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Photo Theme: Man vs Wild

2012 August 10

So often when we hear “environment” we think trees. Right? Funny thing is, what we have built or put (directly or indirectly) among the trees is as much a part of our environment as the bugs and bees.

Riverfront Cherry Blossoms Portland, Oregon

April 11, 2012 Riverfront Cherry Blossoms, Willamette River, Portland, Oregon

This coming week, submit a photo of the intersection of the man-made and natural environment. See the above photo, or this one below as inspiration. Photos welcome of sights both good or bad. State of the Environment is about what you see.

EPA sign at Lead Cleanup site

August 1, 2012, Jewett Lead Cleanup site, Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

2 Responses leave one →
  1. Anonymous permalink
    January 10, 2013

    First foto is beautfull place , New York is the best city on the world if you tell is not true i tell you claim :)

  2. Reklama permalink
    January 10, 2013

    First foto is beautfull place , New York is the best city on the world if you tell is not true i tell you claim :)

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