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Entering Intranet
Many links on the Web Guide are available to EPA Intranet users only. If you are an outside contractor working for EPA, please contact your EPA representative for more information. If you are another federal agency or other party interested in EPA's web policies and procedures, please contact EPA through the "Contact Us" page on this site.


Web or WebCMS Questions?

Email the EPA Call Center
1-866-411-4EPA (4372).
EPA Call Center

Computer Questions?

Call CTS
1-866-955-4CTS (4287).
EPA Call Center


| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

404 Error Page

   Creating a 404 (File Not Found) Page Entering Intranet


   Accessibility: 508 Standards
   Designing for People with Disabilities Entering Intranet
   Training: Web Development and Review
   Web Policies, Orders, and Memoranda


   Central Client Server Disk Space Request Entering Intranet
   Deployment Basics
   EPA Call Center Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Accounts Audit
   Log Onto Web Account Entering Intranet
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   Web Design Services
   WebMan Entering Intranet


   Alias Name Submission Request Form Entering Intranet
   Create or Remove an Alias Entering Intranet
   Creating a User-Friendly URL Entering Intranet
   Select Preferred Alias Entering Intranet


   Access to EPA Servers and TSSMS Accounts
   Application Deployment Checklist Entering Intranet
   Application Hosting Technology Upgrade (PDF) Entering Intranet
   CGI Program Security Checklist and Application Deployment Request Form Entering Intranet
   CGI Update Request Form Entering Intranet
   ColdFusion Portal Entering Intranet
   ColdFusion Tips
   Creating Web Forms for List Subscription Entering Intranet
   Decommissioning an Application in the NCC Entering Intranet
   Deployment Basics
   Email Commands for List Administrators Entering Intranet
   Email Commands for List Subscribers Entering Intranet
   EPA Call Center Entering Intranet
   EPA Mailing Lists
   EPA Web Technologies
   EPA Web Workgroup Entering Intranet
   Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems exit EPA
   IT Services Entering Intranet
   Java Portal Entering Intranet
   Listserv Commands Entering Intranet
   Listserver FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) Entering Intranet
   Microsoft Office Downloads exit EPA
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   Oracle Portal Entering Intranet
   Request for NCC Listserver List Creation Entering Intranet
   Web Design Services
   WebMan Entering Intranet
   What is a Listserver? Entering Intranet


   Social Media@EPA blog Entering Intranet


   Enable TLS1.0 in Browser
   New Browser Windows
   Testing Pages
   Title Tag
   Web Site Usability Testing Entering Intranet

Central Client Server

   Central Client Server Disk Space Request Entering Intranet
   EPA Call Center Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Technologies
   IT Services Entering Intranet
   Obtain Office Director Approval Entering Intranet
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet


   CGI Documentation Entering Intranet
   CGI FAQ's Entering Intranet
   CGI Life Cycle Entering Intranet
   CGI Policy Changes and NTSD's New CGI Life Cycle Entering Intranet
   CGI Program Security Checklist and Application Deployment Request Form Entering Intranet
   CGI Questions Entering Intranet
   CGI Retire/Reactivate Request Form Entering Intranet
   CGI Script Security Process and Guidance Memo Entering Intranet
   CGI Update Request Form Entering Intranet
   Code Layout Rules Entering Intranet
   Compiling the Data Entering Intranet
   Conclusion: Tying Everything Together Entering Intranet
   Creating Custom Mail Forms Entering Intranet
   Deploy a CGI Script
   Deployment Basics
   EPA Web Technologies
   Formatting the Data Entering Intranet
   List of Certified CGI's on the EPA Production Servers Entering Intranet
   Sending the Data Entering Intranet
   Tips for Good Programming Practice Entering Intranet
   Using mail.cgi Form Processing Script Entering Intranet


   CGI Program Security Checklist and Application Deployment Request Form Entering Intranet
   Checklist for Using PDFs on the Web(2 pp, 80 K)
   EPA Web Technologies
   Forms and Checklists
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet


