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Photos tagged with: Apatite Barrier

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mxied low-level waste  hexavalent chromium  biological treatment pad  2736-z  water tunnel  6652-g  mco  wesf  12b  ready for shipment  road crossing  environmental management  reusing resources  hc-60  next generation waste retrieval  industrial facility  video  116ke  explosive  211-u  2736-zb  before demolition  sludge treatment  decommissionng and demolition  bag house  183.2kw  newsletter  canister storage buildilng  casing  locomotive  leed  water storage facility  emergency preparedness drill  wastes site  sedimentation basin complex  wheels  operations  baghouses  railcars  212-p  well casing  january  1717-k  224-ua  plutonium finishing  isv  field storage building  glovebox  3a burial ground  treatment tanks