Marines Magazine

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Posts Tagged ‘Commandant of the Marine Corps’

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    Taking the Reins: Marine Corps Welcomes New Commandant

    WASHINGTON — Gen. James T. Conway relinquished his position as commandant of the Marine Corps to Gen. James F. Amos during a ceremony at Marine Barracks Washington Oct. 22.

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    General James T. Conway Reflects on Four Years, Two Wars

    ARLINGTON, Va. – In late 2006, the United States was engaged in a two-front war with Marines deploying every seven months. Their families were forced to deal with the high deployment tempo and the consequences  [Read more...]

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    Hard Times

    Recruiting during economic hardship Historically during times of recession, military recruitment picks up and it’s easy to understand why. The military guarantees a steady paycheck, housing and medical benefits that in a stressed economy may  [Read more...]

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    In 2007 the Marine Corps announced it would “Grow the Force” to an end strength of 202,000 by 2011. It’s 2009, and the corps had reached its goal – TWO years early. Some sources partly attribute this success by Marines motivated to “stay Marine” since the Corps’ culture is one that rewards proven performance and takes care of its own.