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Document Title Document #
Editorial Updates of FY 2008 First Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2008 Fourth Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2008 Second Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2008 Third Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2008 Third Quarter (Vol. 10)
Editorial Updates of FY 2009 First Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2009 Fourth Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2009 Second Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2009 Third Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2010 First Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2010 Fourth Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2010 Second Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2010 Third Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2011 First Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2011 Fourth Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2011 Second Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2011 Third Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2012 First Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2012 Fourth Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2012 Second Quarter
Editorial Updates of FY 2012 Third Quarter
Electronic Flight Bag Operational Authorization Process
Enforcement Decision Process
Enhanced Weather Information Systems
Ensure Foreign-Registered Aircraft Meet the Requirements of Parts 121 and 135
Environmental Considerations: Aircraft Noise
Environmental Considerations: Background Information
Environmental Considerations: Environmental Assessments
Equipment Available for National Use
Evacuation and Ditching Demonstrations: General
Evaluate 14 CFR Part 125 Emergency Evacuation/Ditiching Demonstration/Procedures
Evaluate 14 CFR Part 133 Operator
Evaluate 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft Lease Agreement
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Certificate Holders Manual
Evaluate a Maintenance Manual/Revision for a 14 CFR Section 135.411(a)(1) Program
Evaluate a Maintenance Manual/Revision for a Part 121 or a § 135.411(a)(2) Program
Evaluate a Part 121 and Part 135 Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program
Evaluate a Part 121/135.411(a)(2) Air Carrier’s Maintenance Recordkeeping System
Evaluate a Part 121/135.411(a)(2) Operator Aircraft Storage Program
Evaluate a Part 125 Maintenance Inspection Training Programs/Records
Evaluate a Part 133 Congested Area Plan
Evaluate a Part 137 Congested Area Operations Plan
Evaluate a Part 145 Repair Station Manual and Quality Control Manual or Revision
Evaluate a Part 65 Inspection Authorization
Evaluate a Part 91 Subpart K Company Manual/Revision for Maintenance and Inspection Procedures
Evaluate a Part 91K Non-CAMP Program Manager’s, § 125.247 Operator’s, and § 135.411(a)(1) Certificate Holder’s Maintenance Records
Evaluate a Rotorcraft-Load Combination Flight Manual
Evaluate Aircraft Lease/Interchange Agreements
Evaluate Airworthiness Issues for 14 CFR Part 121 Emergency Evacuation/Ditiching Procedures/Demonstrations
Evaluate Airworthiness Issues for Part 137
Evaluate Airworthiness Issues of Part 141 Pilot School
Evaluate Airworthiness Related Issues of a Part 135 (Nine Seats or Less) Operator
Evaluate an Application for Deviation Authority under Part 125
Evaluate and Accept a Maintenance Human Factors Training Program
Evaluate and Approve Aircraft Parts, Parts Pool, and Parts Borrowing Authorization
Evaluate and Approve an Approved Aircraft Inspection Program
Evaluate Applicant's Refueling Procedures and Facilities (Parts 121, 125 and 135)
Evaluate Avionics Equipment Approval
Evaluate General Maintenance Manuals
Evaluate Operator's Application to Conduct Flight in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum Airspace
Evaluate Part 121/135 Maintenance Management Personnel Qualifications
Evaluate Part 121/135.411(a)(2) Operator
Evaluate Part 125 Airplane Inspection Program and Maintenance
Evaluate Part 125 Operator's Maintenance Records
Evaluate Part 125 Policies and Procedures Manual/Revision -- Maintenance
Evaluate Part 135 (Nine or Less) Operator/Applicant's Maintenance Requirements
Evaluate Part 147 Aviation Maintenance Technician School Facilities, Equipment, Materials, Tools, and Records
Evaluate Part 147 Aviation Maintenance Technician School's Curriculum/Revision and Instructor Qualifications
Evaluate Qualifications of Part 125 Maintenance Management Personnel
