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Index- Titles Beginning with "O"
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
Document Title Document #
Observing of Air Carrier Operations From Air Traffic Control (ATC) Facilities (PTRS Code 1845)
Obtaining and Constructing Certificate/Designator Numbers
Off-Hour Surveillance Air Carrier Oversight Process
Offshore Instrument Approach Procedures
Operating Rules, Title 14 CFR Part 135 Flight-Locating Systems
Operational Control for Air Carriers: Flight Dispatch Systems and Domestic Operating Rules
Operational Control Inspections (PTRS Code 1636)
Operational Emphasis Items
Operational Emphasis Item-Uncommanded High Thrust
Operational Procedures, Air Ambulance Service
Operations Specifications: Amendment, Surrender, and Suspension of OpSpecs
Operations Specifications: Background Information
Operations Specifications: Emergency Actions Involving Air Carrier Operations
Operator Recordkeeping, Air Carrier: Acceptance or Approval Process
Operator Recordkeeping, Air Carrier: Computer-Based Recordkeeping
Operator Recordkeeping, Air Carrier: Currency Periods for Records
Operator Recordkeeping, Air Carrier: General
Operator Trip Records Inspections (PTRS Code 1628)
Oral and Flight Test Events in Helicopters for ATP Applicants Engaged in Operations under Title 14 CFR Part 121, 135, or 91 Subpart K
Oral and Flight Tests—Flight Engineer Applicants Engaged in Operations Under Title 14 CFR Part 121, 135, or 91 Subpart K
Oversight of General Aviation Designee
Over-Water En Route Inspections for Parts 121 and 135 (PTRS Code 1624)
Obstruction Evaluation AT JTA 5.8
Obtain Certificate Number for an Air Operator or Air Agency AT JTA 3.3.193 (OP)
Oversight of an Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) AT JTA 4.1.2 (AW)
Oversight of an Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) AT JTA 4.1.207 (OP)
Operational Control - OP 12/01/2011 EPI 3.1.4 (OP)
Outsource Crewmember Training - OP 12/01/2011 EPI 4.2.9 (OP)
Obtain Certificate Number for an Air Operator or Air Agency GA JTA 3.3.193 (OP)
OMA SUD Sky Technologies SpA SKYCAR, Rev. 0 Date -- 05/10/2011 M Skycar R0
Oil Temperature and Pressure Instrument MEL Policy PL-013
Operation of Wide-Body Jets with Door/Slide Inoperative PL-001
OpSpec D301, Aircraft Network Security Program (ANSP) (Date--05/31/2012) N 8900.189
OpSpec/MSpec/LOA A354, In-Trail Procedures (ITP) Using ADS-B IN (Date--11/28/2012) N 8900.201
OpSpec/MSpec/LOA C060, Category (CAT) III Instrument Approach and Landing Operations (Date--03/21/2012) N 8900.182
OpSpec/MSpec/LOA C073, Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP) Using Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) as a Decision Altitude (DA)/Decision Height (DH) (Date--04/16/2012) N 8900.183
OpSpec/MSpec/LOA C384, Required Navigation Performance Procedures with Authorization Required (Date--09/14/2012) N 8900.198
OpSpecs A036 and A040 for Part 129 (Date--07/09/2012) N 8900.193
Obstruction Evaluation 8200.34 CH5
Other Instrument Procedures Tasks (Reserved) 8200.34 CH4
Outdoor Laser and High Intensity Light Activity 7400.3C
Oversight of Third Party Instrument Flight Procedure Service Providers FS 8260.57
Operations Specifications Working Group (OSWG) Procedures Guide OSWG Pro Guide
OSWG 2010-04 Presentations - Part 129 Rulemaking OSWG Present
OSWG 2012-04 Presentation - EASA third country operators OSWG Present JS
OSWG 2012-04 Presentation - ICAO Register of AOCs OSWG Present AOC DB
OSWG 2012-04 Presentation - ICAO User Manual OASIS system (AOC) OSWG Present User Man
OSWG Domestic, International and Joint Sessions 2010-04 Notes OSWG 2010-04 Notes
OSWG First Quarter 2004 Agenda OSWG 2004-01 Agenda
OSWG First Quarter 2004 Notes OSWG 2004-01 Notes
OSWG First Quarter 2005 Notes OSWG 2005-01 Notes
OSWG First Quarter 2006 Agenda OSWG 2006-01 Agenda
OSWG First Quarter 2006 Notes OSWG 2006-01 Notes
OSWG First Quarter 2007 Agenda OSWG 2007-01 Agneda