   Children's Privacy and Children's Copyright Issues (PDF) Entering Intranet


   ColdFusion Portal Entering Intranet
   ColdFusion Tips
   Decommissioning an Application in the NCC Entering Intranet
   Deployment Basics
   Developer's Portals Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Technologies
   Indexing Cold Fusion data using Verity Entering Intranet
   Web Design Services


   Classes from Web Manager University exit EPA
   Conferences & Training
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet


   Accuracy of Online Information
   Area Name
   Central Client Server Disk Space Request Entering Intranet
   Children's Privacy and Children's Copyright Issues (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Content Review and Approval Process
   Copyright Issues Entering Intranet
   Copyright Issues (Redirect) Entering Intranet
   EPA Mobile Web Site
   EPA Web Accounts Audit
   EPA Web Site Agency Look & Feel Compliance Audit and Privacy Audit
   EPA Web Taxonomy
   Information Architecture Strategy Entering Intranet
   External Links from the EPA Public Access Web Site (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Federal Web Content Managers Toolkit exit EPA
   Fully Implementing One EPA Web
   Graphic Selection and Screen Layout
   Information Architecture .
   Mandate on Office Director Approval for Internet Content
   Mobile Web and Native Apps
   Mobile Websites and Mobile Apps
   New Procedures to Update EPA Web Sites Entering Intranet
   OTOP Forward Schedule of Change (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Personal Home Pages Entering Intranet
   pdf-2010(902 K, 46 pp.)
   Posting Copyrighted Material on EPA Web Site (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Product Development and Review Process
   Restructuring EPA's Online Presence
   Restructuring EPA’s Web Site
   Sample Disclaimer Templates
   Search Central (news, reports, utilities)
   Sending Test Messages to a List Entering Intranet
   SLCM Procedure (PDF) (38 pp, 604K) Entering Intranet
   Training: Web Development and Review
   Use of Public Access Web Servers External to www.epa.gov (PDF), Entering Intranet
   webcmsblog Entering Intranet
   Web Content Types and Review Procedure
   Web Governance
   Web Policies, Orders, and Memoranda
   Web Site Management: Developmental Web Sites (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Web Site Management: Standard EPA Look and Feel (PDF) Entering Intranet
   WebCMS FAQs
   Writing Guidance


   Cookies and Other Tracking Methods (PDF) Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Technologies
   Privacy Policies and Data Collection exit EPA
   Protecting Personal Privacy on EPA's Public Access Web Site : "Cookies Policy"

Data and Telecom Engineering Service

   EPA Call Center Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Technologies
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet


   Cookies and Other Tracking Methods (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Decommissioning an Application in the NCC Entering Intranet
   Deployment Basics
   Domino Look & Feel Template(ZIP File, 3.5 MB)
   EPA Web Technologies
   Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems exit EPA
   XML Search Results Field Definitions Entering Intranet


   Additional Design Requirements
   Classes from Web Manager University exit EPA
   Customizing Your Site
   Designing for People with Disabilities Entering Intranet
   EPA Look and Feel
   EPA Seals and Logos Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Technologies
   General Coding Rules Entering Intranet
   Graphic Formats
   Graphic Logos and Banners
   Graphic Selection and Screen Layout
   Graphics / Seals and Logos
   Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems exit EPA
   Improving EPA's Web site
   Lessons Learned
   List of Certified CGI's on the EPA Production Servers Entering Intranet
   Mobile Web and Native Apps
   Mobile Websites and Mobile Apps
   NEW Icon
   Non-EPA Tip Resources
   Product Development and Review Process
   Title Tag
   Training: Web Development and Review
   Web Design Services
   Web Developers' Tools Page
   Web Governance
   Web Site Management: Developmental Web Sites (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Web Site Management: Standard EPA Look and Feel (PDF) Entering Intranet


   Cookies and Other Tracking Methods (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Graphic Formats
   Mobile Access Review Committee
   Mobile Web and Native Apps
   Mobile Websites and Mobile Apps
   Title Tag
   Web Site Management: Developmental Web Sites (PDF) Entering Intranet


   Children's Privacy and Children's Copyright Issues (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Personal Home Pages Entering Intranet
   Rules of Behavior(3 pp, 14K)
   Training: Web Development and Review

