
 The US Department of Energy assesses the success of the MPC by the fruits of our labor which are scientific achievements as demonstrated by publication in scientific journals. Below is a bibliography of publications that cite the MPC (or more generically, the Ames Laboratory) as the source for the pure metals, alloys, or single crystals used in said publication. This list is non-exhaustive, if you have a paper in which such a citation is made please send us the citation.

Expectations for citation or acknowledgement:

MPC operations are funded by the US DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences,  acknowledgement of the use MPC facilities/services is expected in publications or research reports, as is the assistance of a specific MPC Technical Staff members if their work has made a significant contribution to your research.

Acknowledgement by bibliographic citation is preferred:

1 Materials Preparation Center, Ames Laboratory, US DOE Basic Energy Sciences, Ames, IA, USA, available from: <>.

2 Single crystals synthesized at the Materials Preparation Center. See 

These types of citations have been accepted by most Journal editors as appropriate citations. If you have any questions please contact Larry Jones.

We would appreciate receiving a copy of publications that cite said use.

Publications List
This is a non-exhaustive list, any omissions or errors in the listing are unintentional
1 H. Zhang, Y. Long, Q. Cao, Ya Mudryk, M. Zou, K. A. Gschneidner Jr, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Microstructure and magnetocaloric effect in cast LaFe11.5Si1.5Bx (x=0.5, 1.0)," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (13), 1710-1714 (2010).

2 W. M. Yuhasz, D. L. Schlagel, Q. Xing, R. W. McCallum, and T. A. Lograsso, "Metastability of ferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Sn Heusler alloys," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 492 (1-2), 681-684 (2010).

3 Q. Xing, M. J. Kramer, D. Wu, and T. A. Lograsso, "Influence of surface oxidation on transmission electron microscopy characterization of Fe-Ga alloys," Materials Characterization 61 (6), 598-602 (2010).

4 T. Wong, K. Suzuki, M. Gibson, K. Ishikawa, K. Aoki, and L. L. Jones, "Hydrogen permeation behavior of multifilamentary Cu-Nb superconducting composites," Scripta Materialia 62 (8), 582-585 (2010).

5 Kurt A. Terrani, Eugene Mamontov, Mehdi Balooch, and Donald R. Olander, "Incoherent Quasielastic Neutron Scattering study of hydrogen diffusion in thorium-zirconium hydrides," Journal of Nuclear Materials 401 (1-3), 91-97 (2010).

6 A. R. Schmidt, M. H. Hamidian, P. Wahl, F. Meier, A. V. Balatsky, J. D. Garrett, T. J. Williams, G. M. Luke, and J. C. Davis, "Imaging the Fano lattice to 'hidden order' transition in URu2Si2," Nature 465 (7298), 570-576 (2010).

7 Chaitanya Mudivarthi, Suok-Min Na, Rudolf Schaefer, Mark Laver, Manfred Wuttig, and Alison B. Flatau, "Magnetic domain observations in Fe-Ga alloys," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (14), 2023-2026 (2010).

8 K. A. Lorenzer and et al., "Magnetostriction studies on the itinerant electron metamagnet LaCo 9 Si 4," Journal of Physics: Conference Series 200 (1), 012117 (2010).

9 Y. E. Kalay, C. Yeager, L. S. Chumbley, M. J. Kramer, and I. E. Anderson, "Initial crystallization in a nanostructured Al-Sm rare earth alloy," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids In Press, Corrected Proof (2010).

10 Y. E. Kalay, L. S. Chumbley, M. J. Kramer, and I. E. Anderson, "Local structure in marginal glass forming Al-Sm alloy," Intermetallics In Press, Corrected Proof (2010).

11 M. Giovannini and et al., "Phase formation and ground state properties of CeCo 9 Si 4," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (13), 135601 (2010).

12 S. Datta, J. Atulasimha, C. Mudivarthi, and A. B. Flatau, "Stress and magnetic field-dependent Young's modulus in single crystal iron-gallium alloys," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322 (15), 2135-2144 (2010).

13 Q. Cao, L. S. Chumbley, and Z. Qian, "Thermal stability of RE5(SixGe1-x)3 plates in RE5(SixGe1-x)4 alloys, where RE†=†Gd and Ho," Intermetallics 18 (5), 1021-1026 (2010).

14 M. Zou, V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, Ya Mudryk, D. L. Schlagel, and T. A. Lograsso, "Electrical resistivity and magnetoresistance of single-crystal Tb5 Si2.2 Ge1.8," Physical Review B 80 (17), 174411 (2009).

15 M. Zou, V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner Jr, D. L. Schlagel, and T. A. Lograsso, "Spontaneous generation of voltage in the magnetocaloric compound Tb5Si2.2Ge1.8 and elemental Gd," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 488 (2), 550-553 (2009).

16 H. Zhang, Ya Mudryk, M. Zou, V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner Jr, and Y. Long, "Phase relationships and crystallography of annealed alloys in the Ce5Si4-Ce5Ge4 pseudobinary system," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 487 (1-2), 98-102 (2009).

17 J. A. Wollmershauser, S. Kabra, and S. R. Agnew, "In situ neutron diffraction study of the plastic deformation mechanisms of B2 ordered intermetallic alloys: NiAl, CuZn, and CeAg," Acta Materialia 57 (1), 213-223 (2009).

18 W. Tian, A. Kreyssig, J. L. Zarestky, L. Tan, S. Nandi, A. I. Goldman, T. A. Lograsso, D. L. Schlagel, K. A. Gschneidner, V. K. Pecharsky, and R. J. McQueeney, "Single-crystal neutron diffraction study of short-range magnetic correlations in Tb5 Ge4," Physical Review B 80 (13), 134422 (2009).

19 R. Teghil, L. D'Alessio, A. De Bonis, D. Ferro, A. Galasso, G. Lanza, A. Santagata, P. Villani, and D. J. Sordelet, "Ultra-short pulse laser ablation of Al70Cu20Fe10 alloy: Nanoparticles generation and thin films deposition," Thin Solid Films 517 (6), 1880-1886 (2009).

20 Volodymyr Svitlyk, Fan Fei, Alfred Kracher, and Yurij Mozharivskyj, "Quaternary Gd4Ni2Sb1±xSi2±x and Gd4Ni2Bi1±xSi2±x: Crystal structure, homogeneity regions and magnetic behavior," Solid State Sciences 11 (6), 1083-1087 (2009).

21 R. Sutarto, S. G. Altendorf, B. Coloru, M. Moretti Sala, T. Haupricht, C. F. Chang, Z. Hu, C. Schussler-Langeheine, N. Hollmann, H. Kierspel, J. A. Mydosh, H. H. Hsieh, H. J. Lin, C. T. Chen, and L. H. Tjeng, "Epitaxy, stoichiometry, and magnetic properties of Gd-doped EuO films on YSZ (001)," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 80 (8), 085308-085307 (2009).

22 R. Sutarto, S. G. Altendorf, B. Coloru, M. Moretti Sala, T. Haupricht, C. F. Chang, Z. Hu, C. Schussler-Langeheine, N. Hollmann, H. Kierspel, H. H. Hsieh, H. J. Lin, C. T. Chen, and L. H. Tjeng, "Epitaxial and layer-by-layer growth of EuO thin films on yttria-stabilized cubic zirconia (001) using MBE distillation," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 79 (20), 205318-205319 (2009).

23 Niraj K. Singh, Durga Paudyal, Ya Mudryk, V. K. Pecharsky, and Jr K. A. Gschneidner, "Magnetostructural transition in Ho[sub 5]Ge[sub 4]," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 79 (9), 094115-094115 (2009).

24 A. Santagata, G. Albano, D. Spera, R. Teghil, P. Villani, G. P. Parisi, A. De Bonis, and D. J. Sordelet, "Emission spectra investigation of fs induced NPs probed by the ns laser pulse of a fs/ns DP-LIBS orthogonal configuration," Applied Surface Science 255 (10), 5159-5162 (2009).

25 Kouji Sakaki, Ryosuke Date, Masataka Mizuno, Hideki Araki, Yumiko Nakamura, Yasuharu Shirai, Robert C. Bowman Jr, and Etsuo Akiba, "Behavior of vacancy formation and recovery during hydrogenation cycles in LaNi4.93Sn0.27," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 477 (1-2), 205-211 (2009).

26 L. Peyker and et al., "Evolution of quantum criticality in CeNi 9‚àí x Cu x Ge 4," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (23), 235604 (2009).

27 V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner Jr, Ya Mudryk, and Durga Paudyal, "Making the most of the magnetic and lattice entropy changes," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (21), 3541-3547 (2009).

28 Z. W. Ouyang, H. Nojiri, S. Yoshii, G. H. Rao, and Y. C. Wang, "Correlation between electron spin resonance and magnetization in Gd[sub 5]Ge[sub 4]," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 80 (5), 054401-054405 (2009).

29 R. T. Ott, M. I. Mendelev, M. F. Besser, M. J. Kramer, J. Almer, and D. J. Sordelet, "Strain dependence of peak widths of reciprocal- and real-space distribution functions of metallic glasses from in situ x-ray scattering and molecular dynamics simulations," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 80 (6), 064101-064114 (2009).

30 Xavier Moya, David Gonzalez-Alonso, Lluis Manosa, Antoni Planes, V. O. Garlea, T. A. Lograsso, D. L. Schlagel, J. L. Zarestky, Seda Aksoy, and Mehmet Acet, "Lattice dynamics in magnetic superelastic Ni-Mn-In alloys: Neutron scattering and ultrasonic experiments," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 79 (21), 214118-214117 (2009).

31 Raathai Molian and Pal Molian, "Pulsed laser deposition and annealing of Dy-Fe-B thin films on melt-spun Nd-Fe-B ribbons for improved magnetic performance," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (4), 241-246 (2009).

32 Sumohan Misra, Yurij Mozharivskyj, Alexandra O. Tsokol, Deborah L. Schlagel, Thomas A. Lograsso, and Gordon J. Miller, "Structural, magnetic, and thermal characteristics of the phase transitions in Gd5GaxGe4-x magnetocaloric materials," Journal of Solid State Chemistry 182 (11), 3031-3040 (2009).

33 H. Michor and et al., "Superconductivity in layered YB 2 C 2," Journal of Physics: Conference Series 150 (5), 052160 (2009).

34 E. M. Levin, "Antiferromagnet-ferromagnet transitions in Ge-rich Gd5 ( Six Ge4-x ) alloys induced by composition, magnetic field, and temperature," Physical Review B 80 (14), 144401 (2009).

35 J. Ledieu, M. KrajCi, J. Hafner, L. Leung, L. H. Wearing, R. McGrath, T. A. Lograsso, D. Wu, and V. Fournee, "Nucleation of Pb starfish clusters on the five-fold Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal surface," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 79 (16), 165430-165410 (2009).

36 Mahmud Khan, K. A. Gschneidner, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Multiple magnetic ordering phenomena evaluated by heat capacity measurements in Er1-x Tbx Al2 Laves-phase alloys," Physical Review B 80 (22), 224408 (2009).

37 Dapeng Jing, BarIs ‹nal, Feili Qin, Chad Yuen, J. W. Evans, C. J. Jenks, D. J. Sordelet, and P. A. Thiel, "Stranski-Krastanov-like growth of an Ag film on a metallic glass," Thin Solid Films 517 (24), 6486-6492 (2009).

38 Lin Hu, David Hovis, and Arthur H. Heuer, "The effect of substrate orientation on oxidation-induced void formation in [beta]-Ni-40Al-5Cr-0.03Y," Scripta Materialia 61 (2), 157-160 (2009).

39 Lucas Hale, K. A. Gschneidner Jr, V. K. Pecharsky, and Y. Mudryk, "Low temperature properties of some RIn3 compounds," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 472 (1-2), 24-29 (2009).

40 K. A. Gschneidner Jr, Ya Mudryk, A. T. Becker, and J. L. Larson, "The crystal structures of some RM and RM2 compounds (where R=rare†earth†metal†and†M=non - rare†earth†metal)," Calphad 33 (1), 8-10 (2009).

41 K. A. Gschneidner Jr, Min Ji, C. Z. Wang, K. M. Ho, A. M. Russell, Ya Mudryk, A. T. Becker, and J. L. Larson, "Influence of the electronic structure on the ductile behavior of B2 CsCl-type AB intermetallics," Acta Materialia 57 (19), 5876-5881 (2009).

42 R. S. Dhaka, S. W. D'Souza, M. Maniraj, Aparna Chakrabarti, D. L. Schlagel, T. A. Lograsso, and S. R. Barman, "Photoemission study of the (1†0†0) surface of Ni2MnGa and Mn2NiGa ferromagnetic shape memory alloys," Surface Science 603 (13), 1999-2004 (2009).

43 M. Debessai, T. Matsuoka, J. J. Hamlin, J. S. Schilling, and K. Shimizu, "Pressure-Induced Superconducting State of Europium Metal at Low Temperatures," Physical Review Letters 102 (19), 197002-197004 (2009).

44 S. Datta, J. Atulasimha, and A. B. Flatau, "Figures of merit of magnetostrictive single crystal iron-gallium alloys for actuator and sensor applications," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (24), 4017-4031 (2009).

45 A. S. Chernyshov, Ya Mudryk, D. Paudyal, V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, D. L. Schlagel, and T. A. Lograsso, "Magnetostructural transition in Gd5 Sb0.5 Ge3.5," Physical Review B 80 (18), 184416 (2009).

46 H. Cao, P. M. Gehring, C. P. Devreugd, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, J. Li, and D. Viehland, "Role of Nanoscale Precipitates on the Enhanced Magnetostriction of Heat-Treated Galfenol (Fe[sub 1-x]Ga[sub x]) Alloys," Physical Review Letters 102 (12), 127201-127204 (2009).

47 Z. Arnold, C. Magen, L. Morellon, P. A. Algarabel, J. Kamarad, M. R. Ibarra, V. K. Pecharsky, and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., "Magnetocaloric effect of Er[sub 5]Si[sub 4] under hydrostatic pressure," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 79 (14), 144430 (2009).

48 M. Zou, V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, D. L. Schlagel, and T. A. Lograsso, "Spontaneous generation of voltage in the magnetocaloric compound Tb5Si2. 2Ge1. 8 and elemental Gd," Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2008).

49 M. Zou, V. K. Pecharsky, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, D. L. Schlagel, and T. A. Lograsso, "Magnetic phase transitions and ferromagnetic short-range correlations in single-crystal Tb[sub 5]Si[sub 2.2]Ge[sub 1.8]," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 78 (1), 014435-014439 (2008).

50 X. Zong, B. J. Suh, A. Niazi, J. Q. Yan, D. L. Schlagel, T. A. Lograsso, and D. C. Johnston, "[sup 17]O and [sup 51]V NMR for the zigzag spin-1 chain compound CaV[sub 2]O[sub 4]," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 77 (1), 014412-014410 (2008).

51 S. H. Zhou and R. E. Napolitano, "Identification of the B33 martensite phase in Cu-Zr using first-principles and X-ray diffraction," Scripta Materialia 59 (10), 1143-1146 (2008).

52 Tae-Soo You, Mi-Kyung Han, and Gordon J. Miller, "On the "Coloring Problem" in YMgZn and Related Phases," Inorganica Chimica Acta 361 (11), 3053-3062 (2008).

53 Mudryk Ya, D. Paudyal, V. K. Pecharsky, and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., "Magnetostructural transition in Gd[sub 5]Si[sub 0.5]Ge[sub 3.5]: Magnetic and x-ray powder diffraction measurements, and theoretical calculations," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 77 (2), 024408 (2008).

