Remarks at Growth in Emerging Metropolitan Sectors (GEMS) and Infrastructure Roundtable in New Delhi, India

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Commerce Secretary John Bryson
Remarks at Growth in Emerging Metropolitan Sectors (GEMS) and Infrastructure Roundtable in New Delhi, India

Thank you to our hosts, the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, for arranging this valuable discussion. You do critical work to foster partnerships and success among both U.S. and Indian businesses.

I’d also like to recognize Amitabh Kant, president of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project. The 16 U.S. businesses with me today are eager to hear about the DMIC project plans. I understand that two of them are already involved – Jacobs Engineering and CH2MHill.

Tomorrow, I look forward to visiting Jaipur as well as Mahindra World City, which is a key part of that project.

Finally, it’s a distinct honor to be with senior government representatives from the states along this emerging growth corridor. Thank you for allowing us to explore–together–the infrastructure opportunities that will bring growth and prosperity.

I have only been here for 2 days, but what is already clear to me is that India’s strength–like the U.S.–lies in the diversity of its regions and its people.

I have a strong personal connection to that principle. I work in Washington, but I call the Los Angeles area my home. Those two cities could not be more different–in climate, in culture, and in the business sectors themselves.

The different regions of our respective countries have unique perspectives, unique needs, and unique plans for their future.

President Obama has called the U.S.-India relationship one of the defining partnerships of the 21st century. I agree.

Today, I believe we have reached a point where we must deepen and broaden that partnership to be more inclusive.

So one of our most important goals this week is to gain a better understanding of the full commercial potential of India’s many regions.

That’s why my delegation will fly to Jaipur tonight. I want to see the potential of the DMIC project for myself.

Jaipur–and many other cities in India– re growing at a pace that is unmatched. Projects like the new metro system, which I will experience first-hand later today, are proof of the bright future in store for those cities and their people.

On a broader level, it is exciting to see India’s trillion-dollar commitment to infrastructure over the next 5 years. This plan is both ambitious and admirable.  It includes as many as 600 major projects, including a strong emphasis on public-private partnerships.

American businesses want to play a role in helping to turn this plan into a reality. The U.S. government fully supports their efforts to build partnerships that are mutually beneficial to both of our countries.

Already, India is a key market in the U.S. National Export Initiative which President Obama launched in 2010. In 2001, U.S. exports to India were less than $4 billion.  In 2011, they had grown to over $21 billion.

The Department of Commerce has already conducted about 15 trade missions here in India–ranging from clean technology, to healthcare equipment, to ports infrastructure.

In addition, we launched the Growth in Emerging Metropolitan Sectors initiative–GEMS. Through this effort, we looked for cities around the world that were poised for growth.

The facts quickly became clear: In 20 years, 68 cities in India will have populations of over one million people each. Total yearly income of urban households in India is expected to reach $4 trillion in 2030.

So, India’s emerging regions and cities are now at the top of the list for our GEMS initiative.

We are strongly encouraging businesses across the U.S. to consider the full spectrum of opportunities and partnerships throughout India – not just in India’s four metros.

Our goal is to work with leaders like you to bring more prosperity to the world’s largest democracy–and to build on the strong growth in the overall U.S.-India trade and investment relationship.

If our businesses and governments at all levels work closely together, we can help support India's path toward inclusive growth for all of its people.

I am optimistic that we will succeed, and my commitment to you is this.

I will continue to spread the word that India’s success and India’s future are not solely defined by Delhi or Mumbai alone, just like America’s success and America’s future are not defined by New York, Washington, or even my home city of Los Angeles.

I would like to thank everyone for taking time out of their busy schedules to be here this afternoon and I look forward to Mr. Kant’s presentation and our discussion.