Evaluate Special Equipment or Test Apparatus
Evaluate the Operator’s 14 CFR Parts 121, 121/135, 125, and 129 Aircraft Network Security Program
Evaluate/Approve a Maintenance Program and a Minimum Equipment List for U.S. Registered Aircraft Under Part 129
Evaluate/Inspect 14 CFR Part 91 Subpart K/121/125 and § 129.14 Operators' Fuel Tank System Instructions for Continued Airworthiness/Revisions
Evaluate/Inspect 14 CFR Parts 121, 125, or Part 129, § 129.14 Operators Fuel Tank System Fuel Tank Flammability Reduction Program
Evaluate/Inspect Part 121/129 (N-registered only)/135 (10 or More) and 125 Operator's Contract Maintenance Organization Facility
Evaluate/Inspect Parts 121 and 129 Operators’ Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems Maintenance Program
Evaluating a Part 119 Certificate Holder’s and a Part 91K Operator’s Special Flight Permit with Continuing Authorization to Conduct a Ferry Flight Program
Evaluating an Air Carrier’s CASS
Evaluating an Airworthiness Directives Management Process
Evaluating an Engineering Change Authorization/Order
Evaluating an Operator/Applicant’s Weight and Balance Control Program
Evaluating and Authorizing the Use of a C.A.S.E. Audit
Evaluating and Inspecting 14 CFR Part 91/Part 91 Subpart K Aircraft
Evaluating Evacuation and Ditching Demonstrations Parts 121 and 125
Evaluating Short-Term Escalation Procedures
Evaluating the Required Inspection Element of a Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program
Evaluation and Surveillance of Heliports
Evaluation of Air Carrier's Management of Significant Changes
Evaluation/Certification Part 125 Operator's Maintenance Capabilities
Exemptions, Deviations, Waivers, and Authorizations
Experimental HEMS Tool, Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) Use of the Aviation Digital Data Servies (ADDS)
Extended Operations Surveillance and Oversight
External Collaborations
Establish a Maintenance Review Board (MRB) (AEG task) AT JTA 4.1.6 (AW)
Establish Responsibilities and Perform Functions of the Aircraft Evaluation Group (AEG) in the Development of a Supplemental Structural Inspection Document (SSID) AT JTA 4.1.11 (AW)
Establish Responsibilities and Perform Functions of the Aircraft Evaluation Group (AEG) on a Certification Maintenance Coordination Committee (CMCC) AT JTA 4.1.22 (AW)
Establish Responsibilities and Perform Functions of the Aircraft Evaluation Group (AEG) on a Special Certification Review Team (SCRT) or Multiple Expert Opinion Team (MEOT) AT JTA 4.1.10 (AW)
Establish Responsibilities and Perform Functions of the Aircraft Evaluation Group (AEG) on a Type Certification Board (TCB)/Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) Meeting AT JTA 4.1.21 (AW)
Establish Responsibilities and Perform Functions of the Aircraft Evaluation Group (AEG) on an Airworthiness Directive Review Board (ADRB) AT JTA 4.1.12 (AW)
Evaluate 14 CFR 125 Operations Specifications AT JTA 3.3.96 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Aircrew Designated Examiner (ADE) Program AT JTA 3.1.49 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Certificate Holder's Compliance Statement AT JTA 3.3.18 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Certificate Holder's Dispatch System (Operational Control) AT JTA 3.3.26 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Certificate Holder's Dispatcher Training Program AT JTA 3.3.21 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Certificate Holder's Extended Range Operations with Two-engine Airplanes (ETOPS) AT JTA 3.3.34 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Certificate Holder's Flight Following Procedures for Supplemental Operations AT JTA 3.3.68 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Certificate Holder's Personnel Who have been Granted Operational Control Authority AT JTA (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Certificate Holder's Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) AT JTA 3.2.26 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Chief Pilot Qualifications AT JTA (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Director of Operations Qualifications AT JTA (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Director of Safety Qualifications AT JTA (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Aeronautical Weather Data AT JTA 3.3.28 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Aircraft Lease Agreement AT JTA 3.3.50 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Airport Aeronautical Data AT JTA 3.3.27 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Category