54 S. Xie, A. M. Russell, A. T. Becker, and K. A. Gschneidner Jr, "Dislocation core structures in YAg, a ductile B2 CsCl-type intermetallic compound," Scripta Materialia 58 (12), 1066-1069 (2008).

55 L. Tan, A. Kreyssig, S. Nandi, S. Jia, Y. B. Lee, J. C. Lang, Z. Islam, T. A. Lograsso, D. L. Schlagel, V. K. Pecharsky, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, P. C. Canfield, B. N. Harmon, R. J. McQueeney, and A. I. Goldman, "Spin-flop transition in Gd[sub 5]Ge[sub 4] observed by x-ray resonant magnetic scattering and first-principles calculations of magnetic anisotropy," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 77 (6), 064425-064428 (2008).

56 B. Stumphy, Y. Mudryk, A. Russell, D. Herman, and K. Gschneidner Jr, "Oxidation resistance of B2 rare earth-magnesium intermetallic compounds," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 460 (1-2), 363-367 (2008).

57 D. A. Sokolov, M. C. Aronson, G. L. Strycker, M. D. Lumsden, S. E. Nagler, and R. Erwin, "Elastic neutron scattering in Quantum Critical Antiferromagnet Cr0.963V0.037," Physica B: Condensed Matter 403 (5-9), 1276-1278 (2008).

58 Niraj K. Singh, V. K. Pecharsky, and Jr K. A. Gschneidner, "Unusual magnetic properties of (Er[sub 1 - x]Gd[sub x])[sub 5]Si[sub 4] compounds," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 77 (5), 054414-054410 (2008).

59 D. L. Schlagel, W. M. Yuhasz, K. W. Dennis, R. W. McCallum, and T. A. Lograsso, "Temperature dependence of the field-induced phase transformation in Ni50Mn37Sn13," Scripta Materialia 59 (10), 1083-1086 (2008).

60 D. L. Schlagel, R. W. McCallum, and T. A. Lograsso, "Influence of solidification microstructure on the magnetic properties of Ni-Mn-Sn Heusler alloys," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 463 (1-2), 38-46 (2008).

61 F. Qin, B. Hunt, B. Unal, D. Jing, M. Shen, C. J. Jenks, B. Gleeson, D. J. Sordelet, and P. A. Thiel, "Correlations between structure and chemical composition on oxidized (Pt,Ni)3Al(111) surfaces," Surface Science 602 (5), 1092-1100 (2008).

62 Z. W. Ouyang, H. Nojiri, S. Yoshii, G. H. Rao, Y. C. Wang, V. K. Pecharsky, and Jr K. A. Gschneidner, "Field-induced magnetostructural transition in Gd[sub 5]Ge[sub 4] studied by pulsed magnetic fields," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 77 (18), 184426-184427 (2008).

63 T. Onimaru, Y.F. Inoue, K. Shigetoh, K. Umeo, H. Kubo, R.A. Ribeiro, A. Ishida, M. A. Avila, K. Ohoyama, M. Sera, and T. Takabatake, "Giant Uniaxial Anisotropy in the Magnetic and Transport Properties of CePd5Al2," Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Submitted on 7 Mar 2008, last revised 16 Mar 2008 (2008).

64 Rajeev Nair, Raathai Molian, and Pal Molian, "Effect of nanoscale thin films of Dy2Fe14B on the magnetic hysteresis characteristics of melt-spun ribbons of Nd2Fe14B," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (6), 957-965 (2008).

65 Ya Mudryk, D. Paudyal, V. K. Pecharsky, and Jr K. A. Gschneidner, "Magnetostructural transition in Gd[sub 5]Si[sub 0.5]Ge[sub 3.5]: Magnetic and x-ray powder diffraction measurements, and theoretical calculations," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 77 (2), 024408-024412 (2008).

66 Huang Mianliang, A. Lograsso Thomas, A. E. Clark, J. B. Restorff, and M. Wun-Fogle, "Effect of interstitial additions on magnetostriction in Fe Ga alloys," Journal of Applied Physics (2008).

67 Akash Mehta and John D. Corbett, "Er17Ru6Te3: A highly condensed metal-rich ternary telluride," Journal of Solid State Chemistry 181 (4), 871-877 (2008).

68 T. C. Kaspar, T. Droubay, S. M. Heald, M. H. Engelhard, P. Nachimuthu, and S. A. Chambers, "Hidden ferromagnetic secondary phases in cobalt-doped ZnO epitaxial thin films," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 77 (20), 201303-201304 (2008).

69 Y. E. Kalay, L. S. Chumbley, and I. E. Anderson, "Characterization of a Marginal Glass Former Alloy Solidified in Gas Atomized Powders," Materials Science and Engineering: A 490 (1-2), 72-80 (2008).

70 Y. E. Kalay, L. S. Chumbley, and I. E. Anderson, "Crystallization behavior in a highly driven marginal glass forming alloy," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (26), 3040-3048 (2008).

71 D. Kaczorowski and T. Komatsubara, "Complex magnetic behavior in single-crystalline CeRh3Si2," Physica B: Condensed Matter 403 (5-9), 1362-1364 (2008).

72 J. Laverock K. Y. Shin, Y. Q. Wu, C. L. Condron, M. F. Toney, S. B. Dugdale, M. J. Kramer, I. R. Fisher,, "Charge density wave formation in R2Te5 (R=Nd, Sm, and Gd)," Physical Review B 77 (165101) (2008).

73 Mianliang Huang, Thomas A. Lograsso, A. E. Clark, J. B. Restorff, and M. Wun-Fogle, presented at the Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Tampa, Florida (USA), 2008 (unpublished).

74 D. M. Herman, G. H. Cao, A. T. Becker, A. M. Russell, and A. P. Constant, "Microstructure and properties of a silver-erbium oxide alloy," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 454 (1-2), 292-296 (2008).

75 Paudyal Durga, Mudryk Ya, Y. B. Lee, V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., and B. N. Harmon, "Understanding the extraordinary magnetoelastic behavior in GdNi," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 78 (18), 184436 (2008).

76 M. Debessai, J. J. Hamlin, and J. S. Schilling, "Comparison of the pressure dependences of T[sub c] in the trivalent d-electron superconductors Sc, Y, La, and Lu up to megabar pressures," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 78 (6), 064519-064510 (2008).

77 N. E. Davis, A. K. Kronenberg, and J. Newman, "Plasticity and diffusion creep of dolomite," Tectonophysics 456 (3-4), 127-146 (2008).

78 L. S. Chumbley, O. Ugurlu, R. W. McCallum, K. W. Dennis, Y. Mudryk, K. A. Gschneidner Jr, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Linear microstructural features in R5(Si,Ge)4-type alloys: Difficulties in identification," Acta Materialia 56 (3), 527-536 (2008).

79 A. S. Chernyshov, Mudryk Ya, V. K. Pecharsky, and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., "Temperature and magnetic field-dependent x-ray powder diffraction study of dysprosium," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 77 (9), 094132 (2008).

80 S. L. Bud'ko, J. C. Frederick, E. D. Mun, P. C. Canfield, and G. M. Schmiedeshoff, "Thermal expansion, heat capacity and magnetostriction of RAl3 (R = Tm, Yb, Lu) single crystals," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (2), 025220 (2008).

81 Somnath Bhattacharyya, J. R. Jinschek, A. Khachaturyan, H. Cao, J. F. Li, and D. Viehland, "Nanodispersed DO[sub 3]-phase nanostructures observed in magnetostrictive Fe-19% Ga Galfenol alloys," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 77 (10), 104107-104106 (2008).

82 Jayasimha Atulasimha, Alison B. Flatau, and James R. Cullen, "Analysis of the effect of gallium content on the magnetomechanical behavior of single-crystal FeGa alloys using an energy-based model," Smart Materials and Structures 17 (2), 025027 (2008).

83 Iver E. Anderson, R. William McCallum, and Wei Tang, "Alloy Design and Microstructure of Advanced Permanent Magnets Using Rapid Solidification and Powder Processing," International Journal of Powder Metallurgy 44 (6), 19-37 (2008).

84 M. Zou, Ya Mudryk, V. K. Pecharsky, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, D. L. Schlagel, and T. A. Lograsso, "Crystallography, anisotropic metamagnetism, and magnetocaloric effect in Tb[sub 5]Si[sub 2.2]Ge[sub 1.8]," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 75 (2), 024418-024418 (2007).

85 S. H. Zhou and R. E. Napolitano, "The Stability of Al11Sm3 (Al4Sm) Phases in the Al-Sm Binary System," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 38 (6), 1145-1151 (2007).

86 D. Wu, T. A. Lograsso, and J. W. Anderegg, "Migration, Formation, and Growth of Pure Cd Whiskers in Cd-Based Compounds," Journal of Electronic Materials 36 (5), 555-561 (2007).

87 D. Wu, M. Huang, T. A. Lograsso, R. W. McCallum, Y. Mozharivski, and A. Llobet, "Determination of stoichiometry and site disorder in the complex intermetallics," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 441 (1-2), 206-213 (2007).

88 X. Wang, H. Michor, and M. Grioni, "Probing the nature of the Ce 4f states in CeX[sub 9]Si[sub 4] (X = Ni,Co) by high-energy electron spectroscopies," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 75 (3), 035127-035125 (2007).

89 Baris Unal, Feili Qin, Yong Han, Da-Jiang Liu, Dapeng Jing, A. R. Layson, Cynthia J. Jenks, J. W. Evans, and P. A. Thiel, "Scanning tunneling microscopy and density functional theory study of initial bilayer growth of Ag films on NiAl(110)," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 76 (19), 195410-195411 (2007).

90 A. M. Tishin, A. V. Derkach, Y. I. Spichkin, M. D. Kuz'min, A. S. Chernyshov, K. A. Gschneidner Jr, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Magnetocaloric effect near a second-order magnetic phase transition," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 (2, Part 3), 2800-2804 (2007).

91 Evan Lyle Thomas, Moo Sung Kim, D. A. Sokolov, Marcus C. Bennett, M. C. Aronson, and Julia Y. Chan, "Structure, and magnetic and transport behavior of twinned Ce2Rh3(Pb,Bi)5," Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 (8), 2356-2362 (2007).

92 R. Teghil, A. De Bonis, A. Galasso, A. Santagata, P. Villani, and D. J. Sordelet, "Role and importance of nanoparticles in femtosecond pulsed laser ablation deposition of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal," Chemical Physics Letters 438 (1-3), 85-88 (2007).

93 Datta Supratik, Atulasimha Jayasimha, and B. Flatau Alison, "Modeling of magnetostrictive Galfenol sensor and validation using four point bending test," Journal of Applied Physics 101 (9) (2007).

94 S. M. Stishov, A. E. Petrova, S. Khasanov, G. Kh Panova, A. A. Shikov, J. C. Lashley, D. Wu, and T. A. Lograsso, "Magnetic phase transition in the itinerant helimagnet MnSi: Thermodynamic and transport properties," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 76 (5), 052405-052404 (2007).

95 Y. I. Spichkin, A. V. Derkach, A. M. Tishin, M. D. Kuz'min, A. S. Chernyshov, K. A. Gschneidner Jr, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Thermodynamic features of magnetization and magnetocaloric effect near the magnetic ordering temperature of Gd," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316 (2), e555-e557 (2007).

96 D. J. Sordelet, M. F. Besser, R. T. Ott, B. J. Zimmerman, W. D. Porter, and B. Gleeson, "Isothermal nature of martensite formation in Pt-modified [beta]-NiAl alloys," Acta Materialia 55 (7), 2433-2441 (2007).

97 D. A. Sokolov, M. C. Aronson, G. L. Strycker, M. D. Lumsden, S. E. Nagler, and R. Erwin, "Elastic neutron scattering in Quantum Critical Antiferromagnet Cr0. 963V0. 037," Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter (2007).

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99 Athena S. Sefat, Sergey L. Bud'ko, and Paul C. Canfield, "Magnetization, resistivity and heat capacity of the anisotropic RVSb3 crystals (R=La-Nd, Sm, Gd-Dy)," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (3-4), 120-141 (2007).

100 F. Samavat, M. J. Gladys, C. J. Jenks, T. A. Lograsso, B. V. King, and D. J. O'Connor, "Surface layer self diffusion in icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystals," Surface Science 601 (24), 5678-5682 (2007).

101 R. A. Ribeiro, Y. Hadano, S. Narazu, K. Suekuni, M. A. Avila, and T. Takabatake, "Low-temperature thermoelectric properties of Yb14MSb11 (M = Mn, Zn)," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (37), 376211 (2007).

102 F. Qin, C. Jiang, J. W. Anderegg, C. J. Jenks, B. Gleeson, D. J. Sordelet, and P. A. Thiel, "Segregation of Pt at clean surfaces of (Pt, Ni)3Al," Surface Science 601 (2), 376-380 (2007).

103 F. Qin, J. W. Anderegg, C. J. Jenks, B. Gleeson, D. J. Sordelet, and P. A. Thiel, "The effect of Pt on Ni3Al surface oxidation at low-pressures," Surface Science 601 (1), 146-154 (2007).

104 Benedict Portillo, Purushotham Kakarlapudi, and S. Varma, "The possible application of Nb-W-Cr alloys in high-temperature air," JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 59 (6), 46-49 (2007).

105 R. Nirmala, Ya Mudryk, V. K. Pecharsky, and Jr K. A. Gschneidner, "Magnetic and structural transitions in Dy[sub 5]Si[sub 3]Ge," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 76 (10), 104417-104418 (2007).

106 Yumiko Nakamura, Jr Robert C. Bowman, and Etsuo Akiba, "Variation of hydrogen occupation in LaNi4.78Sn0.22Dx along the P-C isotherms studied by in situ neutron powder diffraction," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 431 (1-2), 148-154 (2007).

107 Michael P. Mendenhall, Robert C. Bowman Jr, Timothy M. Ivancic, and Mark S. Conradi, "Rate of hydrogen motion in Ni-substituted LaNi5Hx from NMR," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 446-447, 495-498 (2007).

108 A. L. Lima Sharma, S. Bobev, and J. L. Sarrao, "Oscillations in magnetocaloric effect and magnetic properties of RE2Al3Si2 (for RE=Dy, Ho and Er) and REAlSi (for RE=Ce and Pr)," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 312 (2), 400-404 (2007).

109 A. L. Lima, "Magnetocaloric properties of the pseudo-binary Er-rich lanthanide dialuminide compounds," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310 (1), 51-56 (2007).

110 B. Li and J. D. Corbett, "Different Cation Arrangements in Au-In Networks. Syntheses and Structures of Six Intermetallic Compounds in Alkali-Metal-Au-In Systems," Inorg. Chem. 46 (15), 6022-6028 (2007).

111 M. Latroche and Jr R. C. Bowman, "Crystal structure of the deuteride LaCu5D3.2 studied by neutron powder diffraction," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 446-447, 11-14 (2007).

112 Ahn Kyunghan, V. K. Pecharsky, and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., "Phase relationships, and the structural, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties in the Sm[sub 5]Si[sub x]Ge[sub 4 - x] pseudobinary system," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 76 (1), 014415 (2007).

113 Andrew R. C. Kylander-Clark, Bradley R. Hacker, Clark M. Johnson, Brian L. Beard, Nancy J. Mahlen, and Thomas J. Lapen, "Coupled Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd geochronology constrains prograde and exhumation histories of high- and ultrahigh-pressure eclogites from western Norway," Chemical Geology 242 (1-2), 137-154 (2007).

114 I. Karaman, M. Haouaoui, and H. J. Maier, "Nanoparticle consolidation using equal channel angular extrusion at room temperature," Journal of Materials Science 42 (5), 1561-1576 (2007).

