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Annual Energy Outlook 2010 with Projections to 2035

Importance of low-permeability natural gas reservoirs 
Production from low-permeability reservoirs, including shale gas and tight gas, has become a major source of domestic natural gas supply. In 2008, low-permeability reservoirs accounted for about 40 percent of natural gas production and about 35 percent of natural gas consumption in the United States. Permeability is a measure of the rate at which liquids and gases can move through rock. Low-permeability natural gas reservoirs encompass the shale, sandstone, and carbonate formations whose natural permeability is roughly 0.1 millidarcies or below. (Permeability is measured in “darcies.”) 

The use of hydraulic fracturing in conjunction with horizontal drilling in shale gas formations and the use of hydraulic fracturing in tight gas formations has opened up natural gas resources that would not be commercially viable without these technologies. As shale gas production has expanded into more basins and recovery technology has improved, the size of the shale gas resource base in the AEO has increased markedly. Because the exploitation of shale gas resources is still in its initial stages, and because many shale beds have not yet been tested, there is a great deal of uncertainty over the size of the recoverable shale gas resource base. Low-permeability gas wells typically produce at high initial flow rates, which decline rapidly and then stabilize at relatively low levels for the remaining life of the wells. 

To illustrate the importance of low-permeability natural gas reservoirs for future U.S. natural gas supply, consumption, and prices, three alternative cases were developed for AEO2010: a No Shale Gas Drilling case, a No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling case, and a High Shale Gas Resource case. The No Shale Gas Drilling and No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling cases examine the implications of no new drilling in low-permeability formations. The High Shale Resource case examines the possibility that shale gas resources could be considerably greater than those represented in the Reference case. The three alternative cases are not intended to represent any expected future reality. Rather, they are intended to illustrate the importance of low-permeability formations for EIA’s projections of future U.S. natural gas supply and are likely to be extremes. All the cases assume no change from the Reference case assumptions about the size of, and access to, Canadian and other international natural gas resources. Specific assumptions in the three cases are as follows.

No Shale Gas Drilling case. Starting in 2010, in this case no new onshore lower 48 shale gas production wells are drilled. Natural gas production from shale gas wells drilled before 2010 declines continuously through 2035. 

No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling case. Starting in 2010, in this case no new onshore lower 48 low-permeability natural gas production wells are drilled, including shale gas wells and “tight” sandstone and carbonate gas wells. Natural gas production from low-permeability wells drilled before 2010 declines continuously through 2035. 

High Shale Gas Resource case. In this case, the unexploited portion of each shale formation supports twice as many new wells as in the Reference case. The lower 48 shale gas resource base increases by 88 percent, from 347 trillion cubic feet in the Reference case to 652 trillion cubic feet in the High Shale Gas Resource case. The estimated recovery per well in each formation is the same as in the Reference case.

Natural gas supply, consumption, and prices 
Low-permeability natural gas resources are more abundant and less expensive than other domestic natural gas supply alternatives that could replace them, and they are expected to play a significant role in future domestic natural gas markets. Consequently, their future absence or presence is expected to have a significant impact on the average cost of natural gas production and prices, which in turn would affect natural gas imports and consumption. In the No Shale Gas Drilling and No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling cases, lower 48 onshore natural gas productive capacity is less than in the Reference case, and as a result average U.S. natural gas prices are higher, more natural gas is imported, and natural gas consumption is reduced (Table 7). Conversely, in the High Shale Gas Resource case, natural gas productive capacity is higher, natural gas prices and imports are lower, and consumption is higher than projected in the Reference case. 

No Shale Gas Drilling and No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling cases 
In the No Shale Gas Drilling and No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling cases, total domestic natural gas production in 2035 is 18 percent and 25 percent lower, respectively, and onshore lower 48 production is 27 percent and 39 percent lower, respectively, than in the Reference case. The loss of onshore lower 48 productive capacity leads to higher natural gas prices and lower consumption levels. In the No Shale Gas Drilling and No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling cases, the Henry Hub spot price for natural gas in 2035 is $1.49 and $2.00 per million Btu higher, respectively, than the Reference case price of $8.88 per million Btu. The significantly higher natural gas prices are a result of the removal of considerable low-cost natural gas resources, leaving a smaller natural gas resource base that is more expensive to produce.

Because higher domestic natural gas prices make other supply sources more competitive, both offshore Gulf of Mexico production and net natural gas imports increase in the No Shale Gas Drilling and No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling cases. Offshore natural gas production levels in 2035 are 7 percent and 18 percent (0.3 trillion cubic feet and 0.8 trillion cubic feet) higher, respectively, than in the Reference case, and net imports are 154 percent and 207 percent higher (2.2 trillion cubic feet and 3.0 trillion cubic feet). In 2035, net imports make up 6 percent of total U.S. natural gas supply in the Reference case, 16 percent in the No Shale Gas Drilling case, and 20 percent in the No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling case. The higher levels of net imports in the two alternative cases are the result of increases in LNG imports and imports from Canada, as well as a reduction in exports to Mexico. 

In 2035, net LNG imports in the No Shale Gas Drilling and No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling cases are more than double those in the Reference case (1.8, 2.4, and 0.8 trillion cubic feet, respectively), and net natural gas imports from Canada are 52 percent and 59 percent greater, respectively, in the two alternative cases than in the Reference case. Because the assumptions in these cases are not applied to the Canadian natural gas resource base, higher U.S.prices lead to more natural gas production in Canada (including Canadian shale gas). In addition, Canada’s Mackenzie Delta natural gas pipeline begins operating before 2035 in the two alternative cases, which does not occur in the Reference case. Net natural gas exports to Mexico in 2035 are 35 percent and 47 percent lower in the No Shale Gas Drilling and No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling cases, respectively, than in the Reference case. 

The impact on natural gas consumption of restricted drilling in low-permeability reservoirs is less pronounced than the impact on domestic supply, for two reasons. First, the increase in net imports partially offsets the reduction in domestic natural gas productive capacity. Second, long-lived natural gas consumption equipment responds more slowly to changes in natural gas prices than does natural gas supply—although the electric power sector, where natural gas consumption responds relatively quickly to changes in natural gas prices, is an exception. In 2035, natural gas consumption in the electric power sector is 1.3 trillion cubic feet (17 percent) lower in the No Shale Gas Drilling case and 1.9 trillion cubic feet (26 percent) lower in the No Low-Permeability Gas Drilling case than the Reference case level of 7.4 trillion cubic feet.

High Shale Gas Resource case 
Relative to the Reference case, both natural gas production costs and prices are reduced in the High Shale Gas Resource case. Consequently, domestic natural gas production is more competitive, and U.S. natural gas consumption is higher. In 2035, onshore lower 48 and total natural gas production are 17 percent and 11 percent higher, respectively, in the High Shale Gas Resource case than in the Reference case, and Henry Hub spot prices are $1.26 per million Btu lower than in the Reference case. Increased domestic production and lower natural gas prices reduce net imports in 2035 by 44 percent from their level in the Reference case, to 0.8 trillion cubic feet, and offshore natural gas production in 2035 is reduced by 7 percent, to 4.0 trillion cubic feet. The decline in net imports results from a 19-percent reduction in net imports from Canada, an 8-percent reduction in net LNG imports, and a 25-percent increase in net exports to Mexico in the High Shale Gas Resource case, relative to the Reference case. 

Because of the lower natural gas prices in the High Shale Gas Resource case, U.S. natural gas use in 2035 is 2.0 trillion cubic feet (8 percent) higher than in the Reference case. The majority of the increase is in the electric power sector, which accounts for 1.3 trillion cubic feet (18 percent) of the total increase.