II or Category III Program AT JTA 3.3.33 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Electronic Recordkeeping System AT JTA 3.3.62 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Exemption or Deviation Request AT JTA 3.3.53 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Flight Attendant Manual AT JTA 3.3.187 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Line Station Facility AT JTA 3.3.61 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Passenger Briefing Card AT JTA 3.3.49 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Special Means of Navigation AT JTA 3.3.31 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Weight and Balance Control Program AT JTA 3.3.38 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Self Audit/Safety Program AT JTA 3.3.70 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/125/129/135 Operator's/Applicant's Refueling Procedures and Facilities AT JTA 3.3.56 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/125/133/ 135/137 Operator's/Applicant's Maintenance Facility AT JTA 3.3.59 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/125/135 Operator/Applicant's Structural Inspection Program/Revision AT JTA 3.3.47 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/125/135 Operator's Airplane Inspection and Maintenance Program AT JTA 3.3.83 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/125/135 Operator's Service Contractual Arrangement AT JTA 3.3.52 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/129/135 Operator/Applicant's Minimum Equipment List (MEL)/Configuration Deviation List (CDL)/Revision AT JTA 3.3.35 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Internal Evaluation Program/Revision AT JTA 3.3.70 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Maintenance Training Program/Record/Revision AT JTA 3.3.20 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Operator AT JTA 3.3.72 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Operator's Short-Term Escalation Procedure/Revision AT JTA 3.3.44 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Operator's Weight and Balance Control Program/Revision AT JTA 3.3.38 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Operator's/Applicant's Company Manual/Revision AT JTA 3.3.24 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 Operator/Applicant's Management Personnel Qualifications AT JTA 3.3.22 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 Operator's Continuing Analysis and Surveillance Program (CASP)/Revision AT JTA 3.3.42 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 Operator's/Applicant's Participation in "Coordinating Agencies for Supplier's Evaluation" (CASE) AT JTA 3.3.194 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 Operator's/Applicant's Prorated Time Authorization AT JTA 3.3.66 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/145 Operator's SFAR 36 Authorization AT JTA 3.3.48 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Airplane Inspection Program (AIP) and Maintenance AT JTA 3.3.201 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Emergency Evacuation/Ditching Procedure/Demonstration AT JTA 3.3.79 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator AT JTA 3.3.95 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Maintenance Recordkeeping System/Procedures AT JTA 3.3.90 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Maintenance Training Program/Record AT JTA 3.3.87 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's/Applicant's Weight and Balance Control Program/Revision AT JTA 3.3.202 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Policies and Procedures Manual/Revision AT JTA 3.3.200 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 129 Foreign Operator Operating U.S.-Registered Aircraft AT JTA 3.3.205 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 129 Operator's Maintenance Contractual Agreement AT JTA 3.3.101 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 129 Operator's Maintenance Technical Manual/Data for a U.S. Registered Aircraft AT JTA 3.3.100 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 129 Operator's/Applicant's Minimum Equipment List (MEL)/Revision for a U.S.