Discussion Database

   Decommissioning an Application in the NCC Entering Intranet
   Deployment Basics
   Developer's Portals Entering Intranet

Domino Application

   Decommissioning an Application in the NCC Entering Intranet
   Deploy a Domino Web Server Application
   Deployment Basics
   Developer's Portals Entering Intranet
   Domino Look & Feel Template(ZIP File, 3.5 MB)
   EPA Web Technologies
   Indexing Domino Data Using Verity Entering Intranet
   Web Design Services


   Compiling the Data Entering Intranet
   Creating Custom Mail Forms Entering Intranet
   Email Address Links
   Formatting the Data Entering Intranet
   Request for NCC Listserver List Creation Entering Intranet
   Sending the Data Entering Intranet

EPA Call Center

   EPA Call Center Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Technologies
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   Thank You!

EPA Design Template

   Domino Look & Feel Template(ZIP File, 3.5 MB)
   EPA Web Site Agency Look & Feel Compliance Audit and Privacy Audit
   Mandate on New Uniform Design Guidelines for EPA's Web site - August 1, 1997
   Mobile Web and Native Apps
   Training: Web Development and Review
   Web Site Management: Standard EPA Look and Feel (PDF) Entering Intranet

External Links

   External Links from the EPA Public Access Web Site (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Terms of Service Agreements
   Training: Web Development and Review
   Web Policies, Orders, and Memoranda

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

   FTP Process Using DOS FTP Entering Intranet
   Obtain Office Director Approval Entering Intranet
   Transfer Files (FTP) Entering Intranet


   Add/Remove Listserv Owners Request Form Entering Intranet
   Alias Name Submission Request Form Entering Intranet
   Central Client Server Disk Space Request Entering Intranet
   Compiling the Data Entering Intranet
   Creating Custom Mail Forms Entering Intranet
   Formatting the Data Entering Intranet
   Forms and Checklists
   Request for a New EPA Mailing List Entering Intranet
   Request for NCC Listserver List Creation Entering Intranet
   Sending the Data Entering Intranet
   Using mail.cgi Form Processing Script Entering Intranet

GIS Applications

   Deployment Basics
   Developer's Portals Entering Intranet
   EPA Geo Resources Entering Intranet
   EPA GeoPlatform - Make a Map Entering Intranet
   EPA GeoPlatform - Map Gallery Entering Intranet
   NCC GIS Web site Entering Intranet
   Web Design Services


   EPA Seals and Logos Entering Intranet
   Graphic Formats
   Graphic Logos and Banners
   Graphic Selection and Screen Layout
   Graphics / Seals and Logos
   NEW Icon
   Non-EPA Tip Resources
   Training: Web Development and Review


   Additional Design Requirements
   Classes from Web Manager University exit EPA
   Creating a 404 (File Not Found) Page Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Accounts Audit
   EPA Web Site Agency Look & Feel Compliance Audit and Privacy Audit
   EPA Web Taxonomy
   EPA Web Technologies
   EPA Web Workgroup Entering Intranet
   Hiding Web Pages from Search Entering Intranet
   Improving EPA's Web site
   Mobile Web and Native Apps
   Non-EPA Tip Resources
   Posting Copyrighted Material on EPA Web Site (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Training: Web Development and Review
   Web Design Services


   Creating an IP Protected Directory Entering Intranet
   Intranet Disclaimer
   Web Policies, Orders, and Memoranda


   EPA Web Technologies
   Formatting the Data Entering Intranet
   NEW Icon


   Deployment Basics
   Developer's Portals Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Technologies
   Java Frequently Asked Questions Entering Intranet
   Java Portal Entering Intranet
   Web Design Services


   EPA Web Technologies


   Check Your Links
   Email Address Links
   External Links from the EPA Public Access Web Site (PDF) Entering Intranet
   PDF Links (linking to PDF files)
   Table of Contents and Links to "Top of Page"
   Training: Web Development and Review


