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Documenting A Decade

2012 November 9

What if, Documerica had taken place one decade later, or one before? What moments would have been caught and what would they have said about our lives and our country at the time? In its entirety, Documerica contains incredible snapshots of the ups and downs of the seventies. Both the tender and terrible moments have been gently preserved as one. They will remain as a collective statement of life in our country at a time when so much was changing.

Yet, so much is always changing, isn’t it? Whether you are trying to photograph a moment, a day, or a decade, you might not know what you have until time has passed. Over time, the ordinary becomes extraordinary. Photos gift us with the opportunity to look back and laugh at the pants, remark on the inventions, reflect on the crises, and honor the achievements.

What foresight it took to include those everyday moments from 1971-1977. At the time, they were taken of simply the way life was. Today, each has become part of an outstanding documentary of a decade in our history.

Events across the country in recent weeks have reminded us yet again that change is ever present.

If you wish to, we encourage you to share photos of recent events with State of the Environment. A modern, public documentary inspired by Documerica, is open for your photos: the challenges, the hope, the everyday of life today.

What will these photos tell us tomorrow?

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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