-Registered Aircraft AT JTA 3.3.99 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less and Single-Pilot No-Manual) Operator/Applicant AT JTA 3.3.199 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less) Operator's Maintenance Records AT JTA 3.3.197 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less) Operator's Weight and Balance Control Procedures/Revision AT JTA 3.3.196 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less) Operator's/Applicant's Approved Aircraft Inspection Program (AAIP)/Revision AT JTA 3.3.163 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less) Operator's/Applicant's Inspection and Maintenance Requirements/Revision AT JTA 3.3.195 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less) Operator's/Applicant's Manual/Revision AT JTA 3.3.198 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Air Carrier's Category II or Category III Program AT JTA 3.3.144 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Aeronautical Weather Data AT JTA 3.3.133 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Aircraft Checklist AT JTA 3.3.141 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Aircraft Lease Agreement AT JTA 3.3.151 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Airport Runway Performance Data Analysis System AT JTA 3.3.132 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Crew Recordkeeping System AT JTA 3.3.159 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Deviation Request AT JTA 3.3.189 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Exemption Request AT JTA 3.3.154 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Flight Attendant Manual AT JTA 3.3.188 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Flight Crew/Crewmember Training Program AT JTA 3.3.130 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Flight Locating Procedures AT JTA 3.3.142 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Main Operations Base AT JTA 3.3.157 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Management Personnel Qualifications AT JTA 3.3.191 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Minimum Equipment List (MEL) AT JTA 3.3.143 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Operations Manual AT JTA 3.3.129 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Passenger Briefing Cards AT JTA 3.3.150 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 145 Repair Station/Applicant's Facilities and Equipment AT JTA 3.4.27 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 145 Repair Station/Applicant's Inspection Procedures Manual/Revision AT JTA 3.4.29 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 91/121/125/129/135 Operator's Category II/III Landing Minimum Maintenance/Inspection Program/Revision AT JTA 3.3.1 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Parts 121/135 (10 or more) Operator/Applicant Emergency Evacuation/Ditching Procedure/Demonstration AT JTA 3.3.12 (AW)
Evaluate a Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program/Revision AT JTA 3.3.41 (AW)
Evaluate a Deviation Request AT JTA 3.3.154 (AW)
Evaluate a European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) EASA Supplement to a Repair Station and Quality Control Manuals/Revision AT JTA 3.4.42 (AW)
Evaluate a Flight Deck Observer Seat AT JTA 4.1.212 (OP)
Evaluate a Flightcrew Sleeping Quarters/Facilities AT JTA 4.1.211 (OP)
Evaluate a Full-Scale Emergency Evacuation Demonstration AT JTA 4.1.214 (OP)
Evaluate a Head-Up Display AT JTA 4.1.213 (OP)
Evaluate a Product In-Service Difficulty Report (SDR) AT JTA 4.1.34 (AW)
Evaluate a Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) Maintenance Program AT JTA 3.3.206 (AW)
Evaluate a Waiver or Authorization Request AT JTA 3.3.204 (AW)
Evaluate Alternate Airport Considerations AT JTA 3.3.262 (OP)
Evaluate an Airborne Microwave Landing System AT JTA 3.3.210 (AW)
Evaluate an Aircraft Flight Manual AT JTA 4.1.205 (OP)
Evaluate an Aircraft Lease/Interchange Agreement AT JTA 4.8.13 (AW)
Evaluate an Avionics Equipment Approval AT JTA 3.3.209 (AW)
Evaluate an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) AT JTA 4.1.210 (OP)
Evaluate an Exemption Request AT JTA 3.3.53 (AW)
Evaluate an Operator/Applicant's Deicing/Anti-Icing Program/Revision, Facilities and Equipment AT JTA 3.3.57 (AW)
Evaluate and Approve a 14 CFR Part 121 Certificate Holder's Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations and Airport/Runway Performance Data Analysis System AT JTA 3.3.30 (OP)
Evaluate and Approve a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Aircraft Checklist AT JTA 3.3.25 (OP)
Evaluate Avionics Test Equipment/Program AT JTA 3.3.203 (AW)
Evaluate Data to Determine if the Procedures and Infrastructure are Equivalent to Appropriate Standards AT JTA 5.6.2
Evaluate Flight/Trip Records for a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator AT JTA 3.3.161 (OP)
Evaluate for Approval the Certificate Holder's Minimum Equipment List/Configuration Deviation List (MEL/CDL) Procedures AT JTA 3.3.35 (OP)
