many years have you been included in this plan? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and who are covered by a second pension plan (EMULTPEN>1)
V -1 .Not in universe V 1:26 .Number of years D A2YRSINC 1 1107 T PR: Allocation flag for E2YRSINC PR21_PR250 Allocation flag for number of years respondent has been in second plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E2SSOFST 2 1108 T PR: Asks if Soc. Sec. participation affects benefits PR22_PR251 Will your benefits from this plan be either increased or decreased because you participate in the Social Security program? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and who are covered by a second pension plan (EMULTPEN>1)
V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No V 3 .Do not participate in Social V .Security D A2SSOFST 1 1110 T PR: Allocation flag for E2SSOFST PR22_PR251 Allocation flag for whether second plan benefits have been affected by Social Security participation V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D T2YRCONT 8 1111 T PR: Asks amount contributed to second plan PR23_PR252 How much has your (job/business) contributed to your plan within the last year? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers a pension or retirement plan, and who are included in a pension plan, and who are covered by more than one pension plan (EMULTPEN>1), and whose secondary pension plan is an individual account (E2PENTYP = 2), and the respondent either (does not make any contributions to the plan (E2PENCTR = 2) or the contributions are not tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF = 2)) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:14000 .Amount in dollars D A2YRCONT 1 1119 T PR: Allocation flag for E2YRCONT PR23_PR252 Allocation flag for amount respondent's job or business contributed to his/her second pension or retirement plan within the last year V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D T2TOTAMT 8 1120 T PR: Asks second plan balance PR24_PR253 As of the end of (last month of reference period) what was the total amount of money in your account? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and whose employer/business offers a pension or retirement plan, and who are covered by a pension plan, and who are covered by more than one pension plan (EMULTPEN>1), and whose secondary pension plan is an individual account (E2PENTYP = 2), and the respondent either (does not make any contributions to the plan (E2PENCTR = 2) or the contributions are not tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF = 2)) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:190000 .Amount in dollars D A2TOTAMT 1 1128 T PR: Allocation flag for E2TOTAMT PR24_PR253 Allocation flag for second plan balance at the end of the reference period V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E3TAXDEF 2 1129 T PR: Availability of tax-deferred retirement plan PR26_PR260 I'd like to make sure about a particular type of retirement plan that allows workers to make tax-deferred contributions. For example, you might choose to have your employer put part of your salary into a retirement savings account and you do not have to pay taxes on this money until you take it out or retire. These plans are called by different names, including 401(k) plans, pre-tax plans, salary reduction plans and 403(b) plans. Does your (job/business) offer a plan like this to anyone in your company or organization? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D A3TAXDEF 1 1131 T PR: Allocation flag for E3TAXDEF PR26_PR260 Allocation flag for whether respondent's job or business offers a tax-deferred pension or retirement plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D E3PARTIC 2 1132 T PR: Participation in tax-deferred retirement plan PR27_PR270 Are you participating in this plan? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D A3PARTIC 1 1134 T PR: Allocation flag for E3PARTIC PR27_PR270 Allocation flag for whether the respondent participates in tax-deferred pension or retirement plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ENOINB01 2 1135 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension PR28_1PR280 Why are you not included? No one in my type of job is allowed in the plan U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB02 2 1137 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension PR28_2PR280 Why are you not included? Don't work enough hours, weeks, or months per year U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB03 2 1139 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR28_3PR280 Why are you not included? Haven't worked long enough for this employer U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB04 2 1141 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR28_4PR280 Why are you not included? Started job too close to retirement date U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB05 2 1143 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR28_5PR280 Why are you not included? Too young U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB06 2 1145 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR28_6PR280 Why are you not included? Can't afford to contribute U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB07 2 1147 T PR: Reason respondent is not covered PR28_7PR280 Why are you not included? Don't want to tie up money U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB08 2 1149 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR28_8PR280 Why are you not included? Employer doesn't contribute, or contribute enough U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB09 2 1151 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR28_9PR280 Why are you not included? Don't plan to be in job long enough U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB10 2 1153 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR28_10PR280 Why are you not included? Don't need it U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB11 2 1155 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR28_11PR280 Why are you not included? Have an IRA or other pension plan coverage U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB12 2 1157 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR28_12PR280 Why are you not included? Spouse has pension plan U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB13 2 1159 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR28_13PR280 Why are you not included? Haven't thought about it U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ENOINB14 2 1161 T PR: Reason respondent not covered by pension plan PR28_14PR280 Why are you not included? Some other reason U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose company/business did not offer a pension plan (EPENSNYN = 2) or persons whose primary or secondary pension plan's contributions were not tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 2 or E2TAXDEF = 2)), or who did not make contributions to a retirement or pension plan (E1PENCTR = 2), and whose company offered a tax-deferred plan (E3TAXDEF = 1), and who did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ANOINB 1 1163 T PR: Allocation flag for ENOINB01 - ENOINB14 PR28_PR280 Allocation flag for reason(s) respondent did not participate in pension or retirement plans V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EFUTPART 2 1164 T PR: Respondent expectation of future participation PR29_PR290 Do you expect to start participating in this plan within the next few years? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (the type of tax-deferred plan he/she did not participate in, allowed the respondent to make contributions (ETDEFFEN = 1) or the respondent did not participate in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AFUTPART 1 1166 T PR: Allocation flag for EFUTPART PR29_PR290 Allocation flag for respondent's expectations of future plan participation V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TSLFCON1 8 1167 T PR: Amount of respondent's contributions PR30_PR300 Referring to your most important plan, how much do you contribute toward this plan? NOTE: This variable has been topcoded based on periodicity. U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF = 1), or the respondent participated in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 1)) V -4 .No contributions V 0 .Not in universe V 1:9000 .Amount in dollars D ESLFCON2 2 1175 T PR: Frequency of contributions PR30_PR300 Is this per week, biweekly, per month, per quarter, or per year? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF = 1), or the respondent participated in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Week V 2 .Biweekly V 3 .Month V 4 .Quarter V 5 .Year D ESLFCON3 4 1177 T PR: Percent of salary contibuted PR30_PR300 What percent of your salary did you contribute with? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF = 1), or the respondent participated in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 0001:9999 .Percent (2 Implied decimals) D ASLFCON 1 1181 T PR: Allocation flag for ESLFCON PR30_PR300 Allocation flag for amount contributed by respondent into the plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EEMPCONT 2 1182 T PR: Asks if job/business contribute towards plan PR31_PR310 Does your (job/business) make contributions into this plan? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF = 1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AEMPCONT 1 1184 T PR: Allocation flag for EEMPCONT PR31_PR310 Allocation flag for job/business contributions into plan (yes/no) V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ECONTDEP 2 1185 T PR: Asks about linkage of contribution amounts PR32_PR320 Does the amount that your (job/business) contributes to the plan depend entirely, partly, or not at all on the amount you put in? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business contributes to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT=1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Depends entirely V 2 .Depends partly V 3 .Not at all D ACONTDEP 1 1187 T PR: Allocation flag for ECONTDEP PR32_PR320 Allocation flag for linkage of respondent and job/business contributions into plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TJBCONT1 8 1188 T PR: Amount of job/business contributions to plan PR33_PR330 How much does your (job/business) actually contribute to the plan? NOTE: This variable has been topcoded based on periodicity. U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business contributes to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT=1) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:5671 .Amount in dollars D EJBCONT2 2 1196 T PR: Frequency of contributions PR33_PR330 Is this per week, biweekly, per month, per quarter, or per year? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business contributes to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT=1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Week V 2 .Biweekly V 3 .Month V 4 .Quarter V 5 .Year D EJBCONT3 4 1198 T PR: Percent of salary contibuted PR33_PR330 What percent of your salary did you contribute with? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business contributes to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT=1) V -1 .Not in universe V 0001:9999 .Percent (2 Implied decimals) D EJBCONT4 2 1202 T PR: Other types of contributions PR33_PR330 Through what other sources did you contribute to the plan? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business contributes to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT=1) V -1 .Not in universe V 6 .Contributions out of profits V 7 .Contribution varies D AJBCONT 1 1204 T PR: Allocation flag for EJBCONT PR33_PR330 Allocation flag for amount contributed by job/business into the plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EINVCHOS 2 1205 T PR: Can respondent choose how money is invested PR34_PR340 Are you able to choose how any of the money in the plan is invested? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business either contributes or not to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT ge 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AINVCHOS 1 1207 T PR: Allocation flag for EINVCHOS PR34_PR340 Allocation flag for if the respondent has the ability to choose how any of the money is invested V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EINVSDEC 2 1208 T PR: Can respondent choose how money is invested PR35_PR350 Are you able to choose how all of the money is invested, or just part of it? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business either contributes or not to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT ge 1), and who can either choose or not how the money in the plan is invested (EINVCHOS = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .All of the money V 2 .Part of the money D AINVSDEC 1 1210 T PR: Allocation flag for EINVSDEC PR35_PR350 Allocation flag for if the respondent has the ability to choose how all of the money is invested V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHOWINV1 2 1211 T PR: Investment type selected for plan PR36_1PR360 How are the current contributions to this account being invested? Company stock of his/her employer U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business either contributes or not to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT ge 1), and who could either choose or not how the money in the plan was invested (EINVCHOS ge 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EHOWINV2 2 1213 T PR: Investment type selected for plan PR36_2PR360 How are the current contributions to this account being invested? Stock funds U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business either contributes or not to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT ge 1), and who could either choose or not how the money in the plan was invested (EINVCHOS ge 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EHOWINV3 2 1215 T PR: Investment type selected for plan PR36_3PR360 How are the current contributions to this account being invested? Corporate bonds or bond funds U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business either contributes or not to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT ge 1), and who could either choose or not how the money in the plan was invested (EINVCHOS ge 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EHOWINV4 2 1217 T PR: Investment type selected for plan PR36_4PR360 How are the current contributions to this account being invested? Long term interest bearing securities U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business either contributes or not to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT ge 1), and who could either choose or not how the money in the plan was invested (EINVCHOS ge 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EHOWINV5 2 1219 T PR: Investment type selected for plan PR36_5PR360 How are the current contributions to this account being invested? Diversified stock and bond funds U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business either contributes or not to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT ge 1), and who could either choose or not how the money in the plan was invested (EINVCHOS ge 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EHOWINV6 2 1221 T PR: Investment type selected for plan PR36_6PR360 How are the current contributions to this account being invested? Government securities