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Index- Titles Beginning with "P"
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other
Document Title Document #
Part 121 Certification: General Information
Part 121 Flag Operations, Supplemental Operations Outside the Contiguous United States, and Extended Overwater Operations
Part 121 Flight Release Systems and Supplemental Operating Rules
Part 121 Pilot-In-Command (PIC) Operating Experience Observations (PTRS Codes 1356 and 1645)
Part 129 Inspections: Monitor Maintenance Program for U.S.-Registered Aircraft Operated by a Foreign Operator under Part 129
Part 129 Operations Specifications Overview
Part 129 Part A Operations Specifications
Part 129 Part B Operations Specifications—En Route Authorizations and Limitations
Part 129 Part C Operations Specifications--Airplane Terminal Instrument Procedures and Airport Authorizations and Limitations
Part 129 Part D Operations Specifications—Aircraft Maintenance
Part 129 Part H Operations Specifications—Helicopter Terminal Instrument Procedures and Airport Authorizations and Limitations
Part 133 Airworthiness Related Tasks
Part 135 Base Inspections (PTRS Code 1616)
Part 135 Certification: Phase 2 - Formal Application
Part 135 Certification: Phase 3 - Document Compliance
Part 135 Certification: Phase 4 - Demonstration and Inspection
Part 135 Certification: Single Pilot, Single Pilot-in-Command, and Basic Part 135 Operators
Part 137: Restricted Category Agricultural Airplanes
Part 142 Training Centers: Deviations and Waivers—Section 142.9
Part 142 Training Centers: Evaluate Training Programs, Curriculums, Flight Training Equipment, and Recordkeeping Requirements
Part 142 Training Centers: Lead Centers and Standardized Curriculums
Part 142 Training Centers: Outsource Training—Air Operators and/or Fractional Ownership Program Managers Contracting With Training Providers
Part 142 Training Centers: Training Center and Training Center Program Manager Overview
Part 142 Training Centers: Training, Qualification, and Designation of Training Center Instructors and Evaluators
Part 147 Inspections
Part 91 Related Tasks: General
Part 91 Related Tasks: Major Event Planning
Part 91: Inspect an Executive/Corporate Operator
Part 91K Application: General
Part 91K Application: Phase 1—Preapplication
Part 91K Application: Phase 3—Document Compliance
Part 91K Application: Phase 4—Demonstration and Inspection
Part 91K Application: Phase 5—Documentation
Part A Operations Specifications—General
Part B Operations Specifications—En Route Authorizations and Limitations
Part C Operations Specifications–Airplane Terminal Instrument Procedures and Airport Authorizations and Limitations
Part H—Helicopter Terminal Instrument Procedures and Airport Authorizations and Limitations
Parts A, B, and D Operations Specifications for Part 145 Repair Stations
Parts D and E—Maintenance MSpecs/OpSpecs/LODAs
Parts Marking
Perform Assigned Telephone Availability
Perform Field Approval of Major Repairs and Major Alterations
Performance Assessment Action Determination and Implementation
Performance Assessment Analysis and Assessment
Performance Assessment Data Collection
Phase 1 - Preapplication
Phase 2—Formal Application
Phase 5 - Certification
Phases of Certification
Pilot Logbooks
Plan, Advertise, and Conduct Safety Events
Planning the Proving Test
Powerplant Repairs
Preparation of FAA Operating Certificates
Preparation of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Form 2150-5, Enforcement Investigative Report (EIR)
Procedures for Certificating Part 145 Repair Stations/Satellities Located Within the United States and Its Territories
Procedures to Approve Special Courses for the Performance of Preventive Maintenance on Primary Category Aircraft