Evaluate for Compliance Leases, Contracts, or Agreements for a 14 CFR Part 125, 133, 135, or 137 Operator AT JTA 3.3.106 (OP)
Evaluate Foreign-Registered Aircraft Operated by a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Operator AT JTA 3.2.29 (AW)
Evaluate Qualifications of a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Management Personnel AT JTA 3.3.82 (AW)
Evaluate Request for Modification to Airport Standards and Provide Input on Operational Safety of IFR/VFR Operations and Safety of Persons and Property on the Ground AT JTA 5.10.2
Evaluate the Adequacy of a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator's Dispatch Center(s) AT JTA 3.3.60 (OP)
Evaluate the Adequacy of a Manufacturer’s Maintenance Training Program (AEG task) AT JTA 4.1.13 (AW)
Evaluate/Inspect a 14 CFR Part 121 Extended-Range Operations with Two-Engine Aircraft (ETOPS) AT JTA 3.3.34 (AW)
Evaluate/Inspect an Operator's Deicing/Anti-Icing Program/Revision AT JTA 2.3.34 (AW)
Exit Seating Program - OP 06/01/2011 EPI 3.1.6 (OP)
Extended Operations (ETOPS) - AW 06/01/2011 EPI 5.1.8 (AW)
Extended Operations (ETOPS) - OP 09/01/2011 EPI 5.1.8 (OP)
EADS CASA (Formerly Contrucciones Aeronuaticas S.A.) CN-235-100, -200, -300, CASA C-295 -- Date 08/28/2012 FSB CASA235r2
Eclipse Aviation EA-500 R2 -- Date 04/06/2009 FSB EA-500 R2
Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Type B Software, Udo/iRM Application Ver 1.05 -- Date 07/07/2011 FSB LidoEFB
EMB-135 and EMB-145 -- Date 06/21/2011 FSB EMB135
Embraer EMB-500 and EMB-505 -- Date 09/15/2010 FSB EMB-500 R2
ERJ-170/ERJ-190 -- Date 08/25/2010 FSB ERJ-170 R2
Eurocopter EC-130B4 -- Date 09/09/2003 FSB EC-130B4
Eurocopter EC-145 -- Date 09/09/2003 FSB EC-145
Eurocopter EC-155B -- Date 03/23/2001 FSB EC-155
Eurocopter EC225LP -- Date 06/12/2008 FSB EC-225
Eurocopter EC225LP -- Date 07/27/2009 FSB EC-225 R1
Evaluate 14 CFR 125 Operations Specifications GA JTA 3.3.96 (AW)
Evaluate 14 CFR Part 125 Crewmember Records GA JTA 3.3.90 (OP)
Evaluate 14 CFR Part 61 Flight Training Devices or Simulators Equipment GA JTA 3.3.206 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121 Operator’s Operations Manual GA JTA 3.3.23 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/125/129/135 Operator's/Applicant's Refueling Procedures and Facilities GA JTA 3.3.56 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/125/133/135/137 Operator's/Applicant's Maintenance Facility GA JTA 3.3.59 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/125/135 Operator/Applicant's Structural Inspection Program/Revision GA JTA 3.3.47 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/125/135 Operator's Airplane Inspection and Maintenance Program GA JTA 3.3.83 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/125/135 Operator's Service Contractual Arrangement GA JTA 3.3.52 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/129/135 Operator/Applicant's Minimum Equipment List (MEL)/Configuration Deviation List (CDL)/Revision GA JTA 3.3.35 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Internal Evaluation Program/Revision GA JTA 3.3.70 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Maintenance Training Program/Record/Revision GA JTA 3.3.20 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Operator GA JTA 3.3.72 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Operator's Short-Term Escalation Procedure/Revision GA JTA 3.3.44 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Operator's Weight and Balance Control Program/Revision GA JTA 3.3.38 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Operator's/Applicant's Company Manual/Revision GA JTA 3.3.24 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 Operator/Applicant's Management Personnel Qualifications GA JTA 3.3.22 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 Operator's Continuing Analysis and Surveillance Program (CASP)/Revision GA JTA 3.3.42 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 Operator's/Applicant's Participation in Coordinating Agencies for Supplier's Evaluation (C.A.S.E.) GA JTA 3.3.194 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/135 Operator's/Applicant's Prorated Time Authorization GA JTA 3.3.66 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 121/145 Operator's SFAR 36 Authorization GA JTA 3.3.48 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Airplane Inspection Program (AIP) and Maintenance GA JTA 3.3.201 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Emergency Evacuation/Ditching Procedure/Demonstration GA