115 Y. Janssen, S. Chang, A. Kreyssig, A. Kracher, Y. Mozharivskyj, S. Misra, and P. C. Canfield, "Magnetic phase diagram of Ce[sub 2]Fe[sub 17]," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 76 (5), 054420-054417 (2007).

116 D. D. Jackson, S. K. McCall, S. T. Weir, A. B. Karki, D. P. Young, W. Qiu, and Y. K. Vohra, "Cubic Laves ferromagnet TbNi[sub 2]Mn investigated through ambient-pressure magnetization and specific heat and high pressure ac magnetic susceptibility," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 75 (22), 224422-224428 (2007).

117 Mianliang Huang, Deborah L. Schlagel, Frederick A. Schmidt, and Thomas A. Lograsso, "Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the Gd-Si system," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 441 (1-2), 94-100 (2007).

118 J. J. Hamlin and J. S. Schilling, "Pressure-induced superconductivity in Sc to 74 GPa," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 76 (1), 012505-012504 (2007).

119 V. Franco, A. Conde, V. K. Pecharsky, and K. A. Gschneidner jr, "Field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect in Gd and (Er1&minus;xDyx)Al2: Does a universal curve exist?," Europhysics Letters (EPL) 79 (4), 47009 (2007).

120 G. Erdelyi, H. Mehrer, A. W. Imre, T. A. Lograsso, and D. L. Schlagel, "Self-diffusion in Ni2MnGa," Intermetallics 15 (8), 1078-1083 (2007).

121 J. Q. Deng, Y. H. Zhuang, J. Q. Li, and K. W. Zhou, "Magnetic phase transition and magnetocaloric effect in (Gd1-xTbx)5Si1.72Ge2.28 compounds," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 428 (1-2), 28-33 (2007).

122 S. Datta, J. Atulasimha, and A. B. Flatau, "Modeling of magnetostrictive Galfenol sensor and validation using four point bending test," Journal of Applied Physics 101, 09C521 (2007).

123 Evan Copland, "Solidification behavior of [gamma]'-Ni3Al-containing alloys in the Ni-Al-O system," Acta Materialia 55 (14), 4853-4865 (2007).

124 Mark S. Conradi, Michael P. Mendenhall, Timothy M. Ivancic, Erik A. Carl, Caleb D. Browning, P. H. L. Notten, W. P. Kalisvaart, Pieter C. M. M. Magusin, R. C. Bowman Jr, Son-Jong Hwang, and Natalie L. Adolphi, "NMR to determine rates of motion and structures in metal-hydrides," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 446-447, 499-503 (2007).

125 Laura M. Castro-Castro, Ling Chen, and John D. Corbett, "Condensed rare-earth metal-rich tellurides. Extension of layered Sc6PdTe2-type compounds to yttrium and lutetium analogues and to Y7Te2, the limiting binary member," Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 (11), 3172-3179 (2007).

126 G. H. Cao, D. Shechtman, D. M. Wu, A. T. Becker, L. S. Chumbley, T. A. Lograsso, A. M. Russell, and Jr K. A. Gschneidner, "Determination of slip systems and their relation to the high ductility and fracture toughness of the B2 DyCu intermetallic compound," Acta Materialia 55 (11), 3765-3770 (2007).

127 F. Bondino, A. Brinkman, M. Zangrando, F. Carbone, D. van der Marel, D. L. Schlagel, T. A. Lograsso, K. A. Gschneidner Jr, V. K. Pecharsky, and F. Parmigiani, "Experimental investigation of the electronic structure of Gd5Ge2Si2 by photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (18), 186219 (2007).

128 Unal Baris, Qin Feili, Han Yong, Liu Da-Jiang, Jing Dapeng, A. R. Layson, J. Jenks Cynthia, J. W. Evans, and P. A. Thiel, "Scanning tunneling microscopy and density functional theory study of initial bilayer growth of Ag films on NiAl(110)," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 76 (19), 195410 (2007).

129 I. Anderson, J. Walleser, and J. Harringa, "Observations of nucleation catalysis effects during solidification of SnAgCuX solder joints," JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 59 (7), 38-43 (2007).

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132 Kyunghan Ahn, V. K. Pecharsky, and Jr K. A. Gschneidner, "Phase relationships, and the structural, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties in the Sm[sub 5]Si[sub x]Ge[sub 4 - x] pseudobinary system," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 76 (1), 014415-014413 (2007).

133 X. Y. Yang, E. A. Rozhkova, and D. J. Sordelet, "Quasicrystal formation in gas-atomized Zr<sub>80</sub>Pt<sub>20</sub> powders," Philosophical Magazine 86 (3), 309 - 315 (2006).

134 Sheng-Qing Xia, Daniel Lins, and Svilen Bobev, "SmAl2.64(4)Ge0.36(4), with the hexagonal Ni3Sn structure type," Acta Crystallographica Section E 62 (1), i10-i12 (2006).

135 Sheng-Qing Xia and Svilen Bobev, "YbMn6Sn6," Acta Crystallographica Section E 62 (1), i7-i9 (2006).

136 M. Wun-Fogle, J. B. Restorff, and A. E. Clark, "Magnetostriction of Stress-annealed Fe-Ga and Fe-Ga-Al Alloys under Compressive and Tensile Stress," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 17 (2), 117-122 (2006).

137 D. Wu, O. Ugurlu, L. S. Chumbley, M. J. Kramer, and T. A. Lograsso, "Synthesis and characterization of hexagonal Cd<sub>51</sub>Yb<sub>14</sub> single crystals," Philosophical Magazine 86 (3), 381 - 387 (2006).

138 S. Venkataraman, K. Biswas, B. C. Wei, D. J. Sordelet, and J. Eckert, "On the fragility of Cu47Ti33Zr11Ni8Si1 metallic glass," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 39 (12), 2600-2608 (2006).

139 J. A. Smerdon, J. Ledieu, J. T. Hoeft, D. E. Reid, L. H. Wearing, R. D. Diehl, T. A. Lograsso, A. R. Ross, and R. McGrath, "Adsorption of cobalt on the tenfold surface of <i>d</i>-Al<sub>72</sub>Ni<sub>11</sub>Co<sub>17</sub> and on the fivefold surface of <i>i</i>-Al<sub>70</sub>Pd<sub>21</sub>Mn<sub>9</sub>," Philosophical Magazine 86 (6), 841 - 847 (2006).

140 Kouji Sakaki, Yumiko Nakamura, Yasuharu Shirai, Robert C. Bowman Jr., and Etsuo Akiba, "Lattice Defect Behavior of LaNi4.97Sn0.27 during Hydrogenation Cycles," Materials Transactions 47 (No. 8), 1875-1877 (2006).

141 Y. Sajeev, Milan Sindelka, and Nimrod Moiseyev, "Reflection-free complex absorbing potential for electronic structure calculations: Feshbach type autoionization resonance of Helium," Chemical Physics 329 (1-3), 307-312 (2006).

142 C. Ritter, C. Magen, L. Morellon, P. A. Algarabel, M. R. Ibarra, V. K. Pecharsky, A. O. Tsokol, and K. A. Gschneidner Jr, "Magnetic and crystal structures of Er5(SixGe1&minus;x)4," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 (16), 3937-3950 (2006).

143 J. B. Restorff, M. Wun-Fogle, A. E. Clark, and K. B. Hathaway, "Induced Magnetic Anisotropy in Stress-Annealed Galfenol Alloys," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 42 (10), 3087-3089 (2006).

144 J. S. Peters, J. M. Hill, and A. M. Russell, "Direct reaction synthesis of Mg2B14 from elemental precursors," Scripta Materialia 54 (5), 813-816 (2006).

145 J. Y. Park, D. F. Ogletree, M. Salmeron, R. A. Ribeiro, P. C. Canfield, C. J. Jenks, and P. A. Thiel, "Adhesion properties of decagonal quasicrystals in ultrahigh vacuum," Philosophical Magazine 86 (6), 945 - 950 (2006).

146 J. M. Park, D. W. Lynch, S. J. Lee, D. L. Schlagel, T. A. Lograsso, A. O. Tsokol, J. E. Snyder, and D. C. Jiles, "Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of optical anisotropy in Gd[sub 5]Si[sub 2]Ge[sub 2] and comparison with reflectance difference spectra," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 73 (3), 035110-035115 (2006).

147 Z. W. Ouyang, V. K. Pecharsky, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, D. L. Schlagel, and T. A. Lograsso, "Magnetic anisotropy and magnetic phase diagram of Gd[sub 5]Ge[sub 4]," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 74 (2), 024401-024411 (2006).

148 Kristien Mortelmans, "Isolation of plasmid pKM101 in the Stocker laboratory," Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research 612 (3), 151-164 (2006).

149 Sumohan Misra and Gordon J. Miller, "On the distribution of tetrelide atoms (Si, Ge) in Gd5(SixGe1-x)4," Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (8), 2290-2297 (2006).

150 Lee Min Ha and Daniel J. Sordelet, "Evidence for adiabatic heating during fracture of W-reinforced metallic glass composites," Applied Physics Letters 88 (26), N.PAG (2006).

151 Evan Lyle Thomas, Han-Oh Lee, Andrew N. Bankston, Samuel MaQuilon, Peter Klavins, Monica Moldovan, David P. Young, Zachary Fisk, and Julia Y. Chan, "Crystal growth, transport, and magnetic properties of Ln3Co4Sn13 (Ln=La, Ce) with a perovskite-like structure," Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (6), 1642-1649 (2006).

152 A. C. Y. Liu, D. J. Miller, and R. C. Birtcher, "Medium Range Order in Zr70Pd30 Metallic Glass Under Ion Irradiation," Microscopy and Microanalysis 12 (S02), 1092-1093 (2006).

153 S. Li, M. C. De Andrade, E. J. Freeman, C. Sirvent, R. P. Dickey, A. Amann, N. A. Frederick, K. D. D. Rathnayaka, D. G. Naugle, Bud, rsquo, S. L. ko, P. C. Canfield, W. P. Beyermann, and M. B. Maple, "Physical properties of Lu<sub>1-<b><i>x</i></b></sub>Yb<sub><b><i>x</i></b></sub>Ni<sub>2</sub>B<sub>2</sub>C," Philosophical Magazine 86 (20), 3021 - 3041 (2006).

154 E. M. Levin, K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., T. Lograsso, and D. L. Schlagel, "Magnetism of (DyEr)Al single crystal in ac and dc magnetic fields," Journal of Applied Physics (2006).

155 M. D. Kuz'min, A. S. Chernyshov, V. K. Pecharsky, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, and A. M. Tishin, "Temperature dependence of the ferromagnetic order parameter in Gd, Tb, and Dy," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 73 (13), 132403-132403 (2006).

156 B. V. King, J. F. Moore, W. F. Calaway, I. V. Veryovkin, and M. J. Pellin, "Sputtering of clusters from nickel-aluminium," Applied Surface Science 252 (19), 6426-6428 (2006).

157 D. C. Jiles, S. H. Song, J. E. Snyder, V. K. Pecharsky, T. A. Lograsso, D. Wu, A. O. Pecharsky, Ya Mudryk, K. W. Dennis, and R. W. McCallum, "Thermal expansion and magnetostriction in Pr(n+2)(n+1)Nin(n-1)+2Sin(n+1) compounds," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 299 (2), 288-299 (2006).

158 S. Datta, M. Huang, J. Raim, T. A. Lograsso, and A. B. Flatau, "Effect of thermal history and gallium content on magneto-mechanical properties of iron gallium alloys," Materials Science & Engineering A 435, 221-227 (2006).

159 S. Datta, M. Huang, J. Raim, T. A. Lograsso, and A. B. Flatau, "Effect of thermal history and gallium content on magneto-mechanical properties of iron gallium alloys," Materials Science and Engineering: A 435-436, 221-227 (2006).

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161 A. S. Chernyshov, S. Mudryk Ya, V. K. Pecharsky, and Jr. K. A. Gschneidner, Structural and Magnetothermal Properties of the Gd5SbxGe4-x System. (2006).

162 Sergey L. Bud'ko and Paul C. Canfield, "Magnetism and superconductivity in rare earth-nickel-borocarbides," Comptes Rendus Physique 7 (1), 56-67 (2006).

163 Sergey L. Bud'ko and Paul C. Canfield, "Evaluation of a long-time temperature drift in a commercial Quantum Design MPMS SQUID magnetometer using Gd2O3 as a standard," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 299 (2), 281-287 (2006).

164 R. Bastasz, J. A. Whaley, T. A. Lograsso, and C. J. Jenks, "Hydrogen interactions with quasicrystalline Al&ndash;Pd&ndash;Mn surfaces," Philosophical Magazine 86 (6), 855 - 862 (2006).

165 I. Anderson and J. Harringa, "Suppression of void coalescence in thermal aging of tin-silver-copper-X solder joints," Journal of Electronic Materials 35 (1), 94-106 (2006).

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167 A. Al-Ghaferi, P. Mullner, H. Heinrich, G. Kostorz, and J. M. K. Wiezorek, "Elastic constants of equiatomic L10-ordered FePd single crystals," Acta Materialia 54 (4), 881-889 (2006).

168 J. L. Zarestky, V. O. Garlea, T. A. Lograsso, D. L. Schlagel, and C. Stassis, "Compositional variation of the phonon dispersion curves of bcc Fe-Ga alloys," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 72 (18), 180408-180404 (2005).

169 W. Wu, A. O. Tsokol, K. A. Gschneidner, and J. A. Sampaio, "Influence of oxygen on the giant magnetocaloric effect of Gd5Si1. 95Ge2. 05," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 403 (1-2), 118-123 (2005).

170 W. Wu, A. O. Tsokol, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, and J. A. Sampaio, "Influence of oxygen on the giant magnetocaloric effect of Gd5Si1.95Ge2.05," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 403 (1-2), 118-123 (2005).

171 M. S. Wei, H. H. Sung, and W. H. Lee, "Superconductivity in YGe3," Physica C: Superconductivity 424 (1-2), 25-28 (2005).

172 O. Ugurlu, L. S. Chumbley, D. L. Schlagel, T. A. Lograsso, and A. O. Tsokol, "Identification of thin plates seen in R5(SixGe1-x)4 alloys, where R is Gd, Tb, Dy, and Er," Scripta Materialia 53 (3), 373-377 (2005).

173 F. Tang, T. Gnaupel-Herold, H. Prask, and I. E. Anderson, "Residual stresses and stress partitioning measurements by neutron diffraction in Al/Al-Cu-Fe composites," Materials Science and Engineering: A 399 (1-2), 99-106 (2005).

174 H. H. Sung and W. H. Lee, "Spin-glass-like phase behaviour in CeNi2-xCuxSn2," Solid State Communications 135 (6), 377-381 (2005).

175 C. A. Stan and W. Ketterle, "Multiple species atom source for laser-cooling experiments," Review of Scientific Instruments 76, 063113 (2005).

176 A. M. Russell, Z. Zhang, K. A. Gschneidner, T. A. Lograsso, A. O. Pecharsky, A. J. Slager, and D. C. Kesse, "Mechanical properties of single crystal YCu and (Tb0. 88Dy0. 12) Zn B2 intermetallic compounds," Intermetallics 13 (6), 565-571 (2005).

177 A. M. Russell, Z. Zhang, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, T. A. Lograsso, A. O. Pecharsky, A. J. Slager, and D. C. Kesse, "Mechanical properties of single crystal YCu and (Tb0.88Dy0.12)Zn B2 intermetallic compounds," Intermetallics 13 (6), 565-571 (2005).

178 M. Rotter, A. Lindbaum, M. Doerr, M. Loewenhaupt, H. Muller, E. Jobiliong, and J. Brooks, "Forced magnetostriction of samarium metal up to 33 Tesla," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 72 (5), 052404-052403 (2005).

