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BNL Cosmology and Astrophysics Group

Welcome to the homepage of the Brookhaven Cosmology and Astrophysics Group. We are a new group at BNL working on old problems in observational cosmology: how to measure and constrain properties of dark matter, dark energy and the standard cosmological model. We are members of DES, BOSS and LSST experiments. We collaborate closely with the BNL Instrumentation Division.

Group Members

  ▸ Morgan May: group leader;
      publications, email:, phone: (631) 344 3934; office: M1-6 (Bldg 510)

  ▸ Erin Sheldon: DES lensing analysis, BOSS target selection;
      publications, email:, phone: (631) 344 3117; office: M1-14 (Bldg 510)

  ▸ Anže Slosar: BOSS data analysis, neutrinos and primordial non-Gaussianity;
      publications, email:, phone: (631) 344 8012; office: M1-12 (Bldg 510)

  ▸ Nishikanta Khandai:
      publications, email:, phone: (631) 344 2519; office: M1-8 (Bldg 510)

  ▸ Andrei Nomerotski:
      publications, email:, phone: (631) 344 8338; office: M1-10 (Bldg 510)

  ▸ Andres Plazas Malagon:
      publications, email:, phone: (631) 344 2519; office: M1-8 (Bldg 510)

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