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             Emergency Management

Naples Emergency Management

Disaster Threats in Naples

Here in Naples, the silent threats of Mount Vesuvius and
other natural calamities loom.  Mount Vesuvius is the most
active volcano in mainland Europe and it has erupted more
than 50 times since the time of the Romans. Mount
Vesuvius is most noted for its eruption in 79 A.D. in which
Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of ash and pebbles and
Herculaneum was buried under 60 feet of volcanic debris.
The volcano last erupted in 1944 and volcanologists report
that Vesuvius is in a fifty-year cycle between eruptions.
That means that that the volcano is expected to erupt any

Aside from Mount Vesuvius,  Naples is also potentially
subject to earthquakes caused by faults in the nearby
Apennine mountain range.  The most devastating danger
you might face during your time in Naples is from the
many volcanoes in this area and the magmatic earthquakes
caused by volcanic activity.

Pozzuoli experiences Bradyseismic effect or the rising and
lowering of the earth’s crust due to pressure caused by the
magma beneath the earth.  In the 70’s, the earths crust rose
5.5 feet in 3 years and a decade later, the area experienced
an earthquake leaving numerous people dead and hundreds
of thousands homeless.

Solfatara, also located in Pozzuoli, is an ancient yet active
volcano.  The islands of Ischia and Procida, located in the
Bay of Naples, are famous as resorts or tourist attractions
because of its hot baths.  These baths are heated by an
active volcano.  Campi Flegrei or the "Fields of Fire" is a
huge volcanic caldera occupying an area from western
Naples to the Tyrrhennian Sea.  During rainy season,
Naples experiences heavy thunderstorms with the associated
lightning, flash flooding and mudslides.

The Role of the EMO

Given the high calamity threat of the Naples area, the
Emergency Management Office is tasked to aid American
military personnel and civilians in getting equipped and
prepared for any type of disaster or emergency.

Our program, the mandatory chemical, biological and radio-
logical (CBR) defense course, has been expanded to include
the preparedness training for natural disasters.  Civilians and
family members are encouraged to join the training.  We also
provide training and information to tenant commands,
government parco coordinators and other groups. It is our
goal to provide everyone in the Naples area with the
infomation they need to cope with any type of disaster.

This Web site contains information on preparedness.
Information and materials of the EMO Web site is courtesy
of Federal Emergency Management Agency or FEMA.

Emergency Information

In the event of an emergency, the EMO staff will promulgate updated information and instructions via the following venues:
-The At-Hoc Computer Desktop Notification System, which can push information to your and your family's home email, cell phone, and One-Net workstation (click here for instructions on how to sign yourself and your family members up).
-NSA Naples social media sites: and
-AFN Radio: 106.0 FM

For more information on disaster preparedness, please
contact the EMO Staff.

Last Modified: 21 May 2012