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181 Y. Mozharivskyj, A. O. Pecharsky, V. K. Pecharsky, and G. J. Miller, "On the High-Temperature Phase Transition of Gd<sub>5</sub>Si<sub>2</sub>Ge<sub>2</sub>," J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 (1), 317-324 (2005).

182 R. William McCallum, "Determination of the saturation magnetization, anisotropy field, mean field interaction, and switching field distribution for nanocrystalline hard magnets," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 292, 135-142 (2005).

183 T. A. Lograsso, D. L. Schlagel, and A. O. Pecharsky, "Synthesis and characterization of single crystalline Gd5(SixGe1-x)4 by the Bridgman method," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 393 (1-2), 141-146 (2005).

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185 K. Krieble, T. Schaeffer, J. A. Paulsen, A. P. Ring, C. C. H. Lo, and J. E. Snyder, "Mössbauer spectroscopy investigation of Mn-substituted Co-ferrite (CoMnFeO)," Journal of Applied Physics 97, 10F101 (2005).

186 Mark B. Knickelbein, "Magnetic ordering in clusters of the group 3 transition elements: Sc[sub n],Y[sub n], and La[sub n]," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 71 (18), 184442-184445 (2005).

187 J. S. Kim, D. J. Mixson, D. J. Burnette, T. Jones, P. Kumar, B. Andraka, G. R. Stewart, V. Craciun, W. Acree, H. Q. Yuan, D. Vandervelde, and M. B. Salamon, "Spurious second transition in the heavy-fermion superconductor Ce Pt3 Si," Physical Review B 71 (21), 212505 (2005).

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190 D. D. Jackson, V. Malba, S. T. Weir, P. A. Baker, and Y. K. Vohra, "High-pressure magnetic susceptibility experiments on the heavy lanthanides Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, and Tm," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 71 (18), 184416-184417 (2005).

191 M. Huang, D. Wu, K. Dennis, J. Anderegg, R. McCallum, and T. Lograsso, "The Pr-rich portion of the Ni-Pr system," Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 26 (3), 209-214 (2005).

192 Mianliang Huang, R. William McCallum, and Thomas A. Lograsso, "Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the Nd-Ni system," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 398 (1-2), 127-132 (2005).

193 Mianliang Huang and Thomas A. Lograsso, "Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the Ni-Pr system," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 395 (1-2), 75-79 (2005).

194 Nicholas P. Cosman, Khalid Fatih, and Sharon G. Roscoe, "Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study of the adsorption behaviour of [alpha]-lactalbumin and [beta]-casein at stainless steel," Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 574 (2), 261-271 (2005).

195 A. S. Chernyshov, A. O. Tsokol, A. M. Tishin, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties and the magnetic phase diagram of single-crystal dysprosium," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 71 (18), 184410-184417 (2005).

196 Fabio Canepa, Salvino Cirafici, Myrta Napoletano, Carlo Ciccarelli, and Claudio Belfortini, "Direct measurement of the magnetocaloric effect of microstructured Gd eutectic compounds using a new fast automatic device," Solid State Communications 133 (4), 241-244 (2005).

197 S. L. Bud'ko and P. C. Canfield, "Evaluation of a long-time temperature drift in a commercial Quantum Design MPMS SQUID magnetometer using Gd$ _2$ O$ _3$ as a standard," Arxiv preprint cond-mat/0503110 (2005).

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199 Svilen Bobev, Paul H. Tobash, Veronika Fritsch, Joe D. Thompson, Michael F. Hundley, John L. Sarrao, and Zachary Fisk, "Ternary rare-earth alumo-silicides--single-crystal growth from Al flux, structural and physical properties," Journal of Solid State Chemistry 178 (6), 2091-2103 (2005).

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201 Svilen Bobev and Eric D. Bauer, "CeCu5-xIn1+x [x = 0.17 (1)] with the orthorhombic CeCu6 structure," Acta Crystallographica Section E 61 (5), i89-i90 (2005).

202 Svilen Bobev and Eric D. Bauer, "Ce5AuxGe4-x [x = 0.43 (2)] with the orthorhombic Sm5Ge4 structure type," Acta Crystallographica Section E 61 (5), i73-i75 (2005).

203 Svilen Bobev and Eric D. Bauer, "YbAgxSi2-x [x = 0.28 (1)] with the tetragonal [alpha]-ThSi2 structure type," Acta Crystallographica Section E 61 (6), i96-i98 (2005).

204 Kyunghan Ahn, A. O. Tsokol, Yu Mozharivskyj, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Phase relationships and structural, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties of the Yb[sub 5]Si[sub 4]-Yb[sub 5]Ge[sub 4] pseudobinary system," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 72 (5), 054404-054411 (2005).

205 K. Ahn, A. O. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Preparation, heat capacity, magnetic properties, and the magnetocaloric effect of EuO," Journal of Applied Physics 97 (6) (2005).

206 K. Ahn, A. O. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner Jr, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Preparation, heat capacity, magnetic properties, and the magnetocaloric effect of EuO," Journal of Applied Physics 97, 063901 (2005).

207 F. Trequattrini, F. Cordero, G. Cannelli, and R. Cantelli, "Hydrogen and deuterium tunnelling in scandium," Materials Science and Engineering A 370 (1-2), 118-122 (2004).

208 Terry C. Totemeier, Richard N. Wright, and W. David Swank, "FeAl and Mo-Si-B intermetallic coatings prepared by thermal spraying," Intermetallics 12 (12), 1335-1344 (2004).

209 H. Tang, V. K. Pecharsky, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, and A. O. Pecharsky, "Interplay between reversible and irreversible magnetic phase transitions in polycrystalline Gd[sub 5]Ge[sub 4]," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 69 (6), 064410-064419 (2004).

210 F. Tang, H. Meeks, J. E. Spowart, T. Gnaeupel-Herold, H. Prask, and I. E. Anderson, "Consolidation effects on tensile properties of an elemental Al matrix composite," Materials Science and Engineering A 386 (1-2), 194-204 (2004).

211 Fei Tang, Iver E. Anderson, Thomas Gnaupel-Herold, and Henry Prask, "Pure Al matrix composites produced by vacuum hot pressing: tensile properties and strengthening mechanisms," Materials Science and Engineering A 383 (2), 362-373 (2004).

212 B. K. Simpson and D. C. Johnson, "Electrocatalysis of Nitrate Reduction at Copper-Nickel Alloy Electrodes in Acidic Media," Electroanalysis 16 (7) (2004).

213 A. M. Russell, Z. Zhang, T. A. Lograsso, C. C. H. Lo, A. O. Pecharsky, J. R. Morris, Y. Ye, K. A. Gschneidner, and A. J. Slager, "Mechanical properties of single crystal YAg," Acta Materialia 52 (13), 4033-4040 (2004).

214 Olaf Reckeweg, Cora Lind, Arndt Simon, and Francis J. DiSalvo, "Reactions of alkaline earth metals and nitrogen in sealed niobium ampoules: the formation of MgZn2 type intermetallic phases in the presence of nitrogen and the new compound Ba5[NbN4]N," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 384 (1-2), 98-105 (2004).

215 Virgil Provenzano, Alexander J. Shapiro, and Robert D. Shull, "Reduction of hysteresis losses in the magnetic refrigerant Gd5Ge2Si2 by the addition of iron," Nature 429 (6994), 853-857 (2004).

216 A. O. Pecharsky, V. K. Pecharsky, and K. A. Gschneidner, "Phase relationships and low temperature heat capacities of alloys in the Y5Si4-Y5Ge4 pseudo binary system," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 379 (1-2), 127-134 (2004).

217 A. O. Pecharsky, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, V. K. Pecharsky, D. L. Schlagel, and T. A. Lograsso, "Phase relationships and structural, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties of alloys in the pseudobinary Er[sub 5]Si[sub 4]-Er[sub 5]Ge[sub 4] system," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 70 (14), 144419-144411 (2004).

218 R. Patterson, C. K. Saw, and J. Akella, "Static high-pressure structural studies on Dy to 119 GPa," Journal of Applied Physics 95, 5443 (2004).

219 R. Mendoza, I. Savin, K. Thornton, and P. W. Voorhees, "Topological complexity and the dynamics of coarsening," Nature Materials 3 (6), 385-388 (2004).

220 G. Majer, A. Telfah, F. Grinberg, and R. G. Barnes, "Unusual doublet structure in proton magnetic-resonance spectra of yttrium and lutetium trihydrides," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 70 (13), 134111-134116 (2004).

221 C. Magen, L. Morellon, P. A. Algarabel, M. R. Ibarra, C. Ritter, A. O. Pecharsky, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Evidence for a coupled magnetic-crystallographic transformation in Nd[sub 5](Si[sub 0.6]Ge[sub 0.4])[sub 4]," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 70 (22), 224429-224428 (2004).

222 S. Leyer and E. Dormann, "Metallic and non-metallic lanthanum hydrides studied by means of nuclear magnetic resonance," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 363 (1-2), 15-18 (2004).

223 S. Leyer, R. G. Barnes, C. Buschhaus, G. Fischer, B. Pilawa, B. Pongs, A. Tinner, and E. Dormann, "Low-temperature proton spin-lattice relaxation maxima of lanthanum hydrides doped with paramagnetic rare earth ions," Journal of Physics, Condensed Matter 16 (34), 6147-6158 (2004).

224 S. Leyer, R. G. Barnes, C. Buschhaus, G. Fischer, B. Pilawa, B. Pongs, A. Tinner, and E. Dormann, "Low-temperature proton spin&ndash;lattice relaxation maxima of lanthanum hydrides doped with paramagnetic rare earth ions," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (34), 6147-6158 (2004).

225 E. M. Levin, Jr K. A. Gschneidner, T. A. Lograsso, D. L. Schlagel, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Reversible spin-flop and irreversible metamagneticlike transitions induced by a magnetic field in the layered Gd[sub 5]Ge[sub 4] antiferromagnet," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 69 (14), 144428-144425 (2004).

226 Mark B. Knickelbein, "Magnetic ordering in manganese clusters," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 70 (1), 014424-014428 (2004).

227 I. K. Jeong, T. W. Darling, M. J. Graf, Th Proffen, R. H. Heffner, Yongjae Lee, T. Vogt, and J. D. Jorgensen, "Role of the Lattice in the gamma --> alpha Phase Transition of Ce: A High-Pressure Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Study," Physical Review Letters 92 (10), 105702-105704 (2004).

228 Elizabeth A. Jensen and John D. Corbett, "LiLa6I12Os, a substitutional derivative of rhombohedral La(La6I12Os)," Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (12), 4465-4474 (2004).

229 D. D. Jackson and Z. Fisk, "Anisotropy in magnetic and transport properties of GdCrSb3," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 377 (1-2), 243-247 (2004).

230 Y. R. Chung, H. H. Sung, and W. H. Lee, "Superconductivity in LuGe[sub 2]," Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 70 (5), 052511-052513 (2004).

231 W. Zhang, J. M. Park, S. J. Lee, A. O. Pecharsky, and K. A. Gschneidner, "Optical and magneto-optical properties of Tb(Mn1-xFex)2 compounds where x=0.35, 0.5, 0.65," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 267 (2), 197-203 (2003).

232 M Yoshida, K Koyama, P. C. Canfield, C. Cunningham, S. Nimori, K. Watanabe, and M. Motokawa, "Journal of the Physical Society of Japan," Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 72 (3), 705-708 (2003).

233 F. Tang, I. E. Anderson, and S. B. Biner, "Microstructures and mechanical properties of pure Al matrix composites reinforced by Al---Cu---Fe alloy particles," Materials Science and Engineering A 363 (1-2), 20-29 (2003).

234 Oksana L. Sologub, Petro S. Salamakha, Jr J. C. G. Bunzli K. A. Gschneidner, and V. K. Pecharsky, in Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths (Elsevier, 2003), Vol. Volume 33, pp. 35-146.

235 J. E. Shield, B. B. Kappes, B. E. Meacham, K. W. Dennis, and M. J. Kramer, "Microstructures and phase formation in rapidly solidified Sm-Fe alloys," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 351 (1-2), 106-113 (2003).

236 J. Y. Rhee, "A Comparative Study of the Optical Properties and Electronic Structures of Equiatomic TA1 (T= Fe, Co and Ni) Alloys," JOURNAL-KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 43, 1091-1095 (2003).

237 A. O. Pecharsky, Yu Mozharivskyj, K. W. Dennis, K. A. Gschneidner, R. W. McCallum, G. J. Miller, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Preparation, crystal structure, heat capacity, magnetism, and the magnetocaloric effect of Pr_{5}Ni_{1.9}Si_{3} and PrNi," Physical Review B 68 (13), 134452 (2003).

238 A. O. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner Jr, and V. K. Pecharsky, "The giant magnetocaloric effect of optimally prepared GdSiGe," Journal of Applied Physics 93, 4722 (2003).

239 J. A. Paulsen, C. C. H. Lo, J. E. Snyder, A. P. Ring, L. L. Jones, and D. C. Jiles, "Study of the Curie temperature of cobalt ferrite based composites for stress sensor applications," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 39 (5), 3316-3318 (2003).

240 Y. Mozharivskyj, W. Choe, A. O. Pecharsky, and G. J. Miller, "Phase Transformation Driven by Valence Electron Concentration: Tuning Interslab Bond Distances in Gd<sub>5</sub>Ga<i><sub>x</sub></i><sub></sub>Ge<sub>4</sub><sub>-</sub><i><sub>x</sub></i><sub></sub>," J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125 (49), 15183-15190 (2003).

241 A. L. Lima, K. A. Gschneidner, V. K. Pecharsky, and A. O. Pecharsky, "Disappearance and reappearance of magnetic ordering upon lanthanide substitution in (Er_{1-x}Dy_{x})Al_{2}," Physical Review B 68 (13), 134409 (2003).

242 J. S. Kim, D. Hall, P. Kumar, and G. R. Stewart, "Specific heat of URu2Si2 in fields up to 42 T: Clues to the hidden order," Physical Review B 67 (1), 014404 (2003).

243 Elizabeth A. Jensen and John D. Corbett, "Alteration of rare-earth-metal cluster iodides R(R6I12Z) through cation substitution," Journal of Solid State Chemistry 172 (1), 132-137 (2003).

244 D. D. Jackson and Z. Fisk, "Anisotropy in magnetic and transport properties of SmTSb3 (T=Cr, V)," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 256 (1-3), 106-116 (2003).

245 K. A. Gschneidner, A. O. Pecharsky, Y. L. Wu, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Effect of interstitial impurities on the magnetic transitions of Er-rich PrxEr1-x alloys," Journal of Solid State Chemistry 171 (1-2), 324-328 (2003).

246 K. Gschneidner, A. Russell, A. Pecharsky, J. Morris, Z. Zhang, T. Lograsso, D. Hsu, C. H. C. Lo, Y. Ye, and A. Slager, "A family of ductile intermetallic compounds," (2003).

247 Karl Gschneidner, Alan Russell, Alexandra Pecharsky, James Morris, Zhehua Zhang, Thomas Lograsso, David Hsu, C. H. Chester Lo, Yiying Ye, Aaron Slager, and David Kesse, "A family of ductile intermetallic compounds," Nature Materials 2 (9), 587-591 (2003).

248 R. J. Gottschall, "Fundamental scientific research on interfaces in the US Department of Energy's Materials Sciences and Engineering program," Journal of the European Ceramic Society 23 (15), 2741-2745 (2003).

249 C. Dong, A. Wu, S. Hao, J. Zou, Z. Liu, P. Zhong, A. Zhang, T. Xu, J. Chen, J. Xu, Q. Liu, and Z. Zhou, "Surface treatment by high current pulsed electron beam," Surface and Coatings Technology 163-164, 620-624 (2003).

