In Focus

A computer simulation of fusion in a confined reactor. 05.24.12Lab Breakthroughs Series

Here Comes the Sun

See how an accelerator at Oak Ridge National Lab contributes to fusion energy research. Read More »

Associate Director of Science for Nuclear Physics, Tim Hallman, speaks to an open-house guest at the Office of Science booth 05.22.12From the Labs

An Open House For Accelerator ScienceExternal link

This past weekend, more than 8,000 visitors came to an open house at the Office of Science's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory. Read More »

Secretary of Energy Steven Chu placing the Fermi award medal on award winner Dr. Mildred Dresselhaus 05.17.12Video

The Secretary and the ScientistsExternal link

Watch as DOE Secretary Steven Chu honors Drs. Mildred Dresselhaus and Burton Richter at the Fermi Awards. Read More »

Crystal structure of the mu-opioid receptor bound to a morphinan antagon05.17.12Article

Bright Lights, Big Molecules and Hopefully a Better Understanding of Addictions

Researchers supported by Argonne Lab's Advanced Photon Source determine the structure of two opioid receptors. Read More »

Energy Secretary Chu and Director of Science Brinkman with the winning National Science Bowl High School team 05.09.12From the Programs

The Finals Have Finished . . . But New Tests Will Begin

Catch up on all the action from this year's National Science Bowl, and start to prepare for next year’s event. Read More »

NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific Computing) Hopper supercomputer cluster at the OSF (Oakland Scientific Facility). Cray ECOphlex water-cooled supercomputers.05.04.12Article

Turning a Negative into a Positive

IceCube Collaboration searches for new answers at the frozen ends of the Earth. Read More »

Front of the National 4-H Youth Conference Center with a US Department of Energy National Science Bowl banner 04.24.12DOE Blog

Lightning Speed and Science Savvy

This weekend, 113 finalist teams from across the country will converge at the 4-H Convention Center in Chevy Chase, MD to earn the chance to compete for the National Science Bowl Championship next Monday. Read More »

Two scientists looking at a large monitor in the accelerator control room at Jefferson Lab 04.24.12Lab Breakthroughs Series

The Power of Particle Accelerators

Experts at Jefferson Lab show how they are powering-up accelerators, and opening new possibilities for everyone. Read More »

Cascading diamonds04.16.12Article

Springtime and Sparkling Films

Diamond deposition technique invented at Argonne Lab could improve the performance of electronic devices. Read More »

Two scientists in the lab looking at computer monitors04.09.12Article

Your Density Isn't Your Destiny

Researchers at Berkeley Lab discover new evidence of how good cholesterol goes bad, which may show ways to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Read More »

Last modified: 1/4/2013 12:20:40 PM