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The Forest and the Trees

2013 January 25
Annapolis Rocks Pano, January 20, 2013 by Danny.Hart on Flickr

Annapolis Rocks Pano, January 20, 2013 by Danny.Hart on Flickr

It’s easy to lose sight of the forest. Even if you are one who thinks about the big picture, you may find it difficult to express yourself when it comes to those trees.

State of the Environment is your opportunity to use the trees to show the forest. Your photographs each  show the small happenings in our lives: the moments, the view points, the small signs. Each scene you share becomes a building block. Together, those building blocks create a larger picture than any one person could build alone.

How many words, are the 2,635 photos submitted to date, speaking?

This weekend, we invite you to photograph these small signs, that will undoubtedly reflect the bigger picture of what’s going on in our environment today.

To find inspiration, glance at a single photo within Documerica. Then, step back to gaze at the mosaic of moments.  Rather powerful isn’t it?

Entries may be submitted to State of the Environment on Flickr through 2013.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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