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Procedure: Protecting Content during Web Site Development

About this procedure

Required or Recommended Required
Effective date 09/07/2006
Full document metadata

Brief description
(see the full document below for details)

This document outlines the procedures for restricting developmental Web sites in order to protect EPA information intended for the World Wide Web from public view prior to management review and approval.

On this page


Developmental Web site: a page or set of pages with draft content or design being prepared for public access on the Internet, and available to a restricted audience so that management and other interested parties can review their content or design.

Required Steps

  1. Create a developmental Web site for draft work on either the Intranet or in a password-protected directory on the Internet

How to

Creating a password-protected area


This directory is protected by a password: http://www.epa.gov/productreview/mockups . When you try to access it, you will be asked for a user name and password:
image of password dialog pop-up


This procedure protects EPA information intended for the World Wide Web from public view prior to management review and approval.  When developing new Web pages for public access, it is EPA’s practice to post these pages on a developmental site, sometimes of short duration, for the following purposes:

Some EPA offices use “staging” or “pre-production” servers to perform these functions. These servers are in continuous operation and might be connected to the World Wide Web. In addition, some offices use temporary areas on EPA's Web server or on the Intranet server. In both cases, it is necessary to prevent the public from viewing EPA information not yet approved for publication on the Web.


No waivers for EPA Internet sites. The intranet is automatically protected against public viewing, so no additional protection is necessary for developmental sites on the Intranet.

See Also

Create a Web Area: yosemite.epa.gov/OEI/webguide.nsf/create

Security Plans: yosemite.epa.gov/oei/webguide.nsf/deploy/security

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Full Metadata about this standard

Name Protecting Content during Web Site Development
Tracking number NT000014B2
Type Procedure
Required or Recommended Required
Effective date 09/07/2006
Date approved 08/16/2006
Category Area Setup
Web Council review by 08/16/2008 (or earlier if deemed necessary by the Web Council)
Governing Policy Web Governance and Management (PDF) (4 pp, 339K, About PDF)

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