U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business either contributes or not to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT ge 1), and who could either choose or not how the money in the plan was invested (EINVCHOS ge 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EHOWINV7 2 1223 T PR: Investment type selected for plan PR36_7PR360 How are the current contributions to this account being invested? Money market funds U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business either contributes or not to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT ge 1), and who could either choose or not how the money in the plan was invested (EINVCHOS ge 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EHOWINV8 2 1225 T PR: Investment type selected for plan PR36_8PR360 How are the current contributions to this account being invested? Other investments U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business either contributes or not to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT ge 1), and who could either choose or not how the money in the plan was invested (EINVCHOS ge 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AHOWINVS 1 1227 T PR: Allocation flag for EHOWINVS PR36_PR360 Allocation flag for investment type(s) selected for the plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D RMOSTINV 2 1228 T PR: Investment receiving largest share PR37_PR370 Of the types of investments just mentioned, which type is where the largest share of current contributions are being invested? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF=1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and whose job or business contributes or not to the pension or retirement plan (EEMPCONT ge1),and who can choose or not how the money in the plan is invested (EINVCHOS ge 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Employer company stock V 2 .Stock funds V 3 .Corporate bonds or bond funds V 4 .Long term interest bearing V .securities V 5 .Diversified stock and bond funds V 6 .Government securities V 7 .Money market funds V 8 .Other investments D AMOSTINV 1 1230 T PR: Allocation flag for EMOSTINV PR37_PR370 Allocation flag for investment type receiving largest share of contributions V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D T3TOTAMT 8 1231 T PR: Plan balance PR38_PR380 As of the end of the last month of the reference period, what was the total amount of money in your account? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF = 1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 1)) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:201000 .Amount in dollars D A3TOTAMT 1 1239 T PR: Allocation flag for E3TOTAMT PR38_PR380 Allocation flag for plan balance at end of reference period V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENLOAN 2 1240 T PR: Withdrawal of money from plan as loan PR40_PR391 Have you ever taken out any money from your plan in the form of a loan? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF = 1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D APENLOAN 1 1242 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENLOAN PR40_PR391 Allocation flag for respondent's withdrawal of money from plan in loan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELETLOAN 2 1243 T PR: Does respondent's plan permit loan withdrawals PR41_PR392 Does your plan permit you to take out a loan? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF=1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF = 1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC=1)), and who had not ever taken out money from their pension or retirement plan in the form of a loan (EPENLOAN=2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ALETLOAN 1 1245 T PR: Allocation flag for ELETLOAN PR41_PR392 Allocation flag for whether pension or retirement plan permits loan withdrawals V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TLOANBAL 8 1246 T PR: Current balance due on loan PR42_PR393 What is the current outstanding balance due from that loan? U All respondents age 15 and over who held a job or owned a business as of the last day of the reference period (RMNJBBS>0), and either (whose contributions to primary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E1TAXDEF = 1), or whose contributions to secondary pension or retirement plan are tax-deferred (E2TAXDEF = 1), or who participates in a tax-deferred retirement plan offered by his/her job or business (E3PARTIC = 1)), and who has taken money out of the pension retirement plan in the form of or a loan (EPENLOAN = 1) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:31000 .Amount in dollars D ALOANBAL 1 1254 T PR: Allocation flag for ELOANBAL PR42_PR393 Allocation flag for respondent's outstanding balance on loan from plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EOTHRPEN 2 1255 T PR: Pension plan(s) with second job/business PR44_PR400 Are you participating in any pension or retirement plans offered on any other jobs or businesses you currently have? U All respondents age 15 and over with more than one job or business held on the last day of the reference period (ei. ENDCOUNT ge 2, see pre-edit, page 5) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AOTHRPEN 1 1257 T PR: Allocation flag for EOTHRPEN PR44_PR400 Allocation flag for if respondent has second plan from second job/business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPREVPEN 2 1258 T PR: Pension plan(s) with previous job/business PR45_PR410 Other than Social Security or the plans we have already talked about, have you ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan on any previous jobs or businesses? U All respondents age 25 and over V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D APREVPEN 1 1260 T PR: Allocation flag for EPREVPEN PR45_PR410 Allocation flag for if respondent had plan from previous job/business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPREVEXP 2 1261 T PR: Previous plans with benefits not yet received PR46_PR420 Are there any previous plans from which you have not yet received any benefits, but expect to receive them in the future? U All respondents age 25 and over who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D APREVEXP 1 1263 T PR: Allocation flag for EPREVEXP PR46_PR420 Allocation flag for plan from previous job/business with future benefits V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TPREVYRS 2 1264 T PR: Years worked before receiving pension PR47_PR430 How many years did you work on the job from which you expect to receive this pension? U All respondents age 25 and over who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:29 .Number of years D APREVYRS 1 1266 T PR: Allocation flag for EPREVYRS PR47_PR430 Allocation flag for years worked at previous job/business with future retirement/pension benefits V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPREVTYP 2 1267 T PR: How your job's benefits are determined PR48_PR440 Will the amount of your retirement benefits from that plan be determined by a formula such as one based on your earnings and years of service or will your benefits be based on the total amount of money held in an individual account for you? U All respondents age 25 and over who expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Based on a formula V 2 .Based on the amount of money in V .account D APREVTYP 1 1269 T PR: Allocation flag for EPREVTYP PR48_PR440 Allocation flag for how previous job/business's future retirement/pension benefits are determined V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TPREVAMT 8 1270 T PR: Balance in retirement/pension plan PR49_PR450 As of the end of (last month of the reference period), what was the total amount of money in your account? U All respondents age 25 and over