250 Cathie L. Condron, Joel D. Strand, Paul C. Canfield, and Gordon J. Miller, "The intermetallic compound Gd6Ta4Al43," Acta Crystallographica Section E 59 (11), i147-i148 (2003).

251 W. Choe, A. O. Pecharsky, M. Worle, and G. J. Miller, ""Nanoscale Zippers" in Gd<sub>5</sub>(Si<i><sub>x</sub></i><sub></sub>Ge<sub>1-</sub><i><sub>x</sub></i><sub></sub>)<sub>4</sub>: Symmetry and Chemical Influences on the Nanoscale Zipping Action," Inorg. Chem. 42 (25), 8223-8229 (2003).

252 W. Choe, G. J. Miller, J. Meyers, S. Chumbley, and A. O. Pecharsky, ""Nanoscale Zippers" in the Crystalline Solid. Structural Variations in the Giant Magnetocaloric Material Gd<sub>5</sub>Si<sub>1.5</sub>Ge<sub>2.5</sub>," Chem. Mater. 15 (7), 1413-1419 (2003).

253 Paul D. Bloom, K. G. Baikerikar, James W. Anderegg, and Valerie V. Sheares, "Fabrication and wear resistance of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal-epoxy composite materials," Materials Science and Engineering A 360 (1-2), 46-57 (2003).

254 R. G. Barnes, C. T. Chang, G. Majer, and U. Kaess, "Electron density-of-states and the metal-insulator transition in LaHx," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 356-357, 137-141 (2003).

255 W. Zhang, E. M. Levin, and K. A. Gschneidner, "The magnetic properties of Tb(Mn1-xFex)2 solid solutions with 0.35[less-than-or-equals, slant]x[less-than-or-equals, slant]0.65," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 250, 170-178 (2002).

256 N. L. Zeng and W. H. Lee, "Superconductivity in the Ni-based ternary compound LaNiGa_{2}," Physical Review B 66 (9), 092503 (2002).

257 A. Yeh, Yeong-Ah Soh, J. Brooke, G. Aeppli, T. F. Rosenbaum, and S. M. Hayden, "Quantum phase transition in a common metal," Nature 419 (6906), 459-462 (2002).

258 Stefan Weyer, Carsten Munker, Mark Rehkamper, and Klaus Mezger, "Determination of ultra-low Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf concentrations and the chondritic Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios by isotope dilution analyses with multiple collector ICP-MS," Chemical Geology 187 (3-4), 295-313 (2002).

259 O. Tegus, E. Br¸ck, L. Zhang, Dagula, K. H. J. Buschow, and F. R. de Boer, "Magnetic-phase transitions and magnetocaloric effects," Physica B: Condensed Matter 319 (1-4), 174-192 (2002).

260 F. Tang, I. E. Anderson, and S. B. Biner, "Solid state sintering and consolidation of Al powders and Al matrix composites," Journal of Light Metals 2 (4), 201-214 (2002).

261 A. V. Skripov, A. V. Soloninin, D. S. Sibirtsev, A. L. Buzlukov, A. P. Stepanov, John J. Balbach, Mark S. Conradi, R. G. Barnes, and R. Hempelmann, "^{45}Sc NMR and high-resolution quasielastic neutron scattering studies of localized H(D) motion in alpha -ScH_{x}(D_{x})," Physical Review B 66 (5), 054306 (2002).

262 Stefanie S. Schmidberger, Antonio Simonetti, Don Francis, and Clement Gariepy, "Probing Archean lithosphere using the Lu-Hf isotope systematics of peridotite xenoliths from Somerset Island kimberlites, Canada," Earth and Planetary Science Letters 197 (3-4), 245-259 (2002).

263 Olaf Reckeweg and Francis J. DiSalvo, "Alkaline earth metal nitride compounds with the composition M2NX (M=Ca, Sr, Ba; X=[square, open], H, Cl or Br)," Solid State Sciences 4 (5), 575-584 (2002).

264 R. Pietri and B. Andraka, "Specific heat and magnetic susceptibility of Ce_{1-x}La_{x}Al_{3}," Physical Review B 66 (22), 224421 (2002).

265 V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, S. Dan’kov, and A. M. Tishin, in Cryocoolers 10 (2002), pp. 639-645.

266 V. K. Pecharsky and K. A. Gschneidner, in Cryocoolers 10 (2002), pp. 629-637.

267 A. O. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, V. K. Pecharsky, and C. E. Schindler, "The room temperature metastable/stable phase relationships in the pseudo-binary Gd5Si4–Gd5Ge4 system," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 338 (1-2), 126-135 (2002).

268 A. O. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, V. K. Pecharsky, and C. E. Schindler, "The room temperature metastable/stable phase relationships in the pseudo-binary Gd5Si4-Gd5Ge4 system," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 338 (1-2), 126-135 (2002).

269 V. Paul-Boncour and A. Lindbaum, "Ab initio calculations on the formation of La1-xNi2 compounds," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (15), 3921-3929 (2002).

270 J. S. Meyers, L. S. Chumbley, F. Laabs, and A. O. Pecharsky, "Determination of phases in as prepared Gd5(SixGe1-x)4, where x[congruent with]1/2," Scripta Materialia 47 (8), 509-514 (2002).

271 E. M. Levin, K. A. Gschneidner, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Magnetic correlations induced by magnetic field and temperature in Gd_{5}Ge_{4}," Physical Review B 65 (21), 214427 (2002).

272 J. S. Kim, J. Alwood, P. Kumar, and G. R. Stewart, "Field-induced transition in the specific heat of CeIrIn_{5} for B&gt;~30 T," Physical Review B 65 (17), 174520 (2002).

273 E. A. Jensen and J. D. Corbett, "Cation Substitutional Chemistry in the R<sub>7</sub>X<sub>12</sub>Z-Type Structure for Four Lanthanum Iodide Examples," Inorg. Chem. 41 (24), 6199-6205 (2002).

274 J. K. Heuer, P. R. Okamoto, N. Q. Lam, and J. F. Stubbins, "Disorder-induced melting in nickel: implication to intergranular sulfur embrittlement," Journal of Nuclear Materials 301 (2-3), 129-141 (2002).

275 B. A. Cook, I. E. Anderson, J. L. Harringa, and R. L. Terpstra, "Effect of heat treatment on the electrical resistivity of near-eutectic Sn-Ag-Cu Pb-Free solder alloys," Journal of Electronic Materials 31 (11), 1190-1194 (2002).

276 Deborah E. Barnes, "DNA Damage: Air-breaks?," Current Biology 12 (7), R262-R264 (2002).

277 I. Anderson, B. Cook, J. Harringa, and R. Terpstra, "Sn-Ag-Cu solders and solder joints: Alloy development, microstructure, and properties," JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 54 (6), 26-29 (2002).

278 I. Anderson, B. Cook, J. Harringa, and R. Terpstra, "Microstructural modifications and properties of Sn-Ag-Cu solder joints induced by alloying," Journal of Electronic Materials 31 (11), 1166-1174 (2002).

279 Brian C. Anderson and Surya K. Mallapragada, "Synthesis and characterization of injectable, water-soluble copolymers of tertiary amine methacrylates and poly(ethylene glycol) containing methacrylates," Biomaterials 23 (22), 4345-4352 (2002).

280 "Chilling out with magnetic attraction," Metal Powder Report 57 (6), 44-46 (2002).

281 In-Hyeong Yeo and Dennis C. Johnson, "Electrochemical response of small organic molecules at nickel-copper alloy electrodes," Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 495 (2), 110-119 (2001).

282 K. Xu, A. M. Russell, L. S. Chumbley, and F. C. Laabs, "A deformation processed Al-20%Sn in-situ composite," Scripta Materialia 44 (6), 935-940 (2001).

283 Li-Ru Sung, Yeong-Der Yao, Lee Wun-Hsin, and Yang-Yuan Chen, "Spin-Glass Freezing above the Ordering Temperature for the Kondo Antiferromagnet CeNi2Sn2," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 40 (Part 2, No. 2B), L154-L157 (2001).

284 O. Stockert, S. M. Hayden, B. Fåk, and G. Aeppli, "Incommensurate critical fluctuations in paramagnetic Cr," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 226, 505-506 (2001).

285 O. Stockert, S. M. Hayden, B. Fak, and G. Aeppli, "Incommensurate critical fluctuations in paramagnetic Cr," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 226-230 (Part 1), 505-506 (2001).

286 Y. I. Spichkin, V. K. Pecharsky, and K. A. Gschneidner Jr, "Preparation, crystal structure, magnetic and magnetothermal properties of (GdR) Si, where R= Pr and Tb, alloys," Journal of Applied Physics 89, 1738 (2001).

287 A. R. Ross, I. R. Fisher, P. C. Canfield, and T. A. Lograsso, 2001 (unpublished).

288 J. G. Park, H. C. Kim, Seongsu Lee, and K. A. McEwen, "Pressure-dependent resistivity studies and the origin of non-Fermi-liquid behaviour in UxY1-xPd3," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (5), 1063-1069 (2001).

289 X. J. Niu, K. A. Gschneidner, A. O. Pecharsky, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Crystallography, magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect in Gd4(BixSb1-x)3 alloys," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 234 (2), 193-206 (2001).

290 MaryLynn Musgrove, Jay L. Banner, Larry E. Mack, Deanna M. Combs, Eric W. James, Hai Cheng, and R. Lawrence Edwards, "Geochronology of late Pleistocene to Holocene speleothemsfrom central Texas: Implications for regional paleoclimate," GSA Bulletin 113 (12), 1532-1543 (2001).

291 S. J. Murray, R. C. O’Handley, and S. M. Allen, "Model for discontinuous actuation of ferromagnetic shape memory alloy under stress," Journal of Applied Physics 89, 1295 (2001).

292 Sun-il Mho and Dennis C. Johnson, "Electrocatalytic response of amino acids at Cu---Mn alloy electrodes," Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 495 (2), 152-159 (2001).

293 Sun-il Mho and Dennis C. Johnson, "Electrocatalytic response of carbohydrates at copper-alloy electrodes," Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 500 (1-2), 524-532 (2001).

294 S. Mho and D. C. Johnson, "Electrocatalytic response of carbohydrates at copper-alloy electrodes," Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 500 (1-2), 524-532 (2001).

295 R. W. McCallum, I. R. Fisher, N. E. Anderson, P. C. Canfield, M. J. Kramer, and K. W. Dennis, "Reentrant behavior in the temperature dependence of metamagnetic transitions in single crystal Nd<sub>6</sub>Fe<sub>13-x</sub>Al<sub>1+x </sub>," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 37 (4), 2147-2149 (2001).

296 L. H. Lewis, S. M. Collins, M. J. Kramer, and C. C. H. Lo, "Solidification, quenching gas and magnetic properties in melt-spun Nd<sub>2</sub>Fe<sub>14</sub>B," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 37 (4), 2486-2488 (2001).

297 E. M. Levin, V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, and G. J. Miller, "Electrical resistivity, electronic heat capacity, and electronic structure of Gd_{5}Ge_{4}," Physical Review B 64 (23), 235103 (2001).

298 J. S. Kim, J. Alwood, G. R. Stewart, J. L. Sarrao, and J. D. Thompson, "Specific heat in high magnetic fields and non-Fermi-liquid behavior in CeMIn_{5} (M=Ir, Co)," Physical Review B 64 (13), 134524 (2001).

299 D. D. Jackson, M. Torelli, and Z. Fisk, "Anisotropy in magnetic and transport properties of LaTSb_{3} (T=Cr, V)," Physical Review B 65 (1), 014421 (2001).

300 Wilfredo Diegor, Henry Longerich, Teofilo Abrajano, and Ingo Horn, "Applicability of a high pressure digestion technique to the analysis of sediment and soil samples by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry," Analytica Chimica Acta 431 (2), 195-207 (2001).

301 K. W. Dennis, F. C. Laabs, B. A. Cook, J. L. Harringa, A. M. Russell, and R. W. McCallum, "Observations of multi-phase microstructures in R2(Fe1-xCox)14B where R=Nd or Dy," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 231 (1), 33-37 (2001).

302 B. A. Cook, J. L. Harringa, F. C. Laabs, K. W. Dennis, A. M. Russell, and R. W. McCallum, "Diffusion of Fe, Co, Nd, and Dy in R2(Fe1-xCox)14B where R=Nd or Dy," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 233 (3), 136-141 (2001).

303 B. A. Cook, I. E. Anderson, J. L. Harringa, R. L. Terpstra, J. C. Foley, Ö Ünal, and F. C. Laabs, "Shear deformation in Sn-3.5 Ag and Sn-3.6 Ag-1.0 Cu solder joints subjected to asymmetric four-point bend tests," Journal of Electronic Materials 30 (9), 1214-1221 (2001).

304 B. Cook, I. Anderson, J. Harringa, R. Terpstra, J. Foley, Ö Ünal, and F. Laabs, "Shear deformation in Sn-3.5Ag and Sn-3.6Ag-1.0Cu solder joints subjected to asymmetric four-point bend tests," Journal of Electronic Materials 30 (9), 1214-1221 (2001).

305 B. C. Anderson, P. D. Bloom, V. V. Sheares, and S. K. Mallapragada, 2001 (unpublished).

306 O. J. Żogał, W. Wolf, P. Herzig, A. H. Vuorimki, E. E. Ylinen, and P. Vajda, "Probing the YD_{3} structure by^{2}H NMR electric-field gradients: A comparison with first-principles calculations," Physical Review B 64 (21), 214110 (2001).

307 Jing Zheng, Matthew J. Kramer, and Mufit Akinc, "In situ Growth of SiC Whisker in Pyrolyzed Monolithic Mixture of AHPCS and SiC," Journal of the American Ceramic Society 83 (12), 2961-2966 (2000).

308 I. H. Yeo and D. C. Johnson, "Anodic response of glucose at copper-based alloy electrodes," Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 484 (2), 157-163 (2000).

309 In-Hyeong Yeo and Dennis C. Johnson, "Anodic response of glucose at copper-based alloy electrodes," Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 484 (2), 157-163 (2000).

310 F. Trequattrini, G. Cannelli, R. Cantelli, F. Cordero, and O. Florencio, "Low temperature relaxations associated with quantum tunnelling of H in Sc and Y," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 310 (1-2), 196-199 (2000).

311 M. Thuvander and K. Stiller, "Microstructure of a boron containing high purity nickel-based alloy 690," Materials Science and Engineering A 281 (1-2), 96-103 (2000).

312 R. Kirk Thompson, Shane J. Hilsenbeck, Thomas J. Paskach, Robert E. McCarley, and Glenn L. Schrader, "Pretreatment of new reduced ternary molybdenum sulfide catalysts," Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 161 (1-2), 75-87 (2000).

313 O. Stockert, S. M. Hayden, T. G. Perring, and G. Aeppli, "Magnetic fluctuations in paramagnetic chromium," Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 281, 701-702 (2000).

314 O. Stockert, S. M. Hayden, T. G. Perring, and G. Aeppli, "Magnetic fluctuations in paramagnetic chromium," Physica B: Condensed Matter 281-282, 701-702 (2000).

315 S. J. Murray, M. A. Marioni, A. M. Kukla, J. Robinson, R. C. O’Handley, and S. M. Allen, "Large field induced strain in single crystalline Ni–Mn–Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloy," Journal of Applied Physics 87, 5774 (2000).

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328 V. P. Balema, A. O. Pecharsky, T. W. Ellis, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Preparation and electrochemical properties of some (Sc1-xTix)Ni alloys," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 296 (1-2), 67-71 (2000).

