U.S. Department of Justice

Recidivism Among Defendants Charged with Felony Narcotics, Weapons or Sex Offenses in New York City. Final report

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Oct. 20, 2009

Library ID

  • 023993


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  • 2009
  • 58 pages.

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  • Recidivism Among Defendants Charged with Felony Narcotics, Weapons or Sex Offenses in New York City

ANNOTATION: Rates of post-dispositional re-arrest among offenders with felony narcotics, weapons, or sex offenses are determined. Ten sections follow an introduction: data and methodology; demographic characteristics; criminal history; comparison of case processing; defendant behavior during case processing; case outcome; re-arrest after case completion—defendants at risk for re-arrest, all re-arrests, the first re-arrest, and the first felony re-arrest; multivariate models; summary of multivariate findings; and conclusion. Narcotic defendants are at significantly higher risk for re-arrest with sex offenders having the lowest risk.

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