BG Cheek Plays Hoops with Wounded Warriors

By BG Gary Cheek, WTC Commander

BG Gary Cheek (right) plays wheelchair basketball with Wounded Warriors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

BG Gary Cheek (right) shoots hoops at Walter Reed Army Medical Center with a Wounded Warrior.

I recently had the honor of playing wheelchair basketball with the wounded warriors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. I am encouraged to see these wounded warriors strive to test new limits and achieve new goals as they demonstrate the power of ability over disability—while recovering from serious injury. Looking at these pictures, some blurred due to the speed of the athletes, I am all the more convinced of the power of athletics to inspire recovery, capitalize on physical fitness, and promote opportunities.

As we get closer and closer to the Warrior Games, I am excited to see how the Army Paralympic athletes go head to head against the other services and who wins bragging rights. Hooah.


BG Cheek (right of center) plays wheelchair basketball with Wounded Warriors.

BG Cheek (right of center) plays wheelchair basketball with Wounded Warriors.

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