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Gemstone Trainees Graduate

USAID is setting up regional gemstone processing facilities and training centers to help gem dealers and miners learn new techniques.

Gemstone training center


Graduation ceremony at the Gemstone Training Center in Jalalabad, Nangarhar Province.

On August 25, the first group of gemstone cut-and-polish trainees graduated from the Gemstone Training Center in Jalalabad.  USAID supports the training center through a Global Development Alliance with American Nuristani Imports International.

USAID is setting up regional gemstone processing facilities and training centers to help gem dealers and miners learn new techniques and meet international gemology standards.  By building the skill and human capacity of the Afghan gemstone sector, USAID’s Afghanistan Small and Medium Enterprise Development (ASMED) project is helping Afghanistan to maximize the economic potential of this important and highly lucrative industry.

Learn more: Economic Growth

About this activity: Afghanistan Small and Medium Enterprise Development (ASMED)


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