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Bureau of African Affairs

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Date: 06/23/2010 Description: Official portrait: Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Johnnie Carson - State Dept Image

Assistant Secretary Johnnie Carson leads the Department of State’s Bureau of African Affairs, the division in the Department focused on the development and management of U.S. policy concerning the continent.  There are five pillars that serve as the foundation of U.S. policy toward Africa. Learn More»

A Comprehensive Multiyear Strategy To Counter the Lord's Resistance Army

The United States comprehensive, multiyear strategy seeks to help the Governments of Uganda, C.A.R., the D.R.C., and South Sudan as well as the African Union and United Nations to mitigate and end the threat posed to civilians and regional stability by the LRA.  Fact Sheet»

Date: 03/04/2013 Description: Masaai line up to vote in a general election in Ilbissil, Kenya, Monday March 4, 2013. Five years after more than 1,000 people were killed in election-related violence, Kenyans went to the polls on Monday to begin casting votes in the nationwide election seen as the country's most important - and complicated - in its 50-year history. (AP Photo/Riccardo Gangale) © AP ImageResults of Elections in Kenya
Secretary Kerry (Mar. 9):
"On behalf of the United States of America, I want to congratulate the people of Kenya for voting peacefully on March 4 and all those elected to office. I am inspired by the overwhelming desire of Kenyans to peacefully make their voices heard, and I applaud the patience they have shown as votes were tallied." Full Text»

Date: 02/08/2012 Description: Map of South Sudan, 2012 © CIA World FactbookSudan and South Sudan Security Agreement
Spokesperson Nuland (Mar. 9):
"The United States welcomes the technical agreement signed between Sudan and South Sudan establishing a Safe Demilitarized Border Zone (SDBZ), a firm timeline for the withdrawal of forces, and a way ahead for the deployment of a joint border monitoring force." Full Text»



Date: 02/27/2013 Description: Opposition protesters disperse after tear gas is fired in their midst, in Conakry, Guinea, Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013. Officials say security forces fired tear gas, after protests turned violent when opposition marchers started throwing stones in Guinea's capital.  © AP ImageGuinea: Call for Nonviolence and Peaceful Democratic Process
Acting Deputy Spokesperson Ventrell (Feb. 28):
"The United States deplores the violence that disrupted political protests in Conakry, Guinea and we reiterate our call for all parties to participate and support the democratic process and commit to nonviolence throughout the electoral cycle." Full Text»

Date: 08/23/2011 Description: Map of Democratic Repulbic of Congo © CIA World FactbookSignature of Framework Agreement for the D.R.C. and the Region
Feb. 25:
The United States strongly supports the signing of the Peace, Security, and Cooperation Framework for the D.R.C. and the region, witnessed by three African regional bodies and the United Nations. More»




Finding a Lasting Solution to Instability in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Assistant Secretary Carson (Feb. 11):
"Instead of peace and prosperity, the Congolese have been plagued by decades of mismanagement, corruption, poor governance, and recurring civil strife. Clearly, a sophisticated and internationally backed solution is the only way forward."  Full Text»

President Obama's Message to the People of Kenya
Feb. 5:
In these videotaped remarks, President Obama delivers a clear message to the people of Kenya: The upcoming elections are a historic opportunity for Kenyans to stand together, as a nation, for peace and progress, and for the rule of law.  Full Text»

Date: 01/07/2013 Description: Donald Yamamoto - State Dept Image U.S. Delegation Attends AU Summit
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Don Yamamoto led the U.S. delegation to the 20th African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on January 27 and 28, 2013. He was accompanied by Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan Princeton Lyman, and USAID Assistant Administrator for Africa Earl Gast.  Full Text»


The Next Four Years of U.S.-Africa Partnership and the Challenges that Lie Ahead for Africa
Assistant Secretary Carson (Jan. 16):
"Now, for the first time in more than two decades, Somalia has a representative government with a new President, a new Parliament, a new Prime Minister, and a new Constitution, and the Somali people have reason to hope for a better future." Full Text»  Background Briefing»  DipNote»

Consultations on Sudan and South Sudan
Ambassador Rice (Jan. 8):
"The United States welcomes the meeting between the presidents of Sudan and South Sudan that took place in Addis Ababa last weekend and the recommitment to the unconditional implementation of the September 27, 2012 agreements." Full Text»

Date: 09/23/2012 Description: In this Sunday, Sept. 23, 2012 file photo, masked Somali pirate Hassan stands near a Taiwanese fishing vessel that washed up on shore after the pirates were paid a ransom and released the crew, in the once-bustling pirate den of Hobyo, Somalia. © AP ImageUnited States To Chair Counter-Piracy Contact Group in 2013
Jan. 3:
 Nearly 80 nations and international organizations working together to turn the tide of maritime crime along one of the world’s busiest along one of the world’s busiest shipping corridors. Fact Sheet» PM/CPMS»

Rebel Movement in the Central African Republic
Spokesperson Nuland (Jan. 2):
"We remain deeply concerned about the deteriorating security situation in the Central African Republic. We understand that the Seleka rebels took the town of Sibut over the weekend. We call on the rebel alliance to cease its hostilities and its movement towards the capital, and we also call on the government and the rebel alliance to ensure the safety of the civilian population."  Full Text»

Rwandan Planning Minister Convicted of Genocide by ICTR
Spokesperson Nuland (Dec. 20):
"The United States welcomes this ruling as an important step in providing justice and accountability for the Rwandan people and the international community. Yesterday’s conviction sends a strong signal that the international community will not rest until the remaining fugitives are brought to account."  Full Text»

Update on the Evolving Security Situation in the D.R.C. and Implications for U.S. National Security
Assistant Secretary Carson (Dec. 19):
"Looking forward, we are using all the tools at our disposal to help address and end this crisis. We are monitoring humanitarian needs and working to mobilize resources to ensure continued emergency assistance to civilians in need." Full Text»

Date: 07/04/2001 Description: Raincloud hangs over the rain forest in Lope Reserve, Gabon, July 4, 2001. (AP Photo/Saurabh Das) © AP Image The United States Announces Next Facilitator of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership
Dec. 18:
Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Dr. Kerri-Ann Jones and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Cynthia Akuetteh announced the appointment of the next facilitator of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). Full Text»


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