WTC Winter Conference Welcome Video

Army Secretary John McHugh

Hello, and welcome to the Warrior Transition Command Winter Conference. I wish I could be with you in person, particularly in Florida, but my appearance before Congress this week requires my being here in Washington, D.C.

In spite of that, I’d like to take a moment to convey just how critically important your work is to the long-term health of the Army.

All of you – in one way or another – have an impact on how well the Army cares for its Soldiers and their Families. The Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Army Chief General Casey share my view that your work is simply the right thing to do – an endeavor that, given an All-Volunteer Force, is vital to our national security.

But your work goes beyond even that. On a personal note, I’ve made 16 trips into theater to visit our warriors in the field. I’ve also made at least that many visits to our wounded and their families at Walter Reed, and at other facilities, such as those at Landstuhl.

And what I’ve learned – is what you already know: the warrior in the field is very much the same man or woman as the warrior recovering in the hospital. These are folks who never envisioned themselves as injured, physically or mentally challenged, or in a situation where their life path was altered forever. I believe the same is true for the non-battle injured, as well as the ill, who make up such a large percentage of your formations.

All of these warriors need your compassionate and dedicated guidance to provide the knowledge and tools to come to terms with their new realities, to accept their “new normal,” and to look forward to a more meaningful future.

I’m particularly grateful for your efforts this week to fine tune the Comprehensive Transition Plan. The effectiveness by which we help each Soldier and their loved ones, to map an individual journey to getting their life back on track – that is the crux of your mission. I challenge each of you to keep this responsibility uppermost in your thoughts as you proceed through what I know will be focused, productive and insightful deliberations.

It’s through your exceptional work that we will secure a more productive future for those who have sacrificed so selflessly on our behalf.

I look forward to reviewing your progress. Thanks again, and

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