Explore Biology

giant salviniabull thistleRed lionfish, a native of the western Pacific ocean, has invaded the southeast Atlantic coast of the United StatesA python constricting an alligator in the Everglades of Florida.  Pythons, originating in Africa and Asia, have become a significant invasive species in southern Florida.Yellow toadflax, originally from Europe and Asia, is now a common invasive plant in western United States.Emerald ash borer, originally from East Asia, has invaded forests in the eastern and midwestern United States.  The beetle has decimated ash trees in these areas.


EPMT's restoring native plantsThe ultimate goal of invasive species management is to restore functioning native ecosystems on park lands.  Restoration strategies can vary from one time plantings to long term continued maintenance.  Restoration activities may include planting native seedlings, fencing off nesting areas from predators, soil stabilization, and restoring historic fire and flood regimes.  Restoration activities require long term planning and dedicated support from park staff and visitors.  To learn more about restoration activities on park lands, click here.


Where Do Invasives Species Come From?

Invasive species are introduced to parks through a variety of intentional and unintentional avenues. Many invasive species were introduced prior to the establishment of parks. Park lands include old homesteads and mining sites from early European settlers. Settlers often brought with them plants or animals from their previous homes. Occasionally these plants or animals got loose and spread across the landscape. Many introductions of invasive plants have resulted from garden plantings of ornamental species, such as toadflax and periwinkle. Some species, such as tamarisk and red cedar, were introduced through restoration efforts, to reduce soil erosion. Today, the majority of invasive species are introduced unintentionally. Introductions can result from essentially every person, pet, or vehicle coming in and out of a park. Common sources are infested construction materials such as gravel, wood, mulch and fill, contaminated vehicles such as equipment and passenger vehicles, personal gear such as boots, wetsuits, and tools, and wind and water born seed materials. Given the variety of pathways through which invasive species can enter a park, invasive species management affects all aspects of park operations.

update on 08/12/2009  I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/biology/invasivespecies/Restoration.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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