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Standard: Where You Live Page

About this standard

Required or Recommended Required
Effective date 01/01/2004
Full document metadata

On this page


Every Web area that provides information more localized than the national level must include a page with links to information by region, state or some other relevant area. This information is typically, but not necessarily, owned by EPA Regional offices.

Content requirements


See http://www.epa.gov/epafiles/samples/map.html

Page where there is very limited Regional information

Full Metadata about this standard

Name Where You Live Page
Tracking number NT00000000
Type Standard
Required or Recommended Required
Effective date 01/01/2004
Date approved 03/12/2007
Category Links and Navigation, Required Pages
Web Council review by 03/12/2009 (or earlier if deemed necessary by the Web Council)
Governing Policy Web Governance and Management (PDF) (4 pp, 339K, About PDF)

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