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332 F. Trequattrini, G. Cannelli, R. Cantelli, F. Cordero, and O. Florencio, "Dynamics of hydrogen in scandium and yttrium by acoustic spectroscopy," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 293-295, 334-337 (1999).

333 A. M. Tishin, K. A. Gschneidner, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Magnetocaloric effect and heat capacity in the phase-transition region," Physical Review B 59 (1), 503 (1999).

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336 T. Schreiner, E. W. Scheidt, and G. R. Stewart, "Resonant defect scattering in thorium-doped UBe13," Europhysics Letters (EPL) 48 (5), 568-572 (1999).

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349 D. M. Clatterbuck, R. J. Lange, and K. A. GschneidnerJr, "Magneto-optical properties of RMn6Sn6 (R=Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) single crystals," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 195 (3), 639-645 (1999).

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351 I. E. Anderson, T. E. Bloomer, J. C. Foley, and R. L. Terpstra, "Development of Eutectic and Near-eutectic Sn-Ag-Cu Solder Alloys for Lead-Free Electronic Assemblies," Proceedings of IPC Works' 99 IPC, 03-05 (1999).

352 D. T. Adroja, B. D. Rainford, S. K. Malik, H. Takeya, K. A. Gschneidner, and V. K. Pecharsky, "Neutron scattering studies on CeRhSb and PrTSb (T=Rh and Pd) compounds," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 288 (1-2), 7-12 (1999).

353 D. T. Adroja, Y. Echizen, T. Takabatake, Y. Matsumoto, T. Suzuki, T. Fujita, and B. D. Rainford, "A study of the first-order valence transition in single crystals by magnetic susceptibility measurements," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 11 (2), 543-554 (1999).

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355 P. Vajda, G. Andŕe, and O. J. Zogal, "Long-range and short-range magnetic order in beta -HoH(D)_{2+x} (x=0 and 0.12)," Physical Review B 57 (10), 5830 (1998).

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358 E. W. Scheidt, T. Schreiner, P. Kumar, and G. R. Stewart, "Specific heat study in U_{1-x}Th_{x}Be_{13}: Enormous Delta C and strong coupling at x=x_{c1} and x_{c2}; Correlation between gamma and unusual superconductivity," Physical Review B 58 (22), 15153 (1998).

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361 V. K. Pecharsky, L. L. Miller, and K. A. Gschneidner, "Low-temperature behavior of two ternary lanthanide nickel carbides: Superconducting LaNiC_{2} and magnetic CeNiC_{2}," Physical Review B 58 (1), 497 (1998).

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369 John J. Balbach, Mark S. Conradi, Markus M. Hoffmann, Terrence J. Udovic, and Natalie L. Adolphi, "Nuclear magnetic resonance evidence of disorder and motion in yttrium trideuteride," Physical Review B 58 (22), 14823 (1998).

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375 V. K. Pecharsky and K. A. Gschneidner, "Phase relationships and crystallography in the pseudobinary system Gd5Si4---Gd5Ge4," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 260 (1-2), 98-106 (1997).

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378 J. Michiels and K. A. Gschneidner Jr, "Effect of long term heat treatment on the electrical properties of RSe (R= La and Nd) and LaSe," Journal of Applied Physics 82, 4952 (1997).

379 Latika Menon, Aalok Agarwal, and S. K. Malik, "Magnetic and transport measurements on CeNiAl," Physica B: Condensed Matter 230-232, 201-203 (1997).

380 S. K. Malik, Latika Menon, V. K. Pecharsky, and K. A. Gschneidner, "Effect of magnetic fields on the Kondo insulator CeRhSb:Magnetoresistance and high-field heat capacity measurements," Physical Review B 55 (17), 11471 (1997).

381 Shane J. Hilsenbeck, Robert E. McCarley, R. Kirk Thompson, Lucy C. Flanagan, and Glenn L. Schrader, "Metal cluster hydrodesulfurization catalysts based on ternary lanthanum molybdenum sulfides," Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 122 (1), 13-24 (1997).

382 K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., A. Pecharsky, and K. W. Dennis, "Some observations on the Gd-rich side of the Gd-C system," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 260 (1-2), 107-110 (1997).

383 M. Gierer, M. A. Van Hove, A. I. Goldman, Z. Shen, S. L. Chang, C. J. Jenks, C. M. Zhang, and P. A. Thiel, "Structural Analysis of the Fivefold Symmetric Surface of the Al70Pd21Mn9 Quasicrystal by Low Energy Electron Diffraction," Physical Review Letters 78 (3), 467-470 (1997).

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420 A. E. Clark, J. B. Restorff, M. Wun-Fogle, and J. F. Lindberg, "Piezomagnetic properties and [Delta]E effect in TbZn at 77 K," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 140-144 (Part 2), 1151-1152 (1995).

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433 W. H. Lee, F. A. Yang, C. R. Shih, and H. D. Yang, "Crystal structure and superconductivity in the Ni-based ternary compound LaNiSi," Physical Review B 50 (9), 6523 (1994).

434 J. E. Koster, C. R. Gould, D. G. Haase, and N. R. Roberson, "Spatial orientation of nuclei: Mass deformation in 165-holmium," Physical Review C 49 (2), 710 (1994).

435 K. Hirota, G. Shirane, P. M. Gehring, and C. F. Majkrzak, "Neutron-scattering studies of the two magnetic correlation lengths in terbium," Physical Review B 49 (17), 11967 (1994).

436 Timothy W. Ellis, "Metal matrix composites produced from yttrium based or high yttrium content alloys," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 207-208, 362-365 (1994).

437 F. Cosandey and P. Lu, "Morphology and interfacial structures of [alpha]-Al2O3 fibers grown in Pd by internal oxidation," Acta Metallurgica et Materialia 42 (6), 1913-1921 (1994).

438 Robert M. Bornick and Angelica M. Stacy, "Intermediate Valence in EuCo2-xNixP2: Interdependence of Structure and Energetics," Chem. Mater. 6 (3), 333-338 (1994).

439 Thomas Angeliu and Gary Was, "Creep and intergranular cracking of Ni-Cr-Fe-C in 360 °C argon," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 25 (6), 1169-1183 (1994).

440 B. J. Sternlieb, G. Shirane, S. A. Werner, and E. Fawcett, "Fincher-Burke excitations in the transverse spin-density-wave phase of chromium," Physical Review B 48 (14), 10217 (1993).

441 D. Sordelet, T. Ellis, and I. Anderson, "Noncontaminating plasma arc sprayed crucible coatings for containing molten ceramic oxides," Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 2 (4), 385-392 (1993).

442 A. Saccone, S. Delfino, D. Macció, and R. Ferro, "Magnesium-rare earth phase diagrams: Experimental investigation of the Ho-Mg system," Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 14 (3), 280-287 (1993).

443 M. Ruck, G. Portisch, H. G. Schlager, M. Sieck, and H. v Lohneysen, "Structure and electrical resistivity of the heavy fermion compound CeCu5Au," Acta Crystallographica Section B 49 (6), 936-941 (1993).

444 J. J. Rieger, W. W. Kim, G. Fraunberger, A. Mielke, E. W. Scheidt, and G. R. Stewart, "Superconducting and magnetic properties of Y1-xUxRh4B4," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 200 (1-2), 59-63 (1993).

445 V. K. Pecharsky, O. B. Hyun, and K. A. Gschneidner, "Unusual magnetic properties of the heavy-fermion compound CeCoGe_{3}," Physical Review B 47 (18), 11839 (1993).

446 S. K. Malik, H. Takeya, and K. A. Gschneidner, "Observation of superconductivity in LaRhSb," Physical Review B 48 (13), 9858 (1993).

447 Weifang Luo, Seifang Luo, J. D. Clewley, T. B. Flanagan, R. C. Bowman, and J. S. Cantrell, "Thermodynamic and degradation studies of LaNi5 (closely stoichiometric)-H and LaNi5-xMnx-H with x = 0.5-2.0," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 202 (1-2), 147-159 (1993).

448 E. Kopatzki, S. Günther, W. Nichtl-Pecher, and R. J. Behm, "Homoepitaxial growth on Ni (100) and its modification by a preadsorbed oxygen adlayer," Surface Science 284 (1-2), 154-166 (1993).

449 E. Kopatzki, S. Gunther, W. Nichtl-Pecher, and R. J. Behm, "Homoepitaxial growth on Ni(100) and its modification by a preadsorbed oxygen adlayer," Surface Science 284 (1-2), 154-166 (1993).

450 D. A. Hardwick, C. G. Rhodes, and L. G. Fritzemeier, "The effect of annealing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-X microcomposites," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 24 (1), 27-34 (1993).

451 D. Hardwick, C. Rhodes, and L. Fritzemeier, "The effect of annealing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-X microcomposites," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 24 (1), 27-34 (1993).

452 K. A. Gschneidner, "Metals, alloys and compounds-high purities do make a difference!," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 193 (1-2), 1-6 (1993).

453 H. U. Astrom and G. Benediktsson, "A calorimetric study of the onset of antiferromagnetism in neodymium," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5 (48), 9009-9012 (1993).

454 C. E. Allevato and Cronin B. Vining, "Phase diagram and electrical behavior of silicon-rich iridium silicide compounds," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 200 (1-2), 99-105 (1993).

455 K. Shawn Ailey-Trent, Chris W. McGowan, Elwira Lachowicz, and Richard Markuszewski, "The effect of time, additives and method of measurement on sulfate during the selective oxidation of coal with perchloric acid," Fuel 72 (8), 1197-1201 (1993).

456 S. C. Wu, H. Li, Y. S. Li, D. Tian, J. Quinn, F. Jona, D. Fort, and N. E. Christensen, "Reexamination of the electron band structure of Tb along the Gamma Delta A line," Physical Review B 45 (16), 8867 (1992).

457 A. M. Venter, P. de V. Plessis, and E. Fawcett, "Ultrasonic behaviour of a high purity holmium crystal," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 104-107 (Part 3), 1517-1518 (1992).

458 S. K. Varma, J. C. Arroyo, and A. Bronson, "The effect of indenter shape on the transient current response and surface microstructures in Fe-16wt.% Cr-16wt.%Ni alloy," Wear 154 (1), 49-63 (1992).

459 T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, N. F. Berk, and I. S. Anderson, "Evidence of mode splitting for c-axis-polarized hydrogen vibrations in alpha -ScH_{0.34}," Physical Review B 45 (21), 12573 (1992).

460 S. Tanoue, K. A. Gschneidner, and R. W. McCallum, "A study of the magnetic properties of Gd3Pd4 in applied magnetic fields," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 103 (1-2), 129-138 (1992).

461 J. Sung, J. Koch, T. Angeliu, and G. Was, "The effect of grain boundary chemistry on Intergranular stress corrosion cracking of Ni-Cr-Fe alloys in 50 Pct NaOH at 140 °C," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 23 (10), 2887-2904 (1992).

462 M. L. Spano, H. D. Lynn, and M. Wun-Fogle, "Basal plane magnetostruction and anisotropy of (Tb0.5Dy0.5)xGd100-x single crystals," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 104-107 (Part 3), 1537-1539 (1992).

463 P. A. I. Smith and P. G. McCormick, "Phase separation during mechanical milling of Sm2Fe17," Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 26 (3), 485-488 (1992).

464 A. Saccone, S. Delfino, D. Macciò, and R. Ferro, "Phase equilibria in the binary rare-earth alloys: The erbium-magnesium system," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 23 (3), 1005-1012 (1992).

465 M. Rudlinger, J. Schefer, T. Vogt, T. Woike, S. Haussuhl, and H. Zollner, "Ground- and light-induced metastable states of sodiumnitroprusside," Physica B: Condensed Matter 180-181 (Part 1), 293-298 (1992).

466 L. Reinhard, J. L. Robertson, S. C. Moss, G. E. Ice, P. Zschack, and C. J. Sparks, "Anomalous-x-ray-scattering study of local order in bcc Fe_{0.53}Cr_{0.47}," Physical Review B 45 (6), 2662 (1992).

467 J. Quinn, Y. S. Li, F. Jona, and D. Fort, "Atomic structure of a Gd(0001) surface," Physical Review B 46 (15), 9694 (1992).

468 P. Lu and F. Cosandey, "Electron microscopy studies of metal/MgO interfaces," Ultramicroscopy 40 (3), 271-280 (1992).

469 T. A. Lograsso, "Synthesis of MoSi2 single crystals," Materials Science and Engineering A 155 (1-2), 115-119 (1992).

470 H. Li, D. Tian, J. Quinn, Y. S. Li, S. C. Wu, and F. Jona, "Structural and electronic properties of ultrathin films of Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er," Physical Review B 45 (7), 3853 (1992).

471 Bongsoo Kim, A. B. Andrews, J. L. Erskine, Kwang Joo Kim, and B. N. Harmon, "Temperature-dependent conduction-band exchange splitting in ferromagnetic hcp gadolinium: Theoretical predictions and photoemission experiments," Physical Review Letters 68 (12), 1931 (1992).

472 K. A. Gschneidner, "An odyssey through the rare earths. A quest for knowledge," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 180 (1-2), 1-13 (1992).

473 J. Ding, P. G. McCormick, and R. Street, "Structure and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed SmxFe100-x nitride," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 189 (1), 83-86 (1992).

474 A. E. Clark, M. Wun-Fogle, J. B. Restorff, and J. F. Lindberg, "Magnetomechanical properties of single crystal Tb<sub>x</sub>Dy<sub>1-x</sub> under compressive stress," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 28 (5), 3156-3158 (1992).

475 S. D. Barrett, "Angle-resolved photoemission and LEED from rare-earth metals," Surface Science Reports 14 (7-8), 271-354 (1992).

476 Amy Banko, Dia Bennet, Susanne Sowers, Steven Nesbit, and A. Craft, "Mechanical properties of the order-disorder alloy system Pd1-xMnx (x = 0.1-0.2)," Materials Science and Engineering A 159 (2), 9-11 (1992).

477 O. Avenel, J. S. Xia, B. Andraka, C. S. Jee, M. F. Xu, Y. J. Qian, T. Lang, P. L. Moyland, W. Ni, P. J. C. Signore, E. D. Adams, G. G. Ihas, M. W. Meisel, G. R. Stewart, N. S. Sullivan, and Y. Takano, "Magnetic measurements of CeAl_{3} to below 1 mK," Physical Review B 45 (10), 5695 (1992).

478 A. H. Advani, J. C. Arroyo, L. E. Murr, S. K. Varma, L. Montes, and C. Odegard, "Transmission electron microscopy of scratch-induced surface deformation microstructures in austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni alloys," Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 26 (8), 1181-1186 (1992).

479 Zhang Zhanxia, Bruce R. Bear, and V. A. Fassel, "Determination of major, minor and trace constituents in meteorites by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy," Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 46 (8), 1171-1183 (1991).

480 S. C. Wu, H. Li, Y. S. Li, D. Tian, J. Quinn, F. Jona, and D. Fort, "Surface state on clean Tb(0001)," Physical Review B 44 (24), 13720 (1991).

481 P. Vajda and J. N. Daou, "Semiconductor-metal-semiconductor transitions in the superstoichiometric dihydride YH_{2.10}," Physical Review Letters 66 (24), 3176 (1991).

482 P. Vajda, J. P. Burger, and J. N. Daou, "Percolation and proximity effects in two-phase rare earth hydrides through electrical resistivity measurements," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 3 (33), 6267-6275 (1991).

483 Jun Takeuchi, Akira Hikata, Mark J. Mckenna, Carles Elbaum, and Takashi Ito, "Ultrasonic Investigation of Double Ferromagnetism in Gd75Y17.5Sc7.5 Single Crystal Alloys," Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 60 (No. 3), 931-937 (1991).