   Add/Remove Listserv Owners Request Form Entering Intranet
   Creating Web Forms for List Subscription Entering Intranet
   Email Commands for List Administrators Entering Intranet
   Email Commands for List Subscribers Entering Intranet
   EPA Call Center Entering Intranet
   EPA Mailing Lists
   EPA Web Technologies
   Listserv Commands Entering Intranet
   Listserver FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) Entering Intranet
   Memo of Responsibility for Listserver Mailing List Entering Intranet
   Request for a New EPA Mailing List Entering Intranet
   Request for NCC Listserver List Creation Entering Intranet
   Sending Test Messages to a List Entering Intranet
   What is a Listserver? Entering Intranet

Managing Information

   2006 Web Content Management Plans
   Accuracy of Online Information
   Adding Users to Groups in WebCMSWord, 3 pages
   Administrator Leavitt Transmittal Memo
   Area Creation ChecklistWord, 1 page
   Available Workflows
   Children's Privacy and Children's Copyright Issues (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Classes from Web Manager University exit EPA
   Complete Migration Checklist
   Content Coordinators Authority, Responsibilities and Qualifications
   Cookies and Other Tracking Methods (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Copyright Issues Entering Intranet
   Copyright Issues (Redirect) Entering Intranet
   Creating a Password Protected Directory Entering Intranet
   Creating an IP Protected Directory Entering Intranet
   Recreate an Existing Site in the WebCMS
   EPA Web Accounts Audit
   Information Architecture Strategy Entering Intranet
   External Links from the EPA Public Access Web Site (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Federal Web Content Managers Toolkit exit EPA
   Flowchart: Should I Respond Online on EPA's Behalf?
   Google Search Appliance Entering Intranet
   XML Data File Import
   Information Architecture .
   Joining WebCMS(PDF) (6pp, 670K)
   Lifecycle of a File in the WebCMS
   Management Structure
   Mandate on Managing Internet Products - July 30, 1997 Entering Intranet
   Mandate to Publish EPA Information Via EPA Servers
   Metadata FAQs
   Metadata Webinar Sept 2011PPT
   Mobile Websites and Mobile Apps
   National Content Manager: Authority, Responsibilities and Qualifications
   National Infrastructure Manager: Authority, Responsibilities and Qualifications
   OEI and OPA Issue Joint Memorandum of Understanding
   Privacy Policies and Data Collection exit EPA
   OPA Names National Content Manager
   OTOP News Entering Intranet
   Personal Home Pages Entering Intranet
   Posting Copyrighted Material on EPA Web Site (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Product Development and Review Process
   Protecting Personal Privacy on EPA's Public Access Web Site : "Cookies Policy"
   Regional and Program Office Infrastructure Coordinators: Authority, Responsibilities and Qualifications
   Release of Personal Information on the Internet
   Request to set up a new Folder / Area in the Web CMS repositoryWord, 2 pages
   Request to set up a new Folder / Area in the Web CMS repository (EXAMPLE)Word, 2 pages
   Restructuring EPA’s Web Site
   Roles and Role PrivilegesWord, 2 pages
   ROT Webinar (PDF)(36 pp, 800K)
   Rules of Behavior(3 pp, 14K)
   Search Central (news, reports, utilities)
   Sensitivity of Documents on the Intranet
   Training: Web Development and Review
   Transfer Files (FTP) Entering Intranet
   webcmsblog Entering Intranet
   Web CMS: Start Up Technical Information(.doc, 14 pp.)
   Web Composer Editor User Guide (DOCX)(41 pp)
   Quick Reference (PDF)(2 pp, 357K)
   Web Content Management Plan
   Web Content Types and Review Procedure
   Web Council Charter
   Web Governance
   Web Policies, Orders, and Memoranda
   Web Site Management: Developmental Web Sites (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Web Site Usability Testing Entering Intranet
   WebMan Entering Intranet


   EPA Web Taxonomy
   EPA Web Taxonomy
   EPA WebCMS Metadata Standards (DOC)(9 pp)
   Information Architecture Strategy Entering Intranet
   Google Search Appliance Entering Intranet
   Information Architecture .
   Metadata FAQs
   Metadata in Documentum WCMS (DOC)(15 pp, 329 K)
   Webinar Metadata Slides (PPT)(12 slides, 418K)
   Metadata for non WebCMS Pages
   PDF Metadata
   Restructuring EPA’s Web Site
   Search Central (news, reports, utilities)
   Training: Web Development and Review
   webcmsblog Entering Intranet


