
USAID Wula Nafaa SOW

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August 13, 2008

The USAID/Wula Nafaa activity will contribute to the achievement of specific, measurable, results essential to the attainment of USAID/Senegal’s strategic objective (SO) of Increased Economic Growth through Trade and Natural Resource Management. USAID’s strategy for transformational development in Senegal seeks to boost economic growth by improving the enabling environment to attract more investment, increasing the volume and/or value of trade, and creating wealth through better management of Senegal’s natural resources.

Addressing the Impact of Climate Change

Climate change poses many challenges for development. The climate threat comes from three separate but interconnected sources; global climate change due to concentrations of green-house gases; climate patterns (particularly the El Nino Southern Oscillation); and alternations in local climate due to changes in land surface.

Addressing the impact of Climate Change on Agribusiness

Climate change poses many challenges for development. The climate threat comes from three separate but interconnected sources; global climate change due to concentrations of green-house gases; climate patterns (particularly the El Nino Southern Oscillation); and alternations in local climate due to changes in land surface. These factors are expected to increase the likelihood of extreme weather effects, including higher intensity storms, droughts and floods, and contribute to longer-term changes in temperature and precipitation.

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