Process a Certificate Holder’s Application for Part 121/135 Extended Operations Authorization
Process a Mechanic or Repairman for Remedial Training
Process a Part 121 and 135 Air Carrier Aircraft/Engine Utilization Report
Process an Aircraft Lease Agreement for Regulatory Compliance under 14 CFR Section 91.23
Process Malfunction or Defect Report
Process Service Difficulty Report
Process the Application of a Domestic Repair Station for Approval Under European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Part‑145
Processing Alternative Methods of Compliance Proposals to Airworthiness Directives
Process-Oriented Maintenance Program to a Task-Oriented Maintenance Program Conversion and Maintenance Steering Group (MSG)-2 to -3 Conversion
Proficiency and Competency Check Inspections for Parts 121 and 135 (PTRS Code 1632)
Program Overview
Program Structure
Provide Technical Assistance to Legal Counsel
Proving Test Requirements
Proving Tests: The Demonstration Phase
Public Aircraft Operations and Surveillance Government Aircraft Operations Versus Civil Aircraft Operations
Participate in a Special Certification Review (SCR) Team AT JTA 4.1.206 (OP)
Perform a Streamlined Administrative Action Process (SAAP) Action AT JTA 1.2.4 (AW)
Perform an Aircraft Maintainability Evaluation (AME) for an Assigned Aircraft Model (AEG task) AT JTA 4.1.32 (AW)
Perform Field Approval of Major Repairs and Major Alterations AT JTA 3.2.4 (AW)
Plan a Surveillance Work Program AT JTA 2.5.21 (OP)
Preapplication Phase - Gate I AT JTA 3.3.196 (OP)
Prepare Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), Special FAR (SFAR), Draft Orders, and Advisory Circulars (AC) AT JTA 4.1.224 (OP)
Prepare Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), Special FAR (SFAR), Draft Orders, and Advisory Circulars (AC) AT JTA 4.1.35b (AW)
Prepare Flight Standards Notifications AT JTA 4.1.221 (OP)
Process a 14 CFR Part 121/135 Operator's Aircraft/Engine Utilization Report AT JTA 4.8.7 (AW)
Process a Malfunction or Defect (M&D) Report AT JTA 4.8.6 (AW)
Process a Replacement, Amendment, Exchange or Surrender of an Airworthiness Certificate AT JTA 3.2.1 (AW)
Process a Service Difficulty Report (SDR) AT JTA 4.8.15 (AW)
Provide Technical Advice on Plan to the SMGCS Working Group AT JTA 5.3.1
Provide Technical Evaluation to FAA ATO on the Extent of the Impact on VFR Flight Operations and Marking and Lighting of Obstructions, When Requested AT JTA 5.8.2
Part 119 Required Personnel - AW 06/01/2011 EPI 7.1.1 (AW)
Part 119 Required Personnel - OP 06/01/2011 EPI 7.1.3 (OP)
Passenger Handling - OP 09/01/2011 EPI 3.1.1 (OP)
Pilot Operating Limitations / Recent Experience - OP 03/01/2012 EPI 4.3.1 (OP)
Perform a Streamlined Administrative Action Process (SAAP) Action GA JTA 1.2.4 (AW)
Perform Field Approval of Major Repairs and Major Alterations GA JTA 3.2.4 (AW)
Perform Telephone Availability GA JTA 4.8.13 (OP)
Plan a Surveillance Work Program GA JTA 2.5.21 (OP)
Pre-Application Phase - (Gate I) GA JTA 3.3.196 (OP)
Process a 14 CFR Part 121/135 Operator's Aircraft/Engine Utilization Report GA JTA 4.8.7 (AW)
Process a Malfunction or Defect (M&D) Report GA JTA 4.8.6 (AW)
Process a Replacement, Amendment, Exchange or Surrender of an Airworthiness Certificate GA JTA 3.2.1 (AW)
Process a Service Difficulty Report (SDR) GA JTA 4.8.15 (AW)
Process an Aircraft Lease Agreement for Regulatory Compliance under 14 CFR § 91.23 GA JTA 4.8.15 (OP)
Process the Surrender of a Certificate Holder's Certificate GA JTA 4.8.8 (OP)
Provide Technical Assistance GA JTA 4.8.10 (OP)
Provide Technical Assistance to Legal Counsel GA JTA 4.8.9 (OP)
Provide Technical Assistance/Non-Certification GA JTA 4.8.14 (OP)
P-180 (Avanti, Avanti II), Rev. 4 Date -- 7/26/2010 M P-180 R4