   Microsoft Office Downloads exit EPA

National Computer Center (NCC)

   EPA Call Center Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Technologies
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet

National Technology Services Division (NTSD)

   Request for a New EPA Mailing List Entering Intranet


   Area Name
   Information Architecture .
   New Browser Windows
   Table of Contents and Links to "Top of Page"
   Title Tag
   Training: Web Development and Review

OPA Approval Process

   Training: Web Development and Review
   Web Policies, Orders, and Memoranda


   Deployment Basics
   Developer's Portals Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Technologies
   Oracle Portal Entering Intranet
   Web Design Services

Outdated Information

   Decommissioning an Application in the NCC Entering Intranet
   Web Content Types and Review Procedure
   Web Policies, Orders, and Memoranda


   Creating a Password Protected Directory Entering Intranet
   EPA Call Center Entering Intranet


   EPA Web Technologies


   EPA Web Technologies


   Developer's Portals Entering Intranet
   PL/SQL Tips

Portable Document Format (PDF)

   Checklist for Using PDFs on the Web(2 pp, 80 K)
   EPA Portable Document Format
   PDF Links (linking to PDF files)

Publishing on EPA Servers

   Access to EPA Servers and TSSMS Accounts
   Assistance Agreement and Web Site Management
   Central Client Server Disk Space Request Entering Intranet
   Children's Privacy and Children's Copyright Issues (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Content Review and Approval Process
   Copyright Issues Entering Intranet
   Copyright Issues (Redirect) Entering Intranet
   Creating an IP Protected Directory Entering Intranet
   Deploy a CGI Script
   EPA Look and Feel
   EPA Web Taxonomy
   External Links from the EPA Public Access Web Site (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Google Search Appliance Entering Intranet
   Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems exit EPA
   Improving EPA's Web site
   Intranet Publishing Guidelines
   Maintain and be Responsible for the Information That You Publish
   Mobile Web and Native Apps
   Mobile Websites and Mobile Apps
   New Procedures to Update EPA Web Sites Entering Intranet
   OEI and OPA Issue Joint Memorandum of Understanding
   Policy on Public Access to EPA Information (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Posting Copyrighted Material on EPA Web Site (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Product Development and Review Process
   Product Review Delegation Memo from Administrator Whitman (PDF)
   Release of Personal Information on the Internet
   Rules of Behavior(3 pp, 14K)
   Rules of Publishing
   Sensitivity of Documents on the Intranet
   To change the password on your account Entering Intranet
   Training: Web Development and Review
   Using the EPA Comment Policy
   Web Content Types and Review Procedure
   Web Governance
   Web Policies, Orders, and Memoranda
   Web Site Management: Developmental Web Sites (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Web Site Management: Standard EPA Look and Feel (PDF) Entering Intranet

Push Technology

   EPA Web Technologies


   RSS exit EPA

Search Engines

   Coding Advanced Search Pages
   Coding the Basic Search Form
   Customizing Search Results
   Google Search Appliance Entering Intranet
   Hiding Web Pages from Search Entering Intranet
   Improving Google Search Appliance(GSA) Intranet Search Results Entering Intranet
   Improving Your Page's Relevancy Rank Entering Intranet
   Indexing Cold Fusion data using Verity Entering Intranet
   Indexing Domino Data Using Verity Entering Intranet
   Search Central (news, reports, utilities)
   XML Search Results Entering Intranet
   XML Search Results Field Definitions Entering Intranet

