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U.S. Department of State

Diplomacy in Action

Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs

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The Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, headed by Acting Assistant Secretary Joseph Y. Yun, deals with U.S. foreign policy and U.S. relations with the countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

U.S-Australia Relations

Secretary Kerry (Mar. 18): "We’re dealing with a wide range of issues, from promoting maritime security to supporting democratic development, and the development of human rights." Full Text»

U.S.-Singapore Relations

Date: 03/13/2013 Location: Washington, DC Description: Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Singaporean Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam at the U.S. Department of State. - State Dept ImageSecretary Kerry (Mar. 13): "We’re particularly happy to welcome the Foreign Minister here today, because every time I have sat with Singapore leaders, their wisdom with respect to the region has been really important. Their insights are tremendous. "  Full Text»


U.S.-Bruneian Relations

Secretary Kerry (Mar. 11): "We’re very much looking forward to working [jointly] on issues with the South China Sea, and issues of energy and climate change." Full Text»

The Rebalance to Asia: Why South Asia Matters (Part 1)

Acting Assistant Secretary Yun (Feb. 26): "Our strategic “rebalance” to the Asia-Pacific region therefore reflects a deep recognition that the United States must substantially increase its political, economic, development, and defense investments in the Asia-Pacific given the region’s fundamental importance to our future prosperity and security."  Full Statement»


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