JTA 3.3.79 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator GA JTA 3.3.95 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Aircraft Lease GA JTA 3.3.92 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Category II and Category III Program GA JTA 3.3.93 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Environmental Assessment GA JTA 3.3.85 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Flight Locating Procedures GA JTA 3.3.91 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Main Operations Base GA JTA 3.3.88 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Maintenance Recordkeeping System/Procedures GA JTA 3.3.90 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Maintenance Training Program/Record GA JTA 3.3.87 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Management Qualifications GA JTA 3.3.82 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Minimum Equipment List (MEL) GA JTA 3.3.86 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's/Applicant's Weight and Balance Control Program/Revision GA JTA 3.3.202 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 125 Policies and Procedures Manual/Revision GA JTA 3.3.200 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 129 Foreign Operator Operating U.S.-Registered Aircraft GA JTA 3.3.205 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 129 Operator's Maintenance Contractual Agreement GA JTA 3.3.101 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 129 Operator's Maintenance Technical Manual/Data for a U.S. Registered Aircraft GA JTA 3.3.100 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 129 Operator's/Applicant's Minimum Equipment List (MEL)/Revision for a U.S.-Registered Aircraft GA JTA 3.3.99 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 133 Congested Area Plan GA JTA 3.3.111 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 133 Operator GA JTA 3.3.114 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 133 Operator Chief Pilot's Qualifications GA JTA 3.3.109 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 133 Operator's Record-keeping System GA JTA 3.3.110 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft-Load Combination Flight Manual GA JTA 3.3.104 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 133/137 Operator's Lease, Contract or Agreement GA JTA 3.3.106 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less and Single-Pilot No-Manual) Operator/Applicant GA JTA 3.3.199 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less) Operator's Maintenance Records GA JTA 3.3.197 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less) Operator's Weight and Balance Control Procedures/Revision GA JTA 3.3.196 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less) Operator's/Applicant's Approved Aircraft Inspection Program (AAIP)/Revision GA JTA 3.3.163 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less) Operator's/Applicant's Inspection and Maintenance Requirements/Revision GA JTA 3.3.195 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 (9 or Less) Operator's/Applicant's Manual/Revision GA JTA 3.3.198 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Air Carrier's Category II Or Category III Program GA JTA 3.3.144 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Flight Attendant Training Program GA JTA 3.3.203 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator’s Deviation Request GA JTA 3.3.189 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator’s Management Personnel Qualifications GA JTA 3.3.191 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Aeronautical Weather Data GA JTA 3.3.133 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Aircraft Checklist GA JTA 3.3.141 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Aircraft Lease Agreement GA JTA 3.3.151 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Airport Runway Performance Data Analysis System GA JTA 3.3.132 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Crew Record-keeping System GA JTA 3.3.159 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Exemption Request GA JTA 3.3.154 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Flight Attendant Manual GA JTA 3.3.188 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Flight Crew/Crewmember Training Program GA JTA 3.3.130 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Flight Locating Procedures GA JTA 3.3.142 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Main Operations Base GA JTA 3.3.157 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Minimum Equipment List (MEL) GA JTA 3.3.143 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Operations Manual GA JTA 3.3.129 (OP)
