In Focus

Ultra High Purity Electro-Formed Copper 11.10.11From the Labs

Discovery in Action and Science as ArtExternal link

Spectacular pictures picked at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
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Delia Milliron, facility director of Inorganic Nanostructures, at the Molecular Foundry at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif. 11.10.11From the Labs

Images of InnovationExternal link

Office of Science labs turn possibilities into realities.
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Various clocks connected by horizontal and vertical lines in space11.08.11Article

Piercing The Illusion of Time

Second episode of The Fabric of the Cosmos reveals the wonder under the wristwatch.
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Scientist in the SLAC lightsource control room 11.02.11From the Labs

VIDEO: SLAC National Accelerator Lighting the WayExternal link

Lightsource science that discovers new drugs and finds cures for diseases.
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This graphic is a full-size view of a RiceNet layout, color-coded to indicate the likelihood of network links; red for higher and blue for lower likelihood scores. 11.02.11From the Labs

Genome-scale Network of Rice Genes to Speed the Development of Biofuel CropsExternal link

Joint BioEnergy Institute researchers create RiceNet for predicting genetic functions in rice.
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The Fabric of the Cosmos11.02.11Article

What is Space?

New PBS series explores The Fabric of the Cosmos.
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Brian Greene hosting The Fabric of the Cosmos 11.01.11Article

Fermilab and the Frontiers of Physics

New NOVA miniseries on The Fabric of the Cosmos.
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Nobel laureate Saul Perlmutter writing a formula 10.28.11Programs

Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe

Visit High Energy Physics for a video featuring Saul Perlmutter discussing dark energy and the accelerating universe and other highlights.
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John Shanklin, biochemist at Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Ed Whittle, research assistant in Shanklin's lab, with a fatty acid molecule model and plant seeds and casings in the foreground.10.27.11Article

Solving the Mystery of the Billion-Dollar Bond, Double Bond

Finding by researchers at Brookhaven may leave scientific world stirred, if not shaken.
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The Vulcan instrument can analyze samples ranging in size from a few grams of material to jet engines and vehicle bodies. 10.18.11From the Labs

Neutrons Probe Inner Workings of BatteriesExternal link

Designing long-lasting, reliable batteries is the key to wider acceptance of electric vehicles.
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Last modified: 1/4/2013 12:20:40 PM