Measurement : Ice water content

The concentration (mass/vol) of ice water particles in a cloud.

Cloud Properties, Atmospheric State


The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

  • External Instruments
    • ETA : Eta Model Runs
    • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses
    • ECMWF : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Model Data
    • MOLTS : Model Output Location Time Series
    • RUC : Rapid Update Cycle Model Data
  • Field Campaign Instruments
    • MMCR94-AIR : 94 GHz, W-band Airborne Cloud Radar
    • CSI : Cloud Spectrometer and Impactor
    • EC-CONVAIR580-BULK : Environment Canada Convair 580 Bulk Parameters
    • ETA : Eta Model Runs
    • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses
    • ECMWF : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Model Data
    • AMSU-B-NOAA : NOAA Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B
    • PRECIPRET : Precipitation Retrievals
    • CITATION : University of North Dakota Citation Aircraft

Value-Added Products

  • MICROBASE : Continuous Baseline Microphysical Retrieval (Process)
    • MICROBASEPIAVG : Continuous Baseline Microphysical Retrieval, Profile-averaged
    • MICROBASEPI : Continuous Baseline Microphysical Retrieval, Profile-Instantaneous
    • MICROBASEPI2 : Continuous Baseline Microphysical Retrieval, Profile-Instantaneous, with QC flags
  • RIPBE : Radiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate (Process)
    • RIPBE1MCFARLANE : Radiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate profiles derived with first McFarlane algorithm


  • RUC : Rapid Update Cycle Model Data Datastreams
    • ALLRUC20HYBR : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: hybrid analysis data, 20-km resolution
    • ALLRUC40HYBR : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: hybrid analyisis data, 40 km resolution
    • RUC20HYBR : Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model: daily hybrid analysis data, 20 km resolution
  • MOLTS : Model Output Location Time Series Datastreams
    • MOLTSEDASSFCCLASS0 : Model Output Loc. Time Ser. (MOLTS): EDAS meteor. analy., basic surface, params, stations
    • MOLTSEDASSFCCLASS1 : Model Output Loc. Time Ser. (MOLTS): EDAS meteor. analy., enhanced surface, params, stations
    • MOLTSEDASSNDCLASS1 : Model Output Loc. Time Ser. (MOLTS): EDAS meteor. analy., enhances soundings, params, stations
  • ECMWFDIAG : European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Diagnostic Analyses Datastreams
    • ECMWFVAR : ECMWF: model met. and cloud variables at altitude, entire coverage, 1-hr avg