Section 508 Compliance

   Designing for People with Disabilities Entering Intranet


   Access to EPA Servers and TSSMS Accounts
   anti-spam Entering Intranet
   CGI Program Security Checklist and Application Deployment Request Form Entering Intranet
   CGI Script Security Process and Guidance Memo Entering Intranet
   Cookies and Other Tracking Methods (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Creating a Password Protected Directory Entering Intranet
   Creating an IP Protected Directory Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Accounts Audit
   Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems exit EPA
   Mandate to Publish EPA Information Via EPA Servers
   New Procedures to Update EPA Web Sites Entering Intranet
   Obtain Office Director Approval Entering Intranet
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet
   Protecting Personal Privacy on EPA's Public Access Web Site : "Cookies Policy"
   Rules of Behavior(3 pp, 14K)
   Security Plans
   To change the password on your account Entering Intranet
   Web Site Management: Developmental Web Sites (PDF) Entering Intranet
   WebMan Entering Intranet


   Access to EPA Servers and TSSMS Accounts
   Central Client Server Disk Space Request Entering Intranet
   Decommissioning an Application in the NCC Entering Intranet
   EPA's Policy Regarding the Agency's Central Public Access Server
   EPA Web Technologies
   Mandate to Publish EPA Information Via EPA Servers
   New Procedures to Update EPA Web Sites Entering Intranet
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet
   To change the password on your account Entering Intranet
   Use of Public Access Web Servers External to www.epa.gov (PDF), Entering Intranet
   WebMan Entering Intranet


   EPA Call Center Entering Intranet
   EPA Systems Engineering Center Entering Intranet
   IT Services Entering Intranet
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet
   Request for NCC Listserver List Creation Entering Intranet
   Web Design Services

Social Media

   Discussion Forum Guidance
   EPA Social Media Policy and Procedures (Redirect)
   Greenversations Blog Guidance
   Should I Respond Online On EPA's Behalf?
   Twitter Guidance
   Widget Guidance
   YouTube Guidance


   Accessibility: 508 Standards
   Additional Design Requirements
   Application Deployment Checklist Entering Intranet
   Area Name
   Basic Information Page
   Children's Privacy and Children's Copyright Issues (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Complying with epa.gov “Look and Feel”
   Contact Us Links and Page
   Cookies and Other Tracking Methods (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Create or Remove an Alias Entering Intranet
   Creating Aliases Entering Intranet
   Creating an IP Protected Directory Entering Intranet
   Creating Web Forms for List Subscription Entering Intranet
   Email Address Links
   Email Commands for List Administrators Entering Intranet
   Email Commands for List Subscribers Entering Intranet
   Ensuring Access to EPA Information on EPA Servers
   EPA's Policy Regarding the Agency's Central Public Access Server
   EPA Look and Feel
   EPA Seals and Logos Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Site Agency Look & Feel Compliance Audit and Privacy Audit
   EPA Web Site Audit Schedule
   EPA Web Workgroup Entering Intranet
   External Links from the EPA Public Access Web Site (PDF) Entering Intranet
   External Site Links
   Federal Web Content Managers Toolkit exit EPA
   File Not Found (404 Error) Page
   Graphic Formats
   Graphic Logos and Banners
   Graphic Selection and Screen Layout
   Guide for Developing Security Plans for Federal Information Systems exit EPA
   Home Page
   Improving EPA's Web site
   Information Technology Architecture Entering Intranet
   Link Text
   Mandate on Managing Internet Products - July 30, 1997 Entering Intranet
   Mandate on New Uniform Design Guidelines for EPA's Web site - August 1, 1997
   Mandate on Office Director Approval for Internet Content
   Mandate to Publish EPA Information Via EPA Servers
   Maps of the US
   Memo of Responsibility for Listserver Mailing List Entering Intranet
   Mobile Websites and Mobile Apps
   New Browser Windows
   NEW Icon
   New Procedures to Update EPA Web Sites Entering Intranet
   Obtaining a Non-EPA Domain Name
   OEI and OPA Issue Joint Memorandum of Understanding
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet
   Page Names
   Personal Home Pages Entering Intranet
   PDF Links (linking to PDF files)
   PDF: When to Use, Document Metadata, Info Required for PDF Sections
   Policy on Limited Personal Use of Government Office Equipment (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Procedures, Standards and Guidance
   Product Development and Review Process
   Product Review Delegation Memo from Administrator Whitman (PDF)
   Protecting Content during Web Site Development
   Protecting Personal Privacy on EPA's Public Access Web Site : "Cookies Policy"
   Recent Additions
   Request/Register an Exemption to the Agency Look & Feel Entering Intranet
   Restructuring EPA’s Web Site
   Sending Test Messages to a List Entering Intranet
   Sensitivity of Documents on the Intranet
   Table of Contents and Links to "Top of Page"
   Text and Heading Styles
   Thank you for your effort! Entering Intranet
   Thank You Page
   Title Tag
   Training: Web Development and Review
   Transfer Files (FTP) Entering Intranet
   Use of Public Access Web Servers External to www.epa.gov (PDF), Entering Intranet
   Videos (Office of Multimedia) Entering Intranet
   Web Content Types and Review Procedure
   Web Developers' Tools Page
   Web Governance
   Web Site Management: Developmental Web Sites (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Web Site Management: Standard EPA Look and Feel (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Where You Live Page
   Writing Guidance
   Writing Style