P2V Neptune, Rev. 1 Pt 91 Date -- 09/08/2011 M P2V R1 Pt91
P2V-3, Rev. 0 Date -- 07/30/1996 M P2V-3 R0
P-3 (Orion), Rev. 0 Date -- 01/15/2003 M P-3 R0
P68 Series, Rev. 5 Date -- 09/30/2002 M P-68 R5
PA 30 and 39, Part 91, Rev. 4 Date -- 04/28/2006 M PA-30 R4 Pt91
PA 30 and 39, Rev. 4 Date -- 04/28/2006 M PA-30 R4
PA 60-600, 601, 601P, 602P, 700P, Part 91, Rev. 7 Date -- 09/11/2006 M PA-60-600 R7 Pt91
PA 60-600, 601, 601P, 602P, 700P, Rev. 7 Date -- 09/11/2006 M PA-60-600 R7
PA-23 Series, Rev. 6 Date -- 10/06/2009 M PA-23 R6
PA-31, PA-31-300, 325, 350, Rev. 10 Date -- 10/23/2009 M PA-31 R10
PA-31P and PA-31P-350, Rev. 6 Date -- 11/20/2009 M PA-31P R6
PA-31T, PA-31T1, PA-31T2 and PA-31T3, Rev. 9 Date -- 07/07/2009 M PA-31T R9
PA-34-200/200T/220T, Rev. 7 Date -- 06/05/2003 M PA-34-200 R7
PA-42 Series, Rev. 6 Date -- 12/08/2008 M PA-42 R6
PA-44, Part 91, Rev. 6 Date -- 01/23/2003 M PA-44 R6 Pt91
PA-44, Rev. 6 Date -- 01/23/2003 M PA-44 R6
PA-46-500TP, Part 91, Rev. 1 Date -- 04/27/2009 M PA-46-500TP R1 Pt91
PA-46-500TP, Rev. 1 Date -- 04/27/2009 M PA-46-500TP R1
PC-12, Part 91, Rev. 2 Date -- 10/02/2006 M PC-12 R2 Pt91
PC-12, Rev. 2 Date -- 10/02/2006 M PC-12 R2
PC-12, Rev. 2a Date -- 02/02/2011 M PC-12 R2a
PC-12/47E, Rev. 2 Date -- 07/16/2012 M PC-12 47E R2
PZL-M28, Rev. 1 Date -- 12/31/2009 M PZL-M28 R1
Passenger Notice System (Lighted Information Signs) PL-123
Passenger Seats Relief PL-079
Pitot Heat Indicating System PL-090
Policy Regarding Air Carrier Compliance with Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) Revisions PL-086
Policy Regarding Cargo Provisions in the MMEL for Cargo Operations PL-065
Policy Regarding MMEL Relief for Primary Thrust Setting Instruments on Two-Engine Airplanes PL-038
Portable Fire Extinguisher MMEL Requirements PL-075
Public Address System, Crewmember Interphone and Alerting Systems PL-009
Part 135 Training Program Review: Training/Checking Credit (Date--09/14/2012) N 8900.197
Pilot-in-Command Proficiency Checks in Accordance with § 61.58 (Date--11/14/2012) N 8900.200
Part 129 Operations Specifications Working Group (129 OSWG) Terms of Reference OSWG Terms of Ref
Partnership for Safety 8000.78
Performance-Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee 1110.139B
Personal Property Loan Agreements 4580.2A
Personnel Security Program 1600.1E
PRIA Guidance for FAA Inspectors 8000.88
Procedures for Completion & Use Authorized Release Certificate, FAA Form 8130-3, Airworthiness Approval Tag 8130.21G
Procedures for Establishing Airport Low Visibility Operations and Approval of Low-Visibility Operations/Surface Movement Guidance and Control System Operations 8000.94
Procedures for Obtaining Authorization for Required Navigation Performance 4 (Rnp-4) Oceanic and Remote Area Operations 8400.33
Procedures for the Approval of Facilities for FAR Part 121 and 135 CAT III Operations 8400.8
Procedures for the Evaluation and Approval of Facilities for Special Authorization Category I Operations and All Category II and III Operations 8400.13D
Procedures to Accept Industry-Developed Training for Light-Sport Repairmen 8000.84B
Processing Reports of Suspected Unapproved Parts 8120.16
Program Tracking and Reporting Subsystem 1380.51
Protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) 1280.1B
Public Services (Reserved) 8200.34 CH9
Parachute Rigger Handbook H-8083-17
Plane Sense H-8083-19A
Powerplant 8310.6 CH1
PRICING FAA 103-272 CH415
Program Tracking and Reporting Subsystem Procedures Manual Reissue PTRS Manual
Part 119 Required Personnel - AW 06/01/2011 SAI 7.1.1 (AW)
Part 119 Required Personnel - OP 12/01/2011 SAI 7.1.3 (OP)
Passenger Handling - OP 09/01/2011 SAI 3.1.1 (OP)
Pilot Pilot Operating Limitations / Recent Experience - OP 06/01/2011 SAI 4.3.1 (OP)