Celebrating Our Heroes this Father’s Day

By Rita Cosby, TV Host and Bestselling Author

This Father’s Day is the most special one in my life and I hope the journey with my heroic father inspires all of you to reach out to your dad and get to know his life’s story as we honor the men in our lives on Father’s Day.

I have just completed the most amazing year of my life and focused much of it on getting to know my own father…finally after many years of separation. I hope all of you will look at my new book, “Quiet Hero: Secrets From My Father’s Past,” available now in bookstores and on line, which many think is the perfect Father’s Day gift! In it, I detail my own journey of self discovery and of getting to know a man who was estranged from me for decades… my own father. He left our family one Christmas which caused great friction and created a very detached relationship, but only now I have come to understand that although my dad is not perfect, what he did for his country and the fight for freedom is truly remarkable and truly inspiring.

My father is now breaking his silence after decades. As a thirteen-year-old he saw his hometown of Warsaw get decimated by Nazi bombs, he then joined the Polish Resistance and started by writing anti-Nazi slogans near the Warsaw Ghetto walls, a death sentence no matter your age. He grew into a full blown fighter, was severely injured, and later became a prisoner of war.

My father sold the suit on his back for a loaf of bread in his POW camp, so he and his comrades had enough energy to escape. At ninety pounds and standing six feet tall, my father and some of his fellow POWs made a daring escape in sheer darkness, and then spent the next few days evading German troops.

One day they saw a beautiful sight.. An American plane coming to the rescue, letting them know US troops were a few miles away. My father has never forgotten the faces of those young American GIs who hugged him and told him his nightmare of war was over.

My father and I have bonded through his sharing this story with me and sharing it for history. We will never forget how important our American military is in preserving freedom throughout the globe, and for saving a weary Polish POW, my father. We are giving a portion of our proceeds from our book, “Quiet Hero: Secrets from My Father’s Past” to the USO‘s great campaign, Operation Enduring Care, to help wounded soldiers and their families. We can think of no better cause and no finer men and women representing our great nation.

On this Father’s Day, let’s all remember the tremendous integrity and bravery of many of our fathers, grandfathers, brothers and loving husbands who are willing to put their lives on the line for freedom not just for America, but for the world. They are all quiet heroes and on this Father’s Day, I am blessed to have learned of one amazing hero in my own life. I love you Dad!

Through her book QUIET HERO, Rita Cosby has joined the USO to help wounded warriors and their families. Ten percent of book proceeds will go towards Operation Enduring Care, a comprehensive long-term initiative to support America’s Wounded Warriors and their families.Click here to purchase the book today!


As part of our ongoing celebration of the Patriotic Six, we invite you to leave a message below telling us why YOUR father is a hero…we’ll pick two comments at random to win a fantastic USO prize pack!  Sorry, but USO employees and their families are not eligible.

3 Responses to Celebrating Our Heroes this Father’s Day

  1. April Blackmon

    My dad gave my brother and I some of the greatest memories and life lessons as we moved around during his 20-year Army career. We saw places other kids from my parents’ home towns just read about in history books. I always told him that he gave me the world.

    And this year, as we opened USO Fort Riley, my dad was there, helping with preparing the center while I was at a conference, working a 60+ hour week to make sure furniture was delivered and set up just right — down to the decks of cards on the poker tables and video games in the XBox 360s. At our grand opening, he was there helping things run smoothly. And here early July, he is going to come run the center for a week so I can have a much needed vacation.

    I am so honored to have a dad who loves my USO as much as I do, and I know I can count on him to be here whenever I need him. I love him for not only giving me the world, but for giving me the passion for service members and their families that enables me to truly love and enjoy what I do each day. Thanks dad!

  2. My dad is a Navy Hero. Why well any one can be a hero but my dad was willing and would not back down . Yeah alot of people were like that but something just sparks with my father. I’m 10 years old and when I did this project in fourth grade on executive branch I felt proud of dad and the rest of the armed forces for being when people needed help.

  3. As a Father of four, husband for 21 years, Sailor for 22 years and currently deployed to Iraq, I believe the true heroes to be honored are those left behind that support what we do. To all of you, I salute you. Thank you for your sacrifices.
    Love and miss you all,

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