   Site Statistics

Submitting A Web Site

   Setting Up Wikis and Blogs Entering Intranet
   Web Governance


   Central Client Server Disk Space Request Entering Intranet
   IT Services Entering Intranet
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet
   Web Design Services


   Cookies and Other Tracking Methods (PDF) Entering Intranet
   Developer's Portals Entering Intranet
   EPA Web Workgroup Entering Intranet
   Information Technology Architecture Entering Intranet
   IT Services Entering Intranet
   Mobile Access Review Committee
   Mobile Web and Native Apps
   New Browser Windows
   NEW Icon
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet
   Use of Public Access Web Servers External to www.epa.gov (PDF), Entering Intranet


   Creating a Password Protected Directory Entering Intranet
   Obtain Office Director Approval Entering Intranet


   Creating an IP Protected Directory Entering Intranet
   Testing Pages
   Web Governance
   Web Site Usability Testing Entering Intranet
   XML Test Results Entering Intranet

Tips & Tricks

   Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
   Code Layout Rules Entering Intranet
   Coding Special Characters in HTML
   ColdFusion Tips
   Creating an IP Protected Directory Entering Intranet
   Developer's Portals Entering Intranet
   General Coding Rules Entering Intranet
   Google Search Appliance Entering Intranet
   HTML, XHTML, XML (HTML5, too!)
   Mobile Websites and Mobile Apps
   Non-EPA Tip Resources
   PL/SQL Tips
   Social Media in Plain English exit EPA
   Tips and Tricks for Graphics
   Tips for Good Programming Practice Entering Intranet
   Tips & Tricks
   Training: Web Development and Review


   Classes from Web Manager University exit EPA
   Conferences & Training
   WebCMS Related Training
   OTOP News Entering Intranet
   Training: Web Development and Review
   WebCMS Training


   Twitter exit EPA


   Microsoft Office Downloads exit EPA

Web Development

   Attachment: Initial Guidelines for the use of Web 2.0 at EPA
   Classes from Web Manager University exit EPA
   Cookies and Other Tracking Methods (PDF) Entering Intranet
   EPA and Web 2.0 Technologies
   EPA Web Technologies
   Improving EPA’s Public Access Web site
   Infrastructure Work Plan
   Mobile Access Review Committee
   Mobile Web and Native Apps
   Mobile Websites and Mobile Apps
   OneEPA Web: Update on Rebuilding EPA’s Web Site
   Restructuring EPA’s Web Site
   Web Site Management: Developmental Web Sites (PDF) Entering Intranet

Web Inventory

   EPA Web Taxonomy
   WebMan Entering Intranet


   newWikiPage Entering Intranet
   editWikiPage Entering Intranet
   Wikis in Plain English exit EPA


   EPA Web Workgroup Entering Intranet
   Web Council Wiki Entering Intranet

Working Capital Fund

   Deployment Basics
   EPA Web Technologies
   IT Services Entering Intranet
   Office of Technology Operations and Planning (OTOP) Entering Intranet
   OTOP News Entering Intranet
   Web Design Services


   EPA Web Technologies
   Mobile Web and Native Apps

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

   EPA Web Technologies
   XML Search Results Entering Intranet
   XML Search Results Field Definitions Entering Intranet

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