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Cutting Government Waste

-- Randy’s Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

April 20, 2009

Cutting Government Waste

Today, President Obama asked his Cabinet to cut $100 million in spending after months of reckless borrowing and spending.  While I appreciate this sentiment, I believe if the Administration and Democrat Majority want to get serious about cutting wasteful Washington spending, it should start by taking a closer look at the projects receiving so-called stimulus dollars. How many millions in stimulus dollars are being wasted on funding for fish food, skateboard parks and a “Canal Boat” museum?

I believe enough is enough and so do many of you in the 19th Congressional District. Last week, hundreds of you participated in TEA Parties across West Texas and took a stand against fiscal irresponsibility.

With all this borrowing and spending, we should also remember how much debt we are leaving our children and grandchildren. This coming Saturday is Debt Day.  All federal government spending that takes place between Saturday and the end of the fiscal year in September will be put on the credit card and paid for by more borrowing.  Debt Day marks the day the government begins to spend more for the year than it will take in.

We cannot continue down this path. It is time for the federal government to learn to live with less. As you well know, all of your families must live within your means and so should the federal government.

To learn more about examples of government waste, I encourage you to visit the Washington Watch Report. The website is available here.

10th Anniversary of the Columbine High School Attack

This week, millions of America will commemorate the tragic shootings that occurred at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado ten years ago today.  On April 20th, 1999 this quiet town was rocked by a horrible tragedy that awakened a debate about placing further restrictions on firearms.  As we reflect on the Columbine shootings and the continued violence in our country, we also continue to search for a reasonable balance to reduce senseless acts of violence that cut short innocent lives.

I continue to believe that a nation that follows the rule of law should entrust in its citizens certain inalienable rights, the right to defend ones self and their loved ones should never be put in jeopardy. While many people believe that stricter gun control laws will help reduce the amount of crime, I believe that proper guidance and training with firearms will allow people to be more responsible with them and use them appropriately.  I believe it is critical to ensure the federal government does not pass laws that infringe on a citizen's right to keep and bear arms.

District Wrap-Up

Now that I’m wrapping up the April district work period, I wanted to share some of my experiences with you. I was pleased to host the Service Academy Forums in Lubbock and Abilene. Click here to see coverage in the Abilene Reporter News.  I hope all the students that participated were able to learn more about each service branch and the opportunities available to receive an education while serving our country.

During my travels, I was also able to meet with my advisory groups and discuss important issues affecting the 19th Congressional District. I look forward to taking this information back to Washington.  However, before I leave for votes tomorrow, I have been invited to speak at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s forum in Lubbock.  I am eager to provide an economic and legislative update to those attending tonight’s event.

It was nice to see everyone around town.