SIPP 1992 WAVE 6 TOPICAL MODULE DATA DICTIONARY VARIABLE INDEX: 1992 WAVE 6 TOPICAL MODULE Version: November 30, 1995 Variable Description Position ADDID Current Address Identification 20 AGE Age 48 ENTRY Entry Address Identification 30 ETHNICTY Ethnic Origin 63 FINALWGT Person Weight 38 GRDCMPL Highest grade attended was completed 62 HIGRADE Grade Or Year Of School Attended, Highest 60 ID Sample Unit Identifier 6 IM8401:8595 Imputation Flags for Child Support 766 IM8800:IM9026 Imputation Flags for Functional Limitations and Disability 1136 IM9102:IM9138 Imputation Flags for Utilization of Health Care Services 1244 IMP8004:8070 Imputation Flags for Work Schedule 124 IMP8102:8328 Imputation Flags for Child Care 305 IMP8700:8764 Imputation Flags for Support Of Nonhousehold Members 914 INTVW Person's Interview Status 24 ITEM36B Household Interview Status 22 MS Marital Status 53 PINX Person Index From Core 18 PNPT Person Number Of Parent 57 PNSP Person Number Of Spouse 54 PNUM Person Number 32 PPMIS1:5 Person's Monthly Interview Status 25 RACE Race 52 ROTATION Rotation Group 15 RRP Relatonship to Reference Person 47 SEX Sex 51 STATE FIPS State Code 16 SUSEQNUM Sequence Number of Sample Unit 1 TM8000 Worked Marked On ISS 69 TM8002 Employers During A Typical Week, Number Of 70 TM8004 Worked How Many Hours Per Day For First Employer 71 TM8006 Worked How Many Hours Per Day For Second Employer 74 TM8008 Worked How Many Days Per Week For First Employer 77 TM8010 Worked How Many Days Per Week For Second Employer 78 TM8012 Worked Monday Through Friday For First Employer 79 TM8014 Worked Monday Through Friday For Second Employer 80 TM8016 Worked Sunday For First Employer 81 TM8018 Worked Sunday For Second Employer 82 TM8020 Worked Monday For First Employer 83 TM8022 Worked Monday For Second Employer 84 TM8024 Worked Tuesday For First Employer 85 TM8026 Worked Tuesday For Second Employer 86 TM8028 Worked Wednesday For First Employer 87 TM8030 Worked Wednesday For Second Employer 88 TM8032 Worked Thursday For First Employer 89 TM8034 Worked Thursday For Second Employer 90 TM8036 Worked Friday For First Employer 91 TM8038 Worked Friday For Second Employer 92 TM8040 Worked Saturday For First Employer 93 TM8042 Worked Saturday For Second Employer 94 TM8044 Worked All Days For First Employer 95 TM8046 Worked All Days For Second Employer 97 TM8048 Work Time Began For First Employer 99 TM8050 Worked A M Or P M For First Employer 103 TM8052 Work Time Began For Second Employer 104 TM8054 Worked A M Or P M For Second Employer 108 TM8056 Work Time Ended For First Employer 109 TM8058 Work Time Ended A M Or P M For First Employer 113 TM8060 Work Time Ended For Second Employer 114 TM8062 Work Time Ended A M Or P M For Second Employer 118 TM8064 Work Schedule Description For First Employer 119 TM8066 Work Schedule Description For Second Employer 120 TM8068 Works For First Employer, Main Reason 121 TM8070 Works For Second Employer, Main Reason 122 TM8072 Another Job To Ask About 123 TM8100 Parent Or Guardian 145 TM8101 Own children age 3-4 146 TM8102 Children attended organized preschool or nursery school 147 TM8103 Children attended Head Start program 148 TM8104 Number of children in Head Start program 149 TM8105 Worked Marked On ISS 151 TM8106 Respondent enrolled in school 152 TM8107 School hours attended per week last month 153 TM8108 Any time spent job hunting or on layoff 155 TM8109 Hours spent looking for a job 156 TM8114 Person Number Of Youngest Child 158 TM8116 Person Number Of Second Youngest Child 161 TM8118 Person Number Of Third Youngest Child 164 TM8120 Child Care Arrangement, Method of - Youngest Child 167 TM8122 Child Care Arrangement, Method of - Second Youngest Child 169 TM8124 Child Care Arrangement, Method of - Third Youngest Child 171 TM8126 Child Care At Home Or Some Other Place - Youngest Child 173 TM8128 Child Care At Home Or Some Other Place - Second Youngest Child 174 TM8130 Child Care At Home Or Some Other Place - Third Youngest Child 175 TM8132 Child Care Place - Youngest Child 176 TM8134 Child Care Place - Second Youngest 177 TM8136 Child Care Place - Third Youngest 178 TM8138 Child Care Money Payment For Arrangement - Youngest Child 179 TM8140 Child Care Money Payment For Arrangement - Second Youngest Child 180 TM8142 Child Care Money Payment For Arrangement - Third Youngest Child 181 TM8144 Children Listed, Two Or More 182 TM8146 Child Care Payment Separately Or Includes Another Child - Youngest Child 183 TM8148 Child Care Payment Separately Or Includes Another Child -Second Youngest 184 TM8150 Child Care Payment Separately Or Includes Another Child -Third Youngest 185 TM8152 Child Care Amount Paid Per Week - Youngest Child 186 TM8154 Child Care Amount Paid Per Week - Second Youngest Child 189 TM8156 Child Care Amount Paid Per Week - Third Youngest Child 192 TM8158 Child Care Hours Per Week - Youngest Child 195 TM8160 Child Care Hours Per Week - Second Youngest Child 197 TM8162 Child Care Hours Per Week - Third Youngest Child 199 TM8164 Child Care Used In Typical Week Last Month, Other - Youngest Child 201 TM8166 Child Care Used In Typical Week Last Month, Other - 2nd Youngest 202 TM8168 Child Care Used In Typical Week Last Month, Other - 3rd Youngest 203 TM8170 Child Care During Most Other Hours, Type Of - Youngest Child 204 TM8172 Child Care During Most Other Hours, Type Of - Second Youngest Child 206 TM8174 Child Care During Most Other Hours, Type Of - Third Youngest Child 208 TM8176 Child Care At Home Or Some Other Place - Youngest Child 210 TM8178 Child Care At Home Or Some Other Place - Second Youngest Child 211 TM8180 Child Care At Home Or Some Other Place - Third Youngest Child 212 TM8182 Child Cared For By Whom - Youngest Child 213 TM8184 Child Cared For By Whom - Second Youngest Child 214 TM8186 Child Cared For By Whom - Third Youngest Child 215 TM8188 Child Care Money Payment Made Or Not - Youngest Child 216 TM8190 Child Care Money Payment Made Or Not - Second Youngest Child 217 TM8192 Child Care Money Payment Made Or Not - Third Youngest Child 218 TM8194 Children Listed, Two Or More 219 TM8196 Child Care Payment Separately Or Include Another Child - Youngest Child 220 TM8198 Child Care Payment Separately Or Include Another Child - Second Youngest 221 TM8200 Child Care Payment Separately Or Include Another Child - Third Youngest 222 TM8202 Child Care Payment Amount, Weekly - Youngest Child 223 TM8204 Child Care Payment Amount, Weekly - Second Youngest Child 226 TM8206 Child Care Payment Amount, Weekly - Third Youngest Child 229 TM8208 Child Care Hours Per Week, Number Of - Youngest Child 232 TM8210 Child Care Hours Per Week, Number Of - Second Youngest Child 234 TM8212 Child Care Hours Per Week, Number Of - Third Youngest Child 236 TM8214 Child Less Than 5 - Youngest Child 238 TM8216 Child Less Than 5 - Second Youngest 239 TM8218 Child Less Than 5 - Third Youngest 240 TM8220 Child Care Arrangements Changed During Past 12 Months - Youngest 241 TM8222 Child Care Arrangements Changed During Past 12 Months - 2nd Youngest 242 TM8224 Child Care Arrangements Changed During Past 12 Months - Third Youngest 243 TM8226 Child Care Arrangement Changed During Past 12 Months - Youngest Child 244 TM8228 Child Care Arrangement Changed During Past 12 Months - Second Youngest 245 TM8230 Child Care Arrangement Changed During Past 12 Months - Third Youngest 246 TM8232 Child Care Arrangements In The Last 12 Months, Number of - Youngest Child 247 TM8234 Child Care Arrangements In The Last 12 Months, Number of - Second Youngest 249 TM8236 Child Care Arrangements In The Last 12 Months, Number of - Third Youngest 251 TM8238:8320 Child Care Arrangement Changed For Reasons Specified 253 TM8322 Designated Parent Of 4+ Under 15 Living in Household 295 TM8324 Cost of Child Care In Typical Week Last Month 296 TM8326 Child Care Arrangements Changed Because of Unavailability of Child Care Provider 302 TM8328 Child Care Arrangement Changes Caused Loss Of Time From Work 303 TM8400 Parent Of Children Under 21 Who Live In This Household 365 TM8401 Parent of children under 21 with parent living elsewhere 366 TM8402 Number of Children Under 21 with parent living elsewhere 367 TM8403 Person number of child 1 with parent living elsewhere 369 TM8404 Child 1 not covered by support agreement 372 TM8405 Child 1 covered by most recent support agreement 373 TM8406 Child 1 covered by other support agreement 374 TM8407 Person number of child 2 with parent living elsewhere 375 TM8408 Child 2 not covered by support agreement 378 TM8409 Child 2 covered by most recent support agreement 379 TM8410 Child 2 covered by other support agreement 380 TM8411 Person number of child 3 with parent living elsewhere 381 TM8412 Child 3 not covered by support agreement 384 TM8413 Child 3 covered by most recent support agreement 385 TM8414 Child 3 covered by other support agreement 386 TM8415 Person number of child 4 with parent living elsewhere 387 TM8416 Child 4 not covered by support agreement 390 TM8417 Child 4 covered by most recent support agreement 391 TM8418 Child 4 covered by other support agreement 392 TM8419:8434 Set to filler 393 TM8435 Child Support payments ever awarded 417 TM8436 Number of children covered by child support awards 418 TM8437 One child covered by child support awards 420 TM8438 Children covered by different child support agreements 421 TM8439 Number of different child support agreements 422 TM8440 Any children covered by the most recent agreement 424 TM8441 Recent agreement: Type of agreement 425 TM8442 Recent written agreement: Year first reached 426 TM8443:8447 Recent written agreement: Amount 430 TM8448 Recent written agreement: Amount ever changed 456 TM8449 Recent written agreement: Year last changed 457 TM8450:8454 Recent written agreement: Revised amount 461 TM8455 Recent written agreement: Change made by govt agency 487 TM8456 Recent written agreement: Payments due in last year 488 TM8457 Recent written agreement: Reason payments not due 489 TM8458 Recent written agreement: Total amount due 490 TM8459 Recent written agreement: Method of payment 496 TM8460 Recent written agreement: Amount received in last year 498 TM8461 Recent written agreement: Payments regularly received 504 TM8462 Recent written agreement: Back payments due 505 TM8463 Recent written agreement: Amount of back payments due 507 TM8464:8469 Recent written agreement: Health care provisions 509 TM8470 Recent written agreement: Custody arrangement 515 TM8471 Recent written agreement: Visitation arrangements 516 TM8472 Recent written agreement: Covers more than 1 child 517 TM8473 Recent written agreement: Same number of visits 518 TM8474:8478 Recent written agreement: Total time of visits 522 TM8479 Recent written agreement: Other parent's residence 530 TM8480 Recent written agreement: Both parents live in state where the original agreement was reached 531 TM8481 Recent written agreement: Which parent moved 532 TM8482 Recent non-written agreement: Year first reached 533 TM8483:8487 Recent non-written agreement: Amount 537 TM8488 Recent non-written agreement: Amount ever change 563 TM8489 Recent non-written agreement: Year last changed 564 TM8490:8494 Recent non-written agreement: Revised amount 592 TM8495 Recent non-written agreement: Payments due in last year 594 TM8496 Recent non-written agreement: Reason payments not due 595 TM8497 Recent non-written agreement: Total amount due 596 TM8498 Recent non-written agreement: Amount received in last yr 602 TM8499 Recent non-written agreement: Payments regularly received 608 TM8500 Recent non-written agreement: Back payments due 609 TM8501 Recent non-written agreement: Amount of back payments due 611 TM8502:8507 Recent non-written agreement: Health care provisions 613 TM8508 Recent non-written agreement: Custody arrangement 619 TM8509 Recent non-written agreement: Visitation arrangements 620 TM8510 Recent non-written agreement: Covers more than 1 child 621 TM8511 Recent non-written agreement: Same number of visits 622 TM8512:8516 Recent non-written agreement: Total time of visits 623 TM8517:8524 Recent non-written agreement: Reason unwritten agreement 634 TM8525 Recent non-written agreement: Other parent's residence 642 TM8526 Recent non-written agreement: Both parents live in state where the original agreement was reached 643 TM8527 Recent non-written agreement: Which parent moved 644 TM8528 Any children covered by other agreements 645 TM8529:8533 Other agreement: Amount due 646 TM8534 Other agreement: Amount received 672 TM8535 Assistance requested from government agency 678 TM8536 Last year asked government agency for help 679 TM8537:8541 Type of assistance requested of government agency 683 TM8542:8551 Type of assistance received from government agency 688 TM8552 Any children not covered by a child support agreement 698 TM8553 Number of children with out a support agreement 699 TM8554 All children without agreement have the same parent 701 TM8555 Person number of youngest child without support 702 TM8556 Person number of oldest child without support 705 TM8557:8572 Reasons children not covered by support agreement 708 TM8573:8582 Children not covered by support: Residence of parent 724 TM8583:8592 Children not covered by support: Visits with parent 736 TM8593 Children not covered by support: Any payments received 758 TM8594 Children not covered by support: Amount received 759 TM8595 Non-cash support received 765 TM8700 Support Payment For Nonhousehold Members, Existence Of 837 TM8702 Support Payment For Nonhousehold Members, Type Of 838 TM8704 Support Payment For Nonhousehold Members Under 21 Years Of Age 839 TM8706 Support Payment For How Many Children Who Are Nonhousehold Members 841 TM8708 Support Payment For Nonhousehold Members A Result of Court Order 843 TM8710 Support Payment For Nonhousehold Members - Number of Children Covered 844 TM8712 Support Payment Agreement For Nonhousehold Members, Type Of 846 TM8714 Support Payment Agreement For Nonhousehold Member Reached In What Year 847 TM8716 Support Payment Agreement Dollar Amount Ever Changed 851 TM8718 Support Payment Agreement Dollar Amount Changed In What Year 853 TM8719 Support payment amount agreed to by court or agency 857 TM8720 Support Payment Agreement For Nonhousehold Member Still In Effect 858 TM8722 Support Payment For Nonhousehold Member, Amount Of 859 TM8724 Support Payment For Nonhousehold Member, Method Of 865 TM8726 Non-Custodial Parent To Provide Health Insurance For Nonhousehold Member 867 TM8728 Custodial Parent To Provide Health Insurance For Nonhousehold Member 868 TM8730 Non-Custodial Parent To Pay Medical Costs Directly For Nonhousehold Member 869 TM8732 Child Support For Nonhousehold Member To Include Cash Medical Support 870 TM8734 Support For Nonhousehold Members Includes Other Type of Medical Care 871 TM8736 Support For Nonhousehold Members Includes No Medical Care Costs 872 TM8738 Child Support Agreement For Nonhousehold Member, Other 874 TM8740 Child Support For Nonhousehold Member Paid Under Other Agreement 875 TM8742 Child Support For Nonhousehold Member Made Without Written Agreement 881 TM8744 Child Support For Nonhousehold Member Made Without Agreement, Amount Of 882 TM8746 Regular Payments Made For Any Other Person Not Living In Household 888 TM8748 Support Payments Made For How Many Persons 889 TM8750 Relationship To Person For Whom Support Payments Are Made - First Person 891 TM8752 Relationship To Person For Whom Support Payments Are Made - Second Person 892 TM8754 Residence of Person For Whom Support Payments Are Made - First Person 893 TM8756 Residence Of Person For Whom Support Payments Are Made - Second Person 894 TM8758 Support Payments For Nonhousehold Member, Amount Of - First Person 895 TM8760 Support Payments For Nonhousehold Member, Amount Of - Second Person 901 TM8762 Supports 3 or More Nonhousehold Members 907 TM8764 Support For Other Nonhousehold Persons Not Already Talked About 908 TM8800 Health Condition In General 941 TM8802 Cane, Crutches, Or Walker Used To Get Around 942 TM8804 Wheelchair Used To Get Around 943 TM8806 Aid Used In Getting Around 944 TM8808 Aid Used In Getting Around For 6 Months Or More 945 TM8810 Sight - Difficulty Seeing Newspaper Print When Wearing Glasses Or Contacts 946 TM8812 Sight - Able To See Words And Letters In Ordinary Newspaper 947 TM8814 Hearing - Difficulty Hearing Normal Conversation With Hearing Aid 948 TM8816 Hearing - Able To Hear What Is Said In Normal Conversation 949 TM8818 Speech - Understanding Difficulties 950 TM8820 Speech - Able To Have Speech Understood 951 TM8822 Lifting and Carrying Difficulties 952 TM8824 Lift and Carry As Much As 10 Pounds 953 TM8826 Walking Up Flight Of Stairs Without Rest - Difficulty 954 TM8828 Walking Up Flight Of Stairs Without Rest - Ability 955 TM8830 Walking Quarter Of Mile - Difficulty 956 TM8832 Walking Quarter Of Mile - Ability 957 TM8834 Telephone Usage - Difficulty 958 TM8836 Telephone Usage - Ability 959 TM8838 Getting Around Inside The House - Difficulty 960 TM8839 Need Help With Getting Around Inside The House 961 TM8840 Going Outside The Home - Difficulty 962 TM8841 Need Help With Going Outside The Home 963 TM8842 Getting In And Out Of Bed Or A Chair - Difficulty 964 TM8843 Need Help With Getting In And Out Of Bed Or A Chair 965 TM8844 Taking A Bath Or Shower - Difficulty 966 TM8845 Need Help With Taking A Bath Or Shower 967 TM8846 Dressing - Difficulty 968 TM8847 Need Help With Dressing 969 TM8848 Walking - Difficulty 970 TM8849 Need Help With Walking 971 TM8850 Eating - Difficulty 972 TM8851 Need Help With Eating 973 TM8852 Using Toilet - Difficulty 974 TM8853 Need Help With Using Toilet 975 TM8854 Keeping Track Of Money Or Bills - Difficulty 976 TM8855 Need Help With Keeping Track Of Money Or Bills 977 TM8856 Preparing Meals - Difficulty 978 TM8857 Need Help With Preparing Meals 979 TM8858 Doing Light Housework - Difficulty 980 TM8859 Need Help With Light Housework 981 TM8860 Need Help Of Another Person for Any Activity 982 TM8876 Needs Help From Relative Or Nonrelative - First Helper 983 TM8878 Needs Help From Relative Or Nonrelative - Second Helper 984 TM8880 Receives Help From Household Member - First Helper 985 TM8882 Receives Help From Household Member - Second Helper 986 TM8883 Receives Help From Household Member - Person Number Of First Helper 987 TM8884 Receives Help From Household Member - Person Number Of Second Helper 990 TM8885 Receives Help From Nonhousehold Member - First Helper 993 TM8886 Receives Help From Nonhousehold Member - Second Helper 994 TM8887 Length Of Time Help Of Another Person Needed 995 TM8888 Self or Family Paid for Help Received 996 TM8889 Amount Self or Family Paid for Help Received 998 TM8890 Difficulty With Any Activity 1004 TM8892 Condition That Caused Difficulty With Activity, First 1005 TM8894 Condition That Caused Difficulty With Activity, Second 1007 TM8896 Condition That Caused Difficulty With Activity, Third 1009 TM8898 Conditions Caused Difficulty With Activity 1011 TM8900 Condition Considered Main Reason For Difficulty 1012 TM8902 Disability - Learning Disability Such As Dyslexia 1014 TM8904 Disability - Mental Retardation 1015 TM8906 Disability - Developmental Disability Such As Autism Or Cerebral Palsy 1016 TM8908 Disability - Alzheimers Disease, Senility, Or Dementia 1017 TM8910 Disability - Mental Or Emotional Condition 1018 TM8912 Age 1019 TM8914 Disabled Marked on Control Card 1020 TM8916 Disabled Marked On ISS 1021 TM8918 Health Or Condition Limits Kind Or Amount Of Work 1022 TM8920 Physical, Mental, Or Other Health Condition Which Limits Kind Or Amount Of Work 1023 TM8922 Worked Marked On ISS 1024 TM8924 Health Or Condition Interferes With Working At Job Or Business 1025 TM8926 Physical, Mental, Or Other Health Condition Limits Amount of Work Around House 1026 TM8928 Health Or Condition Completely Prevents Work Around House1027 TM8930 Health Or Condition Causes Limitations - Check Item T25 1028 TM8932 Limited In Working At Job Or Around House - First Condition 1029 TM8934 Limited In Working At Job Or Around House - Second Condition 1031 TM8936 Limited In Working At Job Or Around House - Third Condition 1033 TM8938 Conditions Causing Limitations 1035 TM8940 Conditions Considered Main Reason For Limitation 1036 TM8941 Designated parent or guardian of children under 22 1038 TM8942 Designated Parent Or Guardian Of Children Under 6 1039 TM8944 Children Under 6 With Limitations In Usual Kind Of Activities 1040 TM8946 Children With Activity Limitations - First Person Number 1041 TM8948 Children With Activity Limitations - Second Person Number1044 TM8950 Children With Activity Limitations - Third Person Number 1047 TM8952 Children Received Therapy Or Diagnostic Services For Developmental Needs 1050 TM8954 Children Received Therapy For Developmental Needs - First Person Number 1051 TM8956 Children Received Therapy For Developmental Needs - Second Person Number 1054 TM8958 Children Received Therapy Designed To Meet Developmental Needs - Third Person 1057 TM8960 Designated Parent Or Guardian Of Children 6-21 1060 TM8962 Limitations In Ability To Do Regular School Work 1061 TM8964 Children With Difficulty Doing Regular School Work - First Person Number 1062 TM8966 Children With Difficulty Doing Regular School Work - Second Person Number 1065 TM8968 Children With Difficulty Doing Regular School Work - Third Person Number 1068 TM8970 Special Education Services Received 1071 TM8972 Special Education Services Ever Received - First Person Number 1072 TM8974 Special Education Services Ever Received - Second Person Number 1075 TM8976 Special Education Services Ever Received - Third Person Number 1078 TM8978 Special Education Services Currently Received 1081 TM8980 Special Education Services Currently Received - First Person 1082 TM8982 Special Education Services Currently Received - Second Person 1085 TM8984 Special Education Services Currently Received - Third Person 1088 TM8986 Designated Parent Of Children Between 3 And 14 1091 TM8988 Condition That Limits Ability To Walk, Run, Or Use Stairs 1092 TM8990 Condition That Limits Ability To Walk, Run, Or Use Stairs - First Person Number 1093 TM8992 Condition That Limits Ability To Walk, Run, Or Use Stairs - Second Person Number 1096 TM8994 Condition That Limits Ability To Walk, Run, Or Use Stairs - Third Person Number 1099 TM8996 Person Numbers Recorded For Condition That Limits Ability 1102 TM8998 Difficulty With Certain Activities - First Child Person Number 1103 TM9000 Difficulty With Certain Activities - First Child, First Condition 1106 TM9002 Difficulty With Certain Activities - First Child, Second Condition 1108 TM9004 Difficulty With Certain Activities - First Child, Third Condition 1110 TM9006 Difficulty With Certain Activities - Second Child Person Number 1112 TM9008 Difficulty With Certain Activities - Second Child, First Condition 1115 TM9010 Difficulty With Certain Activities - Second Child, Second Condition 1117 TM9012 Difficulty With Certain Activities - Second Child, Third Condition 1119 TM9014 Difficulty With Certain Activities - Third Child Person Number 1121 TM9016 Difficulty With Certain Activities - Third Child, First Condition 1124 TM9018 Difficulty With Certain Activities - Third Child, Second Condition 1126 TM9020 Difficulty With Certain Activities - Third Child, Third Condition 1128 TM9022 Social Security Or SSI Benefits Applied For In Last 12 Months 1130 TM9024 Social Security Or SSI Benefits Received 1131 TM9026 Social Security Or SSI Benefits Started In What Month 1132 TM9100 Hospital Overnight Or Longer During Past 12 Months 1209 TM9102 Hospital Overnight Or Longer, Number Of Times In 1210 TM9104 Hospital Overnight Or Longer For Childbirth 1212 TM9106 Hospital Overnight Or Longer For Surgery Or Operation 1213 TM9108 Hospital Overnight Or Longer For Other Medical Reasons 1214 TM9110 Hospital Overnight Or Longer For Mental Or Emotional Problem Or Disorder 1215 TM9112 Hospital Overnight Or Longer For Drug Or Alcohol Abuse Problem Or Disorder 1216 TM9114 Patient In VA Or Military Hospital 1217 TM9116 Patient in Psychiatric Hospital or Unit 1218 TM9118 Hospital Stay During Past 12 Months, Number Of Nights 1219 TM9120 Hospital Stay During Past 4 Months 1222 TM9122 Illness Or Injury, Number Of Days In Bed For 1225 TM9124 Medical Doctor Visit During Past 12 Months, Number Of Times For 1228 TM9126 Medical Doctor Visits During Past 4 Months, Number Of 1230 TM9127 Dentist Visits In Past 12 Months 1232 TM9128 Dentist Visits In Past 4 Months 1234 TM9129 Medical Facility Usually Attended, Existence Of A 1236 TM9130 Medical Facility Usually Attended, Type Of 1237 TM9132 Private Health Insurance Plan, Covered By 1239 TM9133 Covered by private health insurance all 4 months 1240 TM9134 Medicare Or Medicaid Marked On ISS 1241 TM9136 Health Insurance Plan - None Recorded 1242 TM9138 Health Insurance, Reason Not Covered By 1243 WAVE Wave Number Within Panel 65 * SIPP 1992 WAVE 6 TOPICAL MODULE DATA DICTIONARY Size Begin D SUSEQNUM 5 1 Sequence number of sample unit Primary sort key Not to be used for matching observations U All persons, including children D ID 9 6 Sample unit identifier This identifier is created by scrambling together the PSU, segment and serial numbers of the original sample address. U All persons, including children D ROTATION 1 15 Rotation group U All persons, including children V 1. Interview month: January 1994 V 2. Interview month: October 1993 V 3. Interview month: November 1993 V 4. Interview month: December 1993 D STATE 2 16 FIPS state code U All persons, including children V 01 .Alabama V 04 .Arizona V 05 .Arkansas V 06 .California V 08 .Colorado V 09 .Connecticut V 10 .Delaware V 11 .District Of Columbia V 12 .Florida V 13 .Georgia V 15 .Hawaii V 17 .Illinois V 18 .Indiana V 20 .Kansas V 21 .Kentucky V 22 .Louisiana V 24 .Maryland V 25 .Massachusetts V 26 .Michigan V 27 .Minnesota V 28 .Mississippi V 29 .Missouri V 31 .Nebraska V 32 .Nevada V 33 .New Hampshire V 34 .New Jersey V 35 .New Mexico V 36 .New York V 37 .North Carolina V 39 .Ohio V 40 .Oklahoma V 41 .Oregon V 42 .Pennsylvania V 44 .Rhode Island V 45 .South Carolina V 47 .Tennessee V 48 .Texas V 49 .Utah V 51 .Virginia V 53 .Washington V 54 .West Virginia V 55 .Wisconsin V 61 .Maine, Vermont V 62 .Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota V 63 .Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming D PINX 2 18 Person index from core Not to be used for matching observations U All persons, including children D ADDID 2 20 Current Address ID - This field differentiates households within the same sample unit (i.e., the same PSU, segment and serial numbers), that is, households which originate out of an original sample household U All persons, including children D ITEM36B 2 22 Household interview status code U All persons, including children V 1 .Interviewed * Type A noninterview V 2 .No one home V 3 .Temporarily absent V 4 .Refused V 5 .Unable to locate V 6 .Other Type A * Type B noninterview (Wave 2+) V 16 .Entire hh institutionalized V .or temporarily ineligible * Type C noninterview (Wave 2+) V 22 .Deleted (sample adjustment, V .error) V 23 .Entire household deceased, V .moved out of country, or V .living in armed forces barracks * Type D noninterview (Wave 2+) V 24 .Moved, address unknown V 25 .Moved within country beyond V .limit V 26 .All sample persons relisted on V .new control card(s) D INTVW 1 24 Person's interview status U All persons, including children V 0 .Not applicable (children V .under 15) or not in sample V 1 .Interview (self) V 2 .Interview (proxy) V 3 .Noninterview - Type Z refusal V 4 .Noninterview - Type Z other D PPMIS1 1 25 Person's monthly interview status: Reference month 1 U All persons, including children V 1 .Interview V 2 .Noninterview D PPMIS2 1 26 Person's monthly interview status: Reference month 2 U All persons, including children V 1 .Interview V 2 .Noninterview D PPMIS3 1 27 Person's monthly interview status: Reference month 3 U All persons, including children V 1 .Interview V 2 .Noninterview D PPMIS4 1 28 Person's monthly interview status: Reference month 4 U All persons, including children V 1 .Interview V 2 .Noninterview D PPMIS5 1 29 Person's monthly interview status: Interview month (month 5) U All persons, including children V 1 .Interview V 2 .Noninterview D ENTRY 2 30 Entry address ID Address of the household that this person belonged to at the time this person first became part of the sample U All persons, including children D PNUM 3 32 Person number U All persons, including children D FILLER 3 35 Filler D FINALWGT 9 38 Person weight (interview month) There are four implied decimal places. U All persons, including children D RRP 1 47 Relationship to reference person U All persons, including children V 0 .Not a sample person in this V .month V 1 .Household reference person, V .living with relatives V 2 .Household reference person V .living alone or with only V .non-relatives (primary V .individual) V 3 .Spouse of household reference V .person V 4 .Child of household reference V .person V 5 .Other relative of household V .reference person V 6 .Non-relative of household V .reference person but related V .to others in the household - V .member of an unrelated subfamily V .(secondary family) V 7 .Non-relative of household V .reference person and not V .related to anyone else V .in the household(secondary V .individual) D AGE 3 48 Age U All persons, including children V 0 .Less than 1 full year V 1 .1 year V .etc., topcoded to 84 D SEX 1 51 Sex U All persons, including children V 1 .Male V 2 .Female D RACE 1 52 Race U All persons, including children V 1 .White V 2 .Black V 3 .American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut V 4 .Asian or Pacific Islander D MS 1 53 Marital status U Persons 15 years old or older V 0 .Not a sample person in this .month or not applicable V 1 .Married, spouse present V 2 .Married, spouse absent V 3 .Widowed V 4 .Divorced V 5 .Separated V 6 .Never married D PNSP 3 54 Person number of spouse U Persons 15 years old or older V 000 .Not a sample person in this V .month V 101- 699 .Person number V 999 .Not applicable D PNPT 3 57 Person number of parent U All persons, including children V 000 .Not a sample person in this V .month V 101- 699 .Person number V 999 .Not applicable D HIGRADE 2 60 What is the highest grade or year of regular school this person attended? U Persons 15 years old or older V 00 .Not applicable if under 15, V .did not attend or attended only V .kindergarten V 01 - 08 .Elementary V 09 - 12 .High school V 21 - 26 .College D GRDCMPL 1 62 Did he/she complete that grade U Persons 15 years old or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D ETHNICTY 2 63 Ethnic origin U All persons, including children V 01 .German V 02 .English V 03 .Irish V 04 .French V 05 .Italian V 06 .Scottish V 07 .Polish V 08 .Dutch V 09 .Swedish V 10 .Norwegian V 11 .Russian V 12 .Ukrainian V 13 .Welsh V 14 .Mexican-American V 15 .Chicano V 16 .Mexican V 17 .Puerto Rican V 18 .Cuban V 19 .Central or South American V .(Spanish speaking) V 20 .Other Spanish V 21 .Afro-American (Black or Negro) V 30 .Another group not listed V 39 .Don't know D WAVE 1 65 Wave number within Panel U All persons, including children D FILLER 3 66 Filler ******************************************* * TOPICAL MODULE: WORK SCHEDULE * ******************************************* D TM8000 1 69 Check Item T1 "Worked" (code 170) marked on the ISS. Respondent had a job or business, either full-time or part-time, even for only a few days, during the reference period. U All persons 15 or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - end of section ******************************************* * NOTE: This topical module asks about * * ...'s work schedule during a typical * * week that ... worked during the four * * month reference period. * ******************************************* D TM8002 1 70 During the four month reference period, how many employers did ... work for during a typical week? Count self-employed as one employer. U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .One V 2 .Two V 3 .Three or more D TM8004 3 71 How many hours per day did ... work that week for first employer? This field contains one implied decimal place. U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 000 .Not applicable V 001 - 240 .Number of hours D TM8006 3 74 How many hours per day did ... work that week for second employer? This field contains one implied decimal place. U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 000 .Not applicable V 001 - 240 .Number of hours D TM8008 1 77 How many days did ... work that week for first employer? U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable V 1 - 7 .Number of days D TM8010 1 78 How many days did ... work that week for second employer U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable V 1 - 7 .Number of days D TM8012 1 79 Days worked for first employer: Monday through Friday All observations were recoded to zero. U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period D TM8014 1 80 Days worked for second employer: Monday through Friday All observations were recoded to zero. U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period D TM8016 1 81 Day worked for first employer: Sunday U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8018 1 82 Day worked for second employer: Sunday U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8020 1 83 Day worked for first employer: Monday U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8022 1 84 Day worked for second employer: Monday U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8024 1 85 Day worked for first employer: Tuesday U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8026 1 86 Day worked for second employer: Tuesday U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8028 1 87 Day worked for first employer: Wednesday U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8030 1 88 Day worked for second employer: Wednesday U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8032 1 89 Day worked for first employer: Thursday U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8034 1 90 Day worked for second employer: Thursday U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8036 1 91 Day worked for first employer: Friday U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8038 1 92 Day worked for second employer: Friday U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8040 1 93 Day worked for first employer: Saturday U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8042 1 94 Day worked for second employer: Saturday U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8044 2 95 Days worked for first employer: All seven days All observations were recoded to zero. U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period D TM8046 2 97 Days worked for second employer: All seven days All observations were recoded to zero. U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period D TM8048 4 99 During that week, at what time of day did ... begin work most days for first employer? U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0000 .Not applicable V 1 - 1259 .Time D TM8050 1 103 During that week, did ... begin work most days either A.M. or P.M. for first employer? U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .A.M. V 2 .P.M. D TM8052 4 104 During that week, at what time of day did ... begin work most days for second employer? U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0000 .Not applicable V 1 - 1259 .Time D TM8054 1 108 During that week, did ... begin work most days either A.M. or P.M. for second job? U All persons 15 or older with a second job during reference period V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .A.M. V 2 .P.M. D TM8056 4 109 During that week, at what time of day did ... end work most days for first employer? U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0000 .Not applicable V 1 - 1259 .Time D TM8058 1 113 During that week, did ... end work most days either A.M. or P.M. for first employer? U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .A.M. V 2 .P.M. D TM8060 4 114 During that week, at what time of day did ... end work most days for second employer? U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0000 .Not applicable V 1 - 1259 .Time D TM8062 1 118 During that week, did ... end work most days either A.M. or P.M. for second employer? U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .A.M. V 2 .P.M. D TM8064 1 119 Which of the following best describes ...'s work schedule for first employer U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Regular daytime schedule V 2 .Regular evening shift V 3 .Regular night shift V 4 .Rotating shift (one that V .changes regularly from days V .to evenings or nights) V 5 .Split shift (one consisting of V .two distinct periods each day) V 6 .Irregular schedule (one that V .changes from day to day) V 7 .Other D TM8066 1 120 Which of the following best describes ...'s work schedule for second employer? U All persons 15 or older with a second job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Regular daytime schedule V 2 .Regular evening shift V 3 .Regular night shift V 4 .Rotating shift (one that V .changes regularly from days V .to evenings or nights) V 5 .Split shift (one consisting of V .two distinct periods each day) V 6 .Irregular schedule (one that V .changes from day to day) V 7 .Other D TM8068 1 121 What is the main reason ... works the shift described in TM8064 for first employer? U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period * Voluntary reasons V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Better child care arrangements V 2 .Better pay V 3 .Better arrangements for care V .of other family members V 4 .Allows time for school V 5 .Other voluntary reasons * Involuntary reasons V 6 .Could not get any other job V 7 .Requirements of the job V 8 .Other involuntary reasons D TM8070 1 122 What is the main reason ... works the shift described in TM8066 for second employer? U All persons 15 or older with a second job during reference period * Voluntary reasons V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Better child care arrangements V 2 .Better pay V 3 .Better arrangements for care V .of other family members V 4 .Allows time for school V 5 .Other voluntary reasons * Involuntary reasons V 6 .Could not get any other job V 7 .Requirement of the job V 8 .Other involuntary reasons D TM8072 1 123 Check Item T1.1 Respondent had two or more jobs U All persons 15 or older with a job during the reference period V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No ******************************************* * The following imputation flags are * * coded as follows: * * * * 0 = Not Imputed * * 1 = Imputed * ******************************************* D IMP8004 1 124 Imputation flag: 'TM8004' D IMP0840 1 125 Imputation flag: 'TM8008' and 'TM8016' through 'TM8040' D IMP1640 1 126 Imputation flag: 'TM8016' through 'TM8040' D IMP4858 1 127 Imputation flag: 'TM8048' through 'TM8058' D IMP4850 1 128 Imputation flag: 'TM8048' and 'TM8050' D IMP8050 1 129 Imputation flag: 'TM8050' D IMP5658 1 130 Imputation flag: 'TM8056' and 'TM8058' D IMP8064 1 131 Imputation flag: 'TM8064' D IMP8068 1 132 Imputation flag: 'TM8068' D IMP8006 1 133 Imputation flag: 'TM8006' D IMP1042 1 134 Imputation flag: 'TM8010' and 'TM8018' through 'TM8042' D IMP1842 1 135 Imputation flag: 'TM8018' through 'TM8042' D IMP5262 1 136 Imputation flag: 'TM8052' through 'TM8062' D IMP5254 1 137 Imputation flag: 'TM8052' and 'TM8054' D IMP8054 1 138 Imputation flag: 'TM8054' D IMP6062 1 139 Imputation flag: 'TM8060' and 'TM8062' D IMP8066 1 140 Imputation flag: 'TM8066' D IMP8070 1 141 Imputation flag: 'TM8070' D WKFILL 3 142 Filler ******************************************* * TOPICAL MODULE: CHILD CARE * ******************************************* D TM8100 1 145 Check Item T2 Is ... the designated parent or guardian of children under 15 years of age who live in this household U All persons 15 or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - end of section D TM8101 1 146 Check item T2.1 Are any of the children in this household 3 or 4 years of age? U All person 15 or older with children under 15 in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8105 D TM8102 1 147 We have recorded that you have children aged 3 and/or 4. Last month, did any of these children regularly attend an organized preschool or nursery school? U All persons 15 or older with children 3-4 in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8105 D TM8103 1 148 Was the the organized preschool or nursery school that your child attended a Head Start program? U All persons 15 or older with children 3-4 in this household who regularly attended an organized preschool or nursery school last month V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8105 D TM8104 2 149 How many of your children participated in the Head Start program last month? U All persons 15 or older with children 3-4 in this household who regularly attended a Head Start program last month V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .1 or more children D TM8105 1 151 Check item T3 Respondent had a job or business, either full or part-time, even for only a few days, during the reference period ('worked' marked on the ISS) U Parents or guardians 15 or older of children under 15 years of age who live in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8114 V 2 .No D TM8106 1 152 Check Item T4 Was ...enrolled in school during the reference period U Non-working parents or guardians 15 or older of children under 15 years of age who live in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8108 D TM8107 2 153 About how many hours per week did ... usually spend in school last month? U Non-working parents or guardians 15 or older of children under 15 years of age who live in this household. Parent/guardian was enrolled in school during the reference period. V -3 .Not enrolled last month V -1 .Hours varied - skip to TM8114 V 00 .Not applicable V 01 - 40 .Number of hours - skip to TM8114 D TM8108 1 155 Check Item T5 Did ... spend any time looking for work or on layoff from a job during the reference period? U Non-working parents or guardians 15 or older of children under 15 years of age who live in this household. Parent/guardian was not enrolled in school last month. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - end of section D TM8109 2 156 About how many hours per week did ... usually spend looking for a job last month? U Non-working parents or guardians of children under 15 who live in this household. Parent/guardian looked for a job or was on layoff during the reference period. V -3 .Did not look for a job last V .month - end of section V -1 .Hours varied V 00 .Not applicable V 01 - 65 .Number of hours ********************************************* * NOTE: TM8114, TM8116, and TM8118 refer * * to children under 15 who are household * * members for whom the respondent is a * * parent or guardian. Interviewers were * * instructed to begin with the youngest * * child in TM8114. * ********************************************* D TM8114 3 158 Check Item T6 Person number of youngest child under 15 Answers to TM8120, TM8126, TM8132, TM8138, TM8144, TM8146, TM8152, TM8158, TM8164, TM8170, TM8176, TM8182, TM8188, TM8194, TM8196, TM8202, TM8208, TM8214, TM8220, TM8226, TM8232, TM8238, TM8244, TM8250, TM8256, TM8262, TM8268, TM8274, TM8280, TM8286, TM8292, TM8298, TM8304, TM8310, and TM8316 refer to this child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 living in the household. V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8116 3 161 Person number of second youngest child under 15 Answers to TM8122, TM8128, TM8134, TM8140,TM8148, TM8154, TM8160, TM8166, TM8172, TM8178, TM8184, TM8190, TM8198, TM8204, TM8210, TM8216, TM8222, TM8228, TM8234, TM8240, TM8246, TM8252, TM8258, TM8264, TM8270, TM8276, TM8282, TM8288, TM8294, TM8300, TM8306, TM8312, and TM8318 refer to this child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 living in the household. V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8118 3 164 Person number of third youngest child under 15. Answers to TM8124, TM8130, TM8136, TM8142, TM8150, TM8156, TM8162, TM8168, TM8174, TM8180, TM8186, TM8192, TM8200, TM8206, TM8212, TM8218, TM8224, TM8230, TM8236, TM8242, TM8248, TM8254, TM8260, TM8272, TM8278, TM8284, TM8290, TM8296, TM8302, TM8308, TM8314, and TM8320 refer to this child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 living in the household. V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8120 2 167 Last month what was this child usually doing or how was this child usually cared for during most of the hours that ... worked (was enrolled in school/looking for a job)? Mark the arrangement in which the child spent the most hours in a typical week last month. Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Child's other parent/ V .stepparent V 02 .Child's brother/sister V 03 .Child's grandparent V 04 .Other relative of child V 05 .Nonrelative of child * If 6 thru 12 skip to TM8132 V 06 .Child in day/group care V .center V 07 .Child in nursery/preschool V 08 .Child in organized school-based V .activity (before/after school) V 09 .Child in kindergarten, V .elementary or secondary V .school V 10 .Child cares for self V 11 .Respondent works at home V 12 .Respondent cares for child at work V .(in class/while job hunting) V 13 .Child not born as of last V .month and/or respondent was not the guardian V .as of last month V .- skip to TM8122 if there is another child, or else V .end this section V 14 .Respondent did not work, go to school or look for V .a job last month - end of section D TM8122 2 169 Last month what was this child usually doing or how was this child usually cared for during most of the hours that ... worked (was enrolled in school/looking for a job). Mark the arrangement in which the child spent the most hours in a typical week last month. Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Child's other parent/ V .stepparent V 02 .Child's brother/sister V 03 .Child's grandparent V 04 .Other relative of child V 05 .Nonrelative of child * If 6 thru 12 skip to TM8134 V 06 .Child in day/group care V .center V 07 .Child in nursery/preschool V 08 .Child in organized school-based V .activity (before/after school) V 09 .Child in kindergarten, V .elementary or secondary V .school V 10 .Child cares for self V 11 .Respondent works at home V 12 .Respondent cares for child at work V .(in class/while job hunting) V 13 .Child not born as of last V .month and/or respondent was not the guardian V .as of last month V .- skip to TM8124 if there is another child, or else end V .this section D TM8124 2 171 Last month what was this child usually doing or how was this child usually cared for during most of the hours that ... worked (was enrolled in school/looking for a job) Mark the arrangement in which the child spent the most hours in a typical week last month. Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Child's other parent/ V .stepparent V 02 .Child's brother/sister V 03 .Child's grandparent V 04 .Other relative of child V 05 .Nonrelative of child * If 6 thru 12 skip to TM8136 V 06 .Child in day/group care V .center V 07 .Child in nursery/preschool V 08 .Child in organized school-based V .activity (before/after school) V 09 .Child in kindergarten, V .elementary or secondary V .school V 10 .Child cares for self V 11 .Respondent works at home V 12 .Respondent cares for child at work V .(in class/while job hunting) V 13 .Child not born as of last V .month and/or respondent was not the guardian V .as of last month - end of section D TM8126 1 173 Was the child usually cared for at his/her home, at someone else's home, or at some other place? Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household but cared for during work hours by other parent, sibling, grandparent, other relative, or nonrelative (TM8120 = 1-5) V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Child's home V 2 .Other private home V 3 .Other place D TM8128 1 174 Was the child usually cared for at his/her home, at someone else's home, or at some other place? Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household but cared for during work hours by other parent, sibling, grandparent, other relative, or nonrelative (TM8122 = 1-5) V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Child's home V 2 .Other private home V 3 .Other place D TM8130 1 175 Was the child usually cared for at his/her home, at someone else's home or at some other place? Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household but cared for during work hours by other parent, sibling, grandparent, other relative, or nonrelative (TM8124 = 1-5) V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Child's home V 2 .Other private home V 3 .Other place D TM8132 1 176 Check Item T7 Does TM8120 = 3-8 Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. TM8120 = 1-12. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8158 D TM8134 1 177 Does TM8122 = 3-8 Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. TM8122 = 1-12. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8160 D TM8136 1 178 Does TM8124 = 3-8 Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. TM8124 = 1-12. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8162 D TM8138 1 179 Was any money payment usually made for this arrangement? (Refers to categories 3-8 in TM8120) Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. TM8120 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8158 D TM8140 1 180 Was any money payment usually made for this arrangement? (Refers to categories 3-8 in TM8122) Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. TM8122 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8148 V 2 .No - skip to TM8160 D TM8142 1 181 Was any money payment usually made for this arrangement? (Refers to categories 3-8 in TM8124) Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. TM8124 = 3-8 V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8150 V 2 .No - skip to TM8162 D TM8144 1 182 Check Item T8 Are there 2 or more children listed in TM8114, TM8116, and TM8118 U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. Cash payment was made for TM8120 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8152 D TM8146 1 183 Does ... (or ...'s family) pay for the child's child care separately, or does the payment for the care you just described also cover some other child? Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. Cash payment was made for TM8120 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Payment for youngest child V .separately V 2 .Includes another child D TM8148 1 184 Does ... (or ...'s family) pay for the child's child care separately, or does the payment for the care you just described also cover some other child? Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. Cash payment was made for TM8122=3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Payment for second youngest V .child separately V 2 .Includes another child D TM8150 1 185 Does ... (or ...'s family) pay for this child's child care separately, or does the payment for the care you just described also cover some other child? Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. Cash payment was made for TM8124 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Payment for third youngest V .child separately V 2 .Includes another child D TM8152 3 186 In a typical week, how much did ... (or ...'s family) usually pay in this arrangement for the child. If the payment includes money paid for another child, write in the total amount for all children in the first mentioned child's column. May include child care payments for up to two other children. See TM8154 and TM8156. Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household and paid cash for child care received (TM8120 = 3-8). V 000 .Not applicable V 001-139 .Dollars V 140 .140 dollars or more D TM8154 3 189 In a typical week, how much did ... (or ...'s family) usually pay in this arrangement for the child. May include child care payments for one other child. If the dollar amount was already recorded in TM8154 then mark a "previously recorded" category. See TM8152 and TM8156. Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household and paid cash for child care received (TM8122 = 3-8). V -02 .Previously recorded for V .youngest child V 000 .Not applicable V 001-139 .Dollars V 140 .140 dollars or more D TM8156 3 192 In a typical week, how much did ... (or ...'s family) usually pay in this arrangement for the child. If the dollar amount was already recorded in TM8152 and TM8154 then mark a "previously recorded" category. See also TM8152 and TM8154. Third youngest child See TM8152 and TM8154. U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household and paid cash for child care received (TM8124 = 3-8) V -03 .Previously recorded for V .second youngest child V -02 .Previously recorded for V .youngest child V 000 .Not applicable V 001-139 .Dollars V 140 .140 dollars or more D TM8158 2 195 About how many hours per week was the child usually cared for under this arrangement while ... worked (was in school/was looking for work) last month? (Refers to TM8120) Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had at least one child under 15 years of age living in the household for which care arrangements were made V 00 .Not applicable V 01-99 .Hours D TM8160 2 197 About how many hours per week was the child usually cared for under this arrangement while ... worked (was in school/was looking for work) last month? (Refers to TM8122) Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had at least two chidren under 15 years of age living in the household for which care arrangements were made V 00 .Not applicable V 01-99 .Hours D TM8162 2 199 About how many hours per week was the child usually cared for under this arrangement while ... worked (was in school/was looking for work) last month? (Refers to TM8124) Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household for which care arrangements were made V 00 .Not applicable V 01-99 .Hours D TM8164 1 201 Was any other arrangement usually used for the child in a typical week last month Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had at least one child under 15 years of age living in the household for which care arrangements were made V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8214 D TM8166 1 202 Was any other arrangement usually used for the child in a typical week last month Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had at least two children under 15 years of age living in the household for which care arrangements were made V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8216 D TM8168 1 203 Was any other arrangement usually used for the child in a typical week last month Third youngest U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had at least three children under 15 years of age living in the household for which care arrangements were made V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8218 D TM8170 2 204 What did the child do or how was the child cared for during most of the other hours that ... worked (was in school/was looking for a job). Mark the arrangement in which the child spent the second most hours in a typical week. Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. More than one child care arrangement was made. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Child's other parent/step- V .parent V 02 .Child's brother/sister V 03 .Child's grandparent V 04 .Other relative of child V 05 .Nonrelative of child * If 6 thru 12 skip to TM8182 V 06 .Child in day/group care V .center V 07 .Child in nursery/preschool V 08 .Child in organized school- V .based activity (before/after V .school) V 09 .Child in kindergarten, V .elementary or secondary V .school V 10 .Child cares for self V 11 .Respondent works at home V 12 .Respondent cares for child at work V .(in class/while job hunting) D TM8172 2 206 What did the child do or how was the child cared for during most of the other hours that ... worked (was in school/was looking for a job). Mark the arrangement in which the child spent the second most hours in a typical week. Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. More than one child care arrangement was made. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Child's other parent/step- V .parent V 02 .Child's brother/sister V 03 .Child's grandparent V 04 .Other relative of child V 05 .Nonrelative of child * If 6 thru 12 skip to TM8184 V 06 .Child in day/group care V .center V 07 .Child in nursery/preschool V 08 .Child in organized school- V .based activity (before/after V .school) V 09 .Child in kindergarten, V .elementary or secondary V .school V 10 .Child cares for self V 11 .Respondent works at home V 12 .Respondent cares for child at work V .(in class/while job hunting) D TM8174 2 208 What did the child do or how was the child cared for during most of the other hours that ... worked (was in school/was looking for a job). Mark the arrangement in which the child spent the second most hours in a typical week. Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. More than one child care arrangement was made. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Child's other parent/step- V .parent V 02 .Child's brother/sister V 03 .Child's grandparent V 04 .Other relative of child V 05 .Nonrelative of child * If 6 thru 12 skip to TM8186 V 06 .Child in day/group care V .center V 07 .Child in nursery/preschool V 08 .Child in organized school- V .based activity (before/after V .school) V 09 .Child in kindergarten, V .elementary or secondary V .school V 10 .Child cares for self V 11 .Respondent works at home V 12 .Respondent cares for child at work V .(in class/while job hunting) D TM8176 1 210 Was the child usually cared for at his/her home, at someone else's home, or at some other place? Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household but cared for during work (school) hours by other parent, sibling, grandparent, other relative, or nonrelative (TM8170 = 1-5) V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Child's home V 2 .Other private home V 3 .Other place D TM8178 1 211 Was the child usually cared for at his/her home, at someone else's home, or at some other place? Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household but cared for during work (school) hours by other parent, sibling, grandparent, other relative, or nonrelative (TM8172 = 1-5) V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Child's home V 2 .Other private home V 3 .Other place D TM8180 1 212 Was the child usually cared for at his/her home, at someone else's home, or at some other place? Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household but cared for during work (school) hours by other parent, sibling, grandparent, other relative, or nonrelative (TM8174 = 1-5) V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Child's home V 2 .Other private home V 3 .Other place D TM8182 1 213 Check Item T9 Does TM8170 = 3-8 Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household who were cared for during work (school) hours by more than one type of arrangement V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8208 D TM8184 1 214 Does TM8172 = 3-8 Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household who were cared for by more than one type of arrangement V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8210 D TM8186 1 215 Does TM8174 = 3-8 Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household who were cared for by more than one type of arrangement V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8212 D TM8188 1 216 Was any money payment usually made for this arrangement? (Refers to categories 3-8 in TM8170) Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. TM8170 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8194 V 2 .No - skip to TM8208 D TM8190 1 217 Was any money payment usually made for this arrangement? (Refers to categories 3-8 in TM8172) Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. TM8172 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8198 V 2 .No - skip to TM8210 D TM8192 1 218 Was any money payment usually made for this arrangement? (Refers to categories 3-8 in TM8174) Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. TM8174 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8200 V 2 .No - skip to TM8212 D TM8194 1 219 Check Item T10 Are there 2 or more children listed in TM8114, TM8116, and TM8118 U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. Money payment was made for TM8170 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8202 D TM8196 1 220 Does ... (or ...'s family) pay for the child's child care separately, or does the payment for the care you just described also cover some other child? Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had two or more children under 15 years of age living in the household. Cash payment was made for TM8120 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Payment for youngest child V .separately V 2 .Includes another child D TM8198 1 221 Does ... (or ...'s family) pay for the child's child care separately, or does the payment for the care you just described also cover some other child? Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. Cash payment was made for TM8172 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Payment for second youngest V .child separately V 2 .Includes another child D TM8200 1 222 Does ... (or ...'s family) pay for the child's child care separately, or does the payment for the care you just described also cover some other child? Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household. Cash payment was made for TM8174 = 3-8. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Payment for third youngest V .child separately V 2 .Includes another child D TM8202 3 223 In a typical week, how much did ... (or ...'s family) usually pay in this arrangement for the child. Amount may include payments for up to two other children. See TM8204 and TM8206. If the payment includes money paid for another child, interviewers were instructed to write in the total amount for all children in this column. Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household and paid cash for child care received (TM8170 = 3-8). V 000 .Not applicable V 001-079 .Dollars V 080 .80 dollars or more D TM8204 3 226 In a typical week, how much did ... (or ...'s family) usually pay in this arrangement for the child. Amount may include payments for one other child. See TM8202 and TM8206. If the payment includes money paid for another child, interviewers were instructed to write in the total amount for both children in this column. If the dollar amount was already recorded in TM8202 then mark a "previously recorded" category. Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household and paid cash for child care received (TM8172 = 3-8). V -02 .Previously recorded for V .youngest child V 000 .Not applicable V 001-079 .Dollars V 080 .80 dollars or more D TM8206 3 229 In a typical week, how much did ... (or ...'s family) usually pay in this arrangement for the child. If the dollar amount was already recorded in TM8202 or TM8204 then mark a "previously recorded" category. See TM8202 and TM8204. Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household and paid cash for child care received (TM8174 = 1-3). V -03 .Previously recorded for V .second youngest child V -02 .Previously recorded for V .youngest child V 000 .Not applicable V 001-079 .Dollars V 080 .80 dollars or more D TM8208 2 232 About how many hours per week was the child usually cared for in the arrangement while ... worked (was in school/was looking for a job)? (Refers to TM8170) Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household for whom child care arrangements were made. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 - 99 .Number of hours D TM8210 2 234 About how many hours per week was the child usually cared for in the arrangement while ... worked (was in school/was looking for a job)? (Refers to TM8172) Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household for whom child care arrangements were made V 00 .Not applicable V 01 - 99 .Number of hours D TM8212 2 236 About how many hours per week was the child usually cared for in the arrangement while ... worked (was in school/was looking for a job)? (Refers to TM8174) Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked or were enrolled in school or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in the household for whom child care arrangements were made V 00 .Not applicable V 01 - 99 .Number of hours D TM8214 1 238 Check Item T11 Is the youngest child less than 5 years old U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Less than 5 years old V 2 .5 or more years old - skip V .to TM8226 D TM8216 1 239 Check Item T11 Is the second youngest child less than 5 years old U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 Less than 5 years old V 2 .5 or more years old - skip V .to TM8228 D TM8218 1 240 Check Item T11 Is the third youngest child less than 5 years old U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Less than 5 years V 2 .5 or more years old - skip V .to TM8230 D TM8220 1 241 During the past 12 months, did ... make any changes in the arrangements used for the child for 1 week or more during the time ... was working (at school/looking for a job)? Consider only changes that lasted for 1 week or more. If the respondent stopped working (attending school/looking for a job) when when the child's school was closed, then no change should be recorded - mark category 3. Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period. The child in question is under 5 years of age and lives in the household. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8232 V 2 .No - skip to next child or if this is the only V .child, skip to TM8322 V 3 .Stopped working (attending V .school/looking for work) when arrangement ended - skip to V .next child or to TM8322 if there are no other V .children D TM8222 1 242 During the past 12 months, did ... make any changes in the arrangements used for the child for 1 week or more during the time ... was working (at school/looking for a job)? Consider only changes that lasted for 1 week or more. If the respondent stopped working (attending school/looking for a job) when when the child's school was closed, then no change should be recorded - mark category 3. Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period. The child in question is under 5 years of age and lives in the household. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8234 V 2 .No - skip to next child or V .to TM8322 if there are no other children V 3 .Stopped working (attending V .school/looking for work) when arrangement ended - V .skip to next child or to TM8322 if there are no V .other children D TM8224 1 243 During the past 12 months, did ... make any changes in the arrangements used for the child for 1 week or more during the time ... was working (at school/looking for a job)? Consider only changes that lasted for 1 week or more. If the respondent stopped working (attending school/looking for a job) when when the child's school was closed, then no change should be recorded - mark category 3. Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period. The child in question is under 5 years of age and lives in the household. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8236 V 2 .No - skip to TM8322 V 3 .Stopped working (attending V .school/looking for work) when V .arrangement ended - skip to TM8322 D TM8226 1 244 During the past 12 months, did ... make any changes in the arrangements used for the child during the time ... was working (at school/looking for a job)? Consider only changes that lasted for one week or more, including changes over the summer or between the child's school terms. Do not count changes in teachers or schools as a change of arrangement. If the respondent stopped working (attending school/looking for a job) when schools were closed, then no change should be recorded - mark category 3. Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period. The child in question is 6-14 and lives in the household. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8232 V 2 .No - skip to next child or to V .TM8322 if there are no other children V 3 .Stopped working (attending V .school/looking for work) when V .arrangement ended - skip to V .next child or to TM8322 if there are no other V .children D TM8228 1 245 During the past 12 months, did ... make any changes in the arrangements used for the child during the time ... was working (at school/looking for a job)? Consider only changes that lasted for one week or more, including changes over the summer or between the child's school terms. Do not count changes in teachers or schools as a change of arrangement. If the respondent stopped working (attending school/looking for a job) when schools were closed, then no change should be recorded - mark category 3. Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period. The child in question is 6-14 and lives in the household. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8234 V 2 .No - skip to next child or V .to TM8322 if there are no other children V 3 .Stopped working (attending V .school/looking for work) when V .arrangement ended - skip to V .next child or to TM8322 if there are no other V .children D TM8230 1 246 During the past 12 months, did ... make any changes in the arrangements used for the child during the time ... was working (at school/looking for a job)? Consider only changes that lasted for one week or more, including changes over the summer or between the child's school terms. Do not count changes in teachers or schools as a change of arrangement. If the respondent stopped working (attending school/looking for a job) when schools were closed, then no change should be recorded - mark category 3. Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age living in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8236 V 2 .No - skip to TM8322 V 3 .Stopped working (attending V .school/looking for work) when V .arrangement ended - skip to TM8322 D TM8232 2 247 Excluding any time spent in kindergarten or grade school, how many different arrangements did the child use in the last 12 months. Include arrangements lasting for 1 week or more. Do not count different school grades or terms as a different arrangement. Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 - 99 .Arrangement(s) D TM8234 2 249 Excluding any time spent in kindergarten or grade school, how many different arrangements did the child use in the last 12 months. Include arrangements lasting for 1 week or more. Do not count different school grades or terms as a different arrangement. Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 - 99 .Arrangement(s) D TM8236 2 251 Excluding any time spent in kindergarten or grade school, how many different arrangements did the child use in the last 12 months. Include arrangements lasting for 1 week or more. Do not count different school grades or terms as a different arrangement. Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 - 99 .Arrangements(s) D TM8238 1 253 Reason child care arrangement changed: Beginning/ending/changes in child's school enrollment Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8240 1 254 Reason child care arrangement changed: Beginning/ending/changes in child's school enrollment Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8242 1 255 Reason child care arrangement changed: Beginning/ending/changes in child's school enrollment Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8244 1 256 Reason child care arrangement changed: Beginning/ending/changes in respondent's job Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8246 1 257 Reason child care arrangement changed: Beginning/ending/changes in respondent's job Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8248 1 258 Reason child care arrangement changed: Beginning/ending/changes in respondent's job Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8250 1 259 Reason child care arrangement changed: Beginning/ending/changes in respondent's school enrollment Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8252 1 260 Reason child care arrangement changed: Beginning/ending/changes in respondent's school enrollment Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8254 1 261 Reason child care arrangement changed: Beginning/ending/changes in respondent's school enrollment Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8256 1 262 Reason child care arrangement changed: Cost Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8258 1 263 Reason child care arrangement changed: Cost Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8260 1 264 Reason child care arrangement changed: Cost Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8262 1 265 Reason child care arrangement changed: Availability or hours of care provider Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8264 1 266 Reason child care arrangement changed: Availability or hours of care provider Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8266 1 267 Reason child care arrangement changed: Availability or hours of care provider Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8268 1 268 Reason child care arrangement changed: Reliability of care provider Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8270 1 269 Reason child care arrangement changed: Reliability of care provider Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8272 1 270 Reason child care arrangement changed: Reliability of care provider Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8274 1 271 Reason child care arrangement changed: Quality of care provided Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8276 1 272 Reason child care arrangement changed: Quality of care provided Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8278 1 273 Reason child care arrangement changed: Quality of care provided Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8280 1 274 Reason child care arrangement changed: Location or accessability to care provider Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8282 1 275 Reason child care arrangement changed: Location or accessability to care provider Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8284 1 276 Reason child care arrangement changed: Location or accessability to care provider Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8286 1 277 Reason child care arrangement changed: Found better/less expensive/more convenient provider Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8288 1 278 Reason child care arrangement changed: Found better/less expensive/more convenient provider Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8290 1 279 Reason child care arrangement changed: Found better/less expensive/more convenient provider Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8292 1 280 Reason child care arrangement changed: Never had any regular arrangement Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8294 1 281 Reason child care arrangement changed: Never had any regular arrangement Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8296 1 282 Reason child care arrangement changed: Never had any regular arrangement Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8298 1 283 Reason child care arrangement changed: Child outgrew arrangement Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8300 1 284 Reason child care arrangement changed: Child outgrew arrangement Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8302 1 285 Reason child care arrangement changed: Child outgrew arrangement Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8304 1 286 Reason child care arrangement changed: No longer eligible for assistance Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8306 1 287 Reason child care arrangement changed: No longer eligible for assistance Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8308 1 288 Reason child care arrangement changed: No longer eligible for assistance Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8310 1 289 Reason child care arrangement changed: Arrangement no longer available Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8312 1 290 Reason child care arrangement changed: Arrangement no longer available Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8314 1 291 Reason child care arrangement changed: Arrangement no longer available Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8316 1 292 Reason child care arrangement changed: Other reason Youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes - skip to next child or to TM8322 if no V .other children D TM8318 1 293 Reason child care arrangement changed: Other reason Second youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes - skip to next child or to TM8322 if no V .other children D TM8320 1 294 Reason child care arrangement changed: Other reason Third youngest child U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. Child care arrangements changed during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8322 D TM8322 1 295 Check Item T11.1 Is ... the designated parent or guardian of 4 or more children under 15 years of age who live in this household? U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were enrolled in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period and had children under 15 years of age in the household. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8326 D TM8324 6 296 Considering all of ...'s children under 15 in the household, even those not previously mentioned, how much did ... (or ...'s family) pay for child care for all of ...'s children for all arrange- ments used in a typical week last month? (Exclude the cost of school tuition for kindergarten, elementary, or secondary school.) U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period with 4 or more children under 15 in the household. V -00002 .All costs already recorded for V .the three youngest children V 000000 .Not applicable V 1-000159 .Dollars V 160 .160 dollars or more D TM8326 1 302 Thinking now only about the arrangements used last month, were any changes made in the child care arrangements used for any of your children at that time, even for less than a day, because your usual child care provider was not available? Include both unexpected and anticipated losses of child care providers such as school closings and temporary illness of the provider, even for part of one day. U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period with children under 15 in the household. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - end of section D TM8328 2 303 When these changes in arrangements occurred last month did ... (or ...'s spouse) lose any time from work (school/ job hunting), even for part of the day? U Parents or guardians 15 or older who worked, were in school, or were looking for a job during the reference period with children under 15 in the household. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Yes, respondent lost time V 02 .Yes, spouse lost time V 03 .Both respondent and spouse V .lost time V 04 .No ******************************************* * All imputation flags are coded * * as follows: * * * * 0 .Not imputed * * 1 .Imputed * ******************************************* D IMP8102 1 305 Imputation flag: 'TM8102' D IMP8103 1 306 Imputation flag: 'TM8103' D IMP8104 1 307 Imputation flag: 'TM8104' D IMP8107 1 308 Imputation flag: 'TM8107' D IMP8109 1 309 Imputation flag: 'TM8109' D IMP8120 1 310 Imputation flag: 'TM8120' D IMP8122 1 311 Imputation flag: 'TM8122' D IMP8124 1 312 Imputation flag: 'TM8124' D IMP8126 1 313 Imputation flag: 'TM8126' D IMP8128 1 314 Imputation flag: 'TM8128' D IMP8130 1 315 Imputation flag: 'TM8130' D IMP8170 1 316 Imputation flag: 'TM8170' D IMP8172 1 317 Imputation flag: 'TM8172' D IMP8174 1 318 Imputation flag: 'TM8174' D IMP8176 1 319 Imputation flag: 'TM8176' D IMP8178 1 320 Imputation flag: 'TM8178' D IMP8180 1 321 Imputation flag: 'TM8180' D IMP8138 1 322 Imputation flag: 'TM8138' D IMP8140 1 323 Imputation flag: 'TM8140' D IMP8142 1 324 Imputation flag: 'TM8142' D IMP8146 1 325 Imputation flag: 'TM8146' D IMP8152 1 326 Imputation flag: 'TM8152' D IMP8148 1 327 Imputation flag: 'TM8148' D IMP8154 1 328 Imputation flag: 'TM8154' D IMP8150 1 329 Imputation flag: 'TM8150' D IMP8156 1 330 Imputation flag: 'TM8156' D IMP8158A 1 331 Imputation flag: 'TM8158' Hours of primary care for respondents who were in school or were looking for a job. See also IMP8158B. D IMP8160A 1 332 Imputation flag: 'TM8160' Hours of primary care for respondents who were in school or were looking for a job. See also IMP8160B. D IMP8162A 1 333 Imputation flag: 'TM8162' Hours of primary care for respondents who were in school or were looking for a job. See also IMP8162B. D IMP8158B 1 334 Imputation flag: 'TM8158' Hours of primary care for respondents who were employed. See also IMP8158A. D IMP8160B 1 335 Imputation flag: 'TM8160' Hours of primary care for respondents who were employed. See also IMP8160A. D IMP8162B 1 336 Imputation flag: 'TM8162' Hours of primary care for respondents who were employed. See also IMP8162A. D IMP8188 1 337 Imputation flag: 'TM8188' D IMP8190 1 338 Imputation flag: 'TM8190' D IMP8192 1 339 Imputation flag: 'TM8192' D IMP8196 1 340 Imputation flag: 'TM8196' D IMP8202 1 341 Imputation flag: 'TM8202' D IMP8198 1 342 Imputation flag: 'TM8198' D IMP8204 1 343 Imputation flag: 'TM8204' D IMP8200 1 344 Imputation flag: 'TM8200' D IMP8206 1 345 Imputation flag: 'TM8206' D IMP8208A 1 346 Imputation flag: 'TM8208' Hours of secondary care for respondents who were in school or were looking for a job. See also IMP8208B. D IMP8210A 1 347 Imputation flag: 'TM8210' Hours of secondary care for respondents who were in school or were looking for a job. See also IMP8210B. D IMP8212A 1 348 Imputation flag: 'TM8212' Hours of secondary care for respondents who were in school or were looking for a job. See also IMP8212B. D IMP8208B 1 349 Imputation flag: 'TM8208' Hours of secondary care for respondents who were employed. See also IMP8208A. D IMP8210B 1 350 Imputation flag: 'TM8210' Hours of secondary care for respondents who were employed. See also IMP8210A. D IMP8212B 1 351 Imputation flag: 'TM8212' Hours of secondary care for respondents who were employed. See also IMP8212A. D IMP8220 1 352 Imputation flag: 'TM8220' D IMP8222 1 353 Imputation flag: 'TM8222' D IMP8224 1 354 Imputation flag: 'TM8224' D IMP8226 1 355 Imputation flag: 'TM8226' D IMP8228 1 356 Imputation flag: 'TM8228' D IMP8230 1 357 Imputation flag: 'TM8230' D IMP8232 1 358 Imputaton flag: 'TM8232' D IMP8234 1 359 Imputation flag: 'TM8234' D IMP8236 1 360 Imputation flag: 'TM8236' D IMP8324 1 361 Imputation flag: 'TM8324' D IMP8326 1 362 Imputation flag: 'TM8326' D IMP8328 1 363 Imputation flag: 'TM8328' D FILLER 1 364 Filler ******************************************* * TOPICAL MODULE: CHILD SUPPORT * * AGREEMENTS * ******************************************* D TM8400 1 365 Check Item T12 Is ... the parent of children under 21 years of age who live in this household U All persons 15 or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - end of section D TM8401 1 366 Does ... have any children of...'s own in this household under 21 years age who have a parent living elsewhere? Do not include adoptive or biological parents who would be living at home except for military or other job-related absences. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - end of section D TM8402 2 367 How many of ...'s own children living here have a parent living elsewhere? Do not include adoptive or biological parents who would be living at home except for military or other job-related absences. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 00 .Not applicable V 01-03 .Children V 04 .4 or more children D TM8403 3 369 Person number of child under 21 with a parent living elsewhere Child 1: Youngest child U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 000 .Not applicable V 101-699 .Person number V 999 .Valid person number could not be identified D TM8404 1 372 Child with no child support agreement Child 1: Youngest child U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8405 1 373 Child covered by most recent child support agreement Child 1: Youngest child U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least one of the respondent's children. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8406 1 374 Child covered by all other child support agreements Child 1: Youngest child U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Different child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least two of the respondent's children. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8407 3 375 Person number of child under 21 with a parent living elsewhere Child 2 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 000 .Not applicable V 101-699 .person number V 999 .Valid person number could not be identified D TM8408 1 378 Child with no child support agreement Child 2 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8409 1 379 Child covered by most recent child support agreement Child 2 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least one of the respondent's children. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8410 1 380 Child covered by all other child support agreements Child 2 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Different child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least two of the respondent's children. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8411 3 381 Person number of child under 21 with a parent living elsewhere Child 3 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 000 .Not applicable V 101-699 .Person number V 999 ..Valid person number could not be identified D TM8412 1 384 Child with no child support agreement Child 3 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8413 1 385 Child covered by most recent child support agreement Child 3 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least one of the respondent's children. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8414 1 386 Child covered by all other child support agreements Child 3 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Different child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least two of the respondent's children. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8415 3 387 Person number of child under 21 with a parent living elsewhere Child 4 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 000 .Not applicable V 101-699 .Person number V 999 ..Valid person number could not be identified D TM8416 1 390 Child with no child support agreement Child 4 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8417 1 391 Child covered by most recent child support agreement Child 4 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least one of the respondent's children. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8418 1 392 Child covered by all other child support agreements Child 4 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Different child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least two of the respondent's children. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes ********************************************** * The following 16 variables -- * * TM8419-TM8434 -- were * * zero-filled for reasons of * * confidentiality * ********************************************** D TM8419 3 393 Filler D TM8420 1 396 Filler D TM8421 1 397 Filler D TM8422 1 398 Filler D TM8423 3 399 Filler D TM8424 1 402 Filler D TM8425 1 403 Filler D TM8426 1 404 Filler D TM8427 3 405 Filler D TM8428 1 408 Filler D TM8429 1 409 Filler D TM8430 1 410 Filler D TM8431 3 411 Filler D TM8432 1 414 Filler D TM8433 1 415 Filler D TM8434 1 416 Filler D TM8435 1 417 Child support payments can be specified in written or verbal child support agreements. Have child support payments ever been agreed to or awarded for (any of)...'s children we have just listed U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - for each child listed in V .TM8403,TM8407,TM8411,TM8415, V .TM8419,TM8423,TM8427,TM8431 V .mark the corresponding yes box in V .the following series: V .Child without a support agreement: V .TM8404,TM8408,TM8412,TM8416,TM8420, V .TM8424,TM8428,TM8432 V .then skip to TM8535 D TM8436 2 418 Number of respondent's children for whom child support was agreed to or awarded U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least one of the respondent's children. V 00 .Not applicable V 01-03 .Children V 04 .4 or more children D TM8437 1 420 Check item T13 Does TM8436=1? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least one of the respondent's children. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - Mark "Yes" for the V .the variable in the following series V .corresponding to the child in question: V .Child covered by most recent support V .agreement: V .TM8405,TM8409,TM8413, V .TM8417,TM8421,TM8425, V .TM8429,TM8433 V .then skip to TM8440 V 2 .No D TM8438 1 421 Are...'s children that we have just listed covered by different child support agreements? By this we mean separate agreements involving different absent parents. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least two of the respondent's children. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - Mark "Yes" for the V .variable in the following V .series corresonding to V .the children in question: V .Child covered by most recent V .support agreement: V .TM8405,TM8409,TM8413, V .TM8417,TM8421,TM8425, V .TM8429,TM8433 V .then skip to TM8440 D TM8439 2 422 How many different child support agreements cover these children? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Different child support payments were agreed to or awarded for at least two of the respondent's children. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .1 Agreement - see below V 02 .2 or more agreements - see below Respondents to TM8439 were then asked "Which of these children are covered by the most recent child support agreement?" Interviewers were instructed to mark "Yes" for the variable in the following series corresponding to the child in question: Child covered by most recent support agreement: TM8405,TM8409,TM8413,TM8417, TM8421,TM8425,TM8429,TM8433 Then respondents to TM8439 were asked "Which of these children are covered by any other child support agreements, either written or verbal?" Interviewers were instructed to mark "Yes" for the variable in the following series corresponding to the child in question: Child is covered by all other support agreements: TM8406,TM8410,TM8414,TM8418, TM8422,TM8426,TM8430,TM8434 Respondents then skipped to TM8440. Note: Each child listed in the series TM8403--TM8431 can only have one of the following series marked "Yes": No support agreement: TM8404,TM8408,TM8412,TM8416,TM8420,TM8424,TM8428,TM8432 Covered by most recent support agreement: TM8405,TM8409,TM8413,TM8417,TM8421,TM8425,TM8429,TM8433 Covered by all other support agreements: TM8406,TM8410,TM8414,TM8418,TM8422,TM8426,TM8430,TM8434 D TM8440 1 424 Check item T14 Do any of the chidren listed in TM8403,TM8407,TM8411,TM8415,TM8419,TM8423,TM8427,TM8431 NOT have "yes" marked for one of the two following series: Covered by most recent support agreement: TM8405,TM8409,TM8413,TM8417,TM8421,TM8425,TM8429,TM8433 Covered by all other support agreements: TM8406,TM8410,TM8414,TM8418,TM8422,TM8426,TM8430,TM8434 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - See below V 2 .No - skip to TM8441 Respondents with TM8440=1=Yes were then asked "Which of these children are not covered by any child support agreements?" Interviewers were instructed to mark "Yes" for the variable in the following series corresponding to the child in question: Child without a support agreement: TM8404,TM8408,TM8412,TM8416, TM84210,TM8424,TM8428,TM8432 D TM8441 1 425 The following questions refer to the most recent child support agreement. (Refer to the series TM8405,TM8409,TM8413, TM8417,TM8421,TM8425,TM8429,TM8433) Was this agreement a voluntary written agreement, or a non-written (verbal) agreement? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicaple V 1 .Voluntary written agreement ratified by the court V 2 .Court-ordered agreement. V 3 .Other type of written agreement V 4 .Non written (verbal agreement) V .skip to TM8482 ********************************************* * The following 40 questions refer to the * * most recent WRITTEN child support * * agreement. * ********************************************* D TM8442 4 426 In what year was the written agreement described in TM8441 first reached? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0000 .Not applicable V 1901-1994 .Year - skip to TM8443, TM8444, V .TM8445, TM8446, or TM8447 D TM8443 6 430 What was the weekly dollar amount of the written agreement described in TM8441? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 001899 .Dollars per week - skip to TM8448 V 001900 .1900 dollars or more per week V .- skip to TM8448 D TM8444 6 436 What was the biweekly dollar amount of the written agreement described in TM8441? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 003799 .Dollars biweekly - skip to TM8448 V 003800 .3800 dollars or more biweekly V .- skip to TM8448 D TM8445 6 442 What was the monthly dollar amount of the written agreement described in TM8441? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 008332 .Dollars per month - skip to TM8448 V 008333 .8333 dollars or more per month V .- skip to TM8448 D TM8446 6 448 V What was the annual dollar amount of the V written agreement described in TM8441? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 099999 .Dollars per year - skip to TM8448 V 100000 .100000 dollars or more per year V .- skip to TM8448 D TM8447 2 454 Dollar amount of the written agreement described in TM8441 was not reported U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable D TM8448 1 456 Has the dollar amount reported in TM8443--TM8447 ever been changed? Refers to the written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .Not appplicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8456 D TM8449 4 457 In what year was the amount reported in TM8443--TM8447 last changed? Refers to the written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement was changed. V 0000 .Not applicable V 1903-1994 .Year - skip to TM8450,TM8451,TM8452, V .TM8453, or TM8454 D TM8450 6 461 What was the weekly dollar amount of the written agreement (described in TM8441) after the last change? Refers to the agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 001899 .Dollars per week - skip to TM8455 V 001900 .1900 dollars or more per week V .- skip to TM8455 D TM8451 6 467 What was the biweekly dollar amount of the written agreement (described in TM8441) after the last change? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V 000000 .Not applicable - skip to TM8455 V 000001- V 003799 .Dollars biweekly V 003800 .3800 dollars or more per biweekly V .- skip to TM8455 D TM8452 6 473 What was the monthly dollar amount of the written agreement (described in TM8441) after the last change? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V 000000 .Not applicable - skip to TM8455 V 000001- V 008332 .Dollars per month V 008333 .8333 dollars or more per month V .- skip to TM8455 D TM8453 6 479 What was the annual dollar amount of the written agreement (described in TM8441) after the last change? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V 000000 .Not applicable - skip to TM8455 V 000001- V 099999 .Dollars per year V 100000 .100000 dollars or more per year V .- skip to TM8455 D TM8454 2 485 Dollar amount of the written agreement (described in TM8441) after the last change was not reported U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V 00 .Not applicable D TM8455 1 487 Was the change described in TM8448 made or agreed to by a government agency such as a court or child support agency? Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8456 1 488 Were any payments due in the last 12 months? Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8458 V 2 .No D TM8457 1 489 Why were no payments due in the last 12 months? Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. Child support payments were not due during the past 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Child(ren) over the age limit - skip to TM8462 V 2 .Other parent not working - skip to TM8462 V 3 .Other parent in jail or V .institution - skip to TM8462 V 4 .Payment suspended by court or V .agency - skip to TM8462 V 5 .Other reason - skip to TM8462 D TM8458 6 490 What is the total amount that...was supposed to have received in child support payments during the past 12 months (from the most recent agreement)? Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. Child support payments were due in the last 12 months. V 000000 .Not applicable V 00001- V 099999 .Dollars V 100000 .100000 dollars or more D TM8459 2 496 How are the payments supposed to be received? Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. Child support payments were due in the last 12 months. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Directly from the other parent V 02 .Through a court V 03 .Through the welfare or child support agency V 04 .Some other method D TM8460 6 498 What is the total amount that...actually received in child support payments under that agreement, during the past 12 months? Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. Child support payments were due in the last 12 months. V -00003 .None - skip to TM8462 V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 099999 .Dollars V 100000 .100000 dollars or more D TM8461 1 504 How regularly are child support payments received? Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. Child support payments were due in the last 12 months and some or all were received. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .All of the time V 2 .Most of the time V 3 .Some of the time V 4 .None of the time D TM8462 2 505 Under the terms of the agreement with the other parent, is...due any back payments for child support owed prior to the last 12 months? Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Yes V 02 .No - skip to TM8464 D TM8463 2 507 Amount due in back payments prior to the last twelve months (described in TM8462). Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. Respondent is due back payments for child support owed prior to the last twelve months. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Less than $500 V 02 .Between $500 and $5,000 V 03 .More than $5,000 D TM8464 1 509 Provision for health care costs included in the written child support agreement described in TM8441: Noncustodial parent to provide health insurance. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8465 1 510 Provision for health care costs included in the written child support agreement described in TM8441: Custodian parent to provide health insurance U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8466 1 511 Provision for health care costs included in the written child support agreement described in TM8441: Non-custodial parent to pay actual medical costs directly U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8467 1 512 Provision for health care costs included in the written child support agreement described in TM8441: Child support payments to include cash medical support U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8468 1 513 No provisions for health care costs included in the written child support agreement described in TM8441 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes, no provisions specified D TM8469 1 514 Other provisions for health care costs included in the written child support agreement described in TM8441 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes, other provisions specified D TM8470 1 515 What child custody arrangement does the most recent agreement specify? Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Joint legal and physical V .custody V 2 .Joint legal with mother V .physical custody V 3 .Joint legal with father V .physical custody V 4 .Mother legal and physical V .custody V 5 .Father legal and physical V .custody V 6 .Split custody V 7 .Other D TM8471 1 516 Does the child support agreement specify the visitation arrangement between the child(ren) and the other parent? Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8472 1 517 Check item T15 Is more than one child marked yes in the following series? Child covered by most recent written support agreement: TM8405,TM8409,TM8413,TM8417,TM8421,TM8425, TM8429,TM8433 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8474,TM8475,TM8476. V .TM8477, or TM8478 D TM8473 1 518 Did all the children visit the other parent about the same number of days in the last 12 months? Refers to the children covered by the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. Two or more children were covered under the most recent child support agreement (TM8472=1=Yes). V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8474,TM8475,TM8476, V .TM8477,TM8478 and ask for all children V 2 .No - skip to TM8474,TM8475,TM8476, V .TM8477,TM8478 and ask for the oldest V .child only D TM8474 3 519 What is the total amount of days the child/all children/the oldest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months? Refers to the children covered by the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 000 .Not applicable V 001-365 .Days - skip to TM8479 D TM8475 2 522 What is the total amount of weeks the child/all children/the oldest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months? Refers to the children covered by the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable V 01-52 .Weeks - skip to TM8479 D TM8476 2 524 What is the total amount of months the child/all children/the oldest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months? Refers to the children covered by the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable V 01-12 .Months - skip to TM8479 D TM8477 2 526 The child/all children/the oldest child did not visit the other parent in the last 12 months. Refers to the children covered by the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V -3 .None, no visits - skip to TM8479 V 00 .Not applicable D TM8478 2 528 The total amount of time the child/all children/the oldest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months was not reported. Refers to the children covered by the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable D TM8479 1 530 Where does the other parent (for this agreement) now live? Refers to the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Same county/city V 2 .Same state (different county/city) V 3 .Different state V 4 .Other parent now deceased - skip to TM8528 V 5 .Other V 6 .Unknown - skip to TM8528 D TM8480 1 531 Do you and the other parent still live in the same state(s) where the initial child support agreement was reached? Refers to the children covered by the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. Other parent's current residence is known. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8528 V 2 .No D TM8481 1 532 Who moved out of state where the initial child support agreement was reached? Refers to the children covered by the written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a written child support agreement. Respondent and/or other parent no longer live in the state where the initial child support agreement was first reached. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Respondent - skip to TM8528 V 2 .Other parent - skip to TM8528 V 3 .Both respondent and other V .parent - skip to TM8528 ********************************************** * The following 46 questions, TM8482--TM8527 * * refer to the most recent NON-WRITTEN or * * VERBAL child support agreement or * * understanding described in TM8441. * ********************************************** D TM8482 4 533 In what year was this non-written agreement/ understanding first reached? Refers to the most recent non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0000 .Not applicable V 1903-1994 .Year of the agreement - skip to V .TM8483,TM8484,TM8485,TM8486,TM8487 D TM8483 6 537 What was the weekly dollar amount of the non-written agreement described in TM8441? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 001899 .Dollars per week - skip to TM8488 V 001900 .1900 dollars or more per week V .skip to TM8488 D TM8484 6 543 What was the biweekly dollar amount of the non-written agreement described in TM8441? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 1-003799 .Dollars biweekly - skip to TM8488 V 003800 .3800 dollars or more biweekly - V .skip to TM8488 D TM8485 6 549 What was the monthly dollar amount of the non-written agreement described in TM8441? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 008332 .Dollars per month - skip to TM8488 V 008333 .8333 dollars or more per month - V .skip to TM8488 D TM8486 6 555 What was the annual dollar amount of the non-written agreement described in TM8441? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 099999 .Dollars per year - skip to TM8488 V 100000 .100000 dollars or more per year V .-skip to TM8488 D TM8487 2 561 Dollar amount of the non-written agreement described in TM8441 was never reported. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable D TM8488 1 563 Has the dollar amount reported in TM8483--TM8487 ever been changed? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8495 D TM8489 4 564 In what year was the amount reported in TM8483--TM8487 last changed? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V -001 .Don't know - skip to V .TM8490,TM8491,TM8492,TM8493, or TM8494 V 0000 .Not applicable V 1903-1994 .Year - skip to V .TM8490,TM8491,TM8492,TM8493, or TM8494 D TM8490 6 568 What was the weekly dollar amount of the non-written agreement/understanding (described in TM8441) after the last change? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 001899 .Dollars per week - skip to TM8495 V 001900 .1900 dollars or more per week V .- skip to TM8495 D TM8491 6 574 What was the biweekly dollar amount of the non-written agreement/understanding (described in TM8441) after the last change? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 003799 .Dollars biweekly - skip to TM8495 V 003800 .3800 dollars or more biweekly V .- skip to TM8495 D TM8492 6 580 What was the monthly dollar amount of the non-written agreement/understanding (described in TM8441) after the last change? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 008332 .Dollars per month - skip to TM8495 V 008333 .8333 dollars or more per month V .skip to TM8495 D TM8493 6 586 What was the annual dollar amount of the non-written agreement/understanding (described in TM8441) after the last change? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 099999 .Dollars per year - skip to TM8495 V 100000 .100000 dollars or more per year V .skip to TM8495 D TM8494 2 592 Dollar amount of the non-written agreement/understanding (described in TM8441) was not reported. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. The dollar amount of the original agreement changed. V 00 .Not applicable D TM8495 1 594 Were any payments to be received in the last 12 months? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8497 V 2 .No D TM8496 1 595 Why were no payments due in the last 12 months? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. Child support payments were not due during the last 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Child(ren) too old - skip to TM8500 V 2 .Other parent not working - skip to TM8500 V 3 .Other parent in jail or institution V .- skip to TM8500 V 4 .Other - skip to TM8500 D TM8497 6 596 What is the total amount that... was supposed to have received in child support payments during the past 12 months from the most recent agreement/ understanding? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. Child support payments were due in the last 12 months. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 099999 .Dollars V 100000 .100000 or more dollars D TM8498 6 602 What is the total amount that... actually received in child support payments under that agreement/ understanding during the past 12 months? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. Child support payments were due in the last 12 months V -00003 .None - skip to TM8500 V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 099999 .Dollars V 100000 .100000 or more dollars D TM8499 1 608 How regularly are child support payments received? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. Child support payments were due in the last 12 months and some or all were received in the last 12 months. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .All of the time V 2 .Most of the time V 3 .Some of the time V 4 .None of the time D TM8500 2 609 Under the terms of the agreement/ understanding with the other parent, is...due any back payments for child support owed prior to the last 12 Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. months? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Yes V 02 .No - skip to TM8502 D TM8501 2 611 Amount due in back payments prior to the last 12 months (described in TM8500). Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. Respondent is due back payments for child support owed prior to the last twelve months. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Less than $500 V 02 .Between $500 and $5,000 V 03 .More D TM8502 1 613 Provision for health care costs included in the non-written child support agreement described in TM8441: Noncustodial parent to provide health insurance. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8503 1 614 Provision for health care costs included in the non-written child support agreement described in TM8441: Custodial parent to provide health insurance. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8504 1 615 Provision for health care costs included in the non-written child support agreement described in TM8441: Noncustodial parent to pay actual medical costs directly. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8505 1 616 Provision for health care costs included in the non-written child support agreement described in TM8441: Child support payments to include cash medical support. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8506 1 617 No provisions for health care costs included in the non-written child support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes, no provisions specified D TM8507 1 618 Provision for health care costs included in the non-written child support agreement described in TM8441: Other provisions specified. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes, other provisions specified D TM8508 1 619 What child custody arrangements does the agreement/understanding specify? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Child(ren) live with mother V 2 .Child(ren) live with father V 3 .Child(ren) live with mother and V .with father V 4 .None V 5 .Other D TM8509 1 620 Does the child support agreement/ understanding cover the visitation arrangement between the child(ren) and the other parent? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8510 1 621 Check item T16 Is more than one child marked yes in the following series? Child covered by most recent written support agreement: TM8405,TM8409,TM8413,TM8417,TM8421,TM8425, TM8429,TM8433 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8512,TM8513,TM8514, V .TM8515,TM8516 D TM8511 1 622 Did all the children visit the other parent about the same number of days in the last 12 months? Refers to the children covered by the non-written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. Two or more children were covered under the most recent child support agreement (TM8510=1=Yes). V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8512,TM8513,TM8514, V .TM8515, or TM8516 and ask for all children V 2 .No skip to TM8512,TM8513,TM8514, V .TM8515, or TM8516 and ask for the oldest V .child D TM8512 3 623 What is the total amount of days (the child/all children/the oldest child) spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 000 .Not applicable V 001-365 .Days - skip to TM8517 D TM8513 2 626 What is the total amount of weeks (the child/all children/the oldest child) spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable V 01-52 .Weeks - skip to TM8517 D TM8514 2 628 What is the total amount of months (the child/all children/the oldest child) spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable V 01-12 .Months - skip to TM8517 D TM8515 2 630 The child/all children/the oldest child did not visit the other parent in the last 12 months. Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V -3 .None, no visits - skip to TM8517 V 00 .Not applicable D TM8516 2 632 The total amount of time (the child/all children/the oldest child) spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months was not reported. Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable D TM8517 1 634 Reason this agreement/understanding was never put in writing: Legal paternity not established. Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8518 1 635 Reason this agreement/understanding was never put in writing: Unable to locate other parent. Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8519 1 636 Reason this agreement/understanding was never put in writing: Other parent unable to pay. Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8520 1 637 Reason this agreement/understanding was never put in writing: Final agreement pending. Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8521 1 638 Reason this agreement/understanding was never put in writing: Respondent accepted property settlement in lieu of child support. Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8522 1 639 Reason this agreement/understanding was never put in writing: Respondent does not want a legal child support award. Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8523 1 640 Reason this agreement/understanding was never put in writing: Respondent did not pursue an award. Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8524 1 641 Reason this agreement/understanding was never put in writing: Other reason specified. Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8525 1 642 Where does the other parent (for this agreement) now live? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Same county/city V 2 .Same state, but different county V .or city V 3 .Different state V 4 .Other parent now deceased - skip V .to TM8528 V 5 .Other V 6 .Unknown - skip to TM8528 D TM8526 1 643 Do you and the other parent still live in the same state(s) where the initial child support agreement/understanding was reached? Refers to the non-written agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. Other parent's current residence is known. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8528 V 2 .No D TM8527 1 644 Who moved out of state where the initial child support agreement was reached? Refers to the children covered by the non-written support agreement described in TM8441. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a non-written child support agreement. Respondent and/or other parent no longer live in the state where the initial child support agreement was first reached. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Respondent V 2 .Other parent V 3 .Both respondent and other parent D TM8528 1 645 Check item T17 Were any other of...'s own children covered by any other agreement? In other words, is more than one child marked yes in the following series? Child covered by all other support agreements: TM8406,TM8410,TM8414,TM8418,TM8422,TM8426, TM8430,TM8434 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8529,TM8530,TM8531, V .TM8532,TM8533 V 2 .No - skip to TM8535 ********************************************** * The following 6 questions, TM8529--TM8534 * * refer to the other child support * * agreement(s) covering the respondent's * * child living in the household. * ********************************************** D TM8529 6 646 What is the total weekly amount that...was supposed to have received in child support payments under this/these other agreement(s) during the last 12 months. Refers to the support agreement described in TM8528. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by any other child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 001899 .Dollars - skip to TM8534 V 001900 .1900 dollars or more per week V .- skip to TM8534 D TM8530 6 652 What is the total biweekly amount that...was supposed to have received in child support payments under this/these other agreement(s) during the last 12 months. Refers to the support agreement described in TM8528. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by any other child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 003799 .Dollars biweekly - skip to TM8534 V 003800 .3800 dollars or more biweekly V .skip to TM8534 D TM8531 6 658 What is the total monthy amount that...was supposed to have received in child support payments under this/these other agreement(s) during the last 12 months. Refers to the support agreement described in TM8528. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by any other child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 008332 .Dollars per month - skip to TM8534 V 008333 .8333 dollars or more per month V .- skip to TM8534 D TM8532 6 664 What is the total annual amount that...was supposed to have received in child support payments under this/these other agreement(s) during the last 12 months. Refers to the support agreement described in TM8528. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by any other child support agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 099999 .Dollars per year - skip to TM8534 V 100000 .100000 dollars or more per year V . - skip to TM8534 D TM8533 2 670 Total amount that...was supposed to have received in child support payments under this/these other agreement(s) during the last 12 months was zero or not reported. Refers to the support agreement described in TM8528. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by any other child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable V -3 .None - skip to TM8534 D TM8534 6 672 What is the total amount that...actually received in child support payments under this agreement, during the last 12 months? Refers to the support agreement described in TM8528. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is covered by any other child support agreement. V -00003 .None V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 099999 .Dollars V 100000 .100000 dollars or more D TM8535 1 678 For any of ...'s children, has ... ever asked a public agency (such as the child support enforcement office or welfare agency) for help in obtaining child support? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8552 D TM8536 4 679 In what year did...last ask for help in obtaining child support? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support. V 0000 .Not applicable V 1903-1994 .Year D TM8537 1 683 Type of help requested: Locate the other parent. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8538 1 684 Type of help requested: Establish paternity or maternity U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8539 1 685 Type of help requested: Establish support obligation U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8540 1 686 Type of help requested: Establish medical support. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8541 1 687 Type of help requested: Enforce support order. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8542 1 688 Type of help requested: Modify an order U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8543 1 689 Type of help requested: Other help requested U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8544 1 690 Did...receive any help from the agency (last contact)? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8552 D TM8545 1 691 Type of help received (last contact): Locate the other parent U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support and has received help. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8546 1 692 Type of help received (last contact): Establish paternity or maternity U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support and has received help. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8547 1 693 Type of help received (last contact): Establish support obligation U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support and has received help. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8548 1 694 Type of help received (last contact): Establish medical support U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support and has received help. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8549 1 695 Type of help received (last contact): Enforce a support order U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support and has received help. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8550 1 696 Type of help received (last contact): Modify an order U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support and has received help. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8551 1 697 Type of help received (last contact): Other help received U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. Respondent has ever asked a public agency for help in obtaining child support and has received help. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8552 1 698 Check item T18 Are any of...'s own children not covered by a support agreement? In other words, is more than one child marked yes in the following series? Child without a support agreement: TM8404,TM8408,TM8412,TM8416,TM8420,TM8424, TM8428,TM8432 U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8595 D TM8553 2 699 How many of your own children, living here, with a parent living elsewhere, do not have a child support award from an absent parent? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable V 01-03 .Children V 04 .4 or more children D TM8554 1 701 Do all of ...'s children without a child support award have the same absent parent? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - ask the following questions V .for the youngest child without a V .support award: TM8555/57/59/61/63 V ./67/69/71/73/75/77/79/81/83/85/87 V ./89/91 V 2 .No - ask the following questions V .for the youngest child without a V .support award: TM8555/57/59/61/63 V ./67/69/71/73/75/77/79/81/83/85/87 V ./89/91 V .AND if TM8553=2 or more, then also ask V .the following questions for the V .oldest child without a support award: V .TM8556/58/60/62/64/66/68/70/72/74 V ./76/78/80/82/84/86/88/90/92 D TM8555 3 702 Person number of youngest child without a child support award. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 000 .Not applicable V 101-699 .Child's person number V 999 .Child's person number V .could not be identified D TM8556 3 705 Person number of oldest child without a child support award. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 000 .Not applicable V 101-699 .Child's person number V 999 .Child's person number V .could not be identified D TM8557 1 708 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's youngest child without an award: Legal paternity not established U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8558 1 709 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's oldest child without an award: Legal paternity not established U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8559 1 710 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's youngest child without an award: Unable to locate parent U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8560 1 711 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's oldest child without an award: Unable to locate parent U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8561 1 712 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's youngest child without an award: Other parent unable to pay U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8562 1 713 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's oldest child without an award: Other parent unable to pay U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8563 1 714 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's youngest child without an award: Final agreement pending U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8564 1 715 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's oldest child without an award: Final agreement pending U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8565 1 716 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's youngest child without an award: Respondent accepted property settlement in lieu of child support U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8566 1 717 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's oldest child without an award: Respondent accepted property settlement in lieu of child support U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8567 1 718 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's youngest child without an award: Respondent did not want child support. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8568 1 719 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's oldest child without an award: Respondent did not want child support U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8569 1 720 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's youngest child without an award: Respondent did not pursue award. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8570 1 721 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's oldest child without an award: Respondent did not pursue award. U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8571 1 722 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's youngest child without an award: Other reason U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8573,TM8575,TM8577, V .TM8579, or TM8581 D TM8572 1 723 Reason child support payments were not agreed to or awarded for the respondent's oldest child without an award: Other reason U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8574,TM8576,TM8578, V .TM8580, or TM8582 D TM8573 1 724 Where does the other parent of this youngest child now live? Same county or city U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8583,TM8585,TM8587, V .TM8589, or TM8591 D TM8574 1 725 Where does the other parent of this oldest child now live? Same county or city U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8584,TM8586,TM8588, V .TM8590, or TM8592 D TM8575 1 726 Where does the other parent of this youngest child now live? Same state, but different county or city U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8583,TM8585,TM8587, V .TM8589, or TM8591 D TM8576 1 727 Where does the other parent of this oldest child now live? Same state, but different county or city U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8584,TM8586,TM8588, V .TM8590, or TM8592 D TM8577 1 728 Where does the other parent of this youngest child now live? Different state U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8583,TM8585,TM8587, V .TM8589, or TM8591 D TM8578 1 729 Where does the other parent of this oldest child now live? Different state U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8584,TM8586,TM8588, V .TM8590, or TM8592 D TM8579 1 730 Where does the other parent of this youngest child now live? Other parent is deceased U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8593 D TM8580 1 731 Where does the other parent of this oldest child now live? Other parent is deceased U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8593 D TM8581 2 732 Where does the other parent of this youngest child now live? Other location or location unknown U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V -1 .Don't know, location unknown V .- skip to TM8583,TM8585,TM8587, V .TM8589, or TM8591 V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes, other location - skip to V .TM8583,TM8585,TM8587, V .TM8589, or TM8591 D TM8582 2 734 Where does the other parent of this oldest child now live? Other location or location unknown U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V -1 .Don't know, location unknown V .- skip to TM8584,TM8586,TM8588, V .TM8590, or TM8592 V 0 .No or not applicable V 1 .Yes, other location V .- skip to TM8584,TM8586,TM8588, V .TM8590, or TM8592 D TM8583 3 736 Total number of days the youngest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 00 .No or not applicable V 001-365 .Days - skip to TM8593 D TM8584 3 739 Total number of days the oldest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 00 .No or not applicable V 001-365 .Days - skip to TM8593 D TM8585 2 742 Total number of weeks the youngest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 00 .No or not applicable V 01-52 .Weeks - skip to TM8593 D TM8586 2 744 Total number of weeks the oldest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 00 .No or not applicable V 01-52 .Weeks - skip to TM8593 D TM8587 2 746 Total number of months the youngest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 00 .No or not applicable V 01-12 .Months - skip to TM8593 D TM8588 2 748 Total number of months the oldest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 00 .No or not applicable V 01-12 .Months - skip to TM8593 D TM8589 2 750 The youngest child did not visit the other parent in the last 12 months U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 00 .No or not applicable V -3 .None, no visits - skip to TM8593 D TM8590 2 752 The oldest child did not visit the other parent in the last 12 months U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 00 .No or not applicable V -3 .None, no visits - skip to TM8593 D TM8591 2 754 Total amount of time the youngest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months was not reported U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 00 .Not applicable D TM8592 2 756 Total amount of time the oldest child spent visiting the other parent in the last 12 months was not reported U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least two of the children do not have a parent living in this household and are not covered by a child support agreement. The children in question do not share the same absent parent. V 00 .Not applicable D TM8593 1 758 Were any payments received from the other parent(s) in the last 12 months for any of ...'s children without a child support agreement? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8595 D TM8594 6 759 What is the total amount that...received from the other parent(s) in the past 12 months for any of ...'s children without a child support agreement? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, and is not covered by a child support agreement. Respondent received payments for children without a child support agreement in the last 12 months. V 000000 .Not applicable V 000001- V 099999 .Dollars V 100000 .100000 dollars or more D TM8595 1 765 Were any non-cash items or services for child support received for any of ...'s children? U Parents of children under 21 years of age who live in this household. At least one of the children has a parent not living in this household, V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No ******************************************* * All imputation flags are coded * * as follows: * * * * 0 .Not imputed * * 1 .Imputed * ******************************************* D IM8401 1 766 Imputation flag: 'TM8401' D CSFL01 1 767 Filler...value '0' D IM8403 1 768 Imputation flag: 'TM8404-TM8434' D CSFL02 3 769 Filler...value '000' D IM8439 1 772 Imputation flag: 'TM8439' D IM8441 1 773 Imputation flag: 'TM8441' D IM8442 1 774 Imputation flag: 'TM8442' D IM8443 1 775 Imputation flag: 'TM8443-TM8446' D IM8448 1 776 Imputation flag: 'TM8448' D IM8449 1 777 Imputation flag: 'TM8449' D IM8450 1 778 Imputation flag: 'TM8450-TM8453' D IM8455 1 779 Imputation flag: 'TM8455' D IM8456 1 780 Imputation flag: 'TM8456' D IM8457 1 781 Imputation flag: 'TM8457' D IM8458 1 782 Imputation flag: 'TM8458' D IM8459 1 783 Imputation flag: 'TM8459' D IM8460 1 784 Imputation flag: 'TM8460' D IM8461 1 785 Imputation flag: 'TM8461' D IM8462 1 786 Imputation flag: 'TM8462' D IM8463 1 787 Imputation flag: 'TM8463' D IM8464 1 788 Imputation flag: 'TM8464-TM8468' D IM8470 1 789 Imputation flag: 'TM8470' D IM8471 1 790 Imputation flag: 'TM8471' D IM8473 1 791 Imputation flag: 'TM8473' D IM8474 1 792 Imputation flag: 'TM8474-TM8477' D IM8479 1 793 Imputation flag: 'TM8479' D IM8480 1 794 Imputation flag: 'TM8480' D IM8481 1 795 Imputation flag: 'TM8481' D IM8482 1 796 Imputation flag: 'TM8482' D IM8483 1 797 Imputation flag: 'TM8483-TM8486' D IM8488 1 798 Imputation flag: 'TM8488' D IM8489 1 799 Imputation flag: 'TM8489' D CSFL03 1 800 Filler value '0' D IM8493 1 801 Imputation flag: 'TM8490-TM8493' D IM8495 1 802 Imputation flag: 'TM8495' D IM8496 1 803 Imputation flag: 'TM8496' D IM8497 1 804 Imputation flag: 'TM8497' D IM8498 1 805 Imputation flag: 'TM8498' D IM8499 1 806 Imputation flag: 'TM8499' D IM8500 1 807 Imputation flag: 'TM8500' D IM8501 1 808 Imputation flag: 'TM8501' D IM8502 1 809 Imputation flag: 'TM8502-TM8507' D IM8508 1 810 Imputation flag: 'TM8508' D IM8509 1 811 Imputation flag: 'TM8509' D IM8511 1 812 Imputation flag: 'TM8511' D IM8512 1 813 Imputation flag: 'TM8512-TM8515' D IM8517 1 814 Imputation flag: 'TM8517-TM8524' D IM8525 1 815 Imputation flag: 'TM8525' D IM8526 1 816 Imputation flag: 'TM8526' D IM8527 1 817 Imputation flag: 'TM8527' D IM8529 1 818 Imputation flag: 'TM8529-TM8533' D IM8534 1 819 Imputation flag: 'TM8534' D IM8535 1 820 Imputation flag: 'TM8535' D IM8536 1 821 Imputation flag: 'TM8536' D IM8537 1 822 Imputation flag: 'TM8537-TM8543' D IM8544 1 823 Imputation flag: 'TM8544' D IM8545 1 824 Imputation flag: 'TM8545-TM8551' D IM8554 1 825 Imputation flag: 'TM8554' D IM8557 1 826 Imputation flag: 'TM8557-TM8571 by 2' D IM8558 1 827 Imputation flag: 'TM8558-TM8572 by 2' D IM8573 1 828 Imputation flag: 'TM8573-TM8581 by 2' D IM8574 1 829 Imputation flag: 'TM8574-TM8582 by 2' D IM8583 1 830 Imputation flag: 'TM8583-TM8589 by 2' D IM8584 1 831 Imputation flag: 'TM8584-TM8590 by 2' D IM8593 1 832 Imputation flag: 'TM8593' D IM8594 1 833 Imputation flag: 'TM8594' D IM8595 1 834 Imputation flag: 'TM8595' D CSFL04 2 835 ******************************************* * TOPICAL MODULE: SUPPORT FOR * * NONHOUSEHOLD MEMBERS * ******************************************* D TM8700 1 837 During the past 12 months did ... make any regular or lump-sum payments for the support of someone who did not live in ...'s household. U Persons 15 years old or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - end of section D TM8702 1 838 Did ... make regular payments, lump-sum payments, or both U Persons 15 years old or older making support payments for nonhousehold members V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Regular V 2 .Lump-sum V 3 .Both D TM8704 2 839 Were any of these payments for the support of ...'s child or children under 21 years of age U Persons 15 years old or older making regular support payments for someone not living in the household V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Yes V 02 .No - skip to TM8748 D TM8706 2 841 For how many children under 21 did ... make support payments U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in the household V 00 .Not applicable V 01-03 .Children V 04 .4 or more children D TM8708 1 843 Were any of these payments for children under 21 the result of a court-order or some other kind of agreement? U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in the household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8744 D TM8710 2 844 How many children are covered by the most recent child support agreement? Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household. Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 - 03 .Children V 04 .4 or more children D TM8712 1 846 Was this agreement a voluntary written agreement ratified by the court, a court-ordered agreement, some other type of written agreement, or a non- written (verbal) agreement? Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Voluntary written agreement V .ratified by the court V 2 .Court-ordered agreement V 3 .Other type of written agreement V 4 .Non-written agreement D TM8714 4 847 Year this agreement was first reached Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 0000 .Not applicable V 1900-1994 .Year D TM8716 2 851 Has the original dollar amount originally agreed to ever been changed? Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8720 D TM8718 4 853 Year the amount of the agreement was last changed. Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement, and original amount was changed. V 0000 .Not applicable V 1900-1994 .Year D TM8719 1 857 Was the change described in TM8716 and TM8718 made or agreed to by a court or child support agency? Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement, and original amount was changed. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8720 1 858 Is ... still supposed to pay child support? Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8722 6 859 Amount paid in child support under this agreement during the past 12 months. Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 1 - 009999 .Dollars V 100000 .100000 dollars or more D TM8724 2 865 Method of paying child support Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Through employment-related wage V .withholding V 02 .Directly to the other parent V 03 .Directly to the court V 04 .Directly to a child support V .agency V 05 .Other method D TM8726 1 867 Provisions for health care costs included in the child support agreement: Non-custodial parent to provide health insurance Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8728 1 868 Provisions for health care costs included in the child support agreement: Custodial parent to provide health insurance Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8730 1 869 Provisions for health care costs included in the child support agreement: Non-custodial parent to pay medical costs directly Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8732 1 870 Provisions for health care costs included in the child support agreement: Child support payments to include cash medical support Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8734 1 871 Provisions for health care costs included in the child support agreement: Other provisions Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM8736 2 872 Provisions for health care costs included in the child support agreement: No provisions Refers to agreement described in TM8708. U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 00 .Not applicable or no V -3 .No provisions D TM8738 1 874 Other than the most recent support agreement discussed above in TM8708--TM8736, were any of ...'s other children outside of this household under age 21 covered by any other child support agreement? U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8742 D TM8740 6 875 Amount respondent paid in child support for this/these agreement(s) described in TM8738 during the past 12 months U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Children are covered under another child support agreement described in TM8738. V 000000 .Not applicable V 1-003499 .Dollars V 003500 .3500 or more dollars D TM8742 1 881 Were any child support payments made without a written child support agreement for ...'s children under age 21 during the past 12 months? U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household Payments are made under a court order or some other type of agreement. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8746 D TM8744 6 882 Amount ... paid for child support under a non-written agreement during the past 12 months U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household without a support agreement or under a non-written agreement. V 000000 .Not applicable V 1 - 011999 .Dollars V 012000 .12000 or more dollars D TM8746 1 888 During the past 12 months, did ... make regular payments for the support of any other person not living in ...'s household? U Persons 15 years or older making support payments for children under 21 years of age not living in household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - end of section D TM8748 2 889 For how many (other) persons did ... make support payments? U Persons 15 years or older making payments for the support of any other person not living in household V 00 .Not applicable V 01-02 .Persons V 03 .3 or more persons ****************************************************** * NOTE: * * TM8750, TM8754, and TM8758 refer to the * * non-household member (excluding the * * respondent's children under 21) who was * * supported by the respondent during the last * * 12 months. TM8752, TM8756, and TM8760 refer to * * a second non-household member * * (excluding the respondent's children under 21) * * who was supported by the respondent during the * * last 12 months. * ****************************************************** D TM8750 1 891 First person receiving support. Relationship of person to the respondent. U Persons 15 years or older making payment for the support of any other person not living in household, excluding own children under 21 V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Parent V 2 .Spouse V 3 .Ex-spouse V 4 .Child under 21 V 5 .Child 21 or older V 6 .Other relative v 7 .Not related D TM8752 1 892 Second person receiving support. Relationship of person to the respondent. U Persons 15 years or older making payment for the support of any other person not living in household, excluding own children under 21 V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Parent V 2 .Spouse V 3 .Ex-spouse V 4 .Child under 21 V 5 .Child 21 or older V 6 .Other relative V 7 .Not related D TM8754 1 893 First person receiving support Where was this person most often living during the past 12 months U Persons 15 years or older making payment for the support of any other person not living in household, excluding own children under 21 V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Private home or apartment V 2 .Nursing home V 3 .Someplace else D TM8756 1 894 Second person receiving support Where was this person most often living during the past 12 months. U Persons 15 years or older making payment for the support of any other person not living in household, excluding own children under 21 V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Private home or apartment V 2 .Nursing home V 3 .Someplace else D TM8758 6 895 First person receiving support How much did ... pay for the support of this person during the past 12 months U Persons 15 years or older making payment for the support of any other person not living in household, excluding own children under 21 V 000000 .Not applicable V 1 - 011999 .Dollars V 012000 .12000 dollars or more D TM8760 6 901 Second person receiving support How much did ... pay for the support of this person during the past 12 months U Persons 15 years or older making payment for the support of any other person not living in household, excluding own children under 21 V 000000 .Not applicable V 1 - 011999 .Dollars V 012000 .12000 dollars or more D TM8762 1 907 Check Item T19 Does TM8748 equal 3 or more? U Persons 15 years or older making payment for the support of any other person not living in household, excluding own children under 21 V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - end of section D TM8764 6 908 How much did ... pay during the past 12 months for the support of the other persons that we have not talked about already (i.e., the persons included in TM8748 but not described in TM8750 - TM8760) U Persons 15 years or older making payments for the support of more than two persons not living in household, excluding own children under 21 V 000000 .Not applicable V 1 - 011999 .Dollars V 012000 .Dollars or more ******************************************* * All imputation flags are coded * * as follows: * * 0 = Not imputed * * 1 = Imputed * ******************************************* D IMP8700 1 914 Imputation flag: 'TM8700' D IMP8702 1 915 Imputation flag: 'TM8702' D IMP8704 1 916 Imputation flag: 'TM8704' D IMP8706 1 917 Imputation flag: 'TM8706' D IMP8708 1 918 Imputation flag: 'TM8708' D IMP8710 1 919 Imputation flag: 'TM8710' D IMP8712 1 920 Imputation flag: 'TM8712' D IMP8714 1 921 Imputation flag: 'TM8714' D IMP8716 1 922 Imputation flag: 'TM8716' D IMP8718 1 923 Imputation flag: 'TM8718' D IMP8720 1 924 Imputation flag: 'TM8720' D IMP8722 1 925 Imputation flag: 'TM8722' D IMP8724 1 926 Imputation flag: 'TM8724' D IMP2636 1 927 Imputation flag: 'TM8726-TM8736' D IMP8738 1 928 Imputation flag: 'TM8738' D IMP8740 1 929 Imputation flag: 'TM8740' D IMP8742 1 930 Imputation flag: 'TM8742' D IMP8744 1 931 Imputation flag: 'TM8744' D IMP8746 1 932 Imputation flag: 'TM8746' D IMP8748 1 933 Imputation flag: 'TM8748' D IMP8750 1 934 Imputation flag: 'TM8750' D IMP8752 1 935 Imputation flag: 'TM8752' D IMP8754 1 936 Imputation flag: 'TM8754' D IMP8756 1 937 Imputation flag: 'TM8756' D IMP8758 1 938 Imputation flag: 'TM8758' D IMP8760 1 939 Imputation flag: 'TM8760' D IMP8764 1 940 Imputation flag: 'TM8764' ********************************************* * TOPICAL MODULE: FUNCTIONAL LIMITATIONS * * AND DISABILITY * ********************************************* D TM8800 1 941 Would you say ...'s health in general is excellent, very good, good, fair or poor? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Excellent V 2 .Very good V 3 .Good V 4 .Fair V 5 .Poor D TM8802 1 942 Respondent uses a cane, crutches, or a walker U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8804 1 943 Respondent uses a wheelchair U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8806 1 944 Check item T20 Does TM8802 = yes or TM8804 = yes U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - Skip to TM8810 D TM8808 1 945 Has ... used (aid mentioned in TM8802 or TM8804) for six months or longer? U Persons 15 years or older who use a cane, crutches, a walker, or a wheelchair V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8810 1 946 Does ... have any difficulty seeing words and letters in ordinary newspaper print even when wearing glasses or contact lenses if ... usually wears them? U Persons 15 years of age or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8814 D TM8812 1 947 Is ... able to see the words and letters in ordinary newsprint at all? U Persons 15 years or older who have difficulty reading newspaper print V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8814 1 948 Does...have any difficulty hearing another person (using a hearing aid if...usually wears one)? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - Skip to TM8818 D TM8816 1 949 to hear what is said in a normal conversation at all? U Persons 15 years or older who have difficulty hearing what is said in a normal conversation V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8818 1 950 Because of a health condition or a problem, does .... have any difficulty having his/her speech understood? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - Skip To TM8822 D TM8820 1 951 Is ... able to have his/her speech understood at all? U Persons 15 years or older who have difficulty having speech understood V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8822 1 952 Does...have any difficuly lifting and carrying something as heavy as 10 lbs., such as a full bag of groceries? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8826 D TM8824 1 953 to lift and carry this much weight at all? U Persons 15 years or older who have difficulty lifting and carrying something as heavy as 10 lbs. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8826 1 954 Does...have any difficulty walking up a flight of stairs without resting? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8830 D TM8828 1 955 to walk up a flight of stairs without resting at all? U Persons 15 years or older who have difficulty walking up a up a flight of stairs without resting V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8830 1 956 Does...have any difficulty walking for a quarter of a mile - about 3 city blocks? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8834 D TM8832 1 957 Is ... able to walk a quarter of a mile at all? U Persons 15 years or older who have difficulty walking a quarter of a mile V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8834 1 958 Does ... have any difficulty using the telephone? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8838 D TM8836 1 959 Is ... able to use the telephone at all? U Persons 15 years or older who have difficulty using the telephone V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No *************************************************** * NOTE: * * The following applies to TM8838 - TM8859. * * Because of a physical or mental health * * condition, does ... have difficulty doing * * any of the following by himself/herself * * (exclude the effects of temporary conditions)? * * If an aid is used, ask whether the person has * * difficulty even when using the aid. * *************************************************** D TM8838 1 960 Does ... have any difficulty getting around inside the home? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8840 D TM8839 1 961 Does...need the help of another person in order to get around inside the house? U Persons 15 years or older with difficulty getting around inside the house V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8840 1 962 Does...have any difficulty getting around outside the the home, for example to shop or visit a doctor's office? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8842 D TM8841 1 963 Does...need the help of another person in order to get around outside the home U Persons 15 years or older with difficulty going outside the home V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8842 1 964 Does ... have any difficulty getting into and out of bed or a chair? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8844 D TM8843 1 965 Does ... need the help of another person in order to get in and out of bed or a chair? U Persons 15 years or older with difficulty getting in and out of bed or a chair V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8844 1 966 Does ... have any difficulty taking a bath or a shower? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8846 D TM8845 1 967 Does ... need the help of another person in order to take a bath or shower? U Persons 15 years or older with difficulty taking a bath or shower V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8846 1 968 Does ... have any difficulty getting dressed? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8848 D TM8847 1 969 Does ... need the help of another person in order to get dressed? U Persons 15 years or older who have difficulty getting dressed V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8848 1 970 Does ... have any difficulty walking? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8850 D TM8849 1 971 Does ... need the help of another person to walk? U Persons 15 years or older who have difficulty walking V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8850 1 972 Does ... have any difficulty eating? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8852 D TM8851 1 973 Does ... need the help of another person in order to eat? U Persons 15 years or older who have difficulty eating V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8852 1 974 Does ... have any difficulty using the toilet, including getting to the toilet? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8854 D TM8853 1 975 Does ... need the help of another person in order to use the toilet? U Persons 15 years or older with difficulty using the toilet V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8854 1 976 Does ... have any difficulty keeping track of money and bills? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8856 D TM8855 1 977 Does...need the help of another person in order to keep track of money and bills? U Persons 15 years or older with difficulty keeping track of money and bills V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8856 1 978 Does ... have any difficulty preparing meals? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8858 D TM8857 1 979 Does ... need the help of another person in order to prepare meals? U Persons 15 years or older with difficulty preparing meals V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8858 1 980 Does ... have any difficulty doing light housework, such as washing dishes or sweeping a floor? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, has difficulty V 2 .No - skip to TM8860 D TM8859 1 981 Does ... need the help of another person in order to do light housework? U Persons 15 years or older with difficulty doing light housework V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8860 1 982 Check item T21 Is "yes" marked for needing another person to help for any of the activities listed in TM8838 - TM8858? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - Go to TM8876 V 2 .No - Skip to TM8890 D TM8876 1 983 Who helps ... with the activities in TM8838 - TM8858? First Helper U Persons 15 years or older who need help of another person with one or more activities V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Son V 2 .Daughter V 3 .Spouse V 4 .Parent V 5 .Other relative * Nonrelative V 6 .Friend or neighbor V 7 .Paid help V 8 .Other nonrelative V 9 .Did not receive help - V .skip to TM8892 D TM8878 1 984 Who helps ... with the activities in TM8838 - TM8858? Second Helper U Persons 15 years or older who need help of another person with one or more activities V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Son V 2 .Daughter V 3 .Spouse V 4 .Parent V 5 .Other relative * Nonrelative V 6 .Friend or neighbor V 7 .Paid help V 8 .Other nonrelative D TM8880 1 985 Is the first helper a household member? See TM8885 also. First Helper U Persons 15 years or older who need help of another person with one or more activities V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8882 1 986 Is the second helper a household member? See TM8886 also. Second Helper U Persons 15 years or older who need help of another person with one or more activities V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes D TM8883 3 987 Person number of first helper U Persons 15 years or older who need help of another person with one or more activities. First helper lives in the household. V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8884 3 990 Person number of second helper U Persons 15 years of older who need help of another person with one or more activities. Second helper lives in the household V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8885 1 993 Is the first helper a household member? U Persons 15 years or older who need help of another person with one or more activities V 0 .Not applicable V 2 .No D TM8886 1 994 Is the second helper a household member? U Persons 15 years or older who need help of another person with one or more activities V 0 .Not applicable V 2 .No D TM8887 1 995 For how long has ... needed the help of another person? U Persons 15 years or older who need help of another person with one or more activities V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Less than 6 months V 2 .6 to 11 months V 3 .1 to 2 years V 4 .3 to 5 years V 5 .More than 5 years D TM8888 2 996 During the past month did ... (or ...'s) family pay for any of the help that ... received? U Persons 15 years or older who need help of another person with one or more activities V 0 .Not Applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8892 D TM8889 6 998 Amount paid for help last month U Persons 15 years or older who need the help of another person with one or more activities. Received paid help V 000000 .Not applicable V 1 - 001999 .Dollars V 002000 .2000 or more dollars D TM8890 1 1004 Check Item T22 Is "Has difficulty" marked in TM8822, TM8826, TM8830, TM8834, TM8838-TM8858 for any activity U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not appicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8902 D TM8892 2 1005 First condition causing difficulty with activities U Persons 15 years or older having difficulty with certain activity (TM8890 = Yes) V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Alcohol or Drug Problem or Disorder V 02 .AIDS or AIDS Related Condition (ARC) V 03 .Arthritis or rheumatism V 04 .Back or spine problems (including chronic stiffness V .or deformity of the back of spine) V 05 .Blindness or vision problems (difficulty seeing well V .enough to read a newspaper, even with glasses on) V 06 .Broken bone/fracture V 07 .Cancer V 08 .Cerebral Palsy V 09 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 10 .Diabetes V 11 .Epilepsy V 12 .Head or spinal cord injury V 13 .Heart trouble [including heart attack (coronary), V .hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis)] V 14 .Hernia or rupture V 15 .High blood pressure (hypertension) V 16 .Kidney stones or chronic kidney trouble V 17 .Learning disability V 18 .Lung or respiratory trouble (asthma, bronchitis, V .emphysema, respiratory allergies, tuberculosis or V .other lung trouble) V 19 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 20 .Mental retardation V 21 .Missing legs, feet, arms, hands, or fingers V 22 .Paralysis of any kind V 23 .Senility/Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease V 24 .Speech disorder V 25 .Stiffness or deformity of the foot, leg, V .arm, or hand V 26 .Stomach trouble (including ulcers, gallbladder V .or liver conditions) V 27 .Stroke V 28 .Thyroid trouble or goiter V 29 .Tumor, cyst or growth V 30 .Other D TM8894 2 1007 Second condition causing difficulty with activities. U Persons 15 or older having difficulty with certain activity (TM8890 = Yes) V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Alcohol or Drug Problem or Disorder V 02 .AIDS or AIDS Related Condition (ARC) V 03 .Arthritis or rheumatism V 04 .Back or spine problems (including chronic stiffness V .or deformity of the back of spine) V 05 .Blindness or vision problems (difficulty seeing well V .enough to read a newspaper, even with glasses on) V 06 .Broken bone/fracture V 07 .Cancer V 08 .Cerebral Palsy V 09 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 10 .Diabetes V 11 .Epilepsy V 12 .Head or spinal cord injury V 13 .Heart trouble [including heart attack (coronary), V .hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis)] V 14 .Hernia or rupture V 15 .High blood pressure (hypertension) V 16 .Kidney stones or chronic kidney trouble V 17 .Learning disability V 18 .Lung or respiratory trouble (asthma, bronchitis, V .emphysema, respiratory allergies, tuberculosis or V .other lung trouble) V 19 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 20 .Mental retardation V 21 .Missing legs, feet, arms, hands, or fingers V 22 .Paralysis of any kind V 23 .Senility/Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease V 24 .Speech disorder V 25 .Stiffness or deformity of the foot, leg, V .arm, or hand V 26 .Stomach trouble (including ulcers, gallbladder V .or liver conditions) V 27 .Stroke V 28 .Thyroid trouble or goiter V 29 .Tumor, cyst or growth V 30 .Other D TM8896 2 1009 Third condition causing difficulty with activities U Persons 15 years or older having difficulty with certain activity (TM8890 = Yes) V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Alcohol or Drug Problem or Disorder V 02 .AIDS or AIDS Related Condition (ARC) V 03 .Arthritis or rheumatism V 04 .Back or spine problems (including chronic stiffness V .or deformity of the back of spine) V 05 .Blindness or vision problems (difficulty seeing well V .enough to read a newspaper, even with glasses on) V 06 .Broken bone/fracture V 07 .Cancer V 08 .Cerebral Palsy V 09 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 10 .Diabetes V 11 .Epilepsy V 12 .Head or spinal cord injury V 13 .Heart trouble [including heart attack (coronary), V .hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis)] V 14 .Hernia or rupture V 15 .High blood pressure (hypertension) V 16 .Kidney stones or chronic kidney trouble V 17 .Learning disability V 18 .Lung or respiratory trouble (asthma, bronchitis, V .emphysema, respiratory allergies, tuberculosis or V .other lung trouble) V 19 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 20 .Mental retardation V 21 .Missing legs, feet, arms, hands, or fingers V 22 .Paralysis of any kind V 23 .Senility/Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease V 24 .Speech disorder V 25 .Stiffness or deformity of the foot, leg, V .arm, or hand V 26 .Stomach trouble (including ulcers, gallbladder V .or liver conditions) V 27 .Stroke V 28 .Thyroid trouble or goiter V 29 .Tumor, cyst or growth V 30 .Other D TM8898 1 1011 Check Item T23 Are two or more conditions entered in TM8892-TM8896? U Persons 15 years or older having difficulty with certain activity (TM8890 = Yes) V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8902 D TM8900 2 1012 Which condition in TM8892 - TM8896 do you consider to be the main reason for ...'s difficulty? U Persons 15 years or older with two or more conditions causing difficulty with activities V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Alcohol or Drug Problem or Disorder V 02 .AIDS or AIDS Related Condition (ARC) V 03 .Arthritis or rheumatism V 04 .Back or spine problems (including chronic stiffness V .or deformity of the back of spine) V 05 .Blindness or vision problems (difficulty seeing well V .enough to read a newspaper, even with glasses on) V 06 .Broken bone/fracture V 07 .Cancer V 08 .Cerebral Palsy V 09 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 10 .Diabetes V 11 .Epilepsy V 12 .Head or spinal cord injury V 13 .Heart trouble [including heart attack (coronary), V .hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis)] V 14 .Hernia or rupture V 15 .High blood pressure (hypertension) V 16 .Kidney stones or chronic kidney trouble V 17 .Learning disability V 18 .Lung or respiratory trouble (asthma, bronchitis, V .emphysema, respiratory allergies, tuberculosis or V .other lung trouble) V 19 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 20 .Mental retardation V 21 .Missing legs, feet, arms, hands, or fingers V 22 .Paralysis of any kind V 23 .Senility/Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease V 24 .Speech disorder V 25 .Stiffness or deformity of the foot, leg, V .arm, or hand V 26 .Stomach trouble (including ulcers, gallbladder V .or liver conditions) V 27 .Stroke V 28 .Thyroid trouble or goiter V 29 .Tumor, cyst or growth V 30 .Other D TM8902 1 1014 Does ... have a learning disability such as dyslexia? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8904 1 1015 Does ... have a mental retardation? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8906 1 1016 Does ... have a developmental disability such as autism or celebral palsy? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8908 1 1017 Does ... have Alzheimer's disease, senility or dementia? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8910 1 1018 Does ... have any other mental or emotional condition? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8912 1 1019 Check Item T24 What is ....'s age? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .15 years old - skip to TM8941 V 2 .16 to 67 years old V 3 .68 years old or older - skip V .to TM8926 D TM8914 1 1020 Check Item T25 Respondent has a physical, mental, or other health condition which limits the kind or amount of work....can do ["disabled" (code 171) marked on the control card]. U Persons 16 to 67 years of age V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8918 V 2 .No D TM8916 1 1021 Check Item T26 Respondent has a physical, mental, or other health condition which limits the kind or amount of work....can do ["disabled" (code 171) marked on the ISS]. U Persons 16 to 67 years of age with disabled not marked on the control card V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8920 D TM8918 1 1022 We have recorded that ...'s health or condition limits the kind or amount of work ... can do. Is that correct? U Persons with disabled marked on ISS or control card V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8922 V 2 .No - skip to TM8926 D TM8920 1 1023 Does ... have a physical, mental or other health condition which limits the kind or amount of work ... can do? U Persons 16 to 67 years without a disability (disabled not marked on control card or ISS) V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - Skip to TM8926 D TM8922 1 1024 Check Item T27 Did the respondent have a job or business, either full-time or part-time, even for only a few days, during the reference period ["Worked" (code 170) marked on ISS]. U Persons 16 to 67 years of age with disability V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to TM8926 V 2 .No D TM8924 1 1025 Does ...'s health or condition prevent .. from working at a job or business? U Persons 16 to 67 years of age with disability and did not work during the reference period. V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8926 1 1026 Does ... have a physical, mental or other health condition which limits the kind or amount of work ... can do around the house? U Persons 16 years or older with disability V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8930 D TM8928 1 1027 Does ...'s health or condition completely prevent ... from doing work around the house? U Persons 16 years or older with health condition that limits amount of work can do around the house V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM8930 1 1028 Check Item T25 Is "yes" marked in TM8918, TM8920 or TM8926? U Persons 16 years or older with health condition that limits amount of work can do at a job or around the house V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - Skip to TM8941 D TM8932 2 1029 First condition that limits work at a job or around the house U Persons 16 years or older with health condition that limits amount of work V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Alcohol or Drug Problem or Disorder V 02 .AIDS or AIDS Related Condition (ARC) V 03 .Arthritis or rheumatism V 04 .Back or spine problems (including chronic stiffness V .or deformity of the back of spine) V 05 .Blindness or vision problems (difficulty seeing well V .enough to read a newspaper, even with glasses on) V 06 .Broken bone/fracture V 07 .Cancer V 08 .Cerebral Palsy V 09 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 10 .Diabetes V 11 .Epilepsy V 12 .Head or spinal cord injury V 13 .Heart trouble [including heart attack (coronary), V .hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis)] V 14 .Hernia or rupture V 15 .High blood pressure (hypertension) V 16 .Kidney stones or chronic kidney trouble V 17 .Learning disability V 18 .Lung or respiratory trouble (asthma, bronchitis, V .emphysema, respiratory allergies, tuberculosis or V .other lung trouble) V 19 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 20 .Mental retardation V 21 .Missing legs, feet, arms, hands, or fingers V 22 .Paralysis of any kind V 23 .Senility/Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease V 24 .Speech disorder V 25 .Stiffness or deformity of the foot, leg, V .arm, or hand V 26 .Stomach trouble (including ulcers, gallbladder V .or liver conditions) V 27 .Stroke V 28 .Thyroid trouble or goiter V 29 .Tumor, cyst or growth V 30 .Other D TM8934 2 1031 Second condition that limits work at a job or around the house U Persons 16 years or older with health condition that limits amount of work V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Alcohol or Drug Problem or Disorder V 02 .AIDS or AIDS Related Condition (ARC) V 03 .Arthritis or rheumatism V 04 .Back or spine problems (including chronic stiffness V .or deformity of the back of spine) V 05 .Blindness or vision problems (difficulty seeing well V .enough to read a newspaper, even with glasses on) V 06 .Broken bone/fracture V 07 .Cancer V 08 .Cerebral Palsy V 09 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 10 .Diabetes V 11 .Epilepsy V 12 .Head or spinal cord injury V 13 .Heart trouble [including heart attack (coronary), V .hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis)] V 14 .Hernia or rupture V 15 .High blood pressure (hypertension) V 16 .Kidney stones or chronic kidney trouble V 17 .Learning disability V 18 .Lung or respiratory trouble (asthma, bronchitis, V .emphysema, respiratory allergies, tuberculosis or V .other lung trouble) V 19 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 20 .Mental retardation V 21 .Missing legs, feet, arms, hands, or fingers V 22 .Paralysis of any kind V 23 .Senility/Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease V 24 .Speech disorder V 25 .Stiffness or deformity of the foot, leg, V .arm, or hand V 26 .Stomach trouble (including ulcers, gallbladder V .or liver conditions) V 27 .Stroke V 28 .Thyroid trouble or goiter V 29 .Tumor, cyst or growth V 30 .Other D TM8936 2 1033 Third condition that limits work at a job or around the house U Persons 16 years or older with health condition that limits amount of work V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Alcohol or Drug Problem or Disorder V 02 .AIDS or AIDS Related Condition (ARC) V 03 .Arthritis or rheumatism V 04 .Back or spine problems (including chronic stiffness V .or deformity of the back of spine) V 05 .Blindness or vision problems (difficulty seeing well V .enough to read a newspaper, even with glasses on) V 06 .Broken bone/fracture V 07 .Cancer V 08 .Cerebral Palsy V 09 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 10 .Diabetes V 11 .Epilepsy V 12 .Head or spinal cord injury V 13 .Heart trouble [including heart attack (coronary), V .hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis)] V 14 .Hernia or rupture V 15 .High blood pressure (hypertension) V 16 .Kidney stones or chronic kidney trouble V 17 .Learning disability V 18 .Lung or respiratory trouble (asthma, bronchitis, V .emphysema, respiratory allergies, tuberculosis or V .other lung trouble) V 19 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 20 .Mental retardation V 21 .Missing legs, feet, arms, hands, or fingers V 22 .Paralysis of any kind V 23 .Senility/Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease V 24 .Speech disorder V 25 .Stiffness or deformity of the foot, leg, V .arm, or hand V 26 .Stomach trouble (including ulcers, gallbladder V .or liver conditions) V 27 .Stroke V 28 .Thyroid trouble or goiter V 29 .Tumor, cyst or growth V 30 .Other D TM8938 1 1035 Check Item T29 Are two or more conditions entered in TM8932 - TM8936 U Persons 16 years or older with health condition that limits amount of work V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8941 D TM8940 2 1036 Condition in TM8932 - TM8936 that is the main reason for the limitation in working at a job or around the house U Persons 16 years or older with two or more limiting health conditions V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Alcohol or Drug Problem or Disorder V 02 .AIDS or AIDS Related Condition (ARC) V 03 .Arthritis or rheumatism V 04 .Back or spine problems (including chronic stiffness V .or deformity of the back of spine) V 05 .Blindness or vision problems (difficulty seeing well V .enough to read a newspaper, even with glasses on) V 06 .Broken bone/fracture V 07 .Cancer V 08 .Cerebral Palsy V 09 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 10 .Diabetes V 11 .Epilepsy V 12 .Head or spinal cord injury V 13 .Heart trouble [including heart attack (coronary), V .hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis)] V 14 .Hernia or rupture V 15 .High blood pressure (hypertension) V 16 .Kidney stones or chronic kidney trouble V 17 .Learning disability V 18 .Lung or respiratory trouble (asthma, bronchitis, V .emphysema, respiratory allergies, tuberculosis or V .other lung trouble) V 19 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 20 .Mental retardation V 21 .Missing legs, feet, arms, hands, or fingers V 22 .Paralysis of any kind V 23 .Senility/Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease V 24 .Speech disorder V 25 .Stiffness or deformity of the foot, leg, V .arm, or hand V 26 .Stomach trouble (including ulcers, gallbladder V .or liver conditions) V 27 .Stroke V 28 .Thyroid trouble or goiter V 29 .Tumor, cyst or growth V 30 .Other D TM8941 1 1038 Check Item T30 Is ... the designated parent or guardian of children under the age of 22 who live in this household? U All persons 15 or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM9022 D TM8942 1 1039 Check Item T31 Is ...the designated parent or guardian of children under the age of 6 who live in this household? U Persons 15 years or older who are the designated parent or guardian of children under 22 in this house V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8960 D TM8944 1 1040 Because of a physical,learning or mental health condition, do any of ...'s children under 6 years of age have any limitations at all in the usual kind of activities done by most children their age? U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under the age of 6 who live in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8952 D TM8946 3 1041 Person number of first child under 6 with activity limitations U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older with children under 6 years of age with limitations in usual kind of activities V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8948 3 1044 Person number of second child under 6 with activity limitations U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older with children under 6 years of age with limitations in usual kind of activities V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8950 3 1047 Person number of third child under 6 with activity limitations U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older with children under 6 years of age with limitations in usual kind of activities V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8952 1 1050 Have any of ...'s children under the age of 6 received therapy or diagnostic services designed to meet their developmental needs? U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older with children under 6 years of age V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8960 D TM8954 3 1051 Person number of first child under 6 who has received therapy or diagnostic services U Designated parents or guardians 15 or older with children under age 6 who have received therapy or diagnostic services designed to meet their developmental needs V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8956 3 1054 Person number of second child under 6 who has received therapy or diagnostic services U Designated parents or guardians 15 or older with children under age 6 who have received therapy or diagnostic services designed to meet their developmental needs V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8958 3 1057 Person number of third child under 6 who has received therapy or diagnostic services U Designated parents or guardians 15 or older with children under age 6 who have received therapy or diagnostic services designed to meet their develop- mental needs V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8960 1 1060 Check Item T32 Is ... the designated parent or guardian of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household? U All persons 15 years or older with children under 22 in the household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8986 D TM8962 1 1061 Because of a physical, learning or mental health condition, do any of ...'s children between the ages of 6 and 21 have limitations in their ability to do regular school work? U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8970 D TM8964 3 1062 Person number of first child 6 - 21 who has difficulty doing school work U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household and have limitations in their ability to do regular school work V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8966 3 1065 Person number of second child 6 - 21 who has difficulty doing school work U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household and have limitations in their ability to do regular school work V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8968 3 1068 Person number of third child 6 - 21 who has difficulty doing school work U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household and with limitations in their ability to do regular school work V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8970 1 1071 Have any of ...'s children between the ages of 6 and 21 ever received any special education services? U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8986 D TM8972 3 1072 Person number of first child 6 - 21 who has ever received special education services U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household and