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Entering Intranet
Many links on the Web Guide are available to EPA Intranet users only. If you are an outside contractor working for EPA, please contact your EPA representative for more information. If you are another federal agency or other party interested in EPA's web policies and procedures, please contact EPA through the "Contact Us" page on this site.


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Obtaining a Non-EPA Domain Name

Note: The freeze on issuing new .gov domains for Executive Branch agencies, implemented on June 13, 2011, was set to expire on Dec. 31, 2011 (see OMB Guidance on Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service (PDF) (2.3 MB, 6 pages, June 2011)). Effective January 1, the Federal CIO has extended the freeze while OMB reviews plans to issue new guidance related to .gov domain approval that will formalize the "no new .gov domains" policy. The freeze does not apply to creating new EPA program or EPA-level subdomains.

Contact Jonda Byrd (byrd.jonda@epa.gov) or Amanda Sweda (sweda.amanda@epa.gov) if you need further assistance.

The following is information that an Application Owner should consider before requesting a non-EPA domain name.

1. Utilizing a non-EPA domain name will incur additional costs.

While on the surface the use of a non-EPA domain name may appear to be a trivial task, the corresponding infrastructure requirements are significant. These range from initial setup tasks like Domain Name Server (DNS) updates and the creation of new web server instances to continual maintenance activities such as security scans, statistical reports, environmental monitoring, search indexing, etc. If an application requires a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) implementation, a Verisign certificate must be acquired and maintained. To offset these burdens, an XS subscription Entering Intranet in addition to the base XS subscription for the application will be required. A separate Time Sharing System Management System (TSSMS) account will also be required for each web site/application requiring a non-EPA domain name. This requirement provides the following benefits:

  • Two Program Office personnel will have update access to the TSSMS account.
  • This site's statistics will be accumulated separately and not integrated with those of another application.
  • NCC has established utility applications such as WebMan that provide much detailed information based on TSSMS account.


2. Is this site and/or application developed as a collaboration with an organization outside of the EPA?

A non-EPA domain name is only valid for situations involving collaborations with agencies outside of the EPA. If the contents of the site are wholly EPA, a non-EPA domain name is not allowed. The Agency is striving toward the concept of one Agency, one site. This makes it easier for the public to learn how to use the site and focus their efforts on finding content. Creating "splinter" sites with non-EPA domain names would dilute this effort.

3. Have you filled out your Application Deployment Checklist (ADC) and indicated this requirement?

It is necessary to fill out an ADC and include this information so that your NCC ADC contact may make the appropriate arrangements to accomodate this request. Neglecting to document this early in the process will cause delays in deployment. For more information on the ADC process, refer to NCC's Application Deployment Checklist Entering Intranet Intranet site.

4. The Application Owner must request and receive a waiver from the CIO of the Agency.

Per the Hansen memo of 1996 and the McCabe memo of 2000, a waiver will be required for a non-EPA domain name. If a web site or application has a non-EPA domain name and presents itself as a non-EPA site (ie. the content is not contained within the domain name of www.epa.gov), a waiver is required. This is regardless of where the web site/application is hosted. More information on this waiver is available in the Ensuring Access to EPA Information on EPA Servers Procedure (refer to the Exceptions section for waiver requirements). If the waiver is approved by the CIO, the CIO's office will also write the authorization letter needed for Step 5.

5. Once a waiver is obtained, the Application Owner is responsible for acquiring the non-EPA domain name.

It is the Application Owner's responsibility to acquire/maintain the non-EPA domain name as the registration process requires application specific contact and authorization information. Please note that the authorization letter must be signed by the CIO (refer to Step 4). More information on this process is available at the GSA's Government Domain Registration and Services site This site provides a WHOIS interface for finding domains ending in .GOV and .FED.US, documentation on registering governmental domains, and registration software to let you request or reserve a new domain under .GOV.

For non-.gov addresses, InterNIC exit EPA provides a listing of ICANN-accredited domain name registrars that are currently taking domain name registrations.

6. A non-EPA domain name does not mean unrestricted development.

Certain standards apply to the development and deployment of your applications. You must submit an Application Deployment Checklist. Entering Intranet You will need to acquire Access to EPA Servers and TSSMS Accounts. In designing your application you should review the Information Technology Architecture (ITA) Roadmap. Any CGI's Entering Intranet or Java(TM) Servlets Entering Intranet must pass the appropriate Security Checklists and security reviews by the NCC technical support staff. If you have questions about these requirements, contact your NCC ADC contact for assistance.

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