Evaluate A 14 CFR Part 135 Operator's Passenger Briefing Cards GA JTA 3.3.150 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 137 Applicant's Aircraft Maintenance Recordkeeping Procedures GA JTA 3.3.181 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 137 Operator GA JTA 3.3.185 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 137 Operator’s Record-keeping System GA JTA 3.3.182 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 137 Operator's Congested Area Plan GA JTA 3.3.184 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 141 Certificate Holder’s Record-keeping System GA JTA 3.3.205 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 141 Pilot School GA JTA 3.4.24 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 142 Operator's Minimum Equipment List (MEL) – Initial or Revision GA JTA 3.4.54 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 142 Training Center Training Program GA JTA 3.4.48 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 142 Training Center's Management Qualifications GA JTA 3.4.52 (OP)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 145 Repair Station and Quality Control Manual(s)/Revision GA JTA 3.4.29 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 145 Repair Station/Applicant's Facilities and Equipment GA JTA 3.4.27 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 147 Aviation Maintenance Technician School/Applicant's Facility, Equipment, Materials, Tools and Records GA JTA 3.4.34 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 147 Aviation Maintenance Technician School's Curriculum/Revision and Instructor Qualifications GA JTA 3.4.32 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Part 91/121/125/129/135 Operator's Category II/III Landing Minimum Maintenance/Inspection Program/Revision GA JTA 3.3.1 (AW)
Evaluate a 14 CFR Parts 121/135 (10 or more) Operator/Applicant Emergency Evacuation/Ditching Procedure/Demonstration GA JTA 3.3.12 (AW)
Evaluate a Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program/Revision GA JTA 3.3.41 (AW)
Evaluate a Contractor Training Program for a 14 CFR Part 141 Air Agency/Applicant GA JTA 3.4.38 (OP)
Evaluate a Deviation Request GA JTA 3.3.154 (AW)
Evaluate a European Aviation Agency (EASA) EASA Supplement to a Repair Station and Quality Control Manuals/Revision GA JTA 3.4.42 (AW)
Evaluate a General Aviation Operator's Exemption Request GA JTA 4.8.17 (OP)
Evaluate a Lease, Contract or Agreement for a 14 CFR Part 141 Pilot School Applicant GA JTA 3.4.12 (AW)
Evaluate a Manual for a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator GA JTA 3.3.204 (OP)
Evaluate a Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (RVSM) Program GA JTA 3.3.206 (AW)
Evaluate a Remote Training Site Under 14 CFR Part 142 GA JTA 3.4.45 (OP)
Evaluate a Safety Procedures and Practices Document for a 14 CFR Part 141 Air Agency/Applicant GA JTA 3.4.8 (OP)
Evaluate a Satellite Base Used by a Pilot School or Provisional Pilot School under 14 CFR § 141.91 GA JTA 3.4.22 (OP)
Evaluate a Satellite Used by a Training Center under 14 CFR Part 142 GA JTA 3.4.44 (OP)
Evaluate a Special Curricula for a Pilot School or Provisional Pilot School under 14 CFR § 141.57 GA JTA 3.4.21 (OP)
Evaluate a Waiver or Authorization Request GA JTA 3.3.204 (AW)
Evaluate Air Agency/Applicant Personnel under 14 CFR § 141.33 GA JTA 3.4.13 (OP)
Evaluate Aircraft Used by Pilot Schools or Provisional Pilot Schools under 14 CFR § 141.39 GA JTA 3.4.17 (OP)
Evaluate Airports Used by Pilot Schools or Provisional Pilot Schools under 14 CFR § 141.38 GA JTA 3.4.16 (OP)
Evaluate an Airborne Microwave Landing System GA JTA 3.3.210 (AW)
Evaluate an Aircraft Lease/Interchange Agreement GA JTA 4.8.13 (AW)
Evaluate an Applicant's Use of New Technology GA JTA 4.8.12 (OP)
Evaluate an Application for an Airman's Change of Personal Data Under 14 CFR § 61.25 GA JTA 3.1.12 (OP)
Evaluate an Avionics Equipment Approval GA JTA 3.3.209 (AW)
Evaluate an Exemption Request GA JTA 3.3.53 (AW)
Evaluate an Inspection Authorization GA JTA 3.1.24 (AW)
Evaluate an Operator/Applicant's Deicing/Anti-Icing Program/Revision, Facilities and Equipment GA JTA 3.3.57 (AW)
Evaluate and Accept 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Passenger Briefing Cards GA JTA 3.3.84 (OP)
Evaluate and Accept Leases, Contracts and/or Agreements under 14 CFR Part 142 GA JTA 3.4.47 (OP)
Evaluate and Approve Core Curriculum under 14 CFR Part 142 GA JTA 3.4.42 (OP)