have received special education services V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8974 3 1075 Person number of second child 6 - 21 who has ever received special education services U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household and have received special education services V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8976 3 1078 Person number of third child 6 - 21 who has ever received special education services U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household and have received special education services V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8978 1 1081 Are any of ...'s children between the ages of 6 and 21 currently receiving special education services? U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household and have received special education services V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8986 D TM8980 3 1082 Person number of first child 6 - 21 currently receiving special education services U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household and are receiving special education services V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8982 3 1085 Person number of second child 6 - 21 currently receiving special education services U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household and are receiving special education services V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8984 3 1088 Person number of thrid child 6 - 21 currently receiving special education services U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 6 and 21 who live in this household and are receiving special education services V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8986 1 1091 Check Item T33 Is ... the designated parent or guardian of children between the ages of 3 and 14 who live in this household? U All persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8996 D TM8988 1 1092 Do any of ...'s children between the ages of 3 and 14 have a long lasting condition that limits their ability to walk, run or use stairs? U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 3 and 14 who live in this household V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM8996 D TM8990 3 1093 Person number of first child 3 - 14 with a long term condition that limits their ability to walk, run, or use the stairs U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 3 and 14 who live in this household and have a long lasting condition that limits their ability to walk, run, or use stairs V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8992 3 1096 Person number of second child 3 - 14 with a long term condition that limits their ability to walk, run, or use the stairs. U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 3 and 14 who live in this household and have a long lasting condition that limits their ability to walk, run, or use stairs V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8994 3 1099 Person number of second child 3 - 14 with a long term condition that limits their ability to walk, run, or use the stairs. U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children between the ages of 3 and 14 who live in this household and have a long lasting condition that limits their ability to walk, run, or use stairs V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM8996 1 1102 Check Item T34 Are any person numbers of children recorded in TM8946 through TM8994? U All persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM9022 D TM8998 3 1103 Person number of child under 22 with limitations. (child was listed in TM8946 - TM8994) First child U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under 22 years who live in this household and have difficulty with certain activities V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM9000 2 1106 First condition responsible for these difficulties First child identified in TM8998 U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under 22 who live in this household and have difficulty with certain activities V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Asthma V 02 .Autism V 03 .Blindness or vision problems V 04 .Cancer V 05 .Cerebral Palsy V 06 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 07 .Diabetes V 08 .Drug or alcohol problem or disorder V 09 .Epilepsy or seizure disorder V 10 .Hay fever or other respiratory allergies V 11 .Head or spinal cord injury V 12 .Heart trouble V 13 .Impairment or deformity of back, side, foot, or leg V 14 .Impairment or deformity of finger, hand, or arm V 15 .Learning disability V 16 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 17 .Mental retardation V 18 .Missing legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, or fingers V 19 .Paralysis of any kind V 20 .Speech problems V 21 .Tonsillitis or repeated ear infections V 22 .Other D TM9002 2 1108 Second condition responsible for these difficulties First child identified in TM8998 U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under 22 who live in this household and have difficulty with certain activities V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Asthma V 02 .Autism V 03 .Blindness or vision problems V 04 .Cancer V 05 .Cerebral Palsy V 06 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 07 .Diabetes V 08 .Drug or alcohol problem or disorder V 09 .Epilepsy or seizure disorder V 10 .Hay fever or other respiratory allergies V 11 .Head or spinal cord injury V 12 .Heart trouble V 13 .Impairment or deformity of back, side, foot, or leg V 14 .Impairment or deformity of finger, hand, or arm V 15 .Learning disability V 16 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 17 .Mental retardation V 18 .Missing legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, or fingers V 19 .Paralysis of any kind V 20 .Speech problems V 21 .Tonsillitis or repeated ear infections V 22 .Other D TM9004 2 1110 Third condition responsible for these difficulties First child identified in TM8998 U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under 22 who live in this household and have difficulty with certain activities V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Asthma V 02 .Autism V 03 .Blindness or vision problems V 04 .Cancer V 05 .Cerebral Palsy V 06 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 07 .Diabetes V 08 .Drug or alcohol problem or disorder V 09 .Epilepsy or seizure disorder V 10 .Hay fever or other respiratory allergies V 11 .Head or spinal cord injury V 12 .Heart trouble V 13 .Impairment or deformity of back, side, foot, or leg V 14 .Impairment or deformity of finger, hand, or arm V 15 .Learning disability V 16 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 17 .Mental retardation V 18 .Missing legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, or fingers V 19 .Paralysis of any kind V 20 .Speech problems V 21 .Tonsillitis or repeated ear infections V 22 .Other D TM9006 3 1112 Person number of child under 22 with limitations (child was listed in TM8946 - TM8994) Second child U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under 22 who live in this household and have difficult(ies) with certain activities V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM9008 2 1115 First condition responsible for these difficulties Second child identified in TM9006 U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under 22 who live in this household and have difficulty with certain activities V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Asthma V 02 .Autism V 03 .Blindness or vision problems V 04 .Cancer V 05 .Cerebral Palsy V 06 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 07 .Diabetes V 08 .Drug or alcohol problem or disorder V 09 .Epilepsy or seizure disorder V 10 .Hay fever or other respiratory allergies V 11 .Head or spinal cord injury V 12 .Heart trouble V 13 .Impairment or deformity of back, side, foot, or leg V 14 .Impairment or deformity of finger, hand, or arm V 15 .Learning disability V 16 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 17 .Mental retardation V 18 .Missing legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, or fingers V 19 .Paralysis of any kind V 20 .Speech problems V 21 .Tonsillitis or repeated ear infections V 22 .Other D TM9010 2 1117 Second condition responsible for these difficulties Second child identified in TM9006 U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under 22 who live in this household and have difficulty with certain activities V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Asthma V 02 .Autism V 03 .Blindness or vision problems V 04 .Cancer V 05 .Cerebral Palsy V 06 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 07 .Diabetes V 08 .Drug or alcohol problem or disorder V 09 .Epilepsy or seizure disorder V 10 .Hay fever or other respiratory allergies V 11 .Head or spinal cord injury V 12 .Heart trouble V 13 .Impairment or deformity of back, side, foot, or leg V 14 .Impairment or deformity of finger, hand, or arm V 15 .Learning disability V 16 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 17 .Mental retardation V 18 .Missing legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, or fingers V 19 .Paralysis of any kind V 20 .Speech problems V 21 .Tonsillitis or repeated ear infections V 22 .Other D TM9012 2 1119 Third condition responsible for these difficulties Second child identified in TM9006 U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under 22 who live in this household and have difficulty with certain activities V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Asthma V 02 .Autism V 03 .Blindness or vision problems V 04 .Cancer V 05 .Cerebral Palsy V 06 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 07 .Diabetes V 08 .Drug or alcohol problem or disorder V 09 .Epilepsy or seizure disorder V 10 .Hay fever or other respiratory allergies V 11 .Head or spinal cord injury V 12 .Heart trouble V 13 .Impairment or deformity of back, side, foot, or leg V 14 .Impairment or deformity of finger, hand, or arm V 15 .Learning disability V 16 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 17 .Mental retardation V 18 .Missing legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, or fingers V 19 .Paralysis of any kind V 20 .Speech problems V 21 .Tonsillitis or repeated ear infections V 22 .Other D TM9014 3 1121 Person number of child under 22 with limitations (child was listed in TM8946 - TM8994) Third child U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under 22 who live in this household and have difficulty with certain activities V 000 .Not applicable V 101 - 699 .Person number D TM9016 2 1124 First condition responsible for these difficulties Third child identified in TM9014 U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under 22 who live in this household and have difficulty with certain activities V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Asthma V 02 .Autism V 03 .Blindness or vision problems V 04 .Cancer V 05 .Cerebral Palsy V 06 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 07 .Diabetes V 08 .Drug or alcohol problem or disorder V 09 .Epilepsy or seizure disorder V 10 .Hay fever or other respiratory allergies V 11 .Head or spinal cord injury V 12 .Heart trouble V 13 .Impairment or deformity of back, side, foot, or leg V 14 .Impairment or deformity of finger, hand, or arm V 15 .Learning disability V 16 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 17 .Mental retardation V 18 .Missing legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, or fingers V 19 .Paralysis of any kind V 20 .Speech problems V 21 .Tonsillitis or repeated ear infections V 22 .Other D TM9018 2 1126 Second condition responsible for these difficulties Third child identified in TM9014 U Designated parents or guardians 15 years or older of children under 22 who live in this household and have difficulty with certain activities V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Asthma V 02 .Autism V 03 .Blindness or vision problems V 04 .Cancer V 05 .Cerebral Palsy V 06 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 07 .Diabetes V 08 .Drug or alcohol problem or disorder V 09 .Epilepsy or seizure disorder V 10 .Hay fever or other respiratory allergies V 11 .Head or spinal cord injury V 12 .Heart trouble V 13 .Impairment or deformity of back, side, foot, or leg V 14 .Impairment or deformity of finger, hand, or arm V 15 .Learning disability V 16 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 17 .Mental retardation V 18 .Missing legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, or fingers V 19 .Paralysis of any kind V 20 .Speech problems V 21 .Tonsillitis or repeated ear infections V 22 .Other D TM9020 2 1128 Third condition responsible for these difficulties Third child identified in TM9014 U Designated parent or guardian 15 years or older of children under 22 who live in this household and have difficult(ies) with certain activities V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Asthma V 02 .Autism V 03 .Blindness or vision problems V 04 .Cancer V 05 .Cerebral Palsy V 06 .Deafness or serious trouble hearing V 07 .Diabetes V 08 .Drug or alcohol problem or disorder V 09 .Epilepsy or seizure disorder V 10 .Hay fever or other respiratory allergies V 11 .Head or spinal cord injury V 12 .Heart trouble V 13 .Impairment or deformity of back, side, foot, or leg V 14 .Impairment or deformity of finger, hand, or arm V 15 .Learning disability V 16 .Mental or emotional problem or disorder V 17 .Mental retardation V 18 .Missing legs, feet, toes, arms, hands, or fingers V 19 .Paralysis of any kind V 20 .Speech problems V 21 .Tonsillitis or repeated ear infections V 22 .Other D TM9022 1 1130 In the last 12 months, has ... applied for Social Security disability or SSI benefits for him/herself? U All persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - end of section D TM9024 1 1131 Is ... receiving Social Security disability benefits? U Persons 15 years or older who have applied for Social Security benefits for self in the past 12 months V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - end of section D TM9026 4 1132 In which of the past 12 months did ... first receive Social Security disability or SSI payments. U Persons 15 years or older who applied for Social Security disability or SSI benefits in the last 12 months and are currently receiving them V 0000 .Not applicable V 1901-1994 .Year ******************************************* * All imputation flags are * * coded as follows: * * * * 0 .Not imputed * * 1 .Imputed * ******************************************* D IM8800 1 1136 Imputation flag: 'TM8800' D IM8802 1 1137 Imputation flag: 'TM8802' D IM8804 1 1138 Imputation flag: 'TM8804' D IM8808 1 1139 Imputation flag: 'TM8808' D IM8810 1 1140 Imputation flag: 'TM8810' D IM8812 1 1141 Imputation flag: 'TM8812' D IM8814 1 1142 Imputation flag: 'TM8814' D IM8816 1 1143 Imputation flag: 'TM8816' D IM8818 1 1144 Imputation flag: 'TM8818' D IM8820 1 1145 Imputation flag: 'TM8820' D IM8822 1 1146 Imputation flag: 'TM8822' D IM8824 1 1147 Imputation flag: 'TM8824' D IM8826 1 1148 Imputation flag: 'TM8826' D IM8828 1 1149 Imputation flag: 'TM8828' D IM8830 1 1150 Imputation flag: 'TM8830' D IM8832 1 1151 Imputation flag: 'TM8832' D IM8834 1 1152 Imputation flag: 'TM8834' D IM8836 1 1153 Imputation flag: 'TM8836' D IM8838 1 1154 Imputation flag: 'TM8838' D IM8839 1 1155 Imputation flag: 'TM8839' D IM8840 1 1156 Imputation flag: 'TM8840' D IM8841 1 1157 Imputation flag: 'TM8841' D IM8842 1 1158 Imputation flag: 'TM8842' D IM8843 1 1159 Imputation flag: 'TM8843' D IM8844 1 1160 Imputation flag: 'TM8844' D IM8845 1 1161 Imputation flag: 'TM8845' D IM8846 1 1162 Imputation flag: 'TM8846' D IM8847 1 1163 Imputation flag: 'TM8847' D IM8848 1 1164 Imputation flag: 'TM8848' D IM8849 1 1165 Imputation flag: 'TM8849' D IM8850 1 1166 Imputation flag: 'TM8850' D IM8851 1 1167 Imputation flag: 'TM8851' D IM8852 1 1168 Imputation flag: 'TM8852' D IM8853 1 1169 Imputation flag: 'TM8853' D IM8854 1 1170 Imputation flag: 'TM8854' D IM8855 1 1171 Imputation flag: 'TM8855' D IM8856 1 1172 Imputation flag: 'TM8856' D IM8857 1 1173 Imputation flag: 'TM8857' D IM8858 1 1174 Imputation flag: 'TM8858' D IM8859 1 1175 Imputation flag: 'TM8859' D IM8876 1 1176 Imputation flag: 'TM8876' D IM8878 1 1177 Imputation flag: 'TM8878' D IM8887 1 1178 Imputation flag: 'TM8887' D IM8888 1 1179 Imputation flag: 'TM8888' D IM8889 1 1180 Imputation flag: 'TM8889' D IM8892 1 1181 Imputation flag: 'TM8892' D IM8894 1 1182 Imputation flag: 'TM8894' D IM8896 1 1183 Imputation flag: 'TM8896' D IM8902 1 1184 Imputation flag: 'TM8902' D IM8904 1 1185 Imputation flag: 'TM8904' D IM8906 1 1186 Imputation flag: 'TM8906' D IM8908 1 1187 Imputation flag: 'TM8908' D IM8910 1 1188 Imputation flag: 'TM8910' D IM8918 1 1189 Imputation flag: 'TM8918' D IM8924 1 1190 Imputation flag: 'TM8924' D IM8926 1 1191 Imputation flag: 'TM8926' D IM8928 1 1192 Imputation flag: 'TM8928' D IM8932 1 1193 Imputation flag: 'TM8932' D IM8934 1 1194 Imputation flag: 'TM8934' D IM8936 1 1195 Imputation flag: 'TM8936' D IM9000 1 1196 Imputation flag: 'TM9000' D IM9002 1 1197 Imputation flag: 'TM9002' D IM9004 1 1198 Imputation flag: 'TM9004' D IM9008 1 1199 Imputation flag: 'TM9008' D IM9010 1 1200 Imputation flag: 'TM9010' D IM9012 1 1201 Imputation flag: 'TM9012' D IM9016 1 1202 Imputation flag: 'TM9016' D IM9018 1 1203 Imputation flag: 'TM9018' D IM9020 1 1204 Imputation flag: 'TM9020' D IM9022 1 1205 Imputation flag: 'TM9022' D IM9024 1 1206 Imputation flag: 'TM9024' D IM9026 1 1207 Imputation flag: 'TM9026' D SFILL 1 1208 Filler ******************************************* * TOPICAL MODULE: UTILIZATION OF HEALTH * * CARE SERVICES * ******************************************* D TM9100 1 1209 During the past 12 months, was .... a patient in a hospital overnight or longer? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM9122 D TM9102 2 1210 How many different times did .... stay in a hospital overnight or longer during the past 12 months? U Persons 15 years or older in a hospital overnight or longer during the past 12 months V 00 .Not applicable V 01 - 99 .Times D TM9104 1 1212 Reason for last hospital stay: Childbirth U Persons 15 years or older in a hospital overnight or longer during the past 12 months V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM9106 1 1213 Reason for last hospital stay: Surgery or operation (including bone setting or getting stitches U Persons 15 years or older in a hospital overnight or longer during the past 12 months V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM9108 1 1214 Reason for last hospital stay: Other medical U Persons 15 years or older in a hospital overnight or longer during the past 12 months V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM9110 1 1215 Reason for last hospital stay: Mental or emotional problem or disorder U Persons 15 years or older in a hospital overnight or longer during the past 12 months V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM9112 1 1216 Reason for last hospital stay: Drug or alcohol abuse problem or disorder U Persons 15 years or older in a hospital overnight or longer during the past 12 months V 0 .Not applicable or no V 1 .Yes D TM9114 1 1217 Was ... a patient in a VA or military hospital during this visit/any of these visits? U Persons 15 years or older in a hospital overnight or longer during the past 12 months V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, Military V 2 .Yes, VA V 3 .Yes, both military and VA V 4 .No D TM9116 1 1218 Was ... a patient in a psychiatric hospital or a psychiatric unit of a hospital during this visit/any of these visits? U Persons 15 years or older in a hospital overnight or longer during the past 12 months V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No D TM9118 3 1219 How many nights in all did ... spend in a hospital of any type during the past 12 months U Persons 15 years or older in a hospital overnight or longer during the past 12 months V 000 .Not applicable V 001-365 .Nights D TM9120 3 1222 How many of these nights in TM9118 were in the past 4 months U Persons 15 years or older in a hospital overnight or longer during the past 12 months V 000 .Not applicable V 001-999 .Nights V -05 .All nights V -03 .None D TM9122 3 1225 During the past 4 months, about how many days did illness or injury keep ... in bed more than half of the day? Include days while an overnight patient in a hospital. U Persons 15 years of age or older V 000 .Not applicable V 001-999 .Days V -05 .All days V -03 .None D TM9124 2 1228 During the past 12 months, how many times did ... see or talk to a medical doctor or assistant. Do not count occurrences while an overnight patient in a hospital. Do not count occurrences where the contact was not concerning the respondent's own health problem. U Persons 15 years or older V 00 .Not applicable V 01-99 .Times V -3 .None - skip to TM9127 D TM9126 2 1230 How many of these visits or calls to a medical doctor or assistant were in the past 4 months U Persons 15 years of age or older with at least one visit to the doctor in the past 12 months V 00 .Not applicable V 01-99 .Times V -3 .None D TM9127 2 1232 During the past 12 months, how many visits did ... make to a dentist? (Include all types of dentists, such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.) U Persons 15 years old or older V -3 .None - skip to TM9129 V -1 .Don't know V 00 .Not applicable V 01-99 .Visits D TM9128 2 1234 How many of these dentist visits were in the past 4 months? U Persons 15 years old or older who visited a dentist in the last 12 months V -3 .None V -1 .Don't know V 00 .Not applicable V 01-99 .Visits D TM9129 1 1236 Is there a particular clinic, health center, doctor's office, or some other place where ... usually goes if ... is sick or needs advice about ...'s health U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM9132 D TM9130 2 1237 Type of place where respondent usually goes for medical advice or help U Persons 15 years or older who go to a particular clinic, health center, doctor's office, or some other place when needing medical assistance V 00 .Not applicable V 01 .Doctor's office (or HMO) V 02 .VA hospital V 03 .Military hospital V 04 .Hospital outpatient clinic (not V .VA or military) V 05 .Hospital emergency room V 06 .Company or industry clinic V 07 .Health center (neighborhood V .health center or free or low- V .cost clinic) V 08 .Psychiatric clinic V 09 .Psychiatric hospital V 10 .Private practice psychiatrist or V .other mental health profession V 11 .Other D TM9132 1 1239 Check Item T35 Was ... covered by a health insurance plan at any time during the past four months? U Persons 15 years or older V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes V 2 .No - skip to TM9134 D TM9133 1 1240 Check item T36 Was ... covered by a health insurance plan during the entire 4 month period? U Persons 15 years or older covered by a health insurance plan at any time during the past four months V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - end of section V 2 .No D TM9134 1 1241 Check Item T37 Respondent received Medicare or Medicaid during the reference period [ 'Medicare' (code 172) or 'Medicaid' (code 173) marked on the ISS] U Persons 15 years or older not covered by a health insurance plan during the entire reference period V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes - skip to end V 2 .No D TM9136 1 1242 Verification: Respondent was not covered by a health insurance plan at some time during the last four months U Persons 15 years or older not covered by a health insurance plan and are not covered by Medicare or Medicaid during the last four months V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Yes, is not covered V 2 .No, is covered by some V .other plan - end of section D TM9138 1 1243 Main reason ... is not covered by health insurance during the last four months U Persons 15 years or older not covered by a health insurance plan and are not covered by Medicare or Medicaid during the last four months V 0 .Not applicable V 1 .Job layoff, job loss, or any V .reasons related to unemployment V 2 .Employer does not offer health V .insurance V 3 .Can't obtain health insurance V .because of poor health, illness, V .or age V 4 .Too expensive, can't afford V .health insurance V 5 .Don't believe in health V .insurance V 6 .Have been healthy, not much V .sickness in the family, haven't V .needed health insurance V 7 .Able to go to VA or military V .hospital for medical care V 8 .Covered by some other health V .plan V 9 .Other reason ******************************************* * All imputation flags are coded * * as follows: * * * * 0 .Not imputed * * 1 .Imputed * ******************************************* D IM9102 1 1244 Imputation flag: 'TM9102' D I910412 1 1245 Imputation flag: 'TM9104-12' D IM9114 1 1246 Imputation flag: 'TM9114' D IM9116 1 1247 Imputation flag: 'TM9116' D IM9118 1 1248 Imputation flag: 'TM9118' D IM9120 1 1249 Imputation flag: 'TM9120' D IM9122 1 1250 Imputation flag: 'TM9122' D IM9124 1 1251 Imputation flag: 'TM9124' D IM9126 1 1252 Imputation flag: 'TM9126' D IM9127 1 1253 Imputation flag: 'TM9127' D IM9128 1 1254 Imputation flag: 'TM9128' D IM9129 1 1255 Imputation flag: 'TM9129' D IM9130 1 1256 Imputation flag: 'TM9130' D IM9136 1 1257 Imputation flag: 'TM9136' D IM9138 1 1258 Imputation flag: 'TM9138' D FILLER 2 1259 Filler