484 J. Quinn, Y. S. Li, F. Jona, and D. Fort, "Surface relaxation on Tb(0001)," Surface Science Letters 257 (1-3), L647-L652 (1991).

485 J. Quinn, Y. S. Li, F. Jona, and D. Fort, "Surface relaxtion on Tb(0001)," Surface Science 257 (1-3), L647-L652 (1991).

486 V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, and L. L. Miller, "Low-temperature heat capacity and magnetic properties of the RNiX_{2} compounds (R=La, Ce; X=Si, Ge, Sn)," Physical Review B 43 (13), 10906 (1991).

487 V. K. Pecharsky, K. A. Gschneidner, O. I. Bodak, and A. S. Protsyk, "The crystal structure, heat capacity (1.5-80 K) and magnetic susceptibility (1.6-300 K) of LaAgGe and CeAgGe," Journal of the Less Common Metals 168 (2), 257-267 (1991).

488 V. K. Pecharsky and K. A. Gschneidner, "CeCo_{0.89}Ge_{2}: A heavy-fermion system," Physical Review B 43 (10), 8238 (1991).

489 T. A. Lograsso and F. A. Schmidt, "Solid-state crystal growth of refractory metals by arc-zone melting," Journal of Crystal Growth 110 (3), 363-372 (1991).

490 J. N. Knudson, J. D. Bowman, S. I. Penttilä, J. R. Comfort, B. G. Ritchie, J. Goergen, D. Mathis, J. Tinsley, S. S. Hanna, and B. King, "Neutron deformation in^{165} Ho," Physical Review Letters 66 (8), 1026-1029 (1991).

491 J. N. Knudson, J. D. Bowman, S. I. Penttil‰, J. R. Comfort, B. G. Ritchie, J. Goergen, D. Mathis, J. Tinsley, S. S. Hanna, B. King, D. Poƒçaniƒá, R. A. Loveman, L. S. Fritz, and N. S. Dixon, "Neutron deformation in^{165}Ho," Physical Review Letters 66 (8), 1026 (1991).

492 J. S. Kim, B. Andraka, and G. R. Stewart, "Investigation of the second transition in U_{1-x}Th_{x}Be_{13}," Physical Review B 44 (13), 6921 (1991).

493 K. A. Gschneidner and B. J. Beaudry, "Comments on the paper "dta determination of the temperatures and enthalpy changes of the [alpha]-->[beta] and solid-->liquid phase transitions of pure neodymium"," Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia 25 (3), 745-748 (1991).

494 D. Fort, "Solid-state crystal growth of rare earth metals and alloys adopting the h.c.p. crystal structure," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 177 (1), 31-47 (1991).

495 Zhang Deyuan, Jinke Tang, and K. A. Gschneidner, "A redetermination of the La---Ni phase diagram from LaNi to LaNi5 (50-83.3 at.% Ni)," Journal of the Less Common Metals 169 (1), 45-53 (1991).

496 J. Carlos Arroyo, A. Bronson, and S. K. Varma, "The surface morphology and transient current response of Fe-16 wt% Cr-16 wt% Ni in a scratch test," Journal of Materials Science Letters 10 (2), 91-95 (1991).

497 S. M. Bennington, R. Osborn, D. K. Ross, and M. J. Benham, "Magnetic excitations in Tm-H observed using inelastic neutron scattering," Journal of the Less Common Metals 172-174 (Part 1), 440-450 (1991).

498 R. G. Barnes, C. T. Chang, M. Belhoul, D. R. Torgeson, R. J. Schoenberger, B. J. Beaudry, and E. F. W. Seymour, "Magnetic resonance determination of the electronic density of states and the metal--non-metal transition in the LaH2-LaH3 system," Journal of the Less Common Metals 172-174 (Part 1), 411-418 (1991).

499 R. Barnes, "NMR studies of localized interstitial hydrogen motion in the hcp metals Sc, Y and Lu," Journal of the Less-common Metals 172 (174), 509-521 (1991).

500 Richard Barnes, "NMR studies of localized interstitial hydrogen motion in the h.c.p. metals Sc, Y and Lu," Journal of the Less Common Metals 172-174 (Part 2), 509-521 (1991).

501 H. U. Astrom, J. Nogues, G. K. Nicolaides, K. V. Rao, and G. Benediktsson, "Magnetic transitions in single-crystal thulium," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 3 (38), 7395-7402 (1991).

502 A. V. Andrianov, Yu P. Gaidukov, A. N. Vasil'ev, and E. Fawcett, "The magnetic phase diagrams of dysprosium," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 97 (1-3), 246-250 (1991).

503 S. C. Wu, H. Li, D. Tian, J. Quinn, Y. S. Li, F. Jona, J. Sokolov, and N. E. Christensen, "Electron band structure of a rare-earth metal: Tb(0001)," Physical Review B 41 (17), 11911 (1990).

504 F. Willis and N. Ali, "Experimental evidence for a c-axis magnetic moment in single-crystal Dy below 4.3 K," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2 (41), 8205-8208 (1990).

505 B. Vlcek, E. Seidl, H. W. Weber, E. Schachinger, and W. Pint, "Superconducting alloys with paramagnetic impurities (part II) magnetization and upper critical fields of LaAl2 with dilute Gd impurities," Physica C: Superconductivity 167 (1-2), 198-211 (1990).

506 A. M. Venter, P. V. D. Plessis, and G. Eloff, "Hysteresis in the magnetic behaviour of holmium," J. Phys., Condens. Matter 2 (5), 1363-1366 (1990).

507 A. M. Venter, P. de V. du Plessis, G. A. Eloff, and E. Fawcett, "Hysteresis in the magnetic behaviour of holmium," Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2 (5), 1363-1366 (1990).

508 Mehmet Uz and Brooks Quin, "Atomic mass transport of carbon in two-phase Nb-1.0Zr-0.1C alloy under a temperature gradient," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 21 (11), 2929-2934 (1990).

509 T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, I. S. Anderson, and R. G. Barnes, "Hydrogen vibrational modes and anisotropic potential in alpha -ScH_{x}," Physical Review B 41 (6), 3460 (1990).

510 Jun Takeuchi, Akira Hikata, Mark J. McKenna, Carles Elbaum, and Takashi Ito, "Ultrasonic Investigation on Gd75Sc25 Single-Crystal Alloy with Antiphase Domain Structure," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 29pt1 (No. 12), 2778-2781 (1990).

511 M. J. Spano, A. E. Clark, and M. Wun-Fogle, "Magnetostriction of TbDy single crystals under compressive stress," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 26 (5), 1751-1753 (1990).

512 L. E. Nyquist, D. D. Bogard, H. Wiesmann, B. M. Bansal, C. Y. Shih, and R. M. Morris, "Age of a eucrite clast from the Bholghati howardite," Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 54 (8), 2195-2206 (1990).

513 L. R. Lichty, J. W. Han, D. R. Torgeson, R. G. Barnes, and E. F. W. Seymour, "Cross relaxation between proton and quadrupolar nuclear spins in metal-hydrogen systems," Physical Review B 42 (13), 7734 (1990).

514 W. H. Lee, K. S. Kwan, P. Klavins, and R. N. Shelton, "Crystal structure, resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity of a new dense Kondo system: CePtSi_{2}," Physical Review B 42 (10), 6542 (1990).

515 Yoke W. Kow, Susan S. Wallace, and Bennett Van Houten, "UvrABC nuclease complex repairs thymine glycol, an oxidative DNA base damage," Mutation Research/DNA Repair 235 (2), 147-156 (1990).

516 J. S. Kim, B. Andraka, G. Fraunberger, and G. R. Stewart, "Specific heat in a magnetic field: A probe of the magnetic ground-state properties of heavy-fermion Ce(Ru_{2-x}Rh_{x})Si_{2-y}Ge_{y}," Physical Review B 41 (1), 541 (1990).

517 D. M. Hill, H. M. Meyer, and J. H. Weaver, "Ba oxides: Core level binding energies and defect-related Fermi level pinning," Surface Science 225 (1-2), 63-71 (1990).

518 F. H. Froes, "Enhanced copper based alloys," Metal Powder Report 45 (11), 741-743 (1990).

519 F. H. Froes, "Advanced fabrication of niobium aluminide composites," Metal Powder Report 45 (11), 740-741 (1990).

520 D. Fort, B. J. Beaudry, and K. A. Gschneidner, "Solid state electrotransport of erbium," Journal of the Less Common Metals 166 (1), 173-188 (1990).

521 S. M. Bennington, D. K. Ross, M. J. Benham, A. D. Taylor, Z. A. Bowden, and R. Osborn, "The effects of crystal symmetry on the hydrogen excitations in [alpha]-YHx observed with inelastic neutron scattering," Physics Letters A 151 (6-7), 325-329 (1990).

522 Jennifer A. Bardwell, "The use of 18O/SIMS and electrochemical techniques to study the formation of the passive film on Fe-6Cr alloy," Corrosion Science 30 (10), 1009-1017 (1990).

523 S. C. Axtell, A. Bevolo, and O. N. Carlson, "Investigation of solid solubility and metastable phase in dilute Th-Co alloys," Journal of the Less Common Metals 157 (1), 121-132 (1990).

524 S. Axtell and O. Carlson, "A study of the thermotransport behavior of cobalt in thorium," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 21 (8), 2141-2148 (1990).

525 Thomas Angeliu and Gary Was, "Behavior of grain boundary chemistry and precipitates upon thermal treatment of controlled purity alloy 690," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 21 (8), 2097-2107 (1990).

526 M. Al-Jiboory and D. G. Lord, "Study of the magnetostrictive distortion in single crystal Terfenol-D by X-ray diffraction," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 26 (5), 2583-2585 (1990).

527 Mehmet Uz and F. A. Schmidt, "Atomic mass transport of carbon in the one-phase Nb-1Zr-C system under a temperature gradient," Journal of the Less Common Metals 152 (1), 145-156 (1989).

528 M. L. Spano, A. E. Clark, M. Wun-Fogle, Usnsw Center, and S. Spring, "Magnetostriction of Dy-rich Tb x Dy singlecrystals," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 25 (5), 3794-3796 (1989).

529 M. L. Spano, A. E. Clark, and M. Wun-Fogle, "Magnetostriction of Dy-rich Tb<sub>x</sub>Dy<sub>1-x</sub> single crystals," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 25 (5), 3794-3796 (1989).

530 S. M. Shapiro, C. Stassis, and G. Aeppli, "Spin-Fluctuation Spectra Measured on a Single Crystal of CePd_{3}," Physical Review Letters 62 (1), 94 (1989).

531 Antonio L. R. Sabariz and K. A. Gschneidner, "Metastable b.c.c. mischmetal," Journal of the Less Common Metals 153 (2), 341-349 (1989).

532 L. R. Lichty, J. W. Han, R. Ibanez-Meier, D. R. Torgeson, R. G. Barnes, E. F. W. Seymour, and C. A. Sholl, "Low-temperature localized motion of hydrogen and electronic structure transition in hexagonal-close-packed scandium," Physical Review B 39 (4), 2012 (1989).

533 K. Kai, K. A. Gschneidner, B. J. Beaudry, and D. T. Peterson, "Heat capacities of LaD_{x} and LaH_{x} (1.9 &lt;= x &lt;= 3.0) from 1 to 300 K," Physical Review B 40 (10), 6591 (1989).

534 L. A. Herchenroeder, H. R. Burkholder, B. J. Beaudry, and F. A. Schmidt, "Chelate additives and the purification of scandium by displacement ion-exchange chromatography," Journal of the Less Common Metals 155 (1), 37-43 (1989).

535 J. W. Herchenroeder and K. A. Gschneidner, "Magnetic behavior in Mg-stabilized bcc beta -Gd and beta -Dy," Physical Review B 39 (16), 11850 (1989).

536 J. Herchenroeder, P. Manfrinetti, and K. Gschneidner, "Physical metallurgy of metastable bcc lanthanide-magnesium alloys for R = La, Gd, and Dy," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 20 (9), 1575-1583 (1989).

537 Steven J. Goldstein, Michael T. Murrell, and Ross W. Williams, "Half-life of^{229}Th," Physical Review C 40 (6), 2793 (1989).

538 D. Fort, "Crystal growth of rare earth metals using the float zoning method," Journal of Crystal Growth 94 (1), 85-96 (1989).

539 E. M. Forgan, E. P. Gibbons, K. A. McEwen, and D. Fort, "Observation of a Quadruple-q Magnetic Structure in Neodymium," Physical Review Letters 62 (4), 470 (1989).

540 S. K. Dhar, K. A. Gschneidner, L. L. Miller, and D. C. Johnston, "Low-temperature behavior of Ni_{3}Al alloys near the spin-fluctuator&#150;ferromagnet phase boundary," Physical Review B 40 (17), 11488 (1989).

541 R. J. Conzemius, G. A. Junk, R. S. Houk, D. Adduci, and L. Q. Huang, "An instrument control and data acquisition system for time-of-flight measurements of low ion current pulses," International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 90 (3), 281-293 (1989).

542 W. D. Cho and K. A. Gschneidner, "Anomalous behavior of the electrical resistivity in alloys near the PrNi5.0 composition," Journal of the Less Common Metals 156 (1-2), 87-96 (1989).

543 Y. Y. Chen, J. M. Lawrence, J. D. Thompson, and J. O. Willis, "Thermodynamic behavior of the heavy-fermion compounds Ce3X (X=Al,In,Sn)," Physical Review B 40 (16), 10766 (1989).

544 S. Axtell and O. Carlson, "Study of the mechanism of fast diffusion of cobalt in thorium by diffusion and internal friction measurements," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 20 (11), 2289-2297 (1989).

545 Wang Xiang-Yun, Jin Tian Zhu, J. Goudiakas, and J. Fuger, "Thermodynamics of lanthanide elements IV. Molar enthalpies of formation of Y3+(aq), YCl3(cr), YBr3(cr), and YI3(cr)," The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 20 (10), 1195-1202 (1988).

546 A. D. Taylor, R. Osborn, K. A. McEwen, W. G. Stirling, Z. A. Bowden, W. G. Williams, E. Balcar, and S. W. Lovesey, "Intermultiplet Transitions in Praseodymium Using Neutron Spectroscopy," Physical Review Letters 61 (11), 1309 (1988).

547 S. E. Stokowski, M. H. Randles, and R. C. Morris, "Growth and characterization of large Nd,Cr:GSGG crystals for high-average-power slab lasers," Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 24 (6), 934-948 (1988).

548 W. A. Spitzig and P. D. Krotz, "Comparison of the strengths and microstructures of Cu-20% Ta and Cu-20% Nb in situ composites," Acta Metallurgica 36 (7), 1709-1715 (1988).

549 C. K. Loong, J. Zarestky, C. Stassis, O. D. McMasters, and R. M. Nicklow, "Lattice dynamics of CePd_{3}," Physical Review B 38 (11), 7365 (1988).

550 R. M. Kruger, G. S. Was, J. F. Mansfield, and J. R. Martin, "A quantitative model for the intergranular precipitation of M7X3 and M23,X6 in Ni-16Cr-9Fe-C-B," Acta Metallurgica 36 (12), 3163-3176 (1988).

551 A. V. Klimyenko, J. Seuntjens, L. L. Miller, B. J. Beaudry, R. A. Jacobson, and K. A. Gschneidner, "Structure of LaNi2.286 and the La---Ni system from LaNi1.75 to LaNi2.50," Journal of the Less Common Metals 144 (1), 133-141 (1988).

552 P. Jung and R. Lasser, "Resistivity study on the production and migration of helium in LuT_{r} (r &lt;= 0.20)," Physical Review B 37 (6), 2844 (1988).