Evaluate and Approve Specialty Curriculum under 14 CFR Part 142 GA JTA 3.4.43 (OP)
Evaluate Avionics Test Equipment/Program GA JTA 3.3.203 (AW)
Evaluate Facilities under 14 CFR Part 142 GA JTA 3.4.46 (OP)
Evaluate Flight Training Devices (FTDs) Levels 1 – 5 and Other Devices Previously Authorized for Use under 14 CFR Part 142 GA JTA 4.2.13 (OP)
Evaluate Flight Training Devices (FTDs) Used by Parts 125 And 135 Certificate Holders - Levels 1 - 5 and Other Devices Previously Authorized for Use under Part 142 GA JTA 4.2.14 (OP)
Evaluate Flight/Trip Records for a 14 CFR Part 135 Operator GA JTA 3.3.161 (OP)
Evaluate for Compliance Leases, Contracts, or Agreements for a 14 CFR Part 125, 133, 135, or 137 Operator GA JTA 3.3.106 (OP)
Evaluate Foreign-Registered Aircraft Operated by a 14 CFR Part 121/135 (10 or More) Operator GA JTA 3.2.29 (AW)
Evaluate Ground Training Facilities Used by Pilot Schools or Provisional Pilot Schools under 14 CFR § 141.45 GA JTA 3.4.20 (OP)
Evaluate Leases, Contracts, or Agreements for a 14 CFR § 141.31 Agency/Applicant GA JTA 3.4.12 (OP)
Evaluate Personnel Records for a 14 CFR Part 141 Applicant GA JTA 3.4.9 (OP)
Evaluate Pilot Briefing Areas Used by Pilot Schools or Provisional Pilot Schools under 14 CFR § 141.43 GA JTA 3.4.19 (OP)
Evaluate Qualifications of a 14 CFR Part 125 Operator's Management Personnel GA JTA 3.3.82 (AW)
Evaluate Technical Documents GA JTA 4.8.4 (OP)
Evaluate the Proposed Record-keeping System for Student Training Records to Be Used by Pilot Schools or Provisional Pilot Schools or Applicant under 14 CFR § 141.101 GA JTA 3.4.23 (OP)
Evaluate the Qualifications of a 14 CFR Part 137 Operator’s/Applicant's Chief Supervisor GA JTA 3.3.180 (OP)
Evaluate the Record-Keeping System Used by a Training Center Under 14 CFR Part 142 GA JTA 3.4.49 (OP)
Evaluate, Document and Create a Public Aircraft Operator File GA JTA 3.3.202 (OP)
Evaluate/Inspect a 14 CFR Part 121 Extended-Range Operations with Two-Engine Aircraft (ETOPS) GA JTA 3.3.34 (AW)
Evaluate/Inspect an Operator's Deicing/Anti-Icing Program/Revision GA JTA 2.3.34 (AW)
Evaluate/Surveillance of Flight Training Devices/Simulators and Training Aids Used by Pilot Schools or Provisional Pilot Schools under 14 CFR § 141.41 GA JTA 3.4.18 (OP)
EA-500, Rev. 2 Date -- 04/10/2009 M EA-500 R2
EC-120, Part 91, Rev. 0 Date -- 05/24/2007 M EC-120 R0 Pt91
EC-120, Rev. 0 Date -- 02/19/2002 M EC-120 R0
EC-120, Rev. 0a Date -- 05/24/2007 M EC-120 R0a
EC-130, Part 91, Rev. 2 Date -- 05/08/2008 M EC-130 R2 Pt91
EC-130, Rev. 2 Date -- 05/08/2008 M EC-130 R2
EC-135 Series, Part 91, Rev. 2a Date -- 05/24/2007 M EC-135 R2a Pt91
EC-135 Series, Rev. 2 Date -- 06/15/2006 M EC-135 R2
EC-135 Series, Rev. 2a Date -- 05/24/2007 M EC-135 R2a
EC-145 (BK-117C2), Part 91, Rev. 1a Date -- 09/17/2007 M EC-145 R1a Pt91
EC-145 (BK-117C2), Rev. 1 Date -- 01/10/2007 M EC-145 R1
EC-145 (BK-117C2), Rev. 1a Date -- 09/17/2007 M EC-145 R1a
EC-145 (BK-117C2), Rev. 1b Date -- 11/20/2010 M EC-145 R1b
EC-155, Rev. 1 Date -- 12/17/2012 M EC-155 R1
EC-225, Rev. 1 Date -- 01/18/2013 M EC-225LP R1
EMB-110 P1/P2 Bandeirante, Rev. 10 Date -- 04/22/2008 M EMB-110-P1 R10
EMB-120, Part 91, Rev. 9a Date -- 03/24/2008 M EMB-120 R9a Pt91
EMB-120, Rev. 9 Date -- 03/06/2007 M EMB-120 R9
EMB-120, Rev. 9a Date -- 03/24/2008 M EMB-120 R9a
EMB-135, EMB-145 Commercial Designations: ERJ-15, ERJ-140, ERJ-145, Legacy, Rev. 15 Date -- 04/14/2011 M EMB-145 R15
EMB-500, Rev. 2 Date -- 05/06/2011 M EMB-500 R2
EMB-505, Rev. 0 Date -- 01/27/2010 M EMB-505 R0
EMB-505, Rev. 0a Date -- 09/20/2010 M EMB-505 R0a
ERJ-170-100/200, ERJ-190-100/200 Comercial Designations: ERJ-170, ERJ-175, ERJ-190, ERJ-195, Rev. 11 Date -- 02/05/2013 M ERJ-170 R11
Electrical Power MMEL Policy - Four Engine Cargo Airplanes PL-064
Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT) PL-120
Equipment Relief without Passengers PL-125
ETOPS and Polar Operations PL-040
External Door Indication System PL-069
English Proficiency (Date--01/11/2013) N 8900.204
Enhanced Stall and Stick Pusher Training (Date--01/11/2013) N 8900.205
eVID Environmental Data Maintenance (Date--05/14/2012) N 8900.188
Energy and Water Management Program for FAA Buildings and Facilities 1053.1A
Enforcement of FAR 21.165 8120.6
Environmental (Reserved) 8200.34 CH10
Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures 1050.1E
Establishing and Scheduling Civil Public-Use Standard Instrument Procedure Effective Dates 8260.26E
Exit Seating Program - OP06/01/2011 SAI 3.1.6 (OP)
Extended Operations (ETOPS) - AW 06/01/2011 SAI 5.1.8 (AW)
Extended Operations (ETOPS) - OP 06/01/2011 SAI 5.1.8 (OP)