OSWG First Quarter 2007 Notes OSWG 2007-01 Notes
OSWG First Quarter 2008 Agenda OSWG 2008-01 Agenda
OSWG First Quarter 2008 Notes OSWG 2008-01 Notes
OSWG First Quarter 2010 Agenda OSWG 2010-01 Agenda
OSWG First Quarter 2010 Notes OSWG 2010-01 Notes
OSWG First Quarter 2011 Meeting Agenda OSWG 2011-01 Agenda
OSWG First Quarter 2011 Meeting Information OSWG 2011-01 Info
OSWG First Quarter 2012 Meeting Agenda OSWG 2012-01 Agenda
OSWG First Quarter 2012 Meeting Notes OSWG 2012-01 Notes
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2003 Agenda OSWG 2003-04 Agenda
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2003 Notes OSWG 2003-04 Notes
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2004 Agenda OSWG 2004-04 Agenda
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2004 Notes OSWG 2004-04 Notes
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2005 Agenda OSWG 2005-04 Agenda
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2005 Notes OSWG 2005-04 Notes
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2006 Agenda OSWG 2006-04 Agenda
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2006 Notes OSWG 2006-04 Notes
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2007 Agenda OSWG 2007-04 Agenda
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2007 Notes OSWG 2007-04 Notes
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2009 Agenda OSWG 2009-04 Agenda
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2009 Notes OSWG 2009-04 Notes
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2010 Agenda OSWG 2010-04 Agenda
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2010 Meeting Information OSWG 2010-04 Info
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2011 Meeting Agenda OSWG 2011-04 Agenda
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2011 Meeting Notes OSWG 2011-04 Notes
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2012 Agenda OSWG 2012-04 Agenda
OSWG Fourth Quarter 2012 Meeting Notes OSWG 2012-04 Notes
OSWG Internalional Notes OSWG Intern Notes
OSWG International Agenda OSWG Intern Agenda
OSWG Second Quarter 2003 Agenda OSWG 2003-02 Agneda
OSWG Second Quarter 2003 Notes OSWG 2003-02 Notes
OSWG Second Quarter 2004 Agenda OSWG 2004-02 Agenda
OSWG Second Quarter 2004 Notes OSWG 2004-02 Notes
OSWG Second Quarter 2005 Agenda OSWG 2005-02 Agneda
OSWG Second Quarter 2005 Notes OSWG 2005-02 Notes
OSWG Second Quarter 2006 Agenda OSWG 2006-02 Agenda
OSWG Second Quarter 2006 Notes OSWG 2006-02 Notes
OSWG Second Quarter 2007 Agenda OSWG 2007-02 Agneda
OSWG Second Quarter 2007 Notes OSWG 2007-02 Notes
OSWG Second Quarter 2008 Agenda OSWG 2008-02 Agneda
OSWG Second Quarter 2008 Notes OSWG 2008-02 Notes
OSWG Second Quarter 2009 Agenda OSWG 2009-02 Agneda
OSWG Second Quarter 2009 Notes OSWG 2009-02 Notes
OSWG Second Quarter 2010 Notes OSWG 2010-02 Notes
OSWG Second Quarter 2012 Meeting Notes OSWG 2012-02 Notes
OSWG Third Quarter 2000 Notes OSWG 2000-03 Notes
OSWG Third Quarter 2003 Agenda OSWG 2003-03 Agenda
OSWG Third Quarter 2003 Notes OSWG 2003-03 Notes
OSWG Third Quarter 2004 Agenda OSWG 2004-03 Agenda
OSWG Third Quarter 2004 Notes OSWG 2004-03 Notes
OSWG Third Quarter 2005 Agenda OSWG 2005-03 Agenda
OSWG Third Quarter 2005 Notes OSWG 2005-03 Notes
OSWG Third Quarter 2006 Agenda OSWG 2006-03 Agenda
OSWG Third Quarter 2006 Notes OSWG 2006-03 Notes
OSWG Third Quarter 2007 Agenda OSWG 2007-03 Agenda
OSWG Third Quarter 2007 Notes OSWG 2007-03 Notes
OSWG Third Quarter 2008 Agenda OSWG 2008-03 Agenda
OSWG Third Quarter 2008 Notes OSWG 2008-03 Notes
OSWG Third Quarter 2009 Agenda OSWG 2009-03 Agenda
OSWG Third Quarter 2010 Notes OSWG 2010-03 Notes
OSWG Third Quarter 2011 Meeting Agenda OSWG 2011-03 Agenda
OSWG Third Quarter 2011 Notes OSWG 2011-03 Notes
OSWG Third Quarter 2012 Agenda OSWG 2012-03 Agenda
OSWG Third Quarter 2012 Meeting Notes OSWG 2012-03 Notes
Operational Control - OP 09/01/2011 SAI 3.1.4 (OP)
Outsource Crewmember Training - OP 12/01/2011 SAI 4.2.9 (OP)