553 W. D. Brewer, P. Roman, M. Bˆttcher, B. Illerhaus, H. Marshak, K. Freitag, and P. Herzog, "Nuclear magnetic resonance on oriented rare-earth nuclei in rare-earth hosts: application to^{160}Tb," Physical Review B 38 (16), 11019 (1988).

554 S. Bates, C. Patterson, G. J. McIntyre, S. B. Palmer, A. Mayer, R. A. Cowley, and R. Melville, "The magnetic structure of holmium. II," Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 21 (22), 4125-4141 (1988).

555 I. S. Anderson, N. F. Berk, J. J. Rush, and T. J. Udovic, "Concentration and temperature dependence of hydrogen vibrations along the c axis for hydrogen in yttrium: Evidence of dynamically coupled hydrogen pairs," Physical Review B 37 (9), 4358 (1988).

556 Jagannadham Akella, Gordon S. Smith, and Andrew P. Jephcoat, "High-pressure phase transformation studies in gadolinium to 106 GPa," Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 49 (5), 573-576 (1988).

557 D. L. Yaney and W. D. Nix, "Elevated Temperature Deformation Behavior of an AI-8.4 Wt Pct Fe-3.6 Wt Pct Ce Alloy," Metallurgical Transactions A 18, 893 (1987).

558 D. Yaney and W. Nix, "Elevated temperature deformation behavior of an Al-8.4 wt pct Fe-3.6 wt pct Ce alloy," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 18 (6), 893-902 (1987).

559 P. Thompson, J. J. Reilly, and J. M. Hastings, "The accommodation of strain and particle size broadening in rietveld refinement; its application to de-deuterided LaNi5 alloy," Journal of the Less Common Metals 129, 105-114 (1987).

560 J. S. Swinnea, H. Steinfink, and L. R. Danielson, "Crystal chemistry and thermoelectric properties of Gd2Te3," Journal of Applied Crystallography 20 (2), 102-104 (1987).

561 Thomas G. Rizzo, "Axigluon production in Z0 decay," Physics Letters B 197 (1-2), 273-276 (1987).

562 Shiuh-Jen Jiang and R. S. Houk, "Elemental and isotopic analysis of powders by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with arc nebulization," Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 42 (1-2), 93-100 (1987).

563 Takashi Ito, Jun Takeuchi, Kaoru Mizuno, Kazuyoshi Ito, Masahiro Oka, and Bernard J. Beaudry, "Antiphase Domain Structure in Gd75Sc25 Single-Crystal Alloys," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 26 (No. 11), L1868-L1870 (1987).

564 R. W. Hill, S. J. Collocott, K. A. Gschneidner, and F. A. Schmidt, "The heat capacity of high-purity gadolinium from 0.5 to 4 K and the effects of interstitial impurities," Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 17 (9), 1867-1884 (1987).

565 L. A. Herchenroeder, H. R. Burkholder, B. J. Beaudry, and F. A. Schmidt, "Preparation of high purity scandium oxide," Journal of the Less Common Metals 127, 263-114 (1987).

566 D. Fort, "The purification and crystal growth of rare earth metals using solid state electrotransport," Journal of the Less Common Metals 134 (1), 45-65 (1987).

567 S. K. Dhar, Karl A. Gschneidner, W. H. Lee, P. Klavins, and R. N. Shelton, "Spin-fluctuation effects in CeSi_{x} alloys: High-field heat-capacity, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical resistivity studies, and a comment on TiBe_{2}," Physical Review B 36 (1), 341 (1987).

568 S. Bettonville, J. Goudiakas, and J. Fuger, "Thermodynamics of lanthanide elements III. Molar enthalpies of formation of Tb3+(aq(, Ho3+(aq), Yb3+(aq), Yb2+(aq), TbBr3(cr), HoBr3(cr), and YbBr3(cr) at 298.15 K," The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 19 (6), 595-604 (1987).

569 Kazuyoshi Yoshimura, Masayuki Shiga, and Yoji Nakamura, "NMR Study of Magnetic State of RMn2 Intermetallic Compounds. II. R=Heavy Rare-Earth," Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 55 (No.10), 3585-3595 (1986).

570 Mehmet Uz and O. N. Carlson, "Thermotransport and diffusion of carbon in vanadium and vanadium-titanium alloys," Journal of the Less Common Metals 116 (2), 317-332 (1986).

571 P. Thompson, J. J. Reilly, L. M. Corliss, J. M. Hastings, and R. Hempelmann, "The crystal structure of LaNi5D7," Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 16 (6), 675-685 (1986).

572 P. Roman, W. D. Brewer, E. Klein, H. Marshak, K. Freitag, and P. Herzog, "Magnetic Resonance of^{160}Tb Oriented in a Terbium Single Crystal at Low Temperatures," Physical Review Letters 56 (18), 1976 (1986).

573 J. A. Polta, D. K. Flynn, and P. A. Thiel, "Displacement of cyclohexane by water on a ruthenium surface," Journal of Catalysis 99 (1), 88-94 (1986).

574 P. E. Palmer, B. J. Beaudry, and K. A. Gschneidner, "Effect of high temperature hydrofluorination on some metallic and semimetallic impurities in the rare earth metals," Journal of the Less Common Metals 126, 134-100 (1986).

575 J. Mizuki and C. Stassis, "Lattice dynamics of bcc Cs," Physical Review B 34 (8), 5890 (1986).

576 P. Manfrinetti and K. A. Gschneidner, "Phase equilibrium in the La---Mg (0 - 65 at.% Mg) and Gd---Mg systems," Journal of the Less Common Metals 123 (1-2), 267-275 (1986).

577 Gary Scott Collins, Ataur R. Chowdhury, and Christoph Hohenemser, "Observation of isotropic critical spin fluctuations in Gd," Physical Review B 33 (7), 4747 (1986).

578 Ataur R. Chowdhury, Gary S. Collins, and Christoph Hohenemser, "Static universality class implied by the critical exponents of Gd," Physical Review B 33 (9), 6231 (1986).

579 S. C. Axtell, I. C. I. Okafor, R. J. Conzemius, and O. N. Carlson, "Fast diffusion and electrotransport of iron in scandium," Journal of the Less Common Metals 115 (2), 269-279 (1986).

580 I. S. Anderson, J. J. Rush, T. Udovic, and J. M. Rowe, "Hydrogen Pairing and Anisotropic Potential for Hydrogen Isotopes in Yttrium," Physical Review Letters 57 (22), 2822 (1986).

581 Jun Takeuchi, Takashi Ito, and Masahiro Oka, "Ultrasonic Study of a Single Crystal Gd70Y20Lu10 Alloy in a Magnetic Field," Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 54 (No. 8), 3076-3083 (1985).

582 G. Strasser, G. Rosina, E. Bertel, and P. P. Netzer, "Surface oxidation of cerium and lanthanum," Surface Science 152, 765-775 (1985).

583 G. Strasser, G. Rosina, E. Bertel, and P. P. Netzer, "Surface oxidation of cerium and lanthanum," Surface Science 152-153 (Part 2), 765-775 (1985).

584 C. Stassis, G. S. Smith, B. N. Harmon, K. M. Ho, and Y. Chen, "Lattice dynamics of the metastable fcc phase of lanthanum," Physical Review B 31 (10), 6298 (1985).

585 S. A. Shaheen, J. S. Schilling, P. Klavins, C. B. Vining, and R. N. Shelton, "The anomalous magnetism of CeRh3B2 under pressure," Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 47-48, 285-288 (1985).

586 S. A. Shaheen, M. Abd-Elmeguid, H. Micklitz, J. S. Schilling, P. Klavins, and R. N. Shelton, "Resolution of the nature of the ferromagnetic state in ternary EuRh_{3}B_{2}: Giant M&ouml;ssbauer quadrupole splitting," Physical Review Letters 55 (3), 312 (1985).

587 Ch J. Raub, "Editorial," Journal of the Less Common Metals 107 (1), v-vi (1985).

588 H. Padamsee, "Influence of thermal conductivity on the breakdown field of niobium cavities," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 21 (2), 149-152 (1985).

589 H. Padamsee, "A new purification technique for improving the thermal conductivity of superconducting Nb microwave cavities," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 21 (2), 1007-1010 (1985).

590 A. B. Kaiser, G. K. White, and E. Fawcett, "Low-temperature thermal expansion of single-Q chromium and of dilute antiferromagnetic CrV alloys," Physical Review B 32 (11), 7438 (1985).

591 M. Q. Huang, E. Oswald, E. Boltich, S. Hirosawa, W. E. Wallace, and E. Schwab, "Magnetic characteristics of R2Fe14B systems prepared with high purity rare earths (R =Y, Nd, Sm or Gd)," Physica B+C 130 (1-3), 319-322 (1985).

592 J. W. Herchenroeder, P. Manfrinetti, and K. A. Gschneidner, "Superconductivity in metastable bcc [gamma]-La," Physica B+C 135 (1-3), 445-448 (1985).

593 M. Grioni, J. J. Joyce, and J. H. Weaver, "Adatom aggregation, reaction, and chemical trapping at the Sm/GaAs(110) interface," Physical Review B 32 (2), 962 (1985).

594 D. S. Greywall, "^{3} He melting-curve thermometry at millikelvin temperatures," Physical Review B 31 (5), 2675-2683 (1985).

595 J. M. Brown, J. W. Shaner, and C. A. Swenson, "Shock determination of the Gr&uuml;neisen parameter for lanthanum and the 6s-5d transition," Physical Review B 32 (7), 4507 (1985).

596 M. Belhoul, G. A. Styles, E. F. W. Seymour, T. T. Phua, R. G. Barnes, D. R. Torgeson, R. J. Schoenberger, and D. T. Peterson, "Evidence of hydrogen anti-trapping behaviour by manganese impurities in titanium dihydride from measurements of the proton spin relaxation time," Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 15 (5), 1045-1059 (1985).

597 D. Zamir, R. G. Barnes, N. Salibi, R. M. Cotts, T. T. Phua, D. R. Torgeson, and D. T. Peterson, "Proton spin-lattice relaxation mechanisms and the metal-insulator transition in cerium hydrides," Physical Review B 29 (1), 61 (1984).

598 D. M. Wieliczka, C. G. Olson, and D. W. Lynch, "Valence-Band Photoemission in La and Pr: Connections with the Ce Problem," Physical Review Letters 52 (24), 2180 (1984).

599 J. H. Weaver, A. Franciosi, and V. L. Moruzzi, "Bonding in metal disilicides CaSi_{2} through NiSi_{2}: Experiment and theory," Physical Review B 29 (6), 3293 (1984).

600 William G. Tong and Edward S. Yeung, "Stable-isotope ratio analysis based on atomic hyperfine structure and optogalvanic spectroscopy," Talanta 31 (9), 659-665 (1984).

601 F. A. Schmidt, "FOCUS ON RESEARCH - AMES-LABORATORY MATERIALS PREPARATION CENTER," Journal of Metals 36 (6), 60-60 (1984).

602 R. J. Prestwood, D. B. Curtis, D. J. Rokop, D. R. Nethaway, and N. L. Smith, "Determination of the cross section for^{159}Tb(n,2n)^{158}Tb and the half-life of^{158}Tb," Physical Review C 30 (3), 823 (1984).

603 L. S. Lee, S. C. Rand, and A. L. Schawlow, "Cooperative energy transfer among Pr^{3+} ions in LaF_{3}," Physical Review B 29 (12), 6901 (1984).

604 Rebecca S. Hudson, R. K. Sundfors, D. G. Westlake, and F. A. Schmidt, "Nuclear-magnetic-resonance studies of single-crystal Nb_{0.955} V_{0.045} and Nb_{0.044} V_{0.956}," Physical Review B 29 (5), 2433 (1984).

605 R. Rife Chambers and Donna McKamey, "Displacement of retained pyridine by aqueous tetrahydrofuran from Illinois No. 6 coals," Fuel 63 (6), 868-870 (1984).

606 J. Zarestky, C. Stassis, B. N. Harmon, K. M. Ho, and C. L. Fu, "Temperature dependence of the vibrational modes of molybdenum," Physical Review B 28 (2), 697 (1983).

607 D. J. Peterman, D. K. Misemer, J. H. Weaver, and D. T. Peterson, "Electronic structure of metal hydrides. VI. Photoemission studies and band theory of VH, NbH, and TaH," Physical Review B 27 (2), 799 (1983).

608 G. W. Jordan and M. F. Berard, "Production of highly-sinterable rare-earth oxide powders by controlled humidity dewatering of precursors," Ceramics International 9 (3), 87-92 (1983).

609 Ward N. Hubbard, Peggy L. Rawlins, Patricia A. Connick, Ray E. Stedwell, and P. A. G. O'Hare, "The standard enthalpy of formation of LaNi5 The enthalpies of hydriding of LaNi5-xAlx," The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 15 (8), 785-798 (1983).

610 Leonard M. Hjelmeland, Daniel W. Nebert, and James C. Osborne, "Sulfobetaine derivatives of bile acids: Nondenaturing surfactants for membrane biochemistry," Analytical Biochemistry 130 (1), 72-82 (1983).

611 J. C. Fuggle, F. U. Hillebrecht, Z. Zo≈Çnierek, R. L‰sser, Ch Freiburg, O. Gunnarsson, and K. Schˆnhammer, "Electronic structure of Ce and its intermetallic compounds," Physical Review B 27 (12), 7330 (1983).

612 R. W. Carlson, D. R. Hunter, and F. Barker, "Sm-Nd age and isotopic systematics of the bimodal suite, ancient gneiss complex, Swaziland," Nature 305 (5936), 701-704 (1983).

613 G. J. Wasserburg, S. B. Jacousen, D. J. DePaolo, M. T. McCulloch, and T. Wen, "Precise determination of Sm/Nd ratios, Sm and Nd isotopic abundances in standard solutions," Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 45 (12), 2311-2323 (1981).

614 G. Tamura, Gold, C., Ferro-Luzzi, A. & Ames, B. N., "Gut feeling on the Ames test : Tamura, G., Gold, C., Ferro-Luzzi, A. & Ames, B. N. (1980). Fecalase: A model for activation of dietary glycosides to mutagens by intestinal flora. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77, 4961," Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 19, 520-316 (1981).

615 C. Spencer, E. Adam, E. Gregory, W. Marancik, and C. Rosen, "Production of Nb<inf>3</inf>Sn by the in-situ process," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 17 (1), 257-260 (1981).

616 William Paul and David A. Anderson, "Properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicon, with special emphasis on preparation by sputtering," Solar Energy Materials 5 (3), 229-316 (1981).

617 T. J. McKenna, S. J. Campbell, D. H. Chaplin, and G. V. H. Wilson, "A.C. specific heat of terbium and dysprosium," Solid State Communications 40 (2), 177-181 (1981).

618 M. T. McCulloch and W. Compston, "Sm-Nd age of Kambalda and Kanowna greenstones and heterogeneity in the Archaean mantle," Nature 294 (5839), 322-327 (1981).

619 K. S. Krane and J. D. Moses, "Nuclear orientation study of^{166}Ho^{m}," Physical Review C 24 (2), 654 (1981).

620 Donald J. DePaolo, "Neodymium isotopes in the Colorado Front Range and crust-mantle evolution in the Proterozoic," Nature 291 (5812), 193-196 (1981).

621 H. Ernst, E. Hagn, E. Zech, and G. Eska, "Nuclear quadrupole alignment of Lum176 and Lu177 in a lutetium single crystal at low temperatures and systematics of electric field gradients in pure hexagonal transition metals," Physical Review B 19 (9), 4460 (1979).

622 E. Gregory, E. Gulko, T. Pyon, and L. F. Goodrich, "Improvements in the Properties of Internal-Tin N03 Sn Strands."