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Required Metadata for non WebCMS Pages

Metadata should provide succinct, descriptive information of an HTML page or PDF document.  Metadata is used to describe the page it lives on, not an entire web area, site, or TSSMS account. Having metadata can influence and improve search results, as well as give you greater control over your content. Read more about Metadata.

This information is for pages created outside of Drupal WebCMS. See: Metadata for Basic Pages.

Required fields: 

The metadata tags:



Metadata tag: “DC.title”


Do Not:

You will fail the metadata error report...

if the field:


  Title Why?
Good Grant Application Forms | Brownfields Provides context ("Brownfields") and critical search terms (“grant,” “forms”)
Bad Grants No context.

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Metadata tag: “DC.description”


Do Not:

You will fail the metadata error report...

if the field:


  Description Why?
Good As part of efforts to improve preparedness and the ability to respond to terrorist attacks, EPA has been called upon to play a strategic role in homeland security Provides context beyond the page title, includes key terms ("preparedness", "terrorist").
Bad EPA Homeland Security Repeats page title.
Good Learn about carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, fluorinated gases, and how human activities add greenhouse gases to our atmosphere Includes important search terms too long for the the title field.
Bad This page is about greenhouse gas emissions. Provides very little context, and almost no searchable terms.

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Metadata tag: “keywords”


Do not:

You will fail the metadata error report...

if the field:



  Keywords Why?
Good LUST, leaking, gas station Critical terms from the actual content of the page.
Bad underground, underground storage, underground storage tanks, Underground Storage Tanks, UST, USTS, usts, gas, gas station, environment, environmental Redundant to both the title and description, and also to the entire EPA.gov site (“environment”).

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Metadata tag: “DC.creator”


Do not:

You will fail the metadata error report...

if the field:

Formatting Examples:

Program Office US EPA, Office of Air and Radiation
Lab US EPA, ORD, National Exposure Research Laboratory
SubOffice US EPA, OW, Office of Science and Technology
Division US EPA, ORD, Ecosystem Research Division
Regional Office with Division US EPA, Region 1, Superfund Division

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Metadata tag:“DC.Subject.epachannel”


Do Not:

EPA Channels:

Channel Name Scope Notes
Laws & Regulations Materials and content related to the legal and regulatory responsibilities and programs of the agency. Including, but not limited to, compliance and enforcement activities, guidance, regulatory development, permitting programs, etc.
Science & Technology Materials, tools and content and related to the scientific, technical and research activities of the agency. Including, but not limited to, methods, models, research programs and plans, laboratories, software and databases, science products, etc.
Learn the Issues Educational and consumer information as well as general or basic information related to all topics. Including, but not limited to, health and safety information, environmental emergency information and contacts, household management information (e.g. energy efficiency, recycling and waste reduction, chemical use and storage info, etc.), local information, etc.
About EPA Information about the agency itself. Including, but not limited to, information about its leadership, its organization, its budget, its strategic plans, etc.

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Content Type:

Metadata tag: “DC.type”


Do Not:

Content Types:

Content Type Scope Note
Announcements & Schedules News, news releases, calendars, comment schedules, meeting agendas, Requests for Proposals, job announcements, etc.
Collections & Lists Lists of links, bibliographies, recommended resource lists, hubs, etc.
Contact Information A list of the addresses, phone/FAX numbers, and affiliations of a specific individual, groups of people, companies, organizations, publications, etc. May include additional information such as professional titles or credentials.
Data & Tools Models, methods, maps, data files, databases, glossaries, software, tutorials, etc.
Overviews & Factsheets Factsheets, Frequent Questions pages, Basic Information pages, etc.
Policies & Guidance Internal and external policies, guidance and guidelines related to agency operations and/or regulatory compliance & enforcement. Includes proposed rules, MOUs, Judicial Decisions, International Agreements, etc.
Reports & Assessments In-depth information, toxicity assessments, budgets, strategic plans, conference proceedings, etc.
Speeches, Testimony & Transcripts A written record of dictated or recorded speech. Includes correspondence.



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