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Featured: Untitled, by Scott Butner

2011 October 19

night scene of a brightly lit city scape and water, with two people in a boat

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7 Responses leave one →
  1. Sandler Charms permalink
    October 21, 2011

    I don’t think this shows much about the environment. It’s more of a picture about diversity.

    Webmaster of KitchenAid KSM150

  2. jfalvey permalink*
    October 21, 2011

    Hi there, thanks for your comment! In the ’70s Documerica captured photographs of the environment, people, and what life was like back then. We’re hoping to do the very same thing with State of the Environment.

  3. Scott Butner permalink
    October 25, 2011

    a little background on the photo:

    this is the view looking south from Seattle’s Gasworks park ( on Lake Union. Gasworks is a reclaimed industrial coal gasification plant built in 1906 and operated for nearly 50 years. After significant amounts of clean-up the site was turned into a public park, and many of the industrial structures on the site have been left as a sort of odd industrial sculpture. Today it is a very popular gathering/picnic spot for Seattlites, who take full advantage of the park and the adjoining lake for everything from kite flying to kayaking and paddleboarding.

  4. permalink
    November 12, 2011

    really amazing pictures it good that you have collected those amazing photos of nature..I couldn’t believe in the modern society we can still have find some nature related photos. i really admire at one of your photos the spider really cute..

  5. john dave permalink
    November 24, 2011

    really amazing pictures
    it good.we can sbo still have find some nature related photos.

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