who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future, and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money in their pension or retirement account (EPREVTYP = 2) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:300000 .Amount in dollars D APREVAMT 1 1278 T PR: Allocation flag for EPREVAMT PR49_PR450 Allocation flag for balance in previous job/business's retirement/pension plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPREWITH 2 1279 T PR: Withdrawal allowed from pension plan PR51_PR461 Could you withdraw this money now, or will you have to wait until retirement age to get the money? U All respondents age 25 and over who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future, and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money in their pension or retirement account (EPREVTYP = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Could withdraw money now V 2 .Must wait until retirement D APREWITH 1 1281 T PR: Allocation flag for EPREWITH PR51_PR461 Allocation flag for withdrawal allowed from previous job/business's retirement/pension plan (yes/no) V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPREVLMP 2 1282 T PR: Recipiency of lump-sum from a plan PR52_PR470 Have you ever received a lump-sum payment from a pension or retirement plan from a previous job, including any lump-sums that may have been directly rolled over to another plan or to an IRA? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)] V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D APREVLMP 1 1284 T PR: Allocation flag for EPREVLMP PR52_PR470 Allocation flag to find out if the respondent had ever received a lump-sum payment from a pension or retirement plan from a previous job V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ESURVLMP 2 1285 T PR: Recipiency of lump-sum survivor benefits PR53_PR480 Have you ever received survivor benefits in the form of a lump-sum payment from someone else's pension or retirement plan? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)], and who have not received any lump-sum payment from a pension plan from a previous job or business (EPREVLMP = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ASURVLMP 1 1287 T PR: Allocation flag for ESURVLMP PR53_PR480 Allocation flag for recipiency of lump-sum survivor benefits from someone else's pension or retirement plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELUMPNUM 2 1288 T PR: Number of lump-sum distributions received PR54_PR490 Over the years, how many of these lump-sum distributions, including rollovers, have you received? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)], and (who have ever received a lump-sum payment from a pension plan from a previous job or business (EPREVLMP = 1) or any lump-sum payments as survivor's benefits from someone else's pension or retirement plan (ESURVLMP = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Number of lump sums D ALUMPNUM 1 1290 T PR: Allocation flag for ELUMPNUM PR54_PR490 Allocation flag for number of lump-sum distributions received V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELMPYEAR 4 1291 T PR: Year latest lump-sum or rollover was received PR55_PR500 Please answer the following questions about your most recent lump-sum or rollover. In what year did you receive this lump-sum or rollover? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)], and (who have ever received a lump-sum payment from a pension plan from a previous job or business (EPREVLMP = 1) or any lump-sum payments as survivor's benefits from someone else's pension or retirement plan (ESURVLMP = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1900:1998 .Year D ALMPYEAR 1 1295 T PR: Allocation flag for ELMPYEAR PR55_PR500 Allocation flag for the year the latest lump-sum or rollover was received V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELUMPN97 2 1296 T PR: Lump-sum payments for 1997 PR56_PR510 Did you also receive any lump-sum payments in 1997? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)], and who had previously received more than one lump-sum payment (ELUMPNUM>1), and who received a lump- sum payment in 1998 (ELMPYEAR = 1998) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ALUMPN97 1 1298 T PR: Allocation flag for ELUMPN97 PR56_PR510 Allocation flag for 1997 lump-sum payment recipiency V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELUMPSRC 2 1299 T PR: Source of lump-sum payment PR57_PR520 Was the lump-sum from a private employer or union plan, from the military, from other Federal employee plans, or from a State or local government plan? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)], and (who have ever received a lump-sum payment from either a pension plan from a previous job or business (EPREVLMP = 1) or any lump-sum payment as survivor's benefits from someone else's pension or retirement plan (ESURVLMP = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Private employer or union plan V 2 .Military plan V 3 .Other federal plans V 4 .State or local government V 5 .Other D ALUMPSRC 1 1301 T PR: Allocation flag for ELUMPSRC PR57_PR520 Allocation flag for type of plan providing lump-sum payment V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELUMPHOW 2 1302 T PR: Type of Lump-sum payment withdrawal PR58_PR521 Did you withdraw the money voluntarily, or did the plan require you to withdraw it? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)], and (who have ever received a lump-sum payment from either a pension plan from a previous job or business (EPREVLMP = 1) or any lump-sum payment as survivor's benefits from someone else's pension or retirement plan (ESURVLMP = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Voluntarily V 2 .Required to withdraw D ALUMPHOW 1 1304 T PR: Allocation flag for ELUMPHOW PR58_PR521 Allocation flag for whether the lump-sum payment was a voluntary withdrawal V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TLUMPTOT 8 1305 T PR: Total amount of lump-sum payment PR59_PR530 What was the total amount of the lump-sum or rollover? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)], and (who have ever received a lump-sum payment from either a pension plan from a previous job or business (EPREVLMP = 1) or any lump-sum payment as survivor's benefits from someone else's pension or retirement plan (ESURVLMP = 1)) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:120000 .Amount in dollars D ALUMPTOT 1 1313 T PR: Allocation flag for ELUMPTOT PR59_PR530 Allocation flag for total amount of lump-sum payment V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELUMPREC 2 1314 T PR: Lump-sum payment retained or rolled over PR61_PR550 Did you actually receive the money, or was it directly rolled over into another plan or to an IRA? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)], and (who ever received a lump-sum payment from either a pension plan from a previous job or business (EPREVLMP = 1) or any lump-sum payment as survivor's benefits from someone else's pension or retirement plan (ESURVLMP = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Actually received V 2 .Directly rolled over D ALUMPREC 1 1316 T PR: Allocation flag for ELUMPREC PR62_PR550 Allocation flag for whether lump-sum payment was retained or rolled over V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELMPROLL 2 1317 T PR: Lump-sum payment retained or rolled over PR62_PR560 After receiving the lump-sum payment, did you then roll any of the money over into another retirement plan or into an IRA? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)], and who actually received money for a lump-sum payment and did not roll it over directly (ELUMPREC = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ALMPROLL 1 1319 T PR: Allocation flag for ELMPROLL PR62_PR560 Allocation flag for whether the lump-sum payment was retained or rolled over V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELMPWHER 2 1320 T PR: Type of plan used for rollover PR63_PR570 Did you roll it over into another plan on your job, an individual annuity, an IRA, or some other type of plan? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)], and either (whose lump-sum money was directly rolled over into another retirement plan or IRA (ELUMPREC = 2), or who after receiving the lump-sum payment, rolled the money over into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Plan on job V 2 .Individual annuity V 3 .IRA V 4 .Other D ALMPWHER 1 1322 T PR: Allocation flag for ELMPWHER PR63_PR570 Allocation flag for type of plan used for rollover V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELUMPENT 2 1323 T PR: Rollover of all or part of lump-sum payment PR64_PR571 Did you roll over the entire amount or just part of it? U 1. [All respondents between the ages of 21 and 24 inclusive who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)] or 2. [all respondents age 25 and over who are covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on a formula (EPREVTYP = 1)] or 3. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who do not expect to receive pension or retirement benenfits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 2)] or 4. [all respondents age 25 and over who either (did not receive a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), or who rolled over money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 1), or who did not roll over any money into IRA or some other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)), and who have ever been covered by a pension or retirement plan from a prior job or business (EPREVPEN = 1), and who expect to receive pension or retirement benefits from a previously held job or business in the future (EPREVEXP = 1), and whose benefits are based on the total amount of money held in an individual account (EPREVTYP = 2)], and either (whose lump-sum money was directly rolled over into another retirement plan or IRA (ELUMPREC = 2), or who after receiving the lump-sum payment, rolled the money over into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Entire amount V 2 .Partial amount D ALUMPENT 1 1325 T PR: Allocation flag for ELUMPENT PR64_PR571 Allocation flag for the rollover of all or part of the lump-sum payment V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELMPSP01 2 1326 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_1PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Invested in an IRA, annuity, or other retirement program U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP02 2 1328 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_2PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Put it into a savings account or CDs U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP03 2 1330 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_3PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Invested in other financial instruments (stocks, mutual funds, bonds, money market funds) U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP04 2 1332 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_4PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Invested in land, other real properties U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP05 2 1334 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_5PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Invested in own or family business or farm U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP06 2 1336 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_6PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Used for housing (purchase, paid off mortgage, home improvements/repairs) U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP07 2 1338 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_7PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Paid bills, loans, or other debts U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP08 2 1340 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_8PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Bought a car, boat, furniture, or other consumer items U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP09 2 1342 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_9PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Vacation, travel, or recreation U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP10 2 1344 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_10PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Paid expenses while laid off U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP11 2 1346 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_11PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Moving or relocation expenses U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP12 2 1348 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_12PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Medical or dental expenses U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP13 2 1350 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_13PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Paid or saved for education U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP14 2 1352 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_14PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? General or everyday expenses U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP15 2 1354 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_15PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Gave to family members or charities U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP16 2 1356 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_16PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Paid taxes U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP17 2 1358 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_17PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Saved for retirement expenses U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP18 2 1360 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_18PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Saved or invested in other ways U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ELMPSP19 2 1362 T PR: Use of lump-sum payment PR65_19PR580 People who receive lump sums may spend or invest the money in many different ways. How did you use the money from the lump sum you received? Spent in other ways U All respondents age 21 and over who either (didn't roll over any of the lump-sum money received into another retirement plan or IRA (ELMPROLL = 2) or just rolled over a partial amount (ELUMPENT = 2)), or (who had not received any lump-sum payments from a pension plan during the reference period (EGICODE ne 39), and who did not rolled over any money into an IRA or other type of retirement plan (EROLOVR1 = 2)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ALMPSP 1 1364 T PR: Allocation flag for ELMPSP01-ELMPSP19 PR65_PR580 Allocation flag for use of lump-sum payment V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENLNG1 2 1365 T PR: Duration of receipt of retirement income PR66_1PR600 Earlier you said you received some pension or retirement income other than Social Security during the period from (first month of reference period). Will you continue to receive these benefits for the rest of your life, or will it be just a limited number of payments, or was it just a single lump sum payment? Rest of life U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EPENLNG2 2 1367 T PR: Duration of receipt of retirement income PR66_2PR600 Earlier you said you received some pension or retirement income other than Social Security during the period from (first month of reference period). Will you continue to receive these benefits for the rest of your life, or will it be just a limited number of payments, or was it just a single lump sum payment? Limited number of payments U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D EPENGNG3 2 1369 T PR: Duration of receipt of retirement income PR66_3PR600 Earlier you said you received some pension or retirement income other than Social Security during the period from (first month of reference period). Will you continue to receive these benefits for the rest of your life, or will it be just a limited number of payments, or was it just a single lump sum payment? Lump-sum payment U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D APENLGTH 1 1371 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENLNG1-EPENLNG2 and EPENGNG3 PR66_PR600 Allocation flag for duration of receipt of retirement income V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENNUMB 2 1372 T PR: Income received from more than one plan PR67_PR610 Did you receive this income from more than one pension plan? U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38) and who will receive the pension for the rest of his/her life (EPENLNG1 =1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D APENNUMB 1 1374 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENNUMB PR67_PR610 Allocation flag for retirement income received from more than one pension plan V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENNUMS 2 1375 T PR: Number of plans producing income PR68_PR620 How many different plans did you receive this income from? U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38), and who will receive the pension for the rest of his/her life, and who receives income from more than one pension plan (EPENNUMB = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 2:99 .Number of plans D APENNUMS 1 1377 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENNUMS PR68_PR620 Allocation flag for number of pension plans producing retirement income V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENSRCE 2 1378 T PR: Pension from own or former spouse's employment PR69_PR640 The following questions refer to the previously referred pension or retirement plan. Does this pension benefit come from a job or business that you held in the past, or does it come from a job or business held by your former spouse? U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Respondent's job V 2 .Former spouse's job V 3 .Other D APENSRCE 1 1380 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENSRCE PR69_PR640 Allocation flag if pension plan is from own or former spouse's employment V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENWHEN 4 1381 T PR: Year when receipts from pension began PR70_PR650 In what year did you begin receiving this pension? U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38), and the pension is for the rest of the respondent's life (EPENLNG1 = 1), and it comes from his/her job or business (EPENSRCE = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1900:1998 .Year of receipt D APENWHEN 1 1385 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENWHEN PR70_PR650 Allocation flag for the year the respondent began receiving the pension V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENBASE 2 1386 T PR: Calculation method of pension amount PR71_PR660 Was the amount of this pension payment based on years of service and pay, or on the amount of money held in an individual account for you? U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38) and the pension is for the rest of the respondent's life (EPENLNG1 = 1), and it comes from his/her job or business (EPENSRCE = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Years of service and pay V 2 .Amount in individual account D APENBASE 1 1388 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENBASE PR71_PR660 Allocation flag for calculation method of pension amount V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENSURV 2 1389 T PR: Reduced benefits for survivor's option PR72_PR670 Were reduced benefits taken in order to elect a survivor's option? U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38), and the pension is for the rest of the respondent's life (EPENLNG1 = 1), and it comes from his/her job or business (EPENSRCE = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No V 3 .No survivor's option offered D APENSURV 1 1391 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENSURV PR72_PR670 Allocation flag for reduced benefits for survivor's option (yes/no) V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENINCR 2 1392 T PR: Has pension amount ever increased PR73_PR680 Has the amount of your pension ever increased for any reason? U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38), and the pension is for the rest of the respondent's life (EPENLNG1 = 1), and it comes from his/her job or business (EPENSRCE = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D APENINCR 1 1394 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENINCR PR73_PR680 Allocation flag for if pension amount had ever increased V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENCOLA 2 1395 T PR: Cost-of-living adjustments PR74_PR690 Does your pension plan provide for automatic cost-of-living adjustments known as COLA's? U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38), and the pension is for the rest of the respondent's life (EPENLNG1 = 1), and it comes from the respondent's job or business (EPENSRCE = 1), and the respondent's pension has ever increased (EPENINCR = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D APENCOLA 1 1397 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENCOLA PR74_PR690 Allocation flag for if pension provides cost-of-living increases V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EPENDECR 2 1398 T PR: Increment in pension payment PR75_PR700 Did the amount of your pension payment ever decrease for any reason? U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38), and who will receive the pension for the rest of his/her life (EPENLNG1 =1), and whose pension comes from his/her job or business (EPENSRCE = 1), and whose pension has ever increased (EPENINCR = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D APENDECR 1 1400 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENDECR PR75_PR700 Allocation flag for if pension payment ever decreased V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TPENSAMT 8 1401 T PR: Recode for current monthly pension amount PR77_PR720 How much do you currently receive EACH MONTH from this plan? U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38), and who will receive the pension for the rest of his/her life (EPENLNG1 = 1), and whose pension comes from his/her job or business (EPENSRCE = 1) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:3230 .Amount in dollars D APENSAMT 1 1409 T PR: Allocation flag for RPENSAMT PR77_PR720 Allocation flag for the recode which asks for the current monthly pension payment amount. V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TPENAMT1 8 1410 T PR: Initial monthly pension payment amount PR76_PR710 How much did you receive from this plan each month when you first began receiving the pension payment? U All respondents age 15 and over who received any pension income in Core (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38), and it is for the rest of his/her life (EPENLNG1 = 1), and the pension comes from his/her job or business (EPENSRCE = 1), and his/her pension has ever increased (EPENINCR = 1) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:3000 .Amount in dollars D APENAMT1 1 1418 T PR: Allocation flag for EPENAMT1 PR76_PR710 Allocation flag for the initial monthly pension payment amount V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ELMPSRCE 2 1419 T PR: Source of most recent lump-sum payment PR78_PR730 Now I have some questions about your most recent lump-sum payment. Did this payment come from a job or business you held in the past, or did it come from a job or business held by your former spouse? U All respondents age 55 and over (EAGE>54), who did not receive any pension income in Core (EGICODE ne 30, and ne 31, and ne 32 and ne 33, and ne 34, and ne 35, and ne 38), and either (who received a lump-sum payment in the past (EPREVLMP = 1) or received a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE = 39)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Respondent's former job V 2 .Former spouse's job V 3 .Other D ALMPSRCE 1 1421 T PR: Allocation flag for ELMPSRCE PR78_PR730 Allocation flag for source of most recent lump-sum payment V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EJOBRETI 2 1422 T PR: Retired from a job or business PR79_PR740 Have you ever retired from a job or business? U All respondents age 55 and over (EAGE>54) who did not receive any pension income in the reference period (EGICODE ne 30, and ne 31, and ne 32, and ne 33, and ne 34, and ne 35, and ne 38), and who did not receive a lump-sum payment in the past (EPREVLMP ne 1), OR all respondents age 55 and over (EAGE>54) who did not receive any pension income in the reference period (EGICODE ne 30, and ne 31, and ne 32, and ne 33, and ne 34, and ne 35, and ne 38), and who did not received a lump-sum payment in the reference period (EGICODE ne 39) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AJOBRETI 1 1424 T PR: Allocation flag for EJOBRETI PR79_PR740 Allocation flag for if respondent had ever retired from a job or business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EWRK5YRS 2 1425 T PR: Worked for five years or more PR80_PR750 Have you ever worked for pay as much as five years or more? U All respondents age 55 and over (EAGE>54) who had never retired from a job or business (EJOBRETI = 2), and who had no job or business indicated in the reference period (EPDJBTHN = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AWRK5YRS 1 1427 T PR: Allocation flag for EWRK5YRS PR80_PR750 Allocation flag for if respondent had ever worked for five years or more V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ESCREPEN 2 1428 T PR: Retirement benefits from job or business PR81_PR751 Did you retire from a job or from a business? or Was your longest employment on a job or in a business? or Did this pension benefit come from a job or from a business? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) who received any pension or retirement in the reference period (EGICODE = 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 35 or 38) and the pension comes from his/her job or business (EPENSRCE = 1), OR all respondents age 55 and over (EAGE>54) and either (who had ever received a lump-sum payment from a pension or retirement plan from a prior job (EPREVLMP = 1), or received a lump-sum payment during the reference period (EGICODE = 39), or who had ever worked for pay for as long as five years (EWRK5YRS = 1), or who had ever retired from a job or business (EJOBRETI = 1)) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Job V 2 .Business D ASCREPEN 1 1430 T PR: Allocation flag for ESCREPEN PR81_PR751 Allocation flag for if pension benefit came from a job or a business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EJBINDRP 3 1431 T PR: Job industry code This is the industry code for the job from which you received this most recent lump-sum payment, or from which you retired, or on which you worked the longest. U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 010:999 .Industry code D AJBINDRP 1 1434 T PR: Allocation flag for EJBINDRP Allocation flag for the industry code from which the respondent received his/her most recent lump-sum payment, or from which he/she retired, or on which he/she worked the longest V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TJBOCCRP 3 1435 T PR: Job occupational code This is the occupational code for the job from which you received this most recent lump-sum payment, or from which you retired, or on which you worked the longest. U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 003:999 .Occupational code D AJBOCCRP 1 1438 T PR: Allocation flag for EJBOCCRP Allocation flag for the occupational code from which the respondent received his/her most recent lump-sum payment, or from which he/she retired, or on which he/she worked the longest V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D RCLWRKR 2 1439 T PR: Class of worker recode Recode of the respondent's class of worker U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Private for profit employee V 2 .Private not for profit employee V 3 .Local government worker V 4 .State government worker V 5 .Federal government worker V 6 .Family worker without pay V 7 .Active duty Armed Forces D ACLWRKR 1 1441 T PR: Allocation flag for Class of worker Allocation flag for the respondent's class of worker recode V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EMULTLOC 2 1442 T PR: Number of employer's locations PR90_PR840 Did your employer operate in more than one location? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AMULTLOC 1 1444 T PR: Allocation flag for EMULTLOC PR90_PR840 Allocation flag for whether the employer operated in more than one location V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TNUMWORK 2 1445 T PR: Number of employees PR91_PR850 How many people were employed at the location where you worked? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1), and whose former employer operated in more than one location (EMULTLOC = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Less than 10 V 2 .10 to 24 V 3 .25 to 49 V 4 .50 to 99 V 5 .100 or more D ANUMWORK 1 1447 T PR: Allocation flag for ENUMWORK PR91_PR850 Allocation flag for number of employees at respondent's work location V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TEMPLALL 2 1448 T PR: Number of employees at all locations PR92_PR860 About how many people were employed by that employer? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Less than 10 V 2 .10 to 24 V 3 .25 to 49 V 4 .50 to 99 V 5 .100 or more D AEMPLALL 1 1450 T PR: Allocation flag for EEMPLALL PR92_PR860 Allocation flag for number of employees at all work locations V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EUNIONYN 2 1451 T PR: Union/employee association contract PR93_PR870 When you worked for that employer, were you covered under a union or employee association contract? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AUNIONYN 1 1453 T PR: Allocation flag for EUNIONYN PR93_PR870 Allocation flag for union/employee association contract (yes/no) V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D THRSWEEK 3 1454 T PR: Hours per week at past job PR94_PR880 How many hours per week did you usually work at that job? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Number of hours per week D AHRSWEEK 1 1457 T PR: Allocation flag for EHRSWEEK PR94_PR880 Allocation flag for number of hours per week at past job V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EWKSYRS 2 1458 T PR: Weeks per year at past job PR95_PR890 How many weeks during the year did you usually work at that job? Include paid vacation and sick leave as work time. U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:52 .Number of weeks D AWKSYRS 1 1460 T PR: Allocation flag for EWKSYRS PR95_PR890 Allocation flag for number of weeks per year at past job V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TYRSWRKD 2 1461 T PR: Total years worked at past job PR96_PR900 How many years did you work at that job? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:42 .Number of years D AYRSWRKD 1 1463 T PR: Allocation flag for EYRSWRKD PR96_PR900 Allocation flag for the number of weeks per year at past job V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EYRLRFTJ 4 1464 T PR: Year left past job PR97_PR910 In what year did you leave that job? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1900:1998 .Year D AYRLRFTJ 1 1468 T PR: Allocation flag for EYRLRFTJ PR97_PR910 Allocation flag for the year the respondent left his/her past job V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TERNLEV1 8 1469 T PR: Amount of pre-tax earnings at past job PR98_PR920 When you left that job, how much were you earning before deductions for taxes, etc? NOTE: This variable has been topcoded based on periodicity. U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1), and who was not a family worker without pay (RCLWRKR ne 6) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:65000 .Amount in dollars D EERNLEV2 2 1477 T PR: Frequency of earnings at past job PR98_PR920 Is this per week, biweekly, per month, or per year? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1), and who was not a family worker without pay (RCLWRKR ne 6) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Per week V 2 .Biweekly V 3 .Per month V 4 .Per year D AERNLEAV 1 1479 T PR: Allocation flag for EERNLEV1-EERNLEV2 PR98_PR920 Allocation flag for pre-tax earnings at respondent's past job V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EHLTHPLN 2 1480 T PR: Current health plan from former employer PR99_PR940 Are you now covered by a health plan provided through your former employer? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 1) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D AHLTHPLN 1 1482 T PR: Allocation flag for EHLTHPLN PR99_PR940 Allocation flag for current health plan from former employer V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TBSINDRP 2 1483 T PR Business industry code This is the industry code of the business from which you received this most recent lump-sum payment, or from which you retired, or on which you worked the longest. U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Agriculture, Forestry and V .Fisheries V 2 .Mining V 3 .Construction V 4 .Manufacturing Nondurable Goods V 5 .Manufacturing Durable Goods V 6 .Transportation, Communications V .and Utilities V 7 .Wholesale Trade Durable Goods V 8 .Wholesale trade Nondurable Goods V 9 .Retail Trade V 10 .Finance, Insurance, and Real V .Estate V 11 .Business and Repair Services V 12 .Personal Services V 13 .Entertainment and Recreation V .Services V 14 .Professional and Related V .Services V 15 .Public Administration D ABSINDRP 1 1485 T PR: Allocation flag for EBSINDRP Allocation flag for the industry code for the business from which the respondent received his/her most recent lump-sum payment, or from which he/she retired, or on which he/she worked the longest V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EBSOCCRP 3 1486 T PR Business occupational code This is the occupational code of the business from which you received this most recent lump-sum payment, or from which you retired, or on which you worked the longest. U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 003:999 .Occupational code D ABSOCCRP 1 1489 T PR: Allocation flag for EBSOCCRP Allocation flag for the occupational code from which the respondent received his/her most recent lump-sum payment, or from which he/she retired, or on which he/she worked the longest V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TMAKEMPL 2 1490 T PR: Maximum number of employees PR104_PR954 What was the maximum number of people you employed, including yourself, who worked at this business at any one time? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Less than 10 V 2 .10 to 24 V 3 .25 to 49 V 4 .50 to 99 V 5 .100 or more D AMAKEMPL 1 1492 T PR: Allocation flag for EMAKEMPL PR104_PR954 Allocation flag for maximum number of employees at respondent's business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EBUSNINC 2 1493 T PR: Was respondent's business incorporated PR105_PR955 Was this business incorporated? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ABUSNINC 1 1495 T PR: Allocation flag for EBUSNINC PR105_PR955 Allocation flag for if respondent's business was incorporated V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TBUSHRSW 3 1496 T PR: Number of hours per week PR106_PR956 How many hours per week did you usually work at that business? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:99 .Number of hours D ABUSHRSW 1 1499 T PR: Allocation flag for EBUSHRSW PR106_PR956 Allocation flag for number of hours per week respondent worked at own business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EBUSWKSY 2 1500 T PR: Number of weeks per year PR107_PR957 How many weeks during the year did you usually work at that business? Include paid vacation and sick leave as work time. U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:52 .Number of weeks D ABUSWKSY 1 1502 T PR: Allocation flag for EBUSWKSY PR107_PR957 Allocation flag for number of weeks per year respondent worked at own business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TBUSLONG 2 1503 T PR: Number of years PR108_PR958 How many years did you work at that business? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:53 .Number of years D ABUSLONG 1 1505 T PR: Allocation flag for EBUSLONG PR108_PR958 Allocation flag for number of years respondent worked at own business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EBUSLEAV 4 1506 T PR: Year respondent left own business PR109_PR959 In what year did you leave that business? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1900:1998 .Year D ABUSLEAV 1 1510 T PR: Allocation flag for EBUSLEAV PR109_PR959 Allocation flag for year respondent left own business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D TBUSERN1 8 1511 T PR: Pre-tax earnings at past business PR110_PR960 When you left that business, how much were you earning before deductions for taxes, etc? NOTE: This variable has been topcoded based on periodicity. U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 2) V 0 .Not in universe V 1:125000 .Amount in dollars D EBUSERN2 2 1519 T PR: Frequency of earnings PR110_PR960 Was this per week, biweekly, per month, or per year? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Per week V 2 .Biweekly V 3 .Per month V 4 .Per year D ABUSERN 1 1521 T PR: Allocation flag for EBUSERN1-EBUSERN2 PR110_PR960 Allocation flag for pre-tax earnings at past business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D EBUSHLTH 2 1522 T PR: Present health plan by former business PR111_PR970 Are you now covered by a health plan provided through your former business? U All respondents age 15 and over (EAGE>14) and (ESCREPEN = 2) V -1 .Not in universe V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ABUSHLTH 1 1524 T PR: Allocation flag for EBUSHLTH PR111_PR970 Allocation flag for present coverage by health plan at past business V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D ESTDLVNG 2 1525 T PR: Standard of living query PR112_PR980 Compared to the standard of living you had in your early fifties, would you say that your current standard of living is... 1 Much better 2 Somewhat better 3 About the same 4 Somewhat worse 5 Much worse U All respondents age 55 and over(EAGE > 54) V -1 .Not in universe V 1:5 .Categories D ASTDLVNG 1 1527 T PR: Allocation flag for ESTDLVNG PR112_PR980 Allocation flag for standard of living query V 0 .Not imputed V 1 .Statistical imputation (hotdeck) V 2 .Cold deck imputation V 3 .Logical imputation (